Avatar billede nkoenig Nybegynder
20. november 2007 - 03:30 Der er 5 kommentarer

class.dropshadow.php hvorfor får jeg helt sorte skygger?

Jeg prøver at bruge denne php-klasse
"class.dropshadow.php", der skal danne thumbnails og give dem baggrundsskygge. Jeg kan godt få den til at danne thumbnails men baggrundskyggen bliver helt sort. Er der nogle der kan hjælpe?
Avatar billede dstjulle Nybegynder
20. november 2007 - 07:40 #1
prøv og vise kode så kan det ske der er mere hjælpe at hente
Avatar billede nkoenig Nybegynder
28. november 2007 - 15:03 #2
Jeg ved ikke helt hvilken del af php pakken der giver anledning til problemet.
Måske er det samspillet mellem ModX CMS, måske er det mine server settings, eller måske er det en fejl i følgende kode:


// class.dropshadow.php
// version 2.0.0, 21st May, 2003
// License
// PHP class to create thumbnails of images and/or to add a drop shadow effect.
// Copyright (C) 2002 Andrew Collington, php@amnuts.com, http://php.amnuts.com/
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
// Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Description
// This class allows for easy creation of images with a drop shadow effect.
// Images can be read from a file or passed as a string (as you might take
// the images from a database), and they can also be resized for easy
// creation of thumbnails.  You can also change the background colour of
// the image and generate the correct colour through the shadow.
// Requirements
// PHP 4.1.0+, GD 2.0.1+
// Shadow images
// I found that the best way to create a drop shadow was to first create
// the shadow in an art program, and then split it up into 8 seperate
// pieces; top left corner, top line, top right corner, left side, right
// side, bottom left corner, bottom line, and bottom right corner.
// If you don't like the spacing of the drop shadow, then you could easily
// create your own drop shadows and over-write the files supplied.  The
// different sizes of the drop-shadow images should be automatically taken
// into consideration.  If you create your own shadows then you must save
// them as PNG-24 (24-bit), as that level of alpha channels is required.
// If no drop-shadow images can be located (or it cannot load up all of the
// images) then it will still save the image (resized if you told it to be),
// just without the drop-shadow effect.
// Andrew Collington, 2003
// php@amnuts.com, http://php.amnuts.com/

class dropShadow
    var $_imgOrig;      // the original image
    var $_imgFinal;      // the final image, resized
    var $_imgShadow;    // the final image with a drop shadow, if applied
    var $_shadows;      // the dropshadow image array
    var $_shadowPath;    // the path to the dropshadow images
    var $_showDebug;    // debugging on/off (TRUE/FALSE)
    // Constructor

    function dropShadow($debug = FALSE)
        $this->_showDebug = ($debug ? TRUE : FALSE);
        $this->_imgOrig = $this->_imgFinal = $this->_imgFinal = NULL;
        $this->_shadows = array();

    // User called functions

    // loads the original image.  If no extension is passed to $forceext then it will attempt
    // to load the correct type based on the $filename.
    function loadImage($filename, $forceext = '')
        if (!@file_exists($filename))
            $this->_debug('loadImage', "The supplied file name '$filename' does not point to an existing file.");
            return FALSE;
        $ext = ($forceext == '' ? $this->_getExtension($filename) : $forceext);
        if ($ext == 'jpg') $ext = 'jpeg';

        $func = "imagecreatefrom$ext";
        if (!@function_exists($func))
            $this->_debug('loadImage', "That file cannot be loaded with the function '$func'.");
            return FALSE;
        $this->_imgOrig = @$func($filename);
        if ($this->_imgOrig == NULL)
            $this->_debug('loadImage', 'The image could not be loaded.');
            return FALSE;
        return TRUE;
    // load an image from a string, for example, from a database row
    function loadImageFromString($string)
        $this->_imgOrig = @ImageCreateFromString($string);
        if ($this->_imgOrig == NULL)
            $this->_debug('loadImageFromString', 'The image could not be loaded.');
            return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

    // saves the final image resource to the file system.  If no extension is given for $forceext
    // then it will attempt to save based on the file name.
    // $quality is a value from 1 to 100, inclusive, and only used when outputting as a jpg
    function saveFinal($filename, $forcetype = '', $quality = 80)
        return ($this->_saveImage($filename, $this->_imgFinal, $forcetype, $quality));

