Avatar billede jwwd Nybegynder
24. januar 2008 - 20:17 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

PHP graf - kan det lade sig gøre?

Jeg vil høre om det er muligt at lave en graf ud fra følgende html  kode:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="table2"> 
<tr valign ="top" align="center">
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: blue; font-size: 10pt">Min 1°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: red; font-size: 10pt">Max 5°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: blue; font-size: 10pt">Min 5°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: red; font-size: 10pt">Max 10°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: blue; font-size: 10pt">Min 4°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: red; font-size: 10pt">Max 6°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: blue; font-size: 10pt">Min 4°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: red; font-size: 10pt">Max 6°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: blue; font-size: 10pt">Min 4°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: red; font-size: 10pt">Max 8°</span></td>
<td style="width: 9%; font-size: 10pt"><span style="color: blue; font-size: 10pt">Min 4°</span></td>

Med venlig hilsen

Avatar billede jakobdo Ekspert
24. januar 2008 - 21:55 #1
Snakker vi HTML koden skal gemmes som et slags billede?
Eller tænker du noget i stil med dette library: http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/
Avatar billede jwwd Nybegynder
24. januar 2008 - 22:11 #2
Hej jakobdo

Tak for din kommentar.

Jeg er på jagt efter graf ud fra de værdier der står i html tabellen. Det er formentlig noget jpgraph - men jeg har desværre ikke ret meget forstand på det.

Ovenstående HTML kode bliver genereret ud fra et PHP script - og værdierne ændre sig 5 gange om dagen på min hjemmeside.

Jeg tror noget af øvelsen går ud på at få værdierne (temperatur graderne) udskilt fra html koden og derefter få den "proppen ind" i en graf.

Med venlig hilsen

Avatar billede jakobdo Ekspert
24. januar 2008 - 22:18 #3
Men hvis html koden bliver lavet ud fra noget php kode, så kunne man jo bruge værdierne fra php direkte til jpgraph, som jo er et php lib.
Avatar billede jwwd Nybegynder
24. januar 2008 - 22:41 #4
hej igen

hmmmm nu blir det vist endnu mere kompliceret - php scriptet som laver ovenstående tabel - er et script som afkoder en .txt fil og oversætter den fra engelsk til dansk og bla. ovenstående tabel - du kan se den i funktion her:


filen den laver det hele ud fra er her:


Med venlig hilsen


Ps. jeg kan sende scriptet - synes det er for stort at indsætte her.
Avatar billede jakobdo Ekspert
25. januar 2008 - 18:15 #5
Jeg synes du skal prøve at smide hele dit script herind, så kan det være andre vil kigge på det.
Jeg kan ikke love dig en løsning, men vil gerne prøve.
Avatar billede jwwd Nybegynder
25. januar 2008 - 20:07 #6
Hej igen jakobdo og endnu engang tak for tilbagemeldingen.

Her er hele scriptet, som genererer ovenstående tabel med bl.a. temperaturer:

Håber det er den korrekte måde at gøre det på selvom det fylder meget.



