Avatar billede tobiasahlmo Nybegynder
06. marts 2008 - 20:56 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Om coppermine?

Hej. Jeg har downloadet og installeret coppermine men jeg har noget som jeg gerne vil have ændret 1. kig på www.uploadnu.ooz.dk  2 Hvordan gør man så navnet på siden ikke hedder copermine photo gallery ? og hvordan gør man så til højre for der hvor der står banner gør så man kan skrive sin egen tekst der hvor der står
Coppermine Photo Gallery  Your online photo album
? Mvh Tobias
Avatar billede gurly Praktikant
06. marts 2008 - 21:05 #1
Du åbner siden med notepad og så finder du den her linie >

<title>Coppermine Photo Gallery - Hjem</title>

og så skriver du noget andet

længere nede finder du denne linie >

<h1>Coppermine Photo Gallery</h1>

som jo er den tekst du vil ændre
Avatar billede tobiasahlmo Nybegynder
06. marts 2008 - 21:08 #2
Ja men kan ikke finde det ? Evt hjælp hvor der er nogle der retter filerne ?
Avatar billede gurly Praktikant
06. marts 2008 - 21:16 #3
det ligger vel i index filen som du højreklikker på og vælger at åbne med notepad, noteblok eller ligende tekst editor
Avatar billede tobiasahlmo Nybegynder
06. marts 2008 - 21:17 #4

  Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Dev Team
  v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  Coppermine version: 1.4.16
  $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.4.x/index.php $
  $Revision: 4233 $
  $Author: gaugau $
  $Date: 2008-02-02 09:23:58 +0100 (Sa, 02 Feb 2008) $

* Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.14 index.php
* This file is the main display for categories and album it also displays thumbnails,
* also see documentation for this file's {@relativelink ../_index.php.php Free Standing Code}
* @copyright  2002-2005 Gregory DEMAR, Coppermine Dev Team
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU General Public License V3
* @package Coppermine
* @version $Id: index.php 4233 2008-02-02 08:23:58Z gaugau $

* Unless this is true most things wont work - protection against direct execution of inc files
define('IN_COPPERMINE', true);

if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
    // Scrub: Remove '..' and leftover '//' from filename
    $file = str_replace('..','',str_replace('//','',$_GET['file']));
    $fileValidationPattern = "/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)(\/{0,1}?)([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)$/";
    // There can be only alphanumerals in a plugin's folder name. There mustn't be any dots or other special chars in it.
    // The only exception is the hypen (-) and underscore (_)
    // Examples for folder names: "myplugin" = OK, "my_plugin" = OK, "my plugin" = BAD, "m&uuml;_plugin" = BAD
    // Files the plugin is meant to include can only contain one single dot that separates the actual filename from the php-extension
    // Same restrictions apply as for the folder name (only alphanumerals, hyphen and underscore)
    if (preg_match($fileValidationPattern, $file) == FALSE) {
            $file = ''; // something's fishy with the filename, let's drop it
    $path = './plugins/'.$file.'.php';

    // Don't include the codebase and credits files
    if ($file != 'codebase' && $file != 'configuration' && file_exists($path)) {

        // Include the code from the plugin
        $file = true;
    } else {
        $file = false;
} else $file = false;

if (!$file) {
    * Sets the flag for lang file
    define('INDEX_PHP', true);


    if (!USER_ID && $CONFIG['allow_unlogged_access'] == 0) {
        $redirect = $redirect . "login.php";
        header("Location: $redirect");

    if ($CONFIG['enable_smilies']) include("include/smilies.inc.php");

* Local functions definition

* html_albummenu()
* This function draws the links for admin menu of Albums
* @param integer $id ID of the album for which the links are being drawn
* @return string The evaluated template block with links
function html_albummenu($id)
    global $template_album_admin_menu, $lang_album_admin_menu;

    static $template = '';

    if ($template == '') {
        $params = array('{CONFIRM_DELETE}' => $lang_album_admin_menu['confirm_delete'],
            '{DELETE}' => $lang_album_admin_menu['delete'],
            '{MODIFY}' => $lang_album_admin_menu['modify'],
            '{EDIT_PICS}' => $lang_album_admin_menu['edit_pics'],

        $template = template_eval($template_album_admin_menu, $params);

    $params = array('{ALBUM_ID}' => $id,

    return template_eval($template, $params);

