Avatar billede kvadrat Nybegynder
28. november 2007 - 22:17 Der er 4 kommentarer

inficeret computer

hej xperter.
min kærestes labtop er blevet hårdt angrebet af en eller flere virus/trojan/spyware

det mest mærkbare er at hun blev disabled som admin og kunne ikke engang lukke computeren. ydermere er hendes Wlan forbindelse blevet afbrudt og der popper hele tiden bokse op fra en gul trekant om at hun er inficeret. men det er uden tvivl en hoax da den vil ha man skal instalere et program der hedder bestsellerprotector eller lign.

ad-aware er blevet ødelagt på en eller anden vis,  og der popper hele tiden en internet explore popup op med et BILLEDE der ligner at man er på en side som registrere viruser og infomere om dem.

AVG-7.5 er også beskadet og fungere ikke.

og da jeg kørte spybot. fant den flere mærkelige ting inkl. at der var lavet om på admin retighederne.

og nogle ting som den ikke kan fjerne.

MEN her har i en hijackthis log og spybot log..

Håber virkelig i kan hjælpe!!!

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 21:53:53, on 28-11-2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:
C:\Programmer\Asus\Asus ChkMail\ChkMail.exe
C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqimzone.exe
C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqSTE08.exe
C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\Product Assistant\bin\hprblog.exe
C:\Program Files\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://www.asus.com
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar,LinksFolderName = Hyperlinks
O3 - Toolbar: Windows Live Toolbar - {BDAD1DAD-C946-4A17-ADC1-64B5B4FF55D0} - C:\Programmer\Windows Live Toolbar\msntb.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Security Toolbar - {11A69AE4-FBED-4832-A2BF-45AF82825583} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\dcxdgjjr.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HControl] ---C:\WINDOWS\ATK0100\HControl.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvCplDaemon] ---RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nwiz] ---nwiz.exe /install
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SMSERIAL] ---sm56hlpr.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Alcmtr] ---ALCMTR.EXE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ASUS Live Update] ---C:\Programmer\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\ALU.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Power_Gear] ---C:\Programmer\ASUS\Power4 Gear\BatteryLife.exe 1
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Wireless Console 2] ---C:\Programmer\Wireless Console 2\wcourier.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPEnh] ---C:\Programmer\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RemoteControl] ---C:\Programmer\ASUSTeK\ASUSDVD\PDVDServ.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] ---C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IntelZeroConfig] ---"C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\bin\ZCfgSvc.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IntelWireless] ---"C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\Bin\ifrmewrk.exe" /tf Intel PROSet/Wireless
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [EOUApp] ---"C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EOUWiz.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [H2O] ---C:\Programmer\SyncroSoft\Pos\H2O\cledx.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] ---C:\Programmer\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\jusched.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [wosa] ---C:\DOCUME~1\Ane\LOKALE~1\Temp\woso.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HP Software Update] ---C:\Programmer\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [AVG7_CC] ---C:\PROGRA~1\Grisoft\AVG7\avgcc.exe /STARTUP
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [UserFaultCheck] %systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -u
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] ---"C:\Programmer\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\RunOnce: [SpybotSnD] "C:\Programmer\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe" /autocheck
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] ---C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [CTSyncU.exe] ---"C:\Programmer\Creative\Sync Manager Unicode\CTSyncU.exe"
O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk = C:\Programmer\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe
O4 - Global Startup: ASUS ChkMail.lnk = C:\Programmer\Asus\Asus ChkMail\ChkMail.exe
O4 - Global Startup: Bluetooth Manager.lnk = ?
O4 - Global Startup: HP Digital Imaging Monitor.lnk = C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
O4 - Global Startup: HP Image Zone Hurtig start.lnk = C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqthb08.exe
O7 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableRegedit=1
O8 - Extra context menu item: &Windows Live Search - res://C:\Programmer\Windows Live Toolbar\msntb.dll/search.htm
O8 - Extra context menu item: Download all links using BitComet - res://C:\Programmer\BitComet\BitComet.exe/AddAllLink.htm
O8 - Extra context menu item: Download all videos using BitComet - res://C:\Programmer\BitComet\BitComet.exe/AddVideo.htm
O8 - Extra context menu item: Download link using &BitComet - res://C:\Programmer\BitComet\BitComet.exe/AddLink.htm
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
O8 - Extra context menu item: Åbn på ny baggrundsfane - res://C:\Programmer\Windows Live Toolbar\Components\da-dk\msntabres.dll.mui/229?6ce4716418c94038a296d0ae195c4468
O8 - Extra context menu item: Åbn på ny forgrundsfane - res://C:\Programmer\Windows Live Toolbar\Components\da-dk\msntabres.dll.mui/230?6ce4716418c94038a296d0ae195c4468
O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http://www.asus.com
O16 - DPF: {07D09E9E-C667-45DD-B035-217BC2A61A3B} (ActiveX sikkerhedssoftware Control) - https://www.sparnord.dk/package/sdc/external/activex/ActiveXSikkerhedssoftware-prod-1.10.cab
O16 - DPF: {4F1E5B1A-2A80-42CA-8532-2D05CB959537} (MSN Photo Upload Tool) - http://by116fd.bay116.hotmail.msn.com/resources/MsnPUpld.cab
O16 - DPF: {D8575CE3-3432-4540-88A9-85A1325D3375} (e-Safekey) - https://netbank.danskebank.dk/html/activex/e-Safekey/DB/e-Safekey.cab
O18 - Protocol: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O18 - Protocol: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O20 - AppInit_DLLs: C:\WINDOWS\system32\__c00DB760.dat
O23 - Service: Ad-Aware 2007 Service (aawservice) - Unknown owner - ---"C:\Programmer\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007\aawservice.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: Adobe LM Service - Unknown owner - ---"C:\Programmer\Fælles filer\Adobe Systems Shared\Service\Adobelmsvc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: AVG7 Alert Manager Server (Avg7Alrt) - Unknown owner - ---C:\PROGRA~1\Grisoft\AVG7\avgamsvr.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: AVG7 Update Service (Avg7UpdSvc) - Unknown owner - ---C:\PROGRA~1\Grisoft\AVG7\avgupsvc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: AVG E-mail Scanner (AVGEMS) - Unknown owner - ---C:\PROGRA~1\Grisoft\AVG7\avgemc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: Creative Service for CDROM Access - Creative Technology Ltd - C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTsvcCDA.exe
O23 - Service: DomainService -  - C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdhgmlpn.exe
O23 - Service: Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log (EvtEng) - Unknown owner - ---C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Unknown owner - ---"C:\Programmer\Fælles filer\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Driver Service (NVSvc) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe
O23 - Service: Office Source Engine (ose) - Unknown owner - ---"C:\Programmer\Fælles filer\Microsoft Shared\Source Engine\OSE.EXE (file missing)
O23 - Service: Pml Driver HPZ12 - HP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe
O23 - Service: Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service (RegSrvc) - Unknown owner - ---C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\Bin\RegSrvc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Service (S24EventMonitor) - Unknown owner - ---C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: Læsetjeneste til USN-poster for delemapper i Messenger (usnjsvc) - Unknown owner - ---"C:\Programmer\MSN Messenger\usnsvc.exe (file missing)


