Avatar billede mmbn Nybegynder
21. november 2007 - 20:28 Der er 2 kommentarer

XMLSerializer problem

Mit spørgsmål lyder således:

jeg vil gerne serialisere følgende output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<customStates xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/09/2005/communicator/customStates" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.microsoft.com/09/2005/communicator/customStates/livecommteam/sites/main/ice/Wave%2012%20Docs/CustomActivities.xsd">
      <customState ID="1" availability="online">
              <activity LCID="1033">Working from Home</activity>
              <activity LCID="1036">Equivalent French String for - Working from Home</activity>
              <activity LCID="1030">Dansk streng</activity>
      <customState ID="2" availability="busy">
              <activity LCID="1033">In a Live Meeting</activity>
              <activity LCID="1036">Equivalent French String for - In a Live Meeting </activity>
              <activity LCID="1030">Dansk streng</activity>
      <customState ID="3" availability="busy">
              <activity LCID="1033">Working</activity>
              <activity LCID="1030">Working</activity>
              <activity LCID="1036">Equivalent French String for - Working</activity>
      <customState ID="4" availability="do-not-disturb">
              <activity LCID="1033">Relaxing with my family</activity>
              <activity LCID="1036">Relaxing with my family</activity>
              <activity LCID="1030">Relaxing with my family</activity>

Jeg har lavet nedstående klasse, men ved ikke hvorledes jeg kan sætte xsi:schemalocation eller hvorledes jeg skal kunne oprette flere "activity" per element i viste xml.

Håber at i kan hjælpe :)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;

namespace UC.DemoSetup
    /// <summary>
    /// Contains information regarding CustomPresence
    /// </summary>
    [XmlRootAttribute("CustomStates", Namespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/09/2005/communicator/customStates", IsNullable = false)]
    public class CustomStates 
        private CustomState customState;
        public CustomState CustomState
            get { return this.customState; }
            set { this.customState = value; }
        public CustomStates() { }

        public CustomStates(CustomState customState)
            this.customState = customState;
    public class CustomState
        private int customStateId;
        private string Avalability;
        private Activity activity;

        public int CustomStateID
            get{return this.customStateId;}
            set{this.customStateId = value;}
        public string Availability
            get{return this.Avalability;}
            set{this.Avalability = value;}

        public Activity Activity
            get { return this.activity; }
            set { this.activity = value; }

        public CustomState() { }

        public CustomState(int customStateId, string availability, Activity activity)
            this.customStateId = customStateId;
            this.Avalability = availability;
            this.activity = activity;

    public class Activity
        private int lcid;
        private string presenceName;

        public int LCID
            get { return this.lcid; }
            set { this.lcid = value; }

        public string PresenceName
            get { return this.presenceName; }
            set { this.presenceName = value; }

        public Activity(){}

        public Activity(int lcid, string presenceText)
            this.lcid = lcid;
            this.presenceName = presenceText;
Avatar billede mmbn Nybegynder
21. november 2007 - 20:29 #1
Der kan godt være forskellig antal "activity" per customstate, eks to i en og derefter 3 ien.
Avatar billede mmbn Nybegynder
24. november 2007 - 12:49 #2
Skriv metoden:

static public void WritePresenceXml(string fileName)
XmlSerializer serial = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CustomStates));
XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
ns.Add("xmlns", CreateNamespace());
TextWriter w = new StreamWriter(fileName);
CustomStates c = new CustomStates();
CustomState item = new CustomState();
item.CustomStateID = 1;
item.Availability = PresenceStates.Available.ToString();
c.CustomState = item;
Activity a = new Activity();
a.LCID = 1033;
a.PresenceName = "Test";
c.CustomState.Activity = a;
serial.Serialize(w, c, ns);

og create namespace metoden:

static private string CreateNamespace()
string s = @" xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xsichemaLocation=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/09/2005/communicator/customStates/livecommteam/sites/main/ice/Wave%2012%20Docs/CustomActivities.xsd";
return s;

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