Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
24. oktober 2007 - 13:58 Der er 5 kommentarer

Opgave om dynamisk array C++

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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Array.h"

using namespace std;

    Dynaarray::Dynaarray(int s)

    // Memory allocation for Dynamic Array in the heap.
    anArray = new double[s];
    for(int i =0; i <s;i++)
    counter = 0;
    num = s;

    // array element added to the end of the container
    void Dynaarray::push_back(itemType item)
        // The temp has type int and has been declared -1.
        int temp=-1;

        if (counter >= num)

  /* An array name is a pointer to the array’s first element
    * The size of a dynamically allocated array can be increased

    double *original = anArray;
    // Save old
    double oldSize = num;
    num *= 2;

    anArray = new double[num];
    for(int i =0; i <num;i++)

    for ( int j = 0; j < oldSize; ++j )
    anArray[j] = original[j];
    // Release memory of Dynamic Array
    delete [ ] original;

        for (int i =0; i<num;i++)
            if (anArray[i] !=NULL)
                temp = i;
        anArray[temp+1]= item;

        // increments the sizeof int

    itemType Dynaarray::pop_back(){

        if (counter != 0)

        int temp=0;
        double temp2;
        for (int i =0; i<num;i++)
            if (anArray[i] !=NULL)
                temp = i;
        temp2 = anArray[temp];
        return temp2;
            return NULL;

    void Dynaarray::insert(itemType item, int pos)
        if (pos < num)
        if (counter >= num || pos == num-1)
                    double *original = anArray;
                    double oldSize = num;
                    num *= 2;
                    anArray = new double[num];
                    for(int i =0; i <num;i++)
                    for ( int j = 0; j < oldSize; ++j )
                    anArray[j] = original[j];
                    delete [ ] original;       
        for (int i = num;i>pos;i--)
            anArray[i]= anArray[i-1];

    *    Check whether the array is empty or not.

    itemType Dynaarray::erase(int pos) 
        if(pos <= num)
            int temp=-1;
            int temp2;
            for (int i =0; i<num;i++)
                if (anArray[i] !=NULL)
                    temp = i;
            for (int i =pos+1;i<=temp;i++)
            anArray[i-1]= anArray[i];

        anArray[temp]= NULL;

        return 1;
            return 0;

    void Dynaarray::clear(){
        for (int i =0; i<counter;i++)
        anArray[i]= NULL; 
        counter = 0;

    int Dynaarray::size() const{ 

        return num;

    bool Dynaarray::empty() const{
        if (counter == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    itemType & Dynaarray::at(int pos) const{
    if (pos < num)
        if (anArray[pos] != NULL)
        return anArray[pos];

    int main()
        char c;
        Dynaarray *ar = new Dynaarray();
        cout<<" Total size "<<ar->size()<<endl;
        cout<<"This  is test 1"<<endl;
        cout<<"position 0 "<<ar->at(0)<<endl;
        cout<<"position 1 "<<ar->at(1)<<endl;
        cout<<"This  is test 2"<<endl;
        cout<<" Total size "<<ar->size()<<endl;
        cout<<"This  is test 3"<<endl;
        cout<<"position 0 "<<ar->at(0)<<endl;
        cout<<"position 1 "<<ar->at(1)<<endl;

        cout<<"This  is test 4"<<endl;
        cout<<" position 0 "<<ar->at(0)<<endl;
        cout<<" position 1 "<<ar->at(1)<<endl;
        cout<<"position  2 "<<ar->at(2)<<endl;
        cout<<"position  3 "<<ar->at(3)<<endl;
        cout<<"This  is test 5"<<endl;
        cout<<"position 0 "<<ar->at(0)<<endl;
        cout<<"position 1 "<<ar->at(1)<<endl;
        cout<<"position 2 "<<ar->at(2)<<endl;
        cout<<"position 3 "<<ar->at(3)<<endl;

        return 0;

    ostream &operator<<( ostream &Out, const Dynaarray &rhs ) {
      Out << "";
      return Out;
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
24. oktober 2007 - 19:42 #1
Har du et spørgsmål?
Er der nogen grund til at du ikke har stillet "spørgsmålet" i C++ kategorien?
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
24. oktober 2007 - 20:32 #2
du skal kommenterer koden.
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
25. oktober 2007 - 20:44 #3
Jeg har puttet nogle kommentarer i den første del, der er for mange ting fejl, så jeg synes du skal rette dem først:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Array.h"

using namespace std;

Dynaarray::Dynaarray(int s)

  // Memory allocation for Dynamic Array in the heap.
  anArray = new double[s];  // Create an array of s number of double
  for(int i =0; i <s;i++)  // for each element
      anArray[i]=NULL;      // Error, NULL is a pointer, anArray[i] is a double
  counter = 0;              // set counter to 0
  num = s;                  // and set num to s

  // array element added to the end of the container
  void Dynaarray::push_back(itemType item)
      // The temp has type int and has been declared -1.
      int temp=-1;        // Create a variable temp, set it to -1, it might be used at some point

      if (counter >= num) // If we have to make room for more

  /* An array name is a pointer to the array’s first element
  * The size of a dynamically allocated array can be increased

  double *original = anArray;        // Point to the old array
  // Save old
  double oldSize = num;              // Save the old num
  num *= 2;                          // double the capacity, if it was 0 strange things might happen

  anArray = new double[num];        // create a new array
  for(int i =0; i <num;i++)          // for each in the new array
      anArray[i]=NULL;              // Error, NULL is a pointer, anArray[i] is a double

  for ( int j = 0; j < oldSize; ++j ) // copy the old values to the new
  anArray[j] = original[j];          // this will overwrite som of the values from above, but we have enough time

  // Release memory of Dynamic Array
  delete [ ] original;                // delete the old array


      for (int i =0; i<num;i++)      // Now find the first element that is 0
          if (anArray[i] !=NULL)
              temp = i;              // Now the mysterious temp come to use

      anArray[temp+1]= item;        // put in the value in the spot after the first 0 entry
                                    // strange things will happen if someone want to store a 0 in our array
                                    // also notice that anArray[temp+1] is of type double, item is of type itemType
      // increments the sizeof int

  itemType Dynaarray::pop_back(){
      // this function returns the FIRST value in the array that is not 0

      if (counter != 0) // If we does have something in our array

      int temp=0;
      double temp2;
      for (int i =0; i<num;i++)  // Find the FIRST non 0 value
          if (anArray[i] !=NULL)
              temp = i;

      temp2 = anArray[temp]; // Save the first non 0 value
      anArray[temp]=NULL;    // set that entry to 0
      counter--;            // decrease the size
      return temp2;          // return the first non 0 value, temp2 is a double, we should return a itemType
          return NULL;      // NULL is a pointer not a itemType
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
12. november 2007 - 17:48 #4
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
12. november 2007 - 17:49 #5
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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