--- Search result list ---
Smitfraud-C.CoreService: Settings (Registry key, nothing done)

Smitfraud-C.CoreService:  Data (File, nothing done)

Smitfraud-C.CoreService:  System file (File, nothing done)

Statcounter: Tracking cookie (Firefox: default) (Cookie, nothing done)

--- Spybot - Search & Destroy version: 1.4  (build: 20050523) ---

2007-06-20 unins000.exe (
2005-05-31 blindman.exe (
2005-05-31 SpybotSD.exe (
2005-05-31 TeaTimer.exe (
2005-05-31 Update.exe (
2005-05-31 aports.dll (
2005-05-31 borlndmm.dll (
2005-05-31 delphimm.dll (
2005-05-31 SDHelper.dll (
2005-05-31 UnzDll.dll (
2005-05-31 ZipDll.dll (
2007-05-23 advcheck.dll (
2007-01-02 Tools.dll (
2007-06-13 Includes\Cookies.sbi (*)
2004-11-29 Includes\LSP.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\Revision.sbi (*)
2005-02-17 Includes\Tracks.uti
2007-06-13 Includes\DialerC.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\HijackersC.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\KeyloggersC.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\MalwareC.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\PUPSC.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\SecurityC.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\SpybotsC.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\TrojansC.sbi (*)
2007-05-30 Includes\Dialer.sbi (*)
2007-06-13 Includes\Hijackers.sbi (*)
2006-10-27 Includes\Keyloggers.sbi (*)
2007-05-30 Includes\Malware.sbi (*)
2007-03-21 Includes\PUPS.sbi (*)
2007-05-30 Includes\Security.sbi (*)
2007-06-06 Includes\Spybots.sbi (*)
2007-05-16 Includes\Trojans.sbi (*)
2007-06-06 Plugins\TCPIPAddress.dll

--- System information ---
Windows XP (Build: 2600) Service Pack 2
/ MSXML4SP2: FIX: ASP stops responding when calling Response.Redirect to another server using msxml4 sp2
/ MSXML4SP2: Security update for MSXML4 SP2 (KB936181)
/ Windows Media Player 10: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player 10 (KB936782)
/ Windows Media Player 6.4: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player 6.4 (KB925398)
/ Windows Media Player 9: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player 9 (KB917734)
/ Windows Media Player 9: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player 9 (KB936782)
/ Windows XP: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923689)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB873339
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB885250
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB885835
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB885836
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB886185
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB887472
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB887742
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB888113
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB888302
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB890046)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB890859
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows XP Hotfix - KB891781
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB893756)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB894391)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Hotfix til Windows XP (KB896256)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896358)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896422)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896423)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896424)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896428)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB898461)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB899587)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB899591)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB900485)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB900725)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB901017)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB901214)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB902400)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB904706)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB905414)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB905749)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB908519)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB908531)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB910437)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB911280)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB911562)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB911567)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB911927)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB912812)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB912919)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB913446)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB913580)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB914388)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB914389)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB916281)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB916595)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917159)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917344)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917422)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917953)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB918118)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB918439)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB918899)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB919007)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920213)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920214)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920670)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920683)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920685)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB920872)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB921398)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB921503)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB921883)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB922582)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB922616)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB922760)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB922819)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923191)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923414)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923694)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923980)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924191)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924270)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924496)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924667)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB925454)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB925486)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB925902)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB926255)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB926436)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB927779)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB927802)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB927891)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB928090)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB928255)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB928843)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB929123)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB929338)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB929969)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB930178)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB930916)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB931261)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB931768)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB931784)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB931836)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB932168)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB933360)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB933566)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB933729)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Hotfix til Windows XP (KB935448)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB935839)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB935840)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB936021)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB936357)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB937143)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB938127)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Opdatering til Windows XP (KB938828)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB938829)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB939653)
/ Windows XP / SP3: Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB941202)