* get_subcat_data()
* Get the data about the sub categories which are going to be shown on the index page, this function is called recursively
* @param integer $parent Parent Category
* @param array $cat_data
* @param array $album_set_array
* @param integer $level Level being displayed
* @param string $ident String to use as indentation for Categories
* @return void
function get_subcat_data($parent, &$cat_data, &$album_set_array, $level, $ident = '')
    global $CONFIG, $HIDE_USER_CAT, $FORBIDDEN_SET, $cpg_show_private_album;

    $album_filter = '';
    $pic_filter = '';
    if (!empty($FORBIDDEN_SET) && !$cpg_show_private_album) {
        $album_filter = ' and ' . str_replace('p.', 'a.', $FORBIDDEN_SET);
        $pic_filter = ' and ' . str_replace('p.', $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . '.', $FORBIDDEN_SET);
    if ($CONFIG['categories_alpha_sort'] == 1) {$cat_sort_order = 'name';}else{$cat_sort_order = 'pos';}
    $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE parent = '$parent'  ORDER BY $cat_sort_order");

    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        $rowset = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($result);
        foreach ($rowset as $subcat) {
            if ($subcat['cid'] == USER_GAL_CAT) {
                $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category>=" . FIRST_USER_CAT . $album_filter;
                $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
                $album_count = mysql_num_rows($result);
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                    $album_set_array[] = $row['aid'];
                } // while

                $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p, {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE p.aid = a.aid AND approved='YES' AND category >= " . FIRST_USER_CAT . $album_filter);
                $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $pic_count = $nbEnr[0];

                $subcat['description'] = preg_replace("/<br.*?>[\r\n]*/i", '<br />' . $ident , bb_decode($subcat['description']));

                $link = $ident . "<a href=\"index.php?cat={$subcat['cid']}\">{$subcat['name']}</a>";
                if ($album_count) {
                    $cat_data[] = array($link, $ident . $subcat['description'], $album_count, $pic_count);
                    $HIDE_USER_CAT = 0;
                } else {
                    $HIDE_USER_CAT = 1;
            } else {
                $unaliased_album_filter = str_replace('a.', '', $album_filter);
                $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE category = {$subcat['cid']}" . $unaliased_album_filter);
                $album_count = mysql_num_rows($result);
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                    $album_set_array[] = $row['aid'];
                } // while

                $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p, {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE p.aid = a.aid AND approved='YES' AND category = {$subcat['cid']}" . $album_filter);
                $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $pic_count = $nbEnr[0];
                if ($subcat['thumb'] > 0) {
                    $sql = "SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} " . "WHERE pid='{$subcat['thumb']}'" . $pic_filter;
                    $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
                    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                        $picture = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                        $pic_url = get_pic_url($picture, 'thumb');
                        if (!is_image($picture['filename'])) {
                            $image_info = getimagesize(urldecode($pic_url));
                            $picture['pwidth'] = $image_info[0];
                            $picture['pheight'] = $image_info[1];
                        $image_size = compute_img_size($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight'], $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
                        $user_thumb = "<img src=\"" . $pic_url . "\" class=\"image\" {$image_size['geom']} border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
                        $user_thumb = "<a href=\"index.php?cat={$subcat['cid']}\">" . $user_thumb . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $user_thumb = "";
                $subcat['name'] = $subcat['name'];
                $subcat['description'] = preg_replace("/<br.*?>[\r\n]*/i", '<br />', bb_decode($subcat['description']));
                $link = "<a href=\"index.php?cat={$subcat['cid']}\">{$subcat['name']}</a>";
                $user_thumb = $ident . $user_thumb;
                if ($pic_count == 0 && $album_count == 0) {
                                        $user_thumb = $ident;
                    $cat_data[] = array($link, $subcat['description'], 'cat_thumb' => $user_thumb);
                } else {
                    // Check if you need to show subcat_level
                    if ($level == $CONFIG['subcat_level']) {
                        $cat_albums = list_cat_albums($subcat['cid']);
                    } else {
                        $cat_albums = '';
                    $cat_data[] = array($link, $subcat['description'], $album_count, $pic_count, 'cat_albums' => $cat_albums, 'cat_thumb' => $user_thumb);

            if ($level > 1) {
                                get_subcat_data($subcat['cid'], $cat_data, $album_set_array, $level -1, $ident . "</td><td><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td><td>");

