Avatar billede hermanlaksko Nybegynder
12. februar 2008 - 19:06 Der er 8 kommentarer

Hjælp til ADP front , Job

Jeg har en adp der driller lidt rigeligt - derfor vil jeg gerne have en af jer til at kigge på sagen.
Problemet er opdatering i en hovedform/div sub forms der ikke syntes at ville modtage data.... nogen gange andre gange kører det fint.
Jeg får ex. meddelsen "Method 'Value' of object '_Combobox' failed" og "You vant save record at this time...." etc.
Det er muligt at det kun er et mindre problem, men jeg kan ikke finde hvor dette problem ligger.
Hvis du mener at kunne hjælpe og er GO til sql/adp så hører jeg gerne fra dig snarest.

Det er naturligvis mod time betaling.

Lad mig høre fra jer
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
12. februar 2008 - 19:39 #1
where in DK are you located?
Avatar billede hermanlaksko Nybegynder
12. februar 2008 - 20:48 #2
Sealand - slagelse
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
12. februar 2008 - 20:54 #3
Its a bit too far from Vejle.

You say "..nogen gange andre gange kører det fint." which suggest that the problem might not be the ADP file.
Avatar billede hermanlaksko Nybegynder
12. februar 2008 - 21:17 #4
the problem could be in the database, but this should not creash the front ....?

I could go to vejle - nice city and only 2 bridges away :-)
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
13. februar 2008 - 08:26 #5
The problem could also be the network.

I've worked with ADPs and SQL server for around 5 years and generally they are both quite stable.
When the problem is periodic it can be very time consuming and expensive to find the problem.

"the problem could be in the database, but this should not creash the front ....?"
You dindt mention that the front-end crashed, but I wouldnt think it would although you never know.

"I could go to vejle - nice city and only 2 bridges away :-)"
Three, I actually live Bredballe (Vejle East) on the North side of Vejle fjord. And as mentioned earlier it could be time consuming so your travels may turn out to be a waist of time.

If the problem seem to be located to a specific form/component then it may be an idea to try and change the way the form/component interacts with the SQL database.

And if you still cant find or remove the problem then you could try contact Thomas Jepsen (from eksperten) http://www.makeiteasy.dk/Home.asp who is a little closer.
Avatar billede hermanlaksko Nybegynder
18. februar 2008 - 17:00 #6
Hi Terry
Problem solved - Thks
It was Forms!Folder.Recordset!BorrowerID vs this Forms!Folder.RecordsetClone!BorrowerID AND things like that solved it. Hard-to-find-errors Grrrrr.... ;-)

I managed to find it myself, but only after a discution with Thomas.
Please enter a reply and I will give you the points, thurs keeping you ahead of Thomas ;-)
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
18. februar 2008 - 18:34 #7
Thanks :o)
Great you found the problem.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
28. februar 2008 - 20:01 #8
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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