    // saves the final image resource to the file system.  If no extension is given for $forceext
    // then it will attempt to save based on the file name.
    // $quality is a value from 1 to 100, inclusive, and only used when outputting as a jpg
    function saveShadow($filename, $forcetype = '', $quality = 80)
        return ($this->_saveImage($filename, $this->_imgShadow, $forcetype, $quality));

    // show the final image as either a png or jpg
    // $quality is a value from 1 to 100, inclusive, and only used when outputting as a jpg
    function showFinal($type = 'png', $quality = 80)
        return ($this->_showImage($this->_imgFinal, $type, $quality));
    // show the final shadowed image as either a png or jpg
    // $quality is a value from 1 to 100, inclusive, and only used when outputting as a jpg
    function showShadow($type = 'png', $quality = 100)
        return ($this->_showImage($this->_imgShadow, $type, $quality));

    // allows you to set where the drop-shadow images will be located
    function setShadowPath($path = '.')
        $this->_shadowPath = realpath($path);
        if ($this->_shadowPath[strlen($this->_shadowPath)-1] != '/') $this->_shadowPath .= '/';

    // resize the original image by a certain pixel size
    // if 0 is supplied for $x or $y then the resize will be proportional
    function resizeBySize($x, $y)
        $nx = @ImageSX($this->_imgOrig) - $x;
        $ny = @ImageSY($this->_imgOrig) - $y;
        if ($x == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize(0, $ny);
        if ($y == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize($nx, 0);
        $this->_debug('resizeBySize', "Image size is $nx / $ny");
        return ($this->_resizeImage($nx, $ny, 'resizeBySize'));

    // resize the original image to a certain pixel size
    // if 0 is supplied for $x or $y then the resize will be proportional
    function resizeToSize($x, $y)
        $nx = $x;
        $ny = $y;
        if ($x == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize(0, $y);
        if ($y == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize($x, 0);
        $this->_debug('resizeToSize', "Image size is $nx / $ny");
        return ($this->_resizeImage($nx, $ny, 'resizeToSize'));

    // resize the original image by a certain percent of the original
    // if 0 is supplied for $percentx or $percenty then the resize will be proportional
    function resizeByPercent($percentx, $percenty)
        $nx = @ImageSX($this->_imgOrig) - (($percentx / 100) * @ImageSX($this->_imgOrig));
        $ny = @ImageSY($this->_imgOrig) - (($percenty / 100) * @ImageSY($this->_imgOrig));
        if ($percentx == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize(0, $ny);
        if ($percenty == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize($nx, 0);
        $this->_debug('resizeByPercent', "Image size is $nx / $ny");
        return ($this->_resizeImage($nx, $ny, 'resizeByPercent'));

    // resize the original image to a certain percent of the original
    // if 0 is supplied for $percentx or $percenty then the resize will be proportional
    function resizeToPercent($percentx, $percenty)
        $nx = ($percentx / 100) * @ImageSX($this->_imgOrig);
        $ny = ($percenty / 100) * @ImageSY($this->_imgOrig);
        if ($percentx == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize(0, $ny);
        if ($percenty == 0) list($nx, $ny) = $this->_getProportionalSize($nx, 0);
        $this->_debug('resizeToPercent', "Image size is $nx / $ny");
        return ($this->_resizeImage($nx, $ny, 'resizeToPercent'));

    // apply the drop shadow to the final image resource
    // this will overwrite the final image resource with the drop-shadowed version
    // the background colour can be changed by passing an HTML hex value (with or without the #)
    function applyShadow($bgcolour = 'FFFFFF')
        // make sure we have the image resource
        if ($this->_imgFinal == NULL)
            $this->_debug('applyShadow', 'There is no resized image, so the original image is being used.');
            if ($this->_imgOrig == NULL)
                $this->_debug('applyShadow', 'There is no original image loaded.');
                return FALSE;
            $this->_resizeImage(@ImageSX($this->_imgOrig), @ImageSY($this->_imgOrig), 'applyShadow');
            if ($this->_imgFinal == NULL)
                $this->_debug('applyShadow', 'The destination image could not be created.');
                return FALSE;