--- Startup entries list ---
Located: HK_LM:Run, ABLKSR
command: ---C:\WINDOWS\ABLKSR\ABLKSR.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, Alcmtr
command: ---ALCMTR.EXE

Located: HK_LM:Run, ASUS Live Update
command: ---C:\Programmer\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\ALU.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, AVG7_CC
command: ---C:\PROGRA~1\Grisoft\AVG7\avgcc.exe /STARTUP

Located: HK_LM:Run, EOUApp
command: ---"C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EOUWiz.exe"

Located: HK_LM:Run, H2O
command: ---C:\Programmer\SyncroSoft\Pos\H2O\cledx.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, HControl
command: ---C:\WINDOWS\ATK0100\HControl.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, HP Software Update
command: ---C:\Programmer\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, IntelWireless
command: ---"C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\Bin\ifrmewrk.exe" /tf Intel PROSet/Wireless

Located: HK_LM:Run, IntelZeroConfig
command: ---"C:\Programmer\Intel\Wireless\bin\ZCfgSvc.exe"

Located: HK_LM:Run, NeroFilterCheck
command: ---C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, NvCplDaemon
command: ---RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup

Located: HK_LM:Run, nwiz
command: ---nwiz.exe /install

Located: HK_LM:Run, Power_Gear
command: ---C:\Programmer\ASUS\Power4 Gear\BatteryLife.exe 1

Located: HK_LM:Run, QuickTime Task
command: ---"C:\Programmer\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime

Located: HK_LM:Run, RemoteControl
command: ---C:\Programmer\ASUSTeK\ASUSDVD\PDVDServ.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, RTHDCPL
command: ---RTHDCPL.EXE

Located: HK_LM:Run, SmcService
command: C:\PROGRA~1\Sygate\SPF\smc.exe -startgui
  file: C:\PROGRA~1\Sygate\SPF\smc.exe
  size: 2577632
    MD5: 8eca9578bfc7da42d6d24c862224c5db

Located: HK_LM:Run, SMSERIAL
command: ---sm56hlpr.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, SunJavaUpdateSched
command: ---C:\Programmer\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\jusched.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, SynTPEnh
command: ---C:\Programmer\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, UserFaultCheck
command: %systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -u
  file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dumprep.exe
  size: 10752
    MD5: e8aadd5c5d99328fcec434840652e7fa

Located: HK_LM:Run, Wireless Console 2
command: ---C:\Programmer\Wireless Console 2\wcourier.exe

Located: HK_LM:Run, wosa
command: ---C:\DOCUME~1\Ane\LOKALE~1\Temp\woso.exe

Located: HK_LM:RunOnce, SpybotSnD
command: "C:\Programmer\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe" /autocheck
  file: C:\Programmer\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe
  size: 4393096
    MD5: 09ca174a605b480318731e691dc98539

Located: HK_CU:Run, CTFMON.EXE
command: ---C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe

Located: HK_CU:Run, CTSyncU.exe
command: ---"C:\Programmer\Creative\Sync Manager Unicode\CTSyncU.exe"

Located: Startup (common), Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk
command: C:\Programmer\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe
  file: C:\Programmer\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe
  size: 29696
    MD5: deb88aef013dd1eefb462d7cad642166

Located: Startup (common), ASUS ChkMail.lnk
command: C:\Programmer\Asus\Asus ChkMail\ChkMail.exe
  file: C:\Programmer\Asus\Asus ChkMail\ChkMail.exe
  size: 32768
    MD5: 84cc718a4b71eaac9e98e0a52629d485

Located: Startup (common), Bluetooth Manager.lnk
command: C:\Programmer\Toshiba\Bluetooth Toshiba Stack\TosBtMng1.exe

Located: Startup (common), HP Digital Imaging Monitor.lnk
command: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
  file: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
  size: 282624
    MD5: 5597d0075861cb0a6e6087752d205c0d

Located: Startup (common), HP Image Zone Hurtig start.lnk
command: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqthb08.exe
  file: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqthb08.exe
  size: 73728
    MD5: 806ee198284d569253eb6a1d1180b37d