* get_cat_list()
*  List all categories
* @param string $breadcrumb
* @param array $cat_data
* @param string $statistics
* @return void
function get_cat_list(&$breadcrumb, &$cat_data, &$statistics)
    global $HIDE_USER_CAT, $cpg_show_private_album;
    global $cat;
    global $lang_list_categories, $lang_errors;
    // Build the breadcrumb
    breadcrumb($cat, $breadcrumb, $BREADCRUMB_TEXT);
    // Build the category list
    $cat_data = array();
    $album_set_array = array();
    get_subcat_data($cat, $cat_data, $album_set_array, $CONFIG['subcat_level']);

    $album_filter = '';
    $pic_filter = '';
    $cat = (int) $cat;
    if (!empty($FORBIDDEN_SET) && !$cpg_show_private_album) {
        $album_filter = ' and ' . str_replace('p.', 'a.', $FORBIDDEN_SET);
        $pic_filter = ' and ' . $FORBIDDEN_SET;
    // Add the albums in the current category to the album set
    // if ($cat) {
    if ($cat == USER_GAL_CAT) {
        $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category >= " . FIRST_USER_CAT . $album_filter;
        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category = '$cat'" . $album_filter;
        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
    } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $album_set_array[] = $row['aid'];
    } // while
    // }
    if (count($album_set_array) && $cat) {
        $set = '';
        foreach ($album_set_array as $album) $set .= $album . ',';
        $set = substr($set, 0, -1);
        $current_album_set = "AND aid IN ($set) ";
        $ALBUM_SET .= $current_album_set;
    } elseif ($cat) {
        $current_album_set = "AND aid IN (-1) ";
        $ALBUM_SET .= $current_album_set;
    // Gather gallery statistics
    if ($cat == 0) {
        $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE 1" . $album_filter);
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $album_count = $nbEnr[0];

        $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p " . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'ON a.aid=p.aid ' . 'WHERE 1' . $pic_filter . ' AND approved=\'YES\'';
        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $picture_count = $nbEnr[0];

        $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} as c " . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . ' as p ' . 'ON c.pid=p.pid ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'ON a.aid=p.aid ' . 'WHERE 1' . $pic_filter;
        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $comment_count = $nbEnr[0];

        $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE 1";
        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $cat_count = $nbEnr[0] - $HIDE_USER_CAT;

        $sql = "SELECT sum(hits) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p " . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'ON p.aid=a.aid ' . 'WHERE 1' . $pic_filter;
        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $hit_count = (int)$nbEnr[0];

        if (count($cat_data)) {
            $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat1'], array('[pictures]' => $picture_count,
                    '[albums]' => $album_count,
                    '[cat]' => $cat_count,
                    '[comments]' => $comment_count,
                    '[views]' => $hit_count));
        } else {
            $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST = true;
            $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat3'], array('[pictures]' => $picture_count,
                    '[albums]' => $album_count,
                    '[comments]' => $comment_count,
                    '[views]' => $hit_count));
    } elseif ($cat >= FIRST_USER_CAT && $ALBUM_SET) {
        $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE 1 $current_album_set");
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $album_count = $nbEnr[0];

        $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE 1 $current_album_set AND approved='YES'");
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $picture_count = $nbEnr[0];

        $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT sum(hits) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE 1 $current_album_set");
        $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $hit_count = (int)$nbEnr[0];

        $statistics = strtr($lang_list_categories['stat2'], array('[pictures]' => $picture_count,
                '[albums]' => $album_count,
                '[views]' => $hit_count));
    } else {
        $statistics = '';

* list_users()
* Get a list of users galleries
function list_users()
    global $lang_list_users, $lang_errors, $template_user_list_info_box, $cpg_show_private_album, $cpg_udb;

    $rowset = $cpg_udb->list_users_query($user_count);

    if (!$rowset) {
        msg_box($lang_list_users['user_list'], $lang_list_users['no_user_gal'], '', '', '100%');

    $user_per_page = $CONFIG['thumbcols'] * $CONFIG['thumbrows'];
    $totalPages = ceil($user_count / $user_per_page);