// plaintext-parser.php script by Ken True - webmaster@saratoga-weather.org
// Version 0.90 - 24-Mar-2007 - Pre-release - testing and commments version
// Version 0.91 - 25-Mar-2007 - fixed day/night icon glitch for translated languages
// Version 0.92 - 27-Mar-2007 - added conditionals for selective printing, optional degrees, and
//                              capitalization for First letter of sentence in translation.
// Version 1.00 - 30-Mar-2007 - changed primary parsing to support IIS, and added minPoP to
//                              display sky condition (with pop) instead of rain icon.
// Version 1.01 - 02-Apr-2007 - support for UTF-8 display, translation of City names, Date format option
// Version 1.02 - 16-May-2007 - minor change to allow operation with plaintext-rss.php
// Version 1.03 - 03-Jun-2007 - Added Wind dir/speed/units forecast and changed table generation method
// Version 1.04 - 27-Jul-2007 - Added Beaufort options for wind speed display
// Version 1.05 - 04-Aug-2007 - Modified Beaufort to use 'mps' or 'm/s' for meters-per-second
// Version 1.06 - 06-Sep-2007 - Added support for charset in lang files + Greek translation
// Version 1.07 - 07-Nov-2007 - Added support for GMT/Zulu time from WXSIM plaintext.txt
// Version 1.08 - 28-Dec-2007 - Added Snow Accumulation stats to PoP line when available
$Version = "plaintext-parser.php Version 1.08 - 28-Dec-2007";
// error_reporting(E_ALL);  // uncomment to turn on full error reporting
// script available at http://saratoga-weather.org/scripts.php
// you may copy/modify/use this script as you see fit,
// no warranty is expressed or implied.
// This script parses the plaintext.txt forecast output from WXSIM
//  (http://www.wxsim.com/) to create a HTML page that resembles
//  the NOAA NWS point-printable forecast page in the carterlake advforecast.php style.
// output: creates XHTML 1.0-Strict HTML page (or inclusion)
// This script requires the NOAA icons and the icons need to be placed in the path
// where the original NOAA icons are located: \forecast\images\
// (so make a folder in your web HTML root called "forecast", then make a folder in it
// called "images", and place the icons in this folder)
// The icon set is available at http://saratoga-weather.org/carterlake-icons.zip
// If you have the icon set from:
//  http://members.cox.net/carterlakeweather/forecasticons.zip (380K)
// then please download http://saratoga-weather.org/carterlake-icons-addon.zip and
// upload to your /forecast/images directory.  It contains images to support the
// "show sky conditions when chance rain and PoP < $minPoP" logic.
// Options on URL:
//  lang=en          (default) - use English language
//  lang=ZZ          - use 'ZZ' language translation file for conversion from English
//                    note: there must be a plaintext-parser-lang-LL.txt file with the
//                    conversion rules.  A sample Dutch file is included (lang=nl).
//  inc=Y            - omit <HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY> and </BODY></HTML> from output
//  heading=n        - (default)='y' suppress printing of heading (forecast city/by/date)
//  icons=n          - (default)='y' suppress printing of the icons+conditions+temp+wind+UV
//  text=n          - (default)='y' suppress printing of the periods/forecast text
//  You can also invoke these options directly in the PHP like this
//    $doInclude = true;
//    include("plaintext-parser.php");  for just the text
//  or ------------
//    $doPrint = false;
//    include("plaintext-parser.php");  for setting up the $WXSIM... variables without printing
//  or ------------
//    $doInclude = true;
//    $doPrintHeading = true;
//    $doPrintIcons = true;
//    $doPrintText = false
//    include("plaintext-parser.php");  include mode, print only heading and icon set
// Variables returned (useful for printing an icon or forecast or two...)
// $WXSIMcity         - Name of city from WXSIM Forecast header
// $WXSIMstation    - (in settings below) Name of forecaster or weather station
// $WXSIMupdated     - Time of forecast from WXSIM Forecast header
// The following variables exist for $i=0 to $i= number of forecast periods minus 1
//  a loop of for ($i=0;$i<count($WXSIMday);$i++) { ... } will loop over the available
//  values.
// $WXSIMday[$i]    - period of forecast (translated)
// $WXSIMtext[$i]    - text of forecast (translated)
// $WXSIMuv[$i]        - UV index value (number)
//      note: you can use 'set_UV_string($WXSIMuv[$i])' to get a UV N and meaning text
// $WXSIMtemp[$i]    - Temperature with translated text and formatting
// $WXSIMpop[$i]    - Number - Probabability of Precipitation ('',10,20, ... ,100)
// $WXSIMprecip[$i] - amount of precipitation (native units from plaintext forecast)
// $WXSIMicon[$i]  - base name of icon graphic to use
// $WXSIMcond[$i]  - Short legend for forecast icon (translated)
// $WXSIMicons[$i]  - Full icon with translated Period, <img> and Short legend.
//  the following were added in V1.03:
// $WXSIMwinddir[$i]- Wind direction ( may be something like 'SSE' or 'NW->N' ) (translated)
// $WXSIMwind[$i]  - Wind speed (may be something like '10' or '7->4' or '10-16->6' )
// $WXSIMgust[$i]  - Wind gust
// $WXSIMwindunits[$i] - Wind speed units (mph, kph, mps, kts) (translated)
// $WXSIMBeaufort[$i]  - Beaufort scale for max wind speed 'n Bft' or 'Light air' (translated)
// Note:
// Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------
$iconDir ='http://www.buskelundtoften.dk/vejret/vejrudsigt/images/';          // directory for carterlake icons
$WXSIMstation = "Vejret på Buskelundtoften";  // name of your weather station
$plaintextFile = 'http://www.buskelundtoften.dk/vejret/vejrudsigt/plaintext.txt';      // location of the WXSIM plaintext.txt
$lang = 'dk';                            // default language is 'en' = English
$tempDegrees = '&deg;';                  // set to '' to omit degree sign
//                                        //  or set to '&deg;', '&deg;F' or '&deg;C'
$maxWidth = '98%';                      // max width of tables (could be '100%')
$minPoP = '40';                          // PoP must be this or above to display
//                                        // rain icon, otherwise sky icon w/PoP displayed.
$showBeaufort = 'T';                      // set to false to not display Beaufort at all
//                                          // ='V' for 'n Bft', ='T' for translated name
// ---- end of settings ---------------------------------------------------
// -------------------begin code ------------------------------------------
if (isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view' ) {
  //--self downloader --
  $filenameReal = __FILE__;
  $download_size = filesize($filenameReal);
  header('Pragma: public');
  header('Cache-Control: private');
  header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
  header("Content-type: text/plain");
  header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
  header("Content-Length: $download_size");
  header('Connection: close');
$Status = "<!-- $Version -->\n";
$doTranslate = true;                     
if (isset($_REQUEST['lang']) ) {
  if ($lang == 'en') { $doTranslate = false; };
$doDebug = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['debug']) ) {
  $doDebug = substr(strtolower($_REQUEST['debug']),0,1) == 'y';

