Avatar billede arnely Novice
22. oktober 2007 - 10:13 Der er 7 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Får denne fejl 0x66869bd7

Denne meddelelse dukker op på skærmen, når jeg skal lukke computeren.

iexplore.exe - Programfejl
Instruktionen ved "0x66869bd7" referede hukommelse ved "0x0000001c". Hukommelsen kunne ikke "read"
Klik ok for at afslutte programmet

Hvad skal jeg gøre ved det?
Avatar billede tonygk Nybegynder
22. oktober 2007 - 10:43 #1
Prøv at slette cookies. Ved du hvordan man gør det?
Avatar billede tonygk Nybegynder
22. oktober 2007 - 10:52 #2
Der findes 3 metoder at rette fejlen og ovenstående er mest almindelig metode. Lad mig høre hvordan det gik og hvis det ikke har hjulpet tager vi andre metoder.
Avatar billede arnely Novice
22. oktober 2007 - 16:45 #3
Jeg renser min Internet Explorer hver dag, i Funktioner - Internetindstillinger - Slet - Slet alt.
Sletter jeg så ikke også cookies? Men programfejlen komme til tider af ligevel!
Avatar billede tonygk Nybegynder
22. oktober 2007 - 18:18 #4
Jo. Prøv at læse nedenstående. Det er på engelsk, men du skal nok klar det  ;--))
Method 1: Clear cached data in Internet Explorer 7.

To determine whether a performance issue or an error message is caused
by corruption in the Temporary Internet Files or in other cached
information that is used by Internet Explorer 7, you must clear cached
data. To do this, follow these steps:

1) Open Internet Explorer 7.
2) Click Tools, and then click Delete Browsing History.
3) In Delete Browsing History, click Delete All.
4) Click to select the 'Also delete files and settings stored by
add-ons' check box, and then click OK.

A progress bar is displayed to indicate that the browsing history is
being cleared. After this process is complete, test Internet Explorer to
verify that it works correctly. If issues still occur, try Method 2.

Method 2: Reset security settings for Internet Explorer 7

If you configure security settings to be too restrictive, you may
prevent Internet Explorer 7 from displaying certain Web sites. To
determine whether an issue is caused by overly restrictive security
settings, revert to default security settings. To do this, follow these

1) Open Internet Explorer 7.
2) Click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
3) Click the Security tab.
4) Click Reset all zones to default level, and then click OK.

After you do this, test Internet Explorer to verify that it works
correctly. If issues still occur, try Method 3.

[If this method does not resolve the issue, you can restore Internet
Explorer 7 to its previous security level.]

Note - Overly restrictive settings in third-party software (particularly
third-party security software, such as antivirus, antispyware or
firewall applications) may also prevent Internet Explorer 7 from
displaying certain web sites. Review your settings in third-party software.

Method 3: Run Internet Explorer 7 in "No Add-Ons" mode

Third-party add-ons for Internet Explorer, such as ActiveX controls and
browser toolbars, are used by some web sites to provide an enhanced
browsing experience. An error may occur if an add-on is damaged or if an
add-on conflicts with Internet Explorer 7. To determine whether the
error is caused by an add-on, run Internet Explorer 7 in "No Add-Ons"
mode. To do this, follow these steps:

For Windows XP:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet Explorer
(No Add-ons)

For Windows Vista:
1) Click Start, and then type Internet Explorer in the Start Search box.
2) Click Internet Explorer (No Add-Ons). Internet Explorer 7 opens
without add-ons, toolbars, or plug-ins.
3) Test Internet Explorer to verify that it works correctly. If issues
still occur, try Method 4.
Avatar billede arnely Novice
23. oktober 2007 - 08:20 #5
Ok har fuldt de første to ex. Prøver og se om det har hjulpet og vender tilbage.
Avatar billede arnely Novice
24. oktober 2007 - 09:07 #6
Ser ud til at det har hjulpet, der har ikke været noget siden.

Så kom med et svar.
Avatar billede tonygk Nybegynder
24. oktober 2007 - 09:16 #7
Here you are.....
Avatar billede arnely Novice
24. oktober 2007 - 09:59 #8
Takker for hjælpen :-)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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