Avatar billede jademutter Nybegynder
27. juni 2007 - 01:57 Der er 5 kommentarer og
2 løsninger

Hjælp til tæller


Jeg forsøger at lave et javascript der tæller hvor mange checkboxe der er klikket på i et 3-level træ.
Det virker også fint, mit problem er dog at den tæller hvor mange der er klikket på i hver level og ikke totalt.

Hvordan får jeg den til at tælle hvor mange der er klikket totalt?


CHECKTREE v1.0 RC (c) 2004-2006 Angus Turnbull, http://www.twinhelix.com
Altering this notice or redistributing this file is prohibited.


// Main object class for the script, adds itself to a list of menu objects we create.
function CheckTree(myName)
this.myName = myName; 

// A reference to the root element of the tree.
this.root = null;

// Whether the counters display only checkboxes immediately beneath the current tree level,
// or all checkboxes beneath the current level.
this.countAllLevels = true;

// The format of the checkbox counter string.
this.checkFormat = '(%n% valgt)';

// Because Safari 1.0 is rather buggy indeed, this stops it trailing smoke.
this.evtProcessed = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') > -1 ? 'safRtnVal' : 'returnValue';

// Append this to the list of all tree objects.
CheckTree.list[myName] = this;
CheckTree.list = {};

// Called onload, this sets up a reference to the 'root' node and hides sublevels.
CheckTree.prototype.init = function() { with (this)
if (!document.getElementById) return;
root = document.getElementById('tree-' + myName);
if (root)
  var lists = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
  for (var ul = 0; ul < lists.length; ul++)
  // Hide all UL sublevels under the root node, and assign them a toggle/click methods.
  lists[ul].style.display = 'none';
  lists[ul].treeObj = this;
  lists[ul].setBoxStates = setBoxStates;

  var fn = new Function('e', 'this.setBoxStates(e)');
  // Grr, workaronud another Safari bug.
  if (lists[ul].addEventListener && navigator.vendor != 'Apple Computer, Inc.')
    lists[ul].addEventListener('click', fn, false);
  else lists[ul].onclick = fn;

  // Now do a similar event capture setup for the 'root' node.
  root.treeObj = this;
  root.setBoxStates = setBoxStates;
  if (root.addEventListener && navigator.vendor != 'Apple Computer, Inc.')
  root.addEventListener('click', new Function('e', myName + '.click(e)'), false);
  else root.onclick = new Function('e', myName + '.click(e)');
  // Trigger a quick state update, to set the counters for each level.
  root.setBoxStates({}, true, true);

  // Now go through and assign plus/plus-last classes to the appropriate <LI>s.
  var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName('li');
  for (var li = 0; li < nodes.length; li++)
  if (nodes[li].id.match(/^show-/))
    nodes[li].className = (nodes[li].className=='last' ? 'plus-last' : 'plus');

// Called on click of the entire tree, this manages visibility of sublevels.
CheckTree.prototype.click = function(e) { with (this)
e = e || window.event;
var elm = e.srcElement || e.target;

// Has a checkbox been clicked, but not processed by a lower level onclick event?
// If so, one of the 'root' checkboxes must have been clicked.
// We must therefore trigger a manual 'downwards route' for that tree to update it.
if (!e[evtProcessed] && elm.id && elm.id.match(/^check-(.*)/))
  var tree = document.getElementById('tree-' + RegExp.$1);
  if (tree) tree.setBoxStates(e, true, false);

while (elm)
  // Dont' do expand/collapses for clicks on checkboxes, or nested within menus.
  if (elm.tagName.match(/^(input|ul)/i)) break;
  // Show/hide the menu element that matches the source id="show-xxx" tag and quit.
  if (elm.id && elm.id.match(/^show-(.*)/))
  var targ = document.getElementById('tree-' + RegExp.$1);
  if (targ.style)
    var col = (targ.style.display == 'none');
    targ.style.display = col ? 'block' : 'none';
    // Swap the class of the <span> tag inside, maintaining "-last" state if applied.
    elm.className = elm.className.replace(col?'plus':'minus', col?'minus':'plus');
  // Otherwise, continue looping up the DOM tree, looking for a match.
  elm = elm.parentNode;

// This function is called as a property of the UL nodes of the DOM.
// If a triggering checkbox has been clicked, it will check/clear all boxes under it.
// Secondly, it will count the number of checked boxes at each level, and set the state
// of parent checkboxes/counters accordingly.
// It is automatically called on all parent UL nodes of the clicked checkbox, due to event
// bubbling, and will manually call itself for sublevels to ensure correct counting.
function setBoxStates(e, routingDown, countOnly) { with (this)
// Opera <7 fix... don't perform any actions in those browsers.
if (!this.childNodes) return;

e = e || window.event;
var elm = e.srcElement || e.target;