$printHeading = true;
$printIcons = true;
$printText = true;

if (isset($doPrintHeading)) {
  $printHeading = $doPrintHeading;
if (isset($_REQUEST['heading']) ) {
  $printHeading = substr(strtolower($_REQUEST['heading']),0,1) == 'y';

if (isset($doPrintIcons)) {
  $printIcons = $doPrintIcons;
if (isset($_REQUEST['icons']) ) {
  $printIcons = substr(strtolower($_REQUEST['icons']),0,1) == 'y';
if (isset($doPrintText)) {
  $printText = $doPrintText;
if (isset($_REQUEST['text']) ) {
  $printText = substr(strtolower($_REQUEST['text']),0,1) == 'y';

$useCharSet = 'iso-8859-1';
$UTFLang = ',gr,ru,cn,jp,';  // languages needing UTF-8 character set for display
$timeFormat = 'd-M-Y h:i a'; // default to USA format
// load the config file
$config = file("http://www.buskelundtoften.dk/vejret/vejrudsigt/plaintext-parser-data.txt");  //
// load and merge the language file (if it exists)
if ($doTranslate and $lang <> 'en' and file_exists("./plaintext-parser-lang-$lang.txt") ) {
  $lfile = file("./plaintext-parser-lang-$lang.txt");
  foreach ($lfile as $val) {
  $Status .= "<!-- translation file for '$lang' loaded -->\n";
  if (strpos($UTFLang,$lang) > 0) {$useCharSet = 'UTF-8'; $Status .= "<!-- using UTF-8 -->\n";}
} else {
  $doTranslate = false;
  if($lang <> 'en') {
    $Status .= "<!-- translation file for '$lang' not found -->\n";
    $lang = 'en';

// Initialize -- read in control file and place in $Conditions and $Precip
//  for later use

$LanguageLookup = array();

$WindLookup = array( // initialized by wind-direction abbreviations for icons
// NOTE: don't change these .. use LANGLOOKUP entries in the plaintext-parser-LL.txt
// translation control file instead.
'north' => 'N',
'north-northeast' => 'NNE',
'northeast' => 'NE',
'east-northeast' => 'ENE',
'east' => 'E',
'east-southeast' => 'ESE',
'southeast' => 'SE',
'south-southeast' => 'SSE',
'south' => 'S',
'south-southwest' => 'SSW',
'southwest' => 'SW',
'west-southwest' => 'WSW',
'west' => 'W',
'west-northwest' => 'WNW',
'northwest' => 'NW',
'north-northwest' => 'NNW'

$BeaufortText = array(
// NOTE: don't change these .. use LANGLOOKUP entries in the plaintext-parser-LL.txt
// translation file instead.
'Calm', 'Light air', 'Light breeze','Gentle breeze', 'Moderate breeze', 'Fresh breeze',
'Strong breeze', 'Near gale', 'Gale', 'Strong gale', 'Storm', 'Violent storm',
// wind speed < values below correspond to force 0 .. 11 . >= last value = force 12
$BeaufortKTS = array(
$BeaufortMPH = array(
$BeaufortKPH = array(
$BeaufortMS  = array(