Located: System.ini, crypt32chain
command: crypt32.dll
  file: crypt32.dll

Located: System.ini, cryptnet
command: cryptnet.dll
  file: cryptnet.dll

Located: System.ini, cscdll
command: cscdll.dll
  file: cscdll.dll

Located: System.ini, dcxdgjjr
command: dcxdgjjr.dll
  file: dcxdgjjr.dll

Located: System.ini, ScCertProp
command: wlnotify.dll
  file: wlnotify.dll

Located: System.ini, Schedule
command: wlnotify.dll
  file: wlnotify.dll

Located: System.ini, sclgntfy
command: sclgntfy.dll
  file: sclgntfy.dll

Located: System.ini, SensLogn
command: WlNotify.dll
  file: WlNotify.dll

Located: System.ini, ssqrpom
command: ssqrpom.dll
  file: ssqrpom.dll

Located: System.ini, termsrv
command: wlnotify.dll
  file: wlnotify.dll

Located: System.ini, WgaLogon
command: WgaLogon.dll
  file: WgaLogon.dll

Located: System.ini, wlballoon
command: wlnotify.dll
  file: wlnotify.dll

--- Browser helper object list ---
{218B8D27-3A21-4A2D-B638-EA805E2FC03E} ()
          BHO name:
        CLSID name:
              Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\
        Long name:          geebb.dll
        Short name:                 
    Date (created): 10-11-2007 11:11:00
Date (last access):        28-11-2007
Date (last write): 10-11-2007 11:11:04
          Filesize:            316512
        Attributes:          archive
              MD5: C5943E833610DF72AA6D8ECD94036C8D
            CRC32:          D91833FB

{39F7E362-828A-4B5A-BCAF-5B79BFDFEA60} (BitComet ClickCapture)
          BHO name: BitComet ClickCapture
        CLSID name: BitComet Helper
              Path: C:\Programmer\BitComet\tools\
        Long name: BitCometBHO_1.1.5.19.dll
        Short name:      BITCOM~2.DLL
    Date (created): 18-05-2007 20:17:48
Date (last access):        28-11-2007
Date (last write): 18-05-2007 20:17:48
          Filesize:            452160
        Attributes:          archive
              MD5: 83755CC7773E8E6EAFA11B6A89C04539
            CRC32:          B3E51040

{7E853D72-626A-48EC-A868-BA8D5E23E045} ()
          BHO name:
        CLSID name:

{9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} (Windows Live Sign-in Helper)
          BHO name:
        CLSID name: Windows Live Sign-in Helper
              Path: C:\Programmer\Fælles filer\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\
        Long name: WindowsLiveLogin.dll
        Short name:      WINDOW~1.DLL
    Date (created): 17-04-2006 13:32:58
Date (last access):        28-11-2007
Date (last write): 17-04-2006 13:32:58
          Filesize:            323904
        Attributes:          archive
              MD5: 4D834364B09155778A3330A67EBD4621
            CRC32:          D2CB2586

{A95B2816-1D7E-4561-A202-68C0DE02353A} ()
          BHO name:
        CLSID name:
              Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\
        Long name:      dcxdgjjr.dll
        Short name:                 
    Date (created): 28-11-2007 21:24:04
Date (last access):        28-11-2007
Date (last write): 28-11-2007 21:24:04
          Filesize:            145984
        Attributes:          archive
              MD5: 8C7B2BE40EDCF1CE4B42F5FAA2C439BA
            CRC32:          05BE8F07

{BDBD1DAD-C946-4A17-ADC1-64B5B4FF55D0} (Windows Live Toolbar Helper)
          BHO name:
        CLSID name: Windows Live Toolbar Helper
              Path: C:\Programmer\Windows Live Toolbar\
        Long name:          msntb.dll
        Short name:                 
    Date (created): 27-09-2006 17:45:28
Date (last access):        28-11-2007
Date (last write): 27-09-2006 17:45:28
          Filesize:            544032
        Attributes:          archive
              MD5: 3D97244F1254E41036458BCACB8FDA4F
            CRC32:          E6449E14

{E271F4E9-D46E-4C7A-8608-AFDD4A87E582} ()
          BHO name:
        CLSID name:
              Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\
        Long name:        ssqrpom.dll

--- ActiveX list ---
{07D09E9E-C667-45DD-B035-217BC2A61A3B} (ActiveX sikkerhedssoftware Control)
          DPF name:
        CLSID name: ActiveX sikkerhedssoftware Control
        Installer: C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\comp.inf
          Codebase: https://www.sparnord.dk/package/sdc/external/activex/ActiveXSikkerhedssoftware-prod-1.10.cab
              Path: C:\WINDOWS\DOWNLO~1\
        Long name: ActiveXSikkerhedssoftware.ocx
        Short name:      ACTIVE~1.OCX
    Date (created): 08-05-2007 07:47:12
Date (last access):        11-11-2007
Date (last write): 08-05-2007 07:47:12
          Filesize:            813056
        Attributes:          archive
              MD5: B4445F2316F1AC573BB1873AE84EA2C6
            CRC32:          F643C25B