    $user_list = array();
    foreach ($rowset as $user) {
        $cpg_nopic_data = cpg_get_system_thumb('nopic.jpg', $user['user_id']);
        $user_thumb = '<img src="' . $cpg_nopic_data['thumb'] . '" ' . $cpg_nopic_data['whole'] . ' class="image" border="0" alt="" />';
        $user_pic_count = $user['pic_count'];
        $user_thumb_pid = ($user['gallery_pid']) ? $user['gallery_pid'] : $user['thumb_pid'];
        $user_album_count = $user['alb_count'];

        if ($user_pic_count) {
            $sql = "SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} " . "WHERE pid='$user_thumb_pid' AND approved='YES'";
            $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
            if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                $picture = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $pic_url = get_pic_url($picture, 'thumb');
                if (!is_image($picture['filename'])) {
                    $image_info = getimagesize(urldecode($pic_url));
                    $picture['pwidth'] = $image_info[0];
                    $picture['pheight'] = $image_info[1];
                $image_size = compute_img_size($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight'], $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
                $user_thumb = "<img src=\"" . $pic_url . "\" class=\"image\" {$image_size['geom']} border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";

        $albums_txt = sprintf($lang_list_users['n_albums'], $user_album_count);
        $pictures_txt = sprintf($lang_list_users['n_pics'], $user_pic_count);

        $params = CPGPluginAPI::filter('user_caption_params', array('{USER_NAME}' => $user['user_name'],
            '{USER_ID}' => $user['user_id'],
            '{ALBUMS}' => $albums_txt,
            '{PICTURES}' => $pictures_txt,

        $caption = template_eval($template_user_list_info_box, $params);

        $user_list[] = array('cat' => FIRST_USER_CAT + $user['user_id'],
            'image' => $user_thumb,
            'caption' => $caption,
    theme_display_thumbnails($user_list, $user_count, '', '', 1, $PAGE, $totalPages, false, true, 'user');

* list_albums()
* Get a list of albums
function list_albums()
    global $CONFIG, $USER, $USER_DATA, $PAGE, $lastup_date_fmt, $FORBIDDEN_SET, $FORBIDDEN_SET_DATA;
    global $cat;
    global $lang_list_albums, $lang_errors, $cpg_show_private_album;

    $alb_per_page = $CONFIG['albums_per_page'];
    $maxTab = $CONFIG['max_tabs'];

    $album_filter = '';
    $pic_filter = '';
    $pic_subquery = '';

    if (!empty($FORBIDDEN_SET) && !$cpg_show_private_album) {
        $album_filter = ' and ' . str_replace('p.', 'a.', $FORBIDDEN_SET);
        $pic_filter = ' and ' . $FORBIDDEN_SET;

    $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category = '$cat'" . $album_filter);
    $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $nbAlb = $nbEnr[0];

    if (!$nbAlb) return;

    $totalPages = ceil($nbAlb / $alb_per_page);

    if ($PAGE > $totalPages) $PAGE = 1;
    $lower_limit = ($PAGE-1) * $alb_per_page;
    $upper_limit = min($nbAlb, $PAGE * $alb_per_page);
    $limit = "LIMIT " . $lower_limit . "," . ($upper_limit - $lower_limit);

    $sql = 'SELECT a.aid, a.title, a.description, category, visibility, filepath, ' . 'filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight ' . 'FROM ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . ' as p ' . 'ON a.thumb=p.pid ' . 'WHERE category=' . $cat . $album_filter . ' ORDER BY a.pos ' . $limit;

    $alb_thumbs_q = cpg_db_query($sql);
    $alb_thumbs = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($alb_thumbs_q);

    $disp_album_count = count($alb_thumbs);
    $album_set = '';
    foreach($alb_thumbs as $value) {
        $album_set .= $value['aid'] . ', ';
    $album_set = '(' . substr($album_set, 0, -2) . ')';

    //This query will fetch album stats and keyword for the albums
    $sql = "SELECT a.aid, count( p.pid )  AS pic_count, max( p.pid )  AS last_pid, max( p.ctime )  AS last_upload, a.keyword" .
            " FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a " .
            " LEFT JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON a.aid = p.aid AND p.approved =  'YES' ".
            "WHERE a.aid IN $album_set" . "GROUP BY a.aid";