// $Status .= "<!-- config: \n" . print_r($config,true) . " -->\n";
foreach ($config as $key => $rec) { // load the parser condition strings
  $recin = trim($rec);
  if ($recin and substr($recin,0,1) <> '#') { // got a non comment record
    list($type,$keyword,$dayicon,$nighticon,$condition) = explode('|',$recin . '|||||');
    if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'cond' and isset($condition)) {
      $Conditions["$keyword"] = "$dayicon\t$nighticon\t$condition";
    if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'precip' and isset($nighticon)) {
      $Precip["$keyword"] = "$dayicon\t$nighticon";
    if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'snow' and isset($nighticon)) {
      $Snow["$keyword"] = "$dayicon\t$nighticon";
    if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'lang' and isset($dayicon)) {
      $Language["$keyword"] = "$dayicon";
    if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'langlookup' and isset($dayicon)) {
      $LanguageLookup["$keyword"] = "$dayicon";
    if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'dateformat' and isset($keyword)) {
      $timeFormat = trim($keyword);
    if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'charset' and isset($keyword)) {
      $useCharSet = trim($keyword);
      $Status .= "<!-- using charset '$useCharSet' -->\n";
  } // end if not comment or blank
} // end loading of $Conditions and $Precip

if (count($LanguageLookup) < 1) {$doTranslate = false; }

$testFiles = array(  // local testing for Ken .. these files aren't part of the distribution
'a' => 'plaintext-bin.txt',
'b' => 'plaintext-test1.txt',
'fr' => 'plaintext-cy.txt',
'nl' => 'plaintext-du.txt',
'it' => 'plaintext-it.txt',
'se' => 'plaintext-se.txt',
'snow' => 'plaintext-snow.txt',
'rest' => 'plaintext-rest.txt',
'oregon' => 'plaintext-oregon.txt',
'fograin' => 'plaintext-fograin.txt',
'snow2' => 'plaintext-snow2.txt',
'snow3' => 'plaintext-snow3.txt',
'snow4' => 'plaintext-snow4.txt',
'snow5' => 'plaintext-snow5.txt',
'snow6' => 'plaintext-snow6.txt',
'snow7' => 'plaintext-snow7.txt',
'snow8' => 'plaintext-snow8.txt',
'snow9' => 'plaintext-snow9.txt',
'gr' => 'plaintext-gr.txt',
'zulu' => 'plaintext-zulu.txt'

if (isset($_REQUEST['test']) ) { // for testing only
  $t = strtolower($_REQUEST['test']);
  if (isset($testFiles[$t]) ) {
    $Status .= "<!-- using $testFiles[$t] for plaintext.txt -->\n";
    $plaintextFile = $testFiles[$t];

if (isset($_REQUEST['minpop'])) { // for testing only
  $minPoP = $_REQUEST['minpop'];

// Read in the plaintext.txt forecast file for processing
$pt = file($plaintextFile);

$plaintext = implode('',$pt);  // get the plaintext file.
// preprocess.. mark divisions in the forecast days for later parsing
$plaintext = preg_replace('![\r|\n]+ [\r|\n]+!s',"\t\t",$plaintext);
$plaintext .= "\t\t";  // make sure a delimiter is at the end too.
$plaintext = preg_replace('|_|is','',$plaintext); // remove dashed line in front

// Find city and update date
if (preg_match('|WXSIM text forecast for (.*), initialized at\s+(.*)|i',$plaintext,$matches)) {
  $WXSIMcity = get_lang(trim($matches[1]));
  $wdate = trim($matches[2]);
  $Status .= "<!-- wdate '$wdate' -->\n";
  // there are LOTS of formats of the date stamp in plaintext.txt
  // 012345678901234567890
  // 20:00  Feb 21, 2007
  // 15:00  02 Apr, 2007
  // 8:00 PM Mar 24, 2007
  // 12:00 AM 24 Mar, 2007
  // 17:00Z  05 Nov, 2007
  $wdateParts =  preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $wdate);
//  $Status .= "<!-- wdate split\n" . print_r($wdateParts,true) . " -->\n";
  if (preg_match('!AM|PM!i',$wdateParts[1]) ) { // got US style date.
    list($wHrs,$wMins) = split(':',$wdateParts[0]);
    if (strtolower($wdateParts[1]) == 'pm' and $wHrs <> 12 ) {$wHrs += 12; }
    if (strtolower($wdateParts[1]) == 'am' and $wHrs == 12 ) {$wHrs = '00'; }
    $wTime = "$wHrs:$wMins";
  } else {
    $wTime = $wdateParts[0];
  if (preg_match('!\d+!',$wdateParts[$i+1]) ) { // got day in 1, month in 2 (+offset)
    $wDay = $wdateParts[$i+1];
    $wMon = $wdateParts[$i+2];
  } else {
    $wDay = $wdateParts[$i+2];
    $wMon = $wdateParts[$i+1];
  $wYear = $wdateParts[$i+3];