{D8575CE3-3432-4540-88A9-85A1325D3375} (e-Safekey)
          DPF name:
        CLSID name: e-Safekey
        Installer: C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\e-Safekey.inf
          Codebase: https://netbank.danskebank.dk/html/activex/e-Safekey/DB/e-Safekey.cab
    classification: Open for discussion
    known filename: e-Safekey.dll
        info link:
      info source: Safer Networking Ltd.
              Path: C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\
        Long name:      e-Safekey.dll
        Short name:      E-SAFE~1.DLL
    Date (created): 06-03-2007 12:11:44
Date (last access):        28-11-2007
Date (last write): 06-03-2007 12:11:44
          Filesize:            738864
        Attributes:          archive
              MD5: 36E40B8B6512DE1B3A297B1DC5D936C0
            CRC32:          5396D40C

--- Process list ---
PID:    0 (  0) [System]
PID:  772 (  4) \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
PID:  952 ( 772) \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe
PID:  992 ( 772) \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
PID: 1036 ( 992) C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
size: 108032
  MD5: 55BBE54A196B1A9F99EC2E01F4AC1215
PID: 1048 ( 992) C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe
size: 13312
  MD5: 9086126FB5FD15CEB387121506400244
PID: 1236 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
size: 14336
  MD5: 46FE2ED518FDFBFD289F014A3078575C
PID: 1304 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
size: 14336
  MD5: 46FE2ED518FDFBFD289F014A3078575C
PID: 1448 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
size: 14336
  MD5: 46FE2ED518FDFBFD289F014A3078575C
PID: 1632 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
size: 14336
  MD5: 46FE2ED518FDFBFD289F014A3078575C
PID: 1732 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
size: 14336
  MD5: 46FE2ED518FDFBFD289F014A3078575C
PID: 2040 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe
size: 57856
PID:  448 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTsvcCDA.exe
size: 44032
  MD5: 3C8B6609712F4FF78E521F6DCFC4032B
PID:  500 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe
size: 143426
  MD5: 5D7E7AED485D47A767B7C034D040B493
PID:  660 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
size: 14336
  MD5: 46FE2ED518FDFBFD289F014A3078575C
PID:  120 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdfmgr.exe
size: 38912
  MD5: AB0A7CA90D9E3D6A193905DC1715DED0
PID: 1628 (1344) C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
size: 1034240
  MD5: 91E15A22E62A11014DB521FB589B6093
PID:  752 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\System32\alg.exe
size: 44544
  MD5: 4B4A23C50148601CA60D969D4AC0C116
PID:  736 (1628) C:\Programmer\Asus\Asus ChkMail\ChkMail.exe
size: 32768
  MD5: 84CC718A4B71EAAC9E98E0A52629D485
PID: 1864 (1628) C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
size: 282624
  MD5: 5597D0075861CB0A6E6087752D205C0D
PID: 2060 (1872) C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqimzone.exe
size: 479232
  MD5: 1499435CDBDF07ACC38BDB49470BCA88
PID: 2324 (1864) C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqSTE08.exe
size: 204800
  MD5: 2DB4D4386AC0F8CC367E1AA8AB1004EF
PID: 2592 (1236) C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\Product Assistant\bin\hprblog.exe
size: 77824
  MD5: 227DFED8580F7AC64D7AE18BC3A8A23A
PID: 2796 (1628) C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe
size: 33280
  MD5: 5763E6224286473B771B234476C6538C
PID: 3384 (1036) C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdhgmlpn.exe
size: 71232
  MD5: BBA1BC202CE68860243C7CE41B01D34B
PID:  328 (1628) C:\Program Files\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe
size: 218112
  MD5: EE86268E59E4B38961E7C40D16BE5BB4
PID:  352 ( 328) C:\WINDOWS\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE
size: 69632
  MD5: E58E352A077B7E0256C631BF6129B25B
PID: 3580 (1628) C:\Programmer\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
size: 7644520
  MD5: E169EEF3C383D7A86F11B60220822A34
PID:  484 (1628) C:\Programmer\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe
size: 4393096
  MD5: 09CA174A605B480318731E691DC98539
PID: 1884 (1628) C:\Programmer\Grisoft\AVG7\avgcc.exe
size: 421888
  MD5: 8505728355747BE7DDA159C96A5323A1
PID: 2400 (1236) C:\Programmer\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
size: 93184
  MD5: B9275D2D89720ECE7A7FFC07F62C5234
PID:    4 (  0) System

--- Browser start & search pages list ---
Spybot - Search & Destroy browser pages report, 28-11-2007 22:15:46

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Local Page
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Local Page
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Search Page
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Default_Page_URL
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Default_Search_URL
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search\SearchAssistant
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search\CustomizeSearch

--- Winsock Layered Service Provider list ---

--- Uninstall list ---
Windows Driver Package - TC Electronic A/S. (TCNear) MEDIA  (04/26/2007 04/26/2007 (2F21ED4AA5FF4AA6648698E610E23A5F0F0D69E7)
  uninstall cmd: rundll32.exe C:\PROGRA~1\DIFX\15B7F172FC21855D\DIFxAppA.dll, DIFxARPUninstallDriverPackage C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\TCNear_67D39CC2DE119DF0573F56B18BD3C0EADD301ECA\TCNear.inf
      publisher: TC Electronic A/S.