        // attempt to load the drop shadow array
        if ($this->_shadows['l']  == NULL) $this->_shadows['l']  = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_left.png");
        if ($this->_shadows['r']  == NULL) $this->_shadows['r']  = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_right.png");
        if ($this->_shadows['t']  == NULL) $this->_shadows['t']  = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_top.png");
        if ($this->_shadows['b']  == NULL) $this->_shadows['b']  = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_bottom.png");
        if ($this->_shadows['tl'] == NULL) $this->_shadows['tl'] = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_tlcorner.png");
        if ($this->_shadows['tr'] == NULL) $this->_shadows['tr'] = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_trcorner.png");
        if ($this->_shadows['bl'] == NULL) $this->_shadows['bl'] = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_blcorner.png");
        if ($this->_shadows['br'] == NULL) $this->_shadows['br'] = @ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_shadowPath . "ds_brcorner.png");

        // verify all is well
        foreach($this->_shadows as $key => $val)
            if ($val == NULL)
                $this->_debug('applyShadow', 'The shadow files could not be loaded.');
                return FALSE;

        // create go-between image
        $ox = @ImageSX($this->_imgFinal);
        $oy = @ImageSY($this->_imgFinal);
        $nx = @ImageSX($this->_shadows['l']) + @ImageSX($this->_shadows['r']) + @ImageSX($this->_imgFinal);
        $ny = @ImageSY($this->_shadows['t']) + @ImageSY($this->_shadows['b']) + @ImageSY($this->_imgFinal);

        $this->_debug('applyShadow', "Original image size = $ox/$oy : Drop shadowed image size = $nx/$ny");

        $this->_imgShadow = @ImageCreateTrueColor($nx, $ny);
        if ($this->_imgShadow == NULL)
            $this->_debug('applyShadow', 'The drop-shadowed image resource could not be created.');
            return FALSE;

        // pre-process the image
        $background = $this->_htmlHexToBinArray($bgcolour);
        @ImageAlphaBlending($this->_imgShadow, TRUE);
        @ImageFill($this->_imgShadow, 0, 0, @ImageColorAllocate($this->_imgShadow, $background[0], $background[1], $background[2]));

        // apply the shadow

        // top left corner
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['tl'],
                        0, 0, 0, 0,
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['tl']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['tl']), @ImageSX($this->_shadows['tl']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['tl']));
        // top shadow
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['t'],
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['l']), 0, 0, 0,
                        $ox, @ImageSY($this->_shadows['t']), @ImageSX($this->_shadows['t']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['t']));
        // top right corner
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['tr'],
                        ($nx - @ImageSX($this->_shadows['r'])), 0, 0, 0,
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['tr']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['tr']), @ImageSX($this->_shadows['tr']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['tr']));
        // left shadow
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['l'],
                        0, @ImageSY($this->_shadows['t']),    0, 0,
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['l']), $oy, @ImageSX($this->_shadows['l']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['l']));
        // right shadow
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['r'],
                        ($nx - @ImageSX($this->_shadows['r'])), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['tl']), 0, 0,
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['r']), $oy, @ImageSX($this->_shadows['r']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['r']));
        // bottom left corner
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['bl'],
                        0, ($ny - @ImageSY($this->_shadows['b'])), 0, 0,
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['bl']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['bl']), @ImageSX($this->_shadows['bl']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['bl']));
        // bottom shadow
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['b'],
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['l']), ($ny - @ImageSY($this->_shadows['b'])), 0, 0,
                        $ox, @ImageSY($this->_shadows['b']), @ImageSX($this->_shadows['b']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['b']));
        // bottom right corner
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_shadows['br'],
                        ($nx - @ImageSX($this->_shadows['r'])), ($ny - @ImageSY($this->_shadows['b'])), 0, 0,
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['br']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['br']), @ImageSX($this->_shadows['br']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['br']));

        // apply the picture
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgShadow, $this->_imgFinal,
                        @ImageSX($this->_shadows['l']), @ImageSY($this->_shadows['t']), 0, 0,
                        $ox, $oy, @ImageSX($this->_imgFinal), @ImageSY($this->_imgFinal));

        return TRUE;

    // clean up image resources
    // 0 = original image only
    // 1 = final image only
    // 2 = shadow images only
    // 3 = all images
    function flushImages($which = 5)
        switch ($which)
            case 0:
                $this->_imgOrig = NULL;
            case 1:
                $this->_imgFinal = NULL;
            case 3:
                $this->_imgShadow = NULL;
            case 4:
            case 5:
                $this->_imgOrig = $this->_imgFinal = $this->_imgShadow = NULL;