//  $wdate = preg_replace('|(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+),\s+(\S+)|s',"$2-$3-$4 $1:00 ".date('O',time()),$wdate);
  if(preg_match('|Z|i',$wTime) ) {
    // Zulu(GMT) time format
    $wTime = preg_replace('|Z|i','',$wTime);
    $wdate = "$wDay-$wMon-$wYear $wTime UTC";
    $Status .= "<!-- updated '$wdate'-->\n";
    $d = strtotime($wdate);
    $WXSIMupdated = get_lang(date('l',$d)) . ', ' . gmdate($timeFormat,$d) . ' UTC';
  } else {
    $wdate = "$wDay-$wMon-$wYear $wTime " . date('O',time());
    $Status .= "<!-- updated '$wdate'-->\n";
    $d = strtotime($wdate);
    $WXSIMupdated = get_lang(date('l',$d)) . ', ' . date($timeFormat,$d);

// split up the forecast days and texts
// good preg_match_all('![\r|\n]+\s+(.*):\s(.*)[\r|\n]+ [\r|\n]+!Us',$plaintext,$matches);
preg_match_all('!\t\s(.*):\s(.*)\t!Us',$plaintext,$matches); // split up the forecast

// Main loop over each forecast text paragraph.
for ($i=0;$i<count($matches[1]);$i++) { // loop over results by forecast period and peel out values

$WXSIMday[$i] = trim($matches[1][$i]);
$WXSIMtext[$i] =  preg_replace('![\r|\n]+!is','',trim($matches[2][$i])); // remove CR and LF chars.
// initialize this day's variables
$WXSIMuv[$i] = '';
$WXSIMtemp[$i] = '';
$WXSIMpop[$i] = '';
$WXSIMprecip[$i] = '';
$WXSIMicon[$i] = '';
$WXSIMcond[$i] = '';
$WXSIMtempdirect[$i] = '';
$WXSIMwinddir[$i] = '';
$WXSIMwinddiricon[$i] = '';
$WXSIMwind[$i] = '';
$WXSIMgust[$i] = '';
$WXSIMwindunits[$i] = '';

// make the period 'pretty' with HTML breaks.
$WXSIMtitles[$i] = preg_replace('! (\S+)$!',"<br />\\1",get_lang($WXSIMday[$i]));
if (! preg_match('!<br />!',$WXSIMtitles[$i])) {
  $WXSIMtitles[$i] .= '<br />';  // add line break to 'short' day titles

// extract UV index value
if (preg_match('|UV index up to (\d+)\.|i',$WXSIMtext[$i],$mtemp) ) {
  $WXSIMuv[$i] = $mtemp[1];

// extract Wind direction, values
$testwind = str_replace('Wind chill','Wind-chill',$WXSIMtext[$i]);
if (preg_match('|Wind (.*)\.|Ui',$testwind,$mtemp) ) {
//  $Status .= "<!-- mtemp[1]='" . $mtemp[1] . "' -->\n";
  $wtemp = preg_replace(
        '! around| near| in the| morning| evening| afternoon| midnight| tonight| to| after!Uis',
//  $Status .= "<!-- stripped='" . $wtemp . "' -->\n";
  $wtemp = explode(', ',$wtemp);
//  $Status .= "<!-- wind\n" . print_r($wtemp, true) . " -->\n";
//    [0] => northwest around 5 mph
// or
//    [0] => northwest near calm
//    [1] => gusting to 12 mph
//    [2] => in the morning
//    [3] => becoming 12 mph in the afternoon
// or
//    [3] => becoming west-northwest around 12 mph in the afternoon
// or
//    [3] => becoming north-northwest in the afternoon

  $wparts = explode(' ',$wtemp[0]); // break it by spaces.
  $maxWind = 0;
  for ($k =0;$k<count($wtemp);$k++) {
    $wparts = explode(' ',$wtemp[$k]);
    if(isset($WindLookup[$wparts[0]]) ) { // got <dir> [speed] [units] format
      $WXSIMwinddir[$i] = $WindLookup[$wparts[0]];  // get abbreviation for direction
      $WXSIMwinddiricon[$i] = $WXSIMwinddir[$i];    // base name for wind icon
      $WXSIMwind[$i] = $wparts[1];  // get speed
      if ($wparts[1] > $maxWind and $wparts[1] <> 'calm') { $maxWind = $wparts[1]; }
      if ( isset($wparts[2])) {
      $WXSIMwindunits[$i] = $wparts[2]; // get wind units of measure
    if ($wparts[0] == 'gusting') {
      $WXSIMwind[$i] .= '-' . $wparts[1];
      if ($wparts[1] > $maxWind) { $maxWind = $wparts[1]; }
      $WXSIMgust[$i] = $wparts[1];
    if ($wparts[0] == 'becoming') { // got 'becoming [dir] [speed] [units]
      if (isset($WindLookup[$wparts[1]]) ) {
        $WXSIMwinddir[$i] .= '&rArr;' . $WindLookup[$wparts[1]];
      if (preg_match('!(\d+|calm)!',$wtemp[$k],$match)) {
        $WXSIMwind[$i] .= '&rArr;' . $match[1];
          if ($match[1] > $maxWind and $match[1] <> 'calm') { $maxWind = $match[1]; }
      if (! $WXSIMwindunits[$i] and isset($wparts[2]) ) {
        $WXSIMwindunits[$i] = $wparts[2]; // get wind units of measure
  $WXSIMBeaufort[$i] = displayBeaufort(getBeaufort($maxWind,$WXSIMwindunits[$i])) ;
//  $Status .= "<!-- dir='" . $WXSIMwinddir[$i] . "' wind='" . $WXSIMwind[$i] .
    "' gust='" . $WXSIMgust[$i] . "' units='" . $WXSIMwindunits[$i] .
    "' maxWind = '$maxWind' Beaufort='" . $WXSIMBeaufort[$i] . "'-->\n";