Adobe Audition 2.0 2.0 (Adobe Audition 2.0)
        version: 2
version (major): 2
install location: C:\Programmer\Adobe\Adobe Audition 2.0\
  uninstall cmd: msiexec /I {01CEC7E5-70FD-4D06-8FAD-BF21DF0CC6DC}
      publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
        contact: Customer Support
      help link: http://www.adobe.com/support
          readme: C:\Programmer\Adobe\Adobe Audition 2.0\Adobe Audition ReadMe.html

Ambisone VST v1.07  (Ambisone VST v1.07)

Anarchy Swarm Synth VSTi v1.0  (Anarchy Swarm Synth VSTi v1.0)

Appsoft Astrobelt and Astrolead VSTi v1.0  (Appsoft Astrobelt and Astrolead VSTi v1.0)

Asus ChkMail  (Asus ChkMail)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\IsUninst.exe -f"C:\Programmer\Asus\Asus ChkMail\Uninst.isu"

Asus_A_Series_ScreenSaver  (Asus_A_Series_ScreenSaver)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\ASUS A Series ScreenSaver Uninstaller.exe

AudibleManager 2089884432.1000.2089884374.2090320032 (AudibleManager)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\Audible\Bin\Upgrade.exe /Uninstall
      publisher: Audible, Inc.

AVG 7.5  (AVG7Uninstall)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\Grisoft\AVG7\setup.exe /UNINSTALL

BitComet 0.89 0.89 (BitComet)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\BitComet\uninst.exe
      publisher: ~RnySmile~

  uninstall cmd: RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\FÆLLES~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\09\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Programmer\InstallShield Installation Information\{700932B3-A964-4878-82A2-96054622A1F7}\setup.exe" -l0x9  /remove

CDex extraction audio  (CDex)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\Programmer\CDex_170b2\uninstall.exe"

Ethereal 2.3  (ConcreteFX_Ethereal_2.3)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\iun6002.exe "C:\Programmer\VstPlugins\Ethereal23\irunin.ini"

Industry 2.0  (ConcreteFX_Industry_2.0)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\iun6002.exe "C:\Programmer\VstPlugins\Industry2\irunin.ini"

  (Connection Manager)

  (Creative Audio CD Ripper)
  uninstall cmd: RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\FÆLLES~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\09\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Programmer\InstallShield Installation Information\{9A0B5225-B59B-4D72-B3FE-71AAA693A8E2}\setup.exe" -l0x9  /remove

  (Creative MediaSource 5)

  (Creative MediaSource CD-ROM Burner Plugin Unicode)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\Programmer\Creative Installation Information\E-CENTER_PLUGIN_CDBURNER_U\Setup.exe" /remove /l0x0009

  (Creative MediaSource Net Content Plugin Unicode)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\Programmer\Creative Installation Information\E-CENTER_NET_CONTENT_U\Setup.exe" /remove /l0x0009

  (Creative MediaSource NOMAD Jukebox 2/3/ZEN Plugin Unicode)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\Programmer\Creative Installation Information\E-CENTER_PLUGIN_NOMADJUKEBOXTYPE2_U\Setup.exe" /remove /l0x0009

  (Creative MediaSource Player Skin Pack Unicode)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\Programmer\Creative Installation Information\MEDIASOURCE_PLAYER_SKINPACK_U\Setup.exe" /remove /l0x0009

  (Creative MediaSource Plugin for PlaysForSure Unicode)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\Programmer\Creative Installation Information\E-CENTER_PLUGIN_MTP_U\Setup.exe" /remove /l0x0009

  (Creative MediaSource Unicode)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\Programmer\Creative Installation Information\CREATIVE_MEDIASOURCE_U\Setup.exe" /remove /l0x0009

Creative Removable Disk Manager  (Creative Removable Disk Manager)
  uninstall cmd: RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\FÆLLES~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\09\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Programmer\InstallShield Installation Information\{57FA4E0F-82C9-417D-87BC-0186D6CB7A44}\setup.exe" -l0x9  /remove

  (Creative Sync Manager (Unicode))
  uninstall cmd: RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\FÆLLES~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\09\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Programmer\InstallShield Installation Information\{A9BB081B-C020-4D02-A763-D32204D2563D}\setup.exe" -l0x9  /remove

  (Creative Video Converter)
  uninstall cmd: RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\FÆLLES~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\09\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Programmer\InstallShield Installation Information\{98181885-5B28-4280-9B56-452FF877D5B9}\setup.exe" -l0x9  /remove

  (Creative ZEN Vision M Series)

Dash Synthesis ComboSister.v1.08  (Dash Synthesis ComboSister.v1.08)



DreamStation DXi  (DreamStation DXi)

DSound Stomp'n FX Vol.2 v1.0  (DSound Stomp'n FX Vol.2 v1.0)



GMedia Music impOSCar VSTi v1.0.0.1  (GMedia Music impOSCar VSTi v1.0.0.1)

GTK+ Runtime version 2.10.13 revision a (fjern)  (GTK 2.0)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\Fælles filer\GTK\2.0\uninst.exe

ATK0100 ACPI UTILITY  (HControl)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\ATK0100\XPunin.exe

HijackThis 1.99.1 1.99.1 (HijackThis)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Program Files\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe /uninstall
      publisher: Soeperman Enterprises Ltd.

