Avatar billede vilvide2 Nybegynder
17. december 2007 - 13:03 Der er 2 kommentarer

AVR microchip

Jeg kan ikke compile en lcd opsætning til mega8 med avr studio

jeg forstår det ikke. hjælp mig

lcd fil endenunder og complier error øverst.

avr-gcc.exe  -mmcu=atmega8 -Wall -gdwarf-2 -O0 -MD -MP -MT avrbeglcd.o -MF dep/avrbeglcd.o.d  -c  ../avrbeglcd.c
In file included from ../avrbeglcd.c:2:
C:/WinAVR/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/3.4.3/../../../../avr/include/avr/delay.h:121:3: warning: #warning "F_CPU not defined for <avr/delay.h>"
../avrbeglcd.c: In function `LCD_wait':

warning er ok, men error nedenunder????

../avrbeglcd.c:62: error: parse error before '}' token
make: *** [avrbeglcd.o] Error 1
Build failed with 1 errors and 1 warnings...

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/delay.h>
#define LCD_RS 0
#define LCD_RW 1
#define LCD_E 2

//LCD_putchar writes a character to the LCD at the current address,
//no busy flag check is done before or after
//the character is written!
//usage: LCD_putchar('A'); or LCD_putchar(0x55);
void LCD_putchar(char data)
    //PortD is output
    DDRD = 0xFF;
    //put data on bus
    PORTD = data;
    //RW low, E low
    PORTC &= ~((1<<LCD_RW)|(1<<LCD_E));
    //RS high, strobe E
    PORTC |= ((1<<LCD_RS)|(1<<LCD_E));
    //the number of nops required varies with your clock frequency, try it out!
    asm volatile ("nop");
    asm volatile ("nop");
    asm volatile ("nop");
    asm volatile ("nop");
    //RS low again, E low (belongs to strobe)
    PORTC &= ~((1<<LCD_RS)|(1<<LCD_E));
    //release bus
    DDRD = 0;

//LCD_getaddress reads the address counter and busy flag. For the address only,
//mask off bit7 of the return value.
char LCD_getaddr(void)
    //make var for the return value
    char address;
    //PortD is input
    DDRD = 0;
    //RW high, strobe enable
    PORTC |= ((1<<LCD_RW)|(1<<LCD_E));
    asm volatile ("nop");
    asm volatile ("nop");
    //while E is high, get data from LCD
    address = PIND;
    //reset RW to low, E low (for strobe)
    PORTC &= ~((1<<LCD_RW)|(1<<LCD_E));
    //return address and busy flag
    return address;

//LCD_wait reads the address counter (which contains the busy flag) and loops until
//the busy flag is cleared.

void LCD_wait(void)
    //get address and busy flag
    //and loop until busy flag cleared

    while ((LCD_getaddr() & 0x80) == 0x80)

//LCD_command works EXACTLY like LCD_putchar, but takes RS low for accessing the command reg
//see LCD_putchar for details on the code
void LCD_command(char command)
    DDRD = 0xFF;
    PORTD = command;
    PORTC &= ~((1<<LCD_RS)|(1<<LCD_RW)|(1<<LCD_E));
    PORTC |= (1<<LCD_E);
    asm volatile ("nop");
    asm volatile ("nop");
    asm volatile ("nop");
    asm volatile ("nop");
    PORTC &= ~(1<<LCD_E);
    DDRD = 0;

/*LCD_init initialises the LCD with the following paramters:
8 bit mode, 5*7 font, 2 lines (also for 4 lines)
auto-inc cursor after write and read
cursor and didsplay on, cursor blinking.
void LCD_init(void)
    //setup the LCD control signals on PortC
    DDRC |= ((1<<LCD_RS)|(1<<LCD_RW)|(1<<LCD_E));
    PORTC = 0x00;
    //if called right after power-up, we'll have to wait a bit (fine-tune for faster execution)
    //tell the LCD that it's used in 8-bit mode 3 times, each with a delay inbetween.
    //now: 8 bit interface, 5*7 font, 2 lines.
    //wait until command finished
    //display on, cursor on (blinking)
    //now clear the display, cursor home
    //cursor auto-inc

//now it's time for a simple function for showing strings on the LCD. It uses the low-level
//functions above. usage example: LCD_write("Hello World!");
void LCD_write(char* dstring)
    //is the character pointed at by dstring a zero? If not, write character to LCD
        //if the LCD is bus, let it finish the current operation
        //the write the character from dstring to the LCD, then post-inc the dstring is pointing at.
Avatar billede driis Nybegynder
17. december 2007 - 19:17 #1
Det ville være nemmere hvis du markerede linie 62 for os så vi ikke selv skal gætte (eller endnu værre, tælle manuelt) ;-).

Men der mangler i hvert fald et semikolon til at afslutte while-løkken her:

void LCD_wait(void)
    //get address and busy flag
    //and loop until busy flag cleared

    while ((LCD_getaddr() & 0x80) == 0x80)
Avatar billede vilvide2 Nybegynder
18. december 2007 - 10:15 #2
super duper

kender du til nogen andre eks??????
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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