// extract temperature High/Low values
if (preg_match('!(high|low) ([-|\d]+)[\.|,]!i',$WXSIMtext[$i],$mtemp)) {
  $WXSIMtemp[$i] = get_lang($mtemp[1] .':') . ' ' . $mtemp[2] . $tempDegrees;
  if ($tempDegrees) {  // fix up degrees in the text
      $WXSIMtext[$i] = preg_replace(
      '|' . $mtemp[1] . ' ' . $mtemp[2] .'|',
      $mtemp[1] . ' ' . $mtemp[2] . $tempDegrees,
  if(substr($mtemp[1],0,1) == 'H') {
    $WXSIMtemp[$i] = '<span style="color: red; font-size: 10pt">' . $WXSIMtemp[$i] . '</span>';
  } else {
    $WXSIMtemp[$i] = '<span style="color: blue; font-size: 10pt">' . $WXSIMtemp[$i] . '</span>';

if (preg_match('!temperatures (rising|falling)!i',$WXSIMtext[$i],$mtemp)) {
  $WXSIMtempdirect[$i] = $mtemp[1];

// extract PoP
if (preg_match('!Chance of precipitation (.*) percent!i',$WXSIMtext[$i],$mtemp)) {
//  print "<pre>" . print_r($mtemp,true) . "</pre>\n";
  $WXSIMpop[$i] = $mtemp[1];
  $WXSIMpop[$i] = preg_replace('|less than |i','<',$WXSIMpop[$i]);
  if ($WXSIMpop[$i] == '<20') {$WXSIMpop[$i] = '10';}
  if ($WXSIMpop[$i] == 'near 100') { $WXSIMpop[$i] = '100'; }

// now look for harshest conditions first.. (in order in -data file
if ($doDebug) {
  $Status .= "<!-- WXSIMtext[$i]='" . $WXSIMtext[$i] . "' -->\n";
reset($Conditions);  // Do search in load order
foreach ($Conditions as $cond => $condrec) { // look for matching condition
  if(preg_match("!$cond!i",$WXSIMtext[$i],$mtemp)) {
    list($dayicon,$nighticon,$condition) = explode("\t",$condrec);
    if (preg_match('!chance!i',$condition) and $WXSIMpop[$i] < $minPoP) {
      continue; // skip this one
    $WXSIMcond[$i] = get_lang($condition);
    if (preg_match('|night|i',$WXSIMday[$i])) {
      $WXSIMicon[$i] = $nighticon;
    } else {
      $WXSIMicon[$i] = $dayicon;
} // end of conditions search

// look for precipitation amounts
reset($Precip);  // Do search in load order
foreach ($Precip as $pamt => $prec) { // look for matching precipitation amounts
  if(preg_match("!$pamt!is",$WXSIMtext[$i],$mtemp)) {
    list($amount,$units) = explode("\t",$prec);
    $WXSIMprecip[$i] = $amount . ' ' . $units;
} // end of precipitation amount search

// look for Snow Accumulation
reset($Snow);  // Do search in load order
foreach ($Snow as $pamt => $prec) { // look for matching precipitation amounts
  if(preg_match("!$pamt!is",$WXSIMtext[$i],$mtemp)) {
    list($amount,$units) = explode("\t",$prec);
    $WXSIMprecip[$i] .= "<br/><span style=\"color: blue; font-size: 10pt\"><b>" . $amount . ' ' . $units . "</b></span>\n";
} // end of Snow Accumulation amount search

