Problemer med cr-format i cs2
Jeg har store problemer med at åbne canons cr-format fra mit powershot G9 i min opdaterede udgave af CS2. Jeg har forsøgt at hente et plug-in, men kan ikke fikse det. Jeg bruger flg. fremgangsmåde:_____________________________
Installation Instructions
To open a DMG file:
Double-click the file. This will open Disk Copy, which mounts the image on your desktop.
For Camera Raw 3.7:
This new version of the Camera Raw plug-in replaces the original Camera Raw plug-in that was installed with Photoshop CS2, Adobe Creative Suite 2, or Photoshop Elements 4.0.
To install with Adobe Creative Suite 2 or Photoshop CS2:
1. Exit Photoshop CS2.
2. Open the Finder.
3. Navigate to: (Please read directory carefully)
Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-Ins/CS2/File Formats
4. Move the existing plug-in to another location (for example, a new folder on your desktop). Ensure you keep this version in case you need to revert back.
5. Copy the Camera Raw plug-in, Camera Raw, from the download into the same folder as in Step 3.
6. Launch Photoshop CS2 or Adobe Bridge.
Problemet opstår idet jeg ikke kan finde "plug-ins" i flg. directory: Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-Ins/CS2/File Formats. Jeg når kun frem til library/application support/adobe...
Nogen der ved, hvad jeg kan gøre?