    // Internal functions

    // get the file extension of the given filename
    function _getExtension($filename)
        $ext  = strtolower(substr($filename, (strrpos($filename, '.') ? strrpos($filename, '.') + 1 : strlen($filename)), strlen($filename)));
        if ($ext == 'jpg') $ext = 'jpeg';
        return $ext;
    // if only the width is supplied, get the height based on the original image size
    // if only the height is supplied, get the width based on the original image size
    function _getProportionalSize($x, $y)
        if (!$x) $x = ($y / ImageSY($this->_imgOrig)) * ImageSX($this->_imgOrig);
        else $y = ImageSY($this->_imgOrig) / (ImageSX($this->_imgOrig) / $x);
        return array($x, $y);

    // core functionality for the resizing of an image
    function _resizeImage($nx, $ny, $function)
        if ($this->_imgOrig == NULL)
            $this->_debug($function, 'The original image has not been loaded.');
            return FALSE;
        if (($nx < 0) || ($ny < 0))
            $this->_debug($function, 'The image could not be resized because the size given is not valid.');
            return FALSE;
        if ($this->_imgFinal) $this->flushImages(1);
        $this->_imgFinal = @ImageCreateTrueColor($nx, $ny);
        @ImageCopyResampled($this->_imgFinal, $this->_imgOrig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $nx, $ny, @ImageSX($this->_imgOrig), @ImageSY($this->_imgOrig));

    // show the final image as either a png or jpg
    // $quality is a value from 1 to 100, inclusive, and only used when outputting as a jpg
    function _showImage($resource, $type, $quality)
        if ($resource == NULL)
            $this->_debug('_showImage', 'There is no processed image to show.');
            return FALSE;
        if ($type == 'png')
            header('Content-Type: image/png');
            echo @ImagePNG($resource);
            return TRUE;
        else if ($type == 'jpg' || $type == 'jpeg')
            header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
            echo @ImageJPEG($resource, '', $quality);
            return TRUE;
            $this->_debug('_showImage', "Could not show the output file as a $type.");
            return FALSE;

    // saves the image resource to the file system.  If no extension is given for $type
    // then it will attempt to save based on the file name.
    // $quality is a value from 1 to 100, inclusive, and only used when outputting as a jpg
    // $img is the image resource
    function _saveImage($filename, $img, $type, $quality)
        if ($img == NULL)
            $this->_debug('_saveImage', 'There is no processed image to save.');
            return FALSE;

        $ext = ($type == '' ? $this->_getExtension($filename) : $type);
        if ($ext == 'jpg') $ext = 'jpeg';
        $func = "image$ext";
        if (!@function_exists($func))
            $this->_debug('_saveImage', "That file cannot be saved with the function '$func'.");
            return FALSE;

        if ($ext == 'png') $saved = @$func($img, $filename);
        if ($ext == 'jpeg') $saved = @$func($img, $filename, $quality);
        if ($saved == FALSE)
            $this->_debug('_saveImage', "Could not save the output file '$filename' as a $ext.");
            return FALSE;
            return TRUE;

    // convert HTML hex value into integer array
    function _htmlHexToBinArray($hex)
        $hex = @preg_replace('/^#/', '', $hex);
        for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++)
            $foo = substr($hex, 2*$i, 2);
            $rgb[$i] = 16 * hexdec(substr($foo, 0, 1)) + hexdec(substr($foo, 1, 1));
        return $rgb;

    // write out some debugging information to screen
    function _debug($function, $string)
        if ($this->_showDebug)
            echo "<p><strong style=\"color:#FF0000\">Debug message from function $function:</strong> $string</p>\n";


Avatar billede dstjulle Nybegynder
14. december 2007 - 09:40 #3
er du med på at der skal bruges en database på denne side !
Avatar billede nkoenig Nybegynder
14. december 2007 - 15:53 #4
Ja tak, jeg er helt med på at scriptet skal køres på en server med en database.
Jeg har fundet problemet, det viste sig at min udbyder one.com ikke understøttede aspekter af scriptet. Jeg har nu fået det hele til at køre hos en anden udbyder.
Tak for hjælpen.
Avatar billede dstjulle Nybegynder
07. maj 2008 - 11:28 #5
var så lidt
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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