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03. december 1999 - 08:28 Der er 10 kommentarer og
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Start up/English

Follow this:


This is the route you follow if you want a programme to start automatically when you switch on the computer.

I have no programme set to start in this and yet I get one coming on automatically anyway.

Is there another route? And how do I stop things starting automatically?

Avatar billede tigerdyr Nybegynder
03. december 1999 - 09:40 #1
Somewhere in the registration database, you can find 3 different categories, that will make programs startup automatic... (I can only remember runonce)...
Looking for the others!
Avatar billede mhsdk Nybegynder
03. december 1999 - 09:41 #2
If you are using win98 you can open run and type msconfig, and click on start under this, you can see all the programs you are starting op with windows but "watch" out...

Avatar billede michaelras Nybegynder
03. december 1999 - 10:06 #3
In the reg-database:

The *Once only runs once, automatically cleared when the program is called (usually installations, which needs something to be done next time win starts)

in the Win.ini file:
under [windows]:
"run" and "load" contains programs to run/load

shortcuts in:
look (in reg-database):
under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Startup" the normal startup-folder is shown (normally C:/WINDOWS/MENUEN START/PROGRAMMER/START)
under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Folders\Common Startup" here is also mentioned another startup-folder

I think this is all the places...

Avatar billede michaelras Nybegynder
03. december 1999 - 10:09 #4
To prevent programs from automatically starting, just remove them from the places mentioned above

Avatar billede michaelras Nybegynder
03. december 1999 - 10:13 #5
If you have several user-accounts on the maschine, then look under HKEY_USERS\user-name insted of HKEY_CURRENT_USER. (The HKEY_CURRENT_USER is just a "link" to HKEY_USERS\user-name, where user-name is the current logged on user or .Default if is th default user)

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03. december 1999 - 11:11 #6
Ok, how do I get into reg database?
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03. december 1999 - 11:14 #7
It's OK, I've found it.
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03. december 1999 - 13:20 #8
This doesn't work.

I found the places you said to look but there was no programmes there.
Avatar billede michaelras Nybegynder
03. december 1999 - 14:40 #9
Hmm.... which program still start automatically... some programs are loaded via DLLs and can't be disabled the way descriped above...
Most programs have a build-in option to prevent them from starting when windows starts, have you tried to use it (if it exists)?

Avatar billede oblivion Nybegynder
04. december 1999 - 03:17 #10
This path may also contain links to programs that starts automatically.
Cannot be viewed in the ordinary Startup

C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

A link can also be invisible in the Start menu if it has the attribute "Hidden" activated.
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06. december 1999 - 08:05 #11

Thanks for your help and patience so far.

I have 10 computers running on Win98 and also using AS400 program.

Some of the users have their AS400 start automatically by the normal route which we all know.

But this user does not want the program to start automatically when she turns in the computer - she wants to start it up herself.

It must be, therefore, something different - another route that I don't know about.

But thanks for your help. If you get another idea, please let me know.

Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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