    $alb_stats_q = cpg_db_query($sql);
    $alb_stats = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($alb_stats_q);

    foreach($alb_stats as $key => $value) {
        $cross_ref[$value['aid']] = &$alb_stats[$key];
        if ($CONFIG['link_pic_count'] == 1) {
          if (!empty($value['keyword'])) {
            $value['keyword'] = addslashes($value['keyword']);
            $query = "SELECT count(pid) AS link_pic_count
                      FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']}
                        WHERE aid != {$value['aid']} AND
                        keywords LIKE '%{$value['keyword']}%' AND
                        approved = 'YES'";
            $result = cpg_db_query($query);
            $link_stat = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
            $alb_stats[$key]['link_pic_count'] = $link_stat['link_pic_count'];

    for ($alb_idx = 0; $alb_idx < $disp_album_count; $alb_idx++) {
        $alb_thumb = &$alb_thumbs[$alb_idx];
        $aid = $alb_thumb['aid'];

        if (isset($cross_ref[$aid])) {
            $alb_stat = $cross_ref[$aid];
            $count = $alb_stat['pic_count'];
        } else {
            $alb_stat = array();
            $count = 0;
        // Inserts a thumbnail if the album contains 1 or more images
        $visibility = $alb_thumb['visibility'];

                if (!in_array($aid,$FORBIDDEN_SET_DATA) || $CONFIG['allow_private_albums'] == 0) {
            if ($count > 0) {
                if ($alb_thumb['filename']) {
                    $picture = &$alb_thumb;
                } else {
                    $sql = "SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} " . "WHERE pid='{$alb_stat['last_pid']}'";
                    $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
                    $picture = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $pic_url = get_pic_url($picture, 'thumb');
                if (!is_image($picture['filename'])) {
                    $image_info = getimagesize(urldecode($pic_url));
                    $picture['pwidth'] = $image_info[0];
                    $picture['pheight'] = $image_info[1];
                $image_size = compute_img_size($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight'], $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
                $alb_list[$alb_idx]['thumb_pic'] = "<img src=\"" . $pic_url . "\" class=\"image\" {$image_size['geom']} border=\"0\" alt=\"{$picture['filename']}\" />";
            } else { // Inserts an empty thumbnail if the album contains 0 images
                // $image_size = compute_img_size(100, 75, $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
                $cpg_nopic_data = cpg_get_system_thumb('nopic.jpg', $alb_thumb['category']);
                $alb_list[$alb_idx]['thumb_pic'] = '<img src="' . $cpg_nopic_data['thumb'] . '" ' . $cpg_nopic_data['whole'] . ' class="image" border="0" alt="" />';
        } elseif ($CONFIG['show_private']) {
            // $image_size = compute_img_size(100, 75, $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
            $cpg_privatepic_data = cpg_get_system_thumb('private.jpg', $alb_thumb['category']);
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['thumb_pic'] = '<img src="' . $cpg_privatepic_data['thumb'] . '" ' . $cpg_privatepic_data['whole'] . ' class="image" border="0" alt="" />';
        // Prepare everything
        if (!in_array($aid,$FORBIDDEN_SET_DATA) || $CONFIG['allow_private_albums'] == 0) {
            $last_upload_date = $count ? localised_date($alb_stat['last_upload'], $lastup_date_fmt) : '';
            $link_pic_count = !empty($alb_stat['link_pic_count']) ? $alb_stat['link_pic_count'] : 0;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['aid'] = $alb_thumb['aid'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_title'] = $alb_thumb['title'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_desc'] = bb_decode($alb_thumb['description']);
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['pic_count'] = $count;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['last_upl'] = $last_upload_date;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['link_pic_count'] = $link_pic_count;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_info'] = sprintf($lang_list_albums['n_pictures'], $count) . ($count ? sprintf($lang_list_albums['last_added'], $last_upload_date) : "") . (($CONFIG['link_pic_count'] && $link_pic_count > 0 ) ? sprintf(", {$lang_list_albums['n_link_pictures']},  {$lang_list_albums['total_pictures']}", $link_pic_count, $count + $link_pic_count) : "");
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_adm_menu'] = (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE || (USER_ADMIN_MODE && $cat == USER_ID + FIRST_USER_CAT)) ? html_albummenu($alb_thumb['aid']) : ' ';
        } elseif ($CONFIG['show_private']) { // uncomment this else block to show private album description
            $last_upload_date = $count ? localised_date($alb_stat['last_upload'], $lastup_date_fmt) : '';
            $link_pic_count = !empty($alb_stat['link_pic_count']) ? $alb_stat['link_pic_count'] : 0;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['aid'] = $alb_thumb['aid'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_title'] = $alb_thumb['title'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_desc'] = bb_decode($alb_thumb['description']);
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['pic_count'] = $count;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['last_upl'] = $last_upload_date;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['link_pic_count'] = $link_pic_count;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_info'] = sprintf($lang_list_albums['n_pictures'], $count) . ($count ? sprintf($lang_list_albums['last_added'], $last_upload_date) : "") . (($CONFIG['link_pic_count'] && $link_pic_count > 0 ) ? sprintf(", {$lang_list_albums['n_link_pictures']},  {$lang_list_albums['total_pictures']}", $link_pic_count, $count + $link_pic_count) : "");
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_adm_menu'] = (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE || (USER_ADMIN_MODE && $cat == USER_ID + FIRST_USER_CAT)) ? html_albummenu($alb_thumb['aid']) : ' ';

    theme_display_album_list($alb_list, $nbAlb, $cat, $PAGE, $totalPages);