HP Document Viewer 5.3 5.3 (HP Document Viewer)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\DocumentViewer\hpzscr01.exe -datfile hpqbud04.dat
      publisher: HP
      help link: http://www.hp.com/support

HP Imaging Device Functions 5.3 5.3 (HP Imaging Device Functions)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\DigitalImagingMonitor\hpzscr01.exe -datfile hpqbud01.dat
      publisher: HP
      help link: http://www.hp.com/support

HP Image Zone 5.3 5.3 (HP Photo & Imaging)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\uninstall\hpzscr01.exe -datfile hpqscr01.dat
      publisher: HP
      help link: http://www.hp.com/support

HP Solution Center & Imaging Support Tools 5.3 5.3 (HP Solution Center & Imaging Support Tools)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\eSupport\hpzscr01.exe -datfile hpqbud05.dat
      publisher: HP
      help link: http://www.hp.com/support

HP Extended Capabilities 5.3 5.3 (HPExtendedCapabilities)
  uninstall cmd: C:\Programmer\HP\Digital Imaging\ExtCapUninstall\hpzscr01.exe -datfile hpqhsc01.dat
      publisher: HP
      help link: http://www.hp.com/support






Windows XP Hotfix - KB873339  20041117.092459 (KB873339)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB873339$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=873339


Windows XP Hotfix - KB885250  20050118.202711 (KB885250)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB885250$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=885250

Windows XP Hotfix - KB885835  20041027.181713 (KB885835)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB885835$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=885835

Windows XP Hotfix - KB885836  20041028.173203 (KB885836)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB885836$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=885836

Windows XP Hotfix - KB886185  20041021.090540 (KB886185)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB886185$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=886185

Windows XP Hotfix - KB887472  20041014.162858 (KB887472)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=887472

Windows XP Hotfix - KB887742  20041103.095002 (KB887742)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=887742

High Definition Audio - KB888111 20040219.000000 (KB888111WXPSP2)
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=KB888111

Windows XP Hotfix - KB888113  20041116.131036 (KB888113)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB888113$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=888113

Windows XP Hotfix - KB888302  20041207.111426 (KB888302)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB888302$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=888302

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB890046) 1 (KB890046)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB890046$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=890046

Windows XP Hotfix - KB890859  1 (KB890859)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB890859$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=890859

Windows XP Hotfix - KB891781  20050110.165439 (KB891781)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB891781$\spuninst\spuninst.exe
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=891781

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB893756) 1 (KB893756)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB893756$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=893756


Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) 3.1 (KB893803v2)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$MSI31Uninstall_KB893803v2$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=42467

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB894391) 1 (KB894391)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB894391$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=894391

Windows Media Player 10-hotfix KB895316  (KB895316)
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB895316$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=895316

Hotfix til Windows XP (KB896256) 3 (KB896256)
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=896256

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896358) 1 (KB896358)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB896358$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=896358

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896422) 1 (KB896422)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB896422$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=896422

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896423) 1 (KB896423)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB896423$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=896423

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896424) 1 (KB896424)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB896424$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=896424

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB896428) 1 (KB896428)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB896428$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=896428

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB898461) 1 (KB898461)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB898461$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=898461

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB899587) 1 (KB899587)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB899587$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=899587

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB899591) 1 (KB899591)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB899591$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=899591

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB900485) 2 (KB900485)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB900485$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=900485

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB900725) 1 (KB900725)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB900725$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=900725

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB901017) 1 (KB901017)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB901017$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=901017

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB901214) 1 (KB901214)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB901214$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=901214

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB902400) 1 (KB902400)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB902400$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=902400

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB904706) 2 (KB904706)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB904706$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=904706

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB905414) 1 (KB905414)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB905414$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=905414

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB905749) 1 (KB905749)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB905749$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=905749

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB908519) 1 (KB908519)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB908519$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=908519

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB908531) 2 (KB908531)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB908531$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=908531

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB910437) 1 (KB910437)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB910437$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=910437

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB911280) 2 (KB911280)
    install date: 20060708
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB911280$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=911280

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB911562) 1 (KB911562)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB911562$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=911562

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player (KB911564)  (KB911564)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB911564$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=911564

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player 9 (KB911565)  (KB911565)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB911565$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=911565

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB911567) 1 (KB911567)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB911567$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=911567

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB911927) 1 (KB911927)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB911927$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=911927

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB912812) 1 (KB912812)
    install date: 20060606
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB912812$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=912812

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB912919) 1 (KB912919)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB912919$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=912919

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB913446) 1 (KB913446)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB913446$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=913446

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB913580) 1 (KB913580)
    install date: 20060605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB913580$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=913580