//  now fix up the full icon name and PoP if available
  $curicon = $WXSIMicon[$i]  . '.jpg';
  if ($WXSIMpop[$i] > 0) {
    $testicon = preg_replace("|\.jpg|","$WXSIMpop[$i].jpg",$curicon);
//    print "<pre>testicon='$testicon'</pre>\n";
    if (file_exists($iconDir . $testicon)) {
      $WXSIMicon[$i] = $testicon;
    } else {
      $WXSIMicon[$i] = $curicon;
  } else {
    $WXSIMicon[$i] = $curicon;
  if ($WXSIMtempdirect[$i] <> '') {
    $tempdirect = 'up.gif';
    if (substr($WXSIMtempdirect[$i],0,1) == 'f') { $tempdirect='down.gif'; }
    $WXSIMtemp[$i] .= "<img src=\"$iconDir$tempdirect\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" alt=\" \" />";
  if ($doTranslate) {
    // perform optional translation if $Language has entries
    reset ($Language); // process in order of the file
    $text = $WXSIMtext[$i];
    foreach ($Language as $key => $replacement) {
      $text = str_replace($key,$replacement,$text);
    // put back translated text, fixing capitalization for sentence starts (except the first one).
    $WXSIMtext[$i] = preg_replace('!\.\s+([a-z])!es',"'.  ' . strtoupper('\\1')",$text);
    $WXSIMday[$i] = get_lang($WXSIMday[$i]);
    $wdirs = get_lang('NESW');  // default directions
    $WXSIMwinddir[$i] = strtr($WXSIMwinddir[$i],'NESW',$wdirs); // do translation
    // translate speed and wind units based on lang entries in one pass
    $text = ' ' . $WXSIMwind[$i] . " \t " . $WXSIMwindunits[$i] . ' '; // make test string.
    reset ($Language); // process in order of the file
    foreach ($Language as $key => $replacement) {
      $text = str_replace($key,$replacement,$text);
    $key = explode("\t",$text);
    $WXSIMwind[$i] = trim($key[0]);
    $WXSIMwindunits[$i] = trim($key[1]);   

// make HTML for full icon with condition description
$WXSIMicons[$i] = "$WXSIMtitles[$i]<br />
<img src=\"$iconDir$WXSIMicon[$i]\" alt=\"$WXSIMcond[$i]\"  title=\"$WXSIMcond[$i]\" /><br />

} // end of main loop -------------------------

  $IncludeMode = false;
  $PrintMode = true;

  if (isset($doPrint) && ! $doPrint ) {
  //  print $Status;
  if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) &&
      strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'noprint' ) {
      print $Status;

if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'y') {
  $IncludeMode = true;
if (isset($doInclude)) {
  $IncludeMode = $doInclude;
// V1.03 -- set width of <td> for icons based on overall width/num icons
//$Status .= "<!-- widthparts\n" . print_r($widthparts,true) . " -->\n";
$nTD = count($WXSIMicon);
if ($nTD < 1) { $nTD = 1; }
$wTD = round($widthparts[1]/$nTD,0) . $widthparts[2];
$Status .= "<!-- maxWidth='$maxWidth' nTD=$nTD wTD='$wTD' -->\n";

//begin printing of advforecast style printout

if(! $IncludeMode) {


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $useCharSet; ?>" />
<title><?php echo $Version; ?></title>
<body style="background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt">
<?php } // only print above if not include mode

print $Status;

if ($printHeading or $printIcons) {
  <div class="WXSIMforecast">
  <table width="<?php echo $maxWidth; ?>" style="border: none;">
if ($printHeading) {
    <tr align="center">
      <td><b><?php echo get_lang("WXSIM Forecast for:");?> </b><span style="color: green;">
      <?php echo $WXSIMcity; ?></span><br />
        <?php echo get_lang("Issued by:"); ?> <?php echo $WXSIMstation; ?>
      <td align="center"><?php echo get_lang("Updated:");?> <?php echo $WXSIMupdated; ?>
} // end printHeading

if ($printIcons) {
      <td align="center">&nbsp;
        <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
          <tr valign ="top" align="center">
      for ($i=0;$i<count($WXSIMicons);$i++) {
        print "<td style=\"width: $wTD;\"><span style=\"font-size: 7pt;\">$WXSIMicons[$i]</span></td>\n";
          <tr valign ="top" align="center">
      for ($i=0;$i<count($WXSIMprecip);$i++) {
        print "<td style=\"width: $wTD; color: green; font-size: 10pt\">$WXSIMprecip[$i]</td>\n";
          <tr valign ="top" align="center">
      for ($i=0;$i<count($WXSIMtemp);$i++) {
        print "<td style=\"width: $wTD; font-size: 10pt\">$WXSIMtemp[$i]</td>\n";
          <tr valign ="top" align="center">
      for ($i=0;$i<count($WXSIMwinddir);$i++) {
        print "<td style=\"width: $wTD; font-size: 10pt\">" . $WXSIMwinddir[$i] . "<br/> " .
        $WXSIMwind[$i] . " " . $WXSIMwindunits[$i];
        if ($showBeaufort) {
          print "<br/><i>" . $WXSIMBeaufort[$i] ."</i>";
        print "</td>\n";
          <tr valign ="top" align="center">
      for ($i=0;$i<count($WXSIMuv);$i++) {
        print "<td style=\"width: $wTD;\">" . set_UV_string($WXSIMuv[$i]) . "</td>\n";
}  // end printIcons