* list_cat_albums()
* This has been added to list the albums in a category, used for showing first level albumslargely a repetition of code elsewhere
* Redone for a cleaner approach
* @param integer $cat Category id for which albums are needed
function list_cat_albums($cat = 0)
    global $CONFIG, $USER, $lastup_date_fmt, $USER_DATA, $FORBIDDEN_SET, $FORBIDDEN_SET_DATA, $cpg_show_private_album;
    global $lang_list_albums, $lang_errors;

    $PAGE = 1;
    if ($cat == 0) {
        return '';

    $cat_owner_id = ($cat > 10000)?(10000 - $cat):(10001);
    $cpg_nopic_data = cpg_get_system_thumb('nopic.jpg', $cat_owner_id);
    $cpg_privatepic_data = cpg_get_system_thumb('private.jpg', $cat_owner_id);

    $alb_per_page = $CONFIG['albums_per_page'];
    $maxTab = $CONFIG['max_tabs'];

    $album_filter = '';
    $pic_filter = '';
    if (!empty($FORBIDDEN_SET) && !$cpg_show_private_album) {
        $album_filter = ' and ' . str_replace('p.', 'a.', $FORBIDDEN_SET);
        $pic_filter = ' and ' . $FORBIDDEN_SET;

    $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category = '$cat'" . $album_filter;
    $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
    $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $nbAlb = $nbEnr[0];

    if ($nbAlb == 0) {

    $totalPages = ceil($nbAlb / $alb_per_page);

    if ($PAGE > $totalPages) $PAGE = 1;
    $lower_limit = ($PAGE-1) * $alb_per_page;
    $upper_limit = min($nbAlb, $PAGE * $alb_per_page);
    $limit = "LIMIT " . $lower_limit . "," . ($upper_limit - $lower_limit);

    $sql = 'SELECT a.aid, a.title, a.description, visibility, filepath, ' . 'filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight ' . 'FROM ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . ' as a ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . ' as p ' . 'ON a.thumb=p.pid ' . 'WHERE category=' . $cat . $album_filter . ' ORDER BY a.pos ' . $limit;

    $alb_thumbs_q = cpg_db_query($sql);
    $alb_thumbs = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($alb_thumbs_q);

    $disp_album_count = count($alb_thumbs);
    $album_set = '';
    foreach($alb_thumbs as $value) {
        $album_set .= $value['aid'] . ', ';
    $album_set = '(' . substr($album_set, 0, -2) . ')';

    /*$sql = "SELECT aid, count(pid) as pic_count, max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} " . "WHERE aid IN $album_set AND approved = 'YES' " . "GROUP BY aid";
    $alb_stats_q = cpg_db_query($sql);
    $alb_stats = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($alb_stats_q);

    //This query will fetch album stats and keyword for the albums
    $sql = "SELECT a.aid, count( p.pid )  AS pic_count, max( p.pid )  AS last_pid, max( p.ctime )  AS last_upload, a.keyword" .
            " FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a " .
            " LEFT JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON a.aid = p.aid AND p.approved =  'YES' ".
            "WHERE a.aid IN $album_set" . "GROUP BY a.aid";
    $alb_stats_q = cpg_db_query($sql);
    $alb_stats = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($alb_stats_q);

    foreach($alb_stats as $key => $value) {
        $cross_ref[$value['aid']] = &$alb_stats[$key];
        if ($CONFIG['link_pic_count'] == 1) {
          if (!empty($value['keyword'])) {
            $query = "SELECT count(pid) AS link_pic_count
                      FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']}
                        WHERE aid != {$value['aid']} AND
                        keywords LIKE '%{$value['keyword']}%' AND
                        approved = 'YES'";
            $result = cpg_db_query($query);
            $link_stat = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
            $alb_stats[$key]['link_pic_count'] = $link_stat['link_pic_count'];