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB914388) 1 (KB914388)
    install date: 20060802
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB914388$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=914388

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB914389) 1 (KB914389)
    install date: 20060627
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB914389$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=914389

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB916281) 1 (KB916281)
    install date: 20060627
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB916281$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=916281

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB916595) 1 (KB916595)
    install date: 20060802
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB916595$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=916595

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917159) 1 (KB917159)
    install date: 20060802
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB917159$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=917159

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917344) 1 (KB917344)
    install date: 20060627
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB917344$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=917344

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917422) 1 (KB917422)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB917422$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=917422

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player 9 (KB917734)  (KB917734_WMP9)
    install date: 20060627
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB917734_WMP9$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=917734

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB917953) 1 (KB917953)
    install date: 20060627
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB917953$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=917953

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB918118) 1 (KB918118)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB918118$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=918118

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB918439) 1 (KB918439)
    install date: 20060627
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB918439$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=918439

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB918899) 1 (KB918899)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB918899$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=918899

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB919007) 1 (KB919007)
    install date: 20060915
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB919007$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=919007

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920213) 1 (KB920213)
    install date: 20061121
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB920213$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=920213

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920214) 1 (KB920214)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB920214$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=920214

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920670) 1 (KB920670)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB920670$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=920670

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920683) 1 (KB920683)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB920683$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=920683

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB920685) 1 (KB920685)
    install date: 20060915
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB920685$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=920685

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB920872) 1 (KB920872)
    install date: 20060915
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB920872$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=920872

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB921398) 1 (KB921398)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB921398$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=921398

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB921503) 1 (KB921503)
    install date: 20070815
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB921503$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=921503

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB921883) 1 (KB921883)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB921883$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=921883

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB922582) 1 (KB922582)
    install date: 20060915
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB922582$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=922582

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB922616) 1 (KB922616)
    install date: 20060809
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB922616$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=922616

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB922760) 1 (KB922760)
    install date: 20061121
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB922760$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=922760

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB922819) 1 (KB922819)
    install date: 20061012
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB922819$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=922819

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923191) 1 (KB923191)
    install date: 20061012
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB923191$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=923191

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923414) 1 (KB923414)
    install date: 20061012
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB923414$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=923414

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923689)  (KB923689)
    install date: 20061223
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB923689$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=923689

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923694) 1 (KB923694)
    install date: 20061223
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB923694$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=923694

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923789)  (KB923789)
  uninstall cmd: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MacroMed\Flash\genuinst.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\MacroMed\Flash\KB923789.inf
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=923789

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB923980) 1 (KB923980)
    install date: 20061121
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB923980$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=923980

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924191) 1 (KB924191)
    install date: 20061012
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB924191$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=924191

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924270) 1 (KB924270)
    install date: 20061121
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB924270$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=924270

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924496) 1 (KB924496)
    install date: 20061012
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB924496$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=924496

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB924667) 1 (KB924667)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB924667$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=924667

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows Media Player 6.4 (KB925398)  (KB925398_WMP64)
    install date: 20061223
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB925398_WMP64$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=925398

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB925454) 1 (KB925454)
    install date: 20061223
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB925454$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=925454

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB925486) 1 (KB925486)
    install date: 20060927
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB925486$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=925486

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB925902) 1 (KB925902)
    install date: 20070405
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB925902$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=925902

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB926255) 1 (KB926255)
    install date: 20061223
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB926255$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=926255

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB926436) 1 (KB926436)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB926436$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=926436

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB927779) 1 (KB927779)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB927779$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=927779

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB927802) 1 (KB927802)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB927802$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=927802

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB927891) 3 (KB927891)
    install date: 20070605
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB927891$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=927891

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB928090) 1 (KB928090)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB928090$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=928090

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB928255) 1 (KB928255)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB928255$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=928255

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB928843) 1 (KB928843)
    install date: 20070219
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB928843$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=928843

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB929123) 1 (KB929123)
    install date: 20070614
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB929123$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=929123

Opdatering til Windows XP (KB929338) 1 (KB929338)
    install date: 20070319
  uninstall cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB929338$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
      publisher: Microsoft Corporation
      help link: http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=929338

Sikkerhedsopdatering til Windows XP (KB929969) 1 (KB929969)
    install date: 20070112
28. november 2007 - 22:53 #1
Joooo - der er en del mere end mistænkelige Uønskede elementer !!!

Sådan kan det let gå når man 'leger' med BitComet !!!

* BitComet
Genstart normalt...

Gennemfør proceduren herfra ->
03. december 2007 - 17:29 #2
Avatar billede kvadrat Nybegynder
03. december 2007 - 22:43 #3
tak for dit svar.
da det jo  er min kærestes computer og vi ikke bor sammen ved jeg ikke lige hvornår jeg  har den i hænderne igen. men forhåbenlig snart..
jeg skal nok skrive så snart der er udført de nævnte handlinger .

håber stadig du er mand/kvinde for at hjælpe :)
04. december 2007 - 07:43 #4
Bla. "Security Toolbar" ???

Men jeg ska' nok være der for dig...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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