Volatile functions are simple functions that will recalculate each time a change of any sort occurs in any cell on any worksheet. Most functions will only recalculate if a cell which they are referencing has changed. Some of the most common volatile functions used are undoubtedly the NOW() and TODAY() functions. If you are going to be using the result of these functions frequently throughout your spreadsheet, avoid the temptation of nesting these functions within other functions to get your desired result. Instead, simply type the volatile function into a single cell on your spreadsheet and reference that cell from within other functions. This alone can potentially cut down on the amount of volatile functions by hundreds, if not thousands at times.
Using Range References
Possibly one of the most common mistakes made when designing a spreadsheet is using your formulas to reference entire columns of data. This forces Excel to look through potentially thousands, if not millions or cells which it need not be concerned with at all. Assume, for example you have a table of data ranging from cell A1 down to H1000. You may decide that you want to use one or more of Excel's look-up formulas to extract required information. As your table may be growing and as new data is added, it is common to reference the entire table incorporating all rows and all columns. In other words, your reference may look something like "A:H", or possibly A1:H65536. The reason this is done is so that when new data is added to the table it will automatically be referenced in the formulas. This is a very bad habit to form and should be avoided in most cases. This obviously begs the question that if you do not do this you will be constantly needing to update your formula references to incorporate the new data as it is added to the table. Possibly one of the very best ways to overcome this is to familiarise yourself with the use of dynamic named ranges. If you are not familiar with these, check them out here: Dynamic Ranges
Måske du skulle optimere lidt flere celler via VBA, fremfor formler.