    for ($alb_idx = 0; $alb_idx < $disp_album_count; $alb_idx++) {
        $alb_thumb = &$alb_thumbs[$alb_idx];
        $aid = $alb_thumb['aid'];

        if (isset($cross_ref[$aid])) {
            $alb_stat = $cross_ref[$aid];
            $count = $alb_stat['pic_count'];
        } else {
            $alb_stat = array();
            $count = 0;
        // Inserts a thumbnail if the album contains 1 or more images
        $visibility = $alb_thumb['visibility'];
                if (!in_array($aid,$FORBIDDEN_SET_DATA) || $CONFIG['allow_private_albums'] == 0) { //test for visibility
            if ($count > 0) { // Inserts a thumbnail if the album contains 1 or more images
                if ($alb_thumb['filename']) {
                    $picture = &$alb_thumb;
                } else {
                    $sql = "SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} " . "WHERE pid='{$alb_stat['last_pid']}'";
                    $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
                    $picture = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $pic_url = get_pic_url($picture, 'thumb');
                if (!is_image($picture['filename'])) {
                    $image_info = getimagesize(urldecode($pic_url));
                    $picture['pwidth'] = $image_info[0];
                    $picture['pheight'] = $image_info[1];
                $image_size = compute_img_size($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight'], $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
                $alb_list[$alb_idx]['thumb_pic'] = "<img src=\"" . $pic_url . "\" class=\"image\" {$image_size['geom']} border=\"0\" alt=\"{$picture['filename']}\" />";
            } else { // Inserts an empty thumbnail if the album contains 0 images
                // $image_size = compute_img_size(100, 75, $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
                $alb_list[$alb_idx]['thumb_pic'] = '<img src="' . $cpg_nopic_data['thumb'] . '" ' . $cpg_nopic_data['whole'] . ' class="image" border="0" alt="" />';
        } elseif ($CONFIG['show_private']) {
            // $image_size = compute_img_size(100, 75, $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']);
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['thumb_pic'] = '<img src="' . $cpg_privatepic_data['thumb'] . '" ' . $cpg_privatepic_data['whole'] . ' class="image" border="0" alt="" />';
        // Prepare everything
        if (!in_array($aid,$FORBIDDEN_SET_DATA) || $CONFIG['allow_private_albums'] == 0) {
            $last_upload_date = $count ? localised_date($alb_stat['last_upload'], $lastup_date_fmt) : '';
            $link_pic_count = !empty($alb_stat['link_pic_count']) ? $alb_stat['link_pic_count'] : 0;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['aid'] = $alb_thumb['aid'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_title'] = $alb_thumb['title'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_desc'] = bb_decode($alb_thumb['description']);
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['pic_count'] = $count;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['last_upl'] = $last_upload_date;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_info'] = sprintf($lang_list_albums['n_pictures'], $count) . ($count ? sprintf($lang_list_albums['last_added'], $last_upload_date) : "") . (($CONFIG['link_pic_count'] && $link_pic_count > 0)  ? sprintf(", {$lang_list_albums['n_link_pictures']}, {$lang_list_albums['total_pictures']}", $link_pic_count, $count + $link_pic_count) : "");
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_adm_menu'] = (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE || (USER_ADMIN_MODE && $cat == USER_ID + FIRST_USER_CAT)) ? html_albummenu($alb_thumb['aid']) : '';
        } elseif ($CONFIG['show_private']) { // uncomment this else block to show private album description
            $last_upload_date = $count ? localised_date($alb_stat['last_upload'], $lastup_date_fmt) : '';
            $link_pic_count = !empty($alb_stat['link_pic_count']) ? $alb_stat['link_pic_count'] : 0;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['aid'] = $alb_thumb['aid'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_title'] = $alb_thumb['title'];
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_desc'] = bb_decode($alb_thumb['description']);
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['pic_count'] = $count;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['last_upl'] = $last_upload_date;
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_info'] = sprintf($lang_list_albums['n_pictures'], $count) . ($count ? sprintf($lang_list_albums['last_added'], $last_upload_date) : "") . (($CONFIG['link_pic_count'] && $link_pic_count > 0 )? sprintf(", {$lang_list_albums['n_link_pictures']}, {$lang_list_albums['total_pictures']}", $link_pic_count, $count + $link_pic_count) : "");
            $alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_adm_menu'] = (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE || (USER_ADMIN_MODE && $cat == USER_ID + FIRST_USER_CAT)) ? html_albummenu($alb_thumb['aid']) : '';
    theme_display_album_list_cat($alb_list, $nbAlb, $cat, $PAGE, $totalPages);
    $cat_albums = ob_get_contents();
    return $cat_albums;