if ($printHeading or $printIcons) {
} // end heading and icons

if ($printText) {
<div class="WXSIMforecast">

<table style="border: 0" width="<?php echo $maxWidth; ?>">
      for ($i=0;$i<count($WXSIMday);$i++) {
        print "<tr valign =\"top\" align=\"left\">\n";
        print "<td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>$WXSIMday[$i]</b><br />&nbsp;<br /></td>\n";
        print "<td style=\"width: 80%;\">$WXSIMtext[$i]</td>\n";
        print "</tr>\n";
<p><small><a href="http://www.wxsim.com/">WXSIM</a> forecast formatting script by <a href="http://saratoga-weather.org/scripts.php">Saratoga-Weather.org</a>.</small></p>
} // end printText

if (! $IncludeMode) {
} // print above only if not include mode

// Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------

//  replace text with language lookup text if available
function get_lang( $text ) {
  global $LanguageLookup, $doTranslate;
  if ($doTranslate && isset($LanguageLookup[$text])) {
    $newtext = $LanguageLookup[$text];
  } else {
    $newtext = $text;
//  decode UV to word+color for display

function set_UV_string ( $uv ) {
// figure out a text value and color for UV exposure text
//  0 to 2  Low
//  3 to 5     Moderate
//  6 to 7     High
//  8 to 10 Very High
//  11+     Extreme
  switch (TRUE) {
    case ($uv == 0):
      $uv = '';
    case (($uv > 0) and ($uv < 3)):
      $uv = "UV: $uv<br/>" . '<span style="border: solid 1px; background-color: #A4CE6a;">&nbsp;' . get_lang("Low") .'&nbsp;</span>';
    case (($uv >= 3) and ($uv < 6)):
      $uv = "UV: $uv<br/>" . '<span style="border: solid 1px;background-color: #FBEE09;">&nbsp;' . get_lang("Medium") .'&nbsp;</span>';
    case (($uv >=6 ) and ($uv < 8)):
      $uv = "UV: $uv<br/>" . '<span style="border: solid 1px; background-color: #FD9125;">&nbsp;' . get_lang("High") .'&nbsp;</span>';
    case (($uv >=8 ) and ($uv < 11)):
      $uv = "UV: $uv<br/>" . '<span style="border: solid 1px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #F63F37;">&nbsp;' . get_lang('Very&nbsp;High') . '&nbsp;</span>';
    case (($uv >= 11) ):
      $uv = "UV: $uv<br/>" . '<span style="border: solid 1px; color: #FFFF00; background-color: #807780;">&nbsp;' . get_lang("Extreme") .'&nbsp;</span>';
  } // end switch
  return $uv;
} // end get_UVrange

// determine Beaufort number based on wind speed and units
function getBeaufort ( $wind, $units) {

global $showBeaufort,$BeaufortMPH,$BeaufortKPH,$BeaufortKTS,$BeaufortMS;
  switch ($units) {
    case 'mph': $winds = $BeaufortMPH; break;
    case 'kph': $winds = $BeaufortKPH; break;
    case 'm/s': $winds = $BeaufortMS;  break;
    case 'mps': $winds = $BeaufortMS;  break;
    case 'kts': $winds = $BeaufortKTS; break;
  } // end switch
  $Bft = 0;
  for ($i=0;$i<12;$i++) {
      if ($wind < $winds[$i]) {
        $Bft = $i;
  if ($i == 11 and ! $Bft) { $Bft = 12; };


}// end getBeaufort

// perform Beaufort display if desired by showBeaufort setting
function displayBeaufort ($Bft) {
  global $showBeaufort, $BeaufortText;
  if ($Bft < 0 or $Bft > 12 ) { return(""); }

  if ($showBeaufort == 'T') { return( get_lang($BeaufortText[$Bft]) ); }

  if ($showBeaufort == 'V') { return("$Bft Bft"); }


}// end displayBeaufort
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27. marts 2008 - 09:40 #7
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