// Main code
if (!$file) {

    * See if $page has been passed in GET
    if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
        $PAGE = max((int)$_GET['page'], 1);
        $USER['lap'] = $PAGE;
    } elseif (isset($USER['lap'])) {
        $PAGE = max((int)$USER['lap'], 1);
    } else {
        $PAGE = 1;

    * Loop through the $elements array to build the page using the parameters
    * set in the config

    * See if $cat has been passed in GET

    if (isset($_GET['cat'])) {
        $cat = (int)$_GET['cat'];
    // Gather data for categories
    $breadcrumb = '';
    $cat_data = array();
    $statistics = '';
    $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST = false;

    $cpg_show_private_album = ($CONFIG['allow_private_albums'])?($CONFIG['show_private']):(true);

    if (isset($cat)) {
    } else {

    get_cat_list($breadcrumb, $cat_data, $statistics);

    pageheader($BREADCRUMB_TEXT ? $BREADCRUMB_TEXT : $lang_index_php['welcome']);

    $elements = preg_split("|/|", $CONFIG['main_page_layout'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

    foreach ($elements as $element) {
        if (preg_match("/(\w+),*(\d+)*/", $element, $matches)){
            if (!isset($matches[2])) { // added to fix notice about undefined index
                $matches[2] = 0;

            $matches = CPGPluginAPI::filter('plugin_block', $matches);

            if (is_array($matches)) {
                switch ($matches[1]) {
                    case 'breadcrumb':
                        // Added breadcrumb as a separate listable block from config
                        if (($breadcrumb != '' || count($cat_data) > 0) && $cat != 0) theme_display_breadcrumb($breadcrumb, $cat_data);

                    case 'catlist':
                        if ($breadcrumb != '' || count($cat_data) > 0) theme_display_cat_list($breadcrumb, $cat_data, $statistics);
                        if (isset($cat) && $cat == USER_GAL_CAT) {

                    case 'alblist':

                    case 'random':
                        display_thumbnails('random', $cat, 1, $CONFIG['thumbcols'], max(1, $matches[2]), false);

                    case 'lastup':
                        display_thumbnails('lastup', $cat, 1, $CONFIG['thumbcols'], max(1, $matches[2]), false);

                    case 'lastalb':
                        display_thumbnails('lastalb', $cat, 1, $CONFIG['thumbcols'], max(1, $matches[2]), false);

                    case 'topn':
                        display_thumbnails('topn', $cat, 1, $CONFIG['thumbcols'], max(1, $matches[2]), false);

                    case 'toprated':
                        display_thumbnails('toprated', $cat, 1, $CONFIG['thumbcols'], max(1, $matches[2]), false);

                    case 'lastcom':
                        display_thumbnails('lastcom', $cat, 1, $CONFIG['thumbcols'], max(1, $matches[2]), false);

                    case 'lasthits':
                        display_thumbnails('lasthits', $cat, 1, $CONFIG['thumbcols'], max(1, $matches[2]), false);

                    case 'anycontent':
                        if ($cat == 0) {
                            * Any php code or HTML can be put in this file and will be displayed
                            $anycontent = CPGPluginAPI::filter('anycontent',ob_get_contents());
                            echo ($anycontent);



/* Not used anymore, somone else removed the usage of this keying in functions.inc.php due to problems - donnoman
// Speed-up the random image query by 'keying' the image table
if (time() - $CONFIG['randpos_interval'] > 86400) {
    $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE 1");
    $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $pic_count = $nbEnr[0];
    $granularity = floor($pic_count / RANDPOS_MAX_PIC);
    $result = cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET randpos = ROUND(RAND()*$granularity) WHERE 1");
    $result = cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_CONFIG']} SET value = '" . time() . "' WHERE name = 'randpos_interval'");

Jeg kan ik finde det ?
Avatar billede gurly Praktikant
06. marts 2008 - 21:21 #5
nej ok, måske er det ikke så enkelt som jeg skrev, jeg kan ikke hjælpe dig  :-(
Avatar billede tobiasahlmo Nybegynder
07. marts 2008 - 23:52 #6
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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