// Initial check: if the parent checkbox for a tree level has been clicked, trigger a
// pre-emptive downwards route within that tree, and set returnValue to true so that we
// don't repeat it or mess with any of the original checkbox's siblings.
if (elm && elm.id && elm.id.match(/^check-(.*)/) && !routingDown && !e[treeObj.evtProcessed])
  var refTree = document.getElementById('tree-' + RegExp.$1);
  if (refTree)
  refTree.setBoxStates(e, true, countOnly);
  e[treeObj.evtProcessed] = true;

  // Some counter and reference variables.
var allChecked = true, boxCount = 0, subBoxes = null;
// Get the name of this branch and see if the source element has id="check-xxxx".
var thisLevel = this.id.match(/^tree-(.*)/)[1];
var parBox = document.getElementById('check-' + thisLevel);

// Loop through all children of all list elements inside this UL tag.
for (var li = 0; li < childNodes.length; li++)
  for (var tag = 0; tag < childNodes[li].childNodes.length; tag++)
  var child = childNodes[li].childNodes[tag];
  if (!child) continue;
  if (child.tagName && child.type && child.tagName.match(/^input/i) &&
    // Set this box's state depending on its parent state, if we're routing downwards.
    if (routingDown && parBox && elm && elm.id && elm.id.match(/^check-/) && !countOnly)
    child.checked = parBox.checked;
    // Count the checked boxes directly under this level.
    allChecked &= child.checked;
    if (child.checked)
  // And route this event to sublevels, to update their nodes, during a downwards route.
  if (child.tagName && child.tagName.match(/^ul/i) && (!e[treeObj.evtProcessed] || routingDown))
    child.setBoxStates(e, true, countOnly);

// Once we've routed the event to all sublevels, set the 'returnValue' to true, so that
// upper levels don't re-trigger a downwards route. This is a bit of a hack, admittedly :).
if (!routingDown) e[treeObj.evtProcessed] = true;

// Next, set the parent parBox state depending if all checkboxes in this menu are checked.
// Of course, we don't set its state if it's the source of the event!
if (parBox && parBox != elm && !countOnly) parBox.checked = allChecked;

// If "countAllLevels" is set, overwrite the previous one-level-only count.
if (treeObj.countAllLevels)
  boxCount = 0;
  var subBoxes = this.getElementsByTagName('input');
  for (var i = 0; i < subBoxes.length; i++)
      if (subBoxes[i].checked)

// Either way, assign the counted value to the id="count-xxx" page element.
var countElm = document.getElementById('count-' + thisLevel);
if (countElm)
  while (countElm.firstChild) countElm.removeChild(countElm.firstChild);
  if (boxCount)

// Calls the init() function of any active trees on page load, and backup previous onloads.
var chtOldOL = window.onload;
var number=0;

window.onload = function()
if (chtOldOL) chtOldOL();
for (var i in CheckTree.list) CheckTree.list[i].init();

function changeLink()
        document.getElementById('myAnchor').innerHTML="Under 5"
    if(number>4 && number<=6)
        document.getElementById('myAnchor').innerHTML="Mellem 4 og 6"
    else if(number>6)
        document.getElementById('myAnchor').innerHTML="Over 6"

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="checktree.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var checkmenu = new CheckTree('checkmenu');
checkmenu.countAllLevels = true;

<ul id="tree-checkmenu" class="checktree">
<li id="show-[Strategi og management]">[Strategi og management]
<span id="count-[Strategi og management]" class="count"></span>
<ul id="tree-[Strategi og management]">
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Forretningsudvikling" value="Forretningsudvikling"/>Forretningsudvikling</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Human Ressource Management" value="Human Ressource Management"/>Human Ressource Management</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Kompetence og talentudvikling" value="Kompetence og talentudvikling"/>Kompetence og talentudvikling</li>

<li><input type="checkbox" name="Konkurrenceanalyse" value="Konkurrenceanalyse"/>Konkurrenceanalyse</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Logistik" value="Logistik"/>Logistik</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Markedsudvikling " value="Markedsudvikling "/>Markedsudvikling </li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Operationsmanagement" value="Operationsmanagement"/>Operationsmanagement</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Organisationsudvikling" value="Organisationsudvikling"/>Organisationsudvikling</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Produktudvikling" value="Produktudvikling"/>Produktudvikling</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Revision og skat" value="Revision og skat"/>Revision og skat</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Riskmanagement" value="Riskmanagement"/>Riskmanagement</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Strategi og ledelse" value="Strategi og ledelse"/>Strategi og ledelse</li>

<li id="show-[Kommunikation og salg]">[Kommunikation og salg]
<span id="count-[Kommunikation og salg]" class="count"></span>
<ul id="tree-[Kommunikation og salg]">
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Branding" value="Branding"/>Branding</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Eksterne relationer" value="Eksterne relationer"/>Eksterne relationer</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Grafisk design" value="Grafisk design"/>Grafisk design</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Industriel design" value="Industriel design"/>Industriel design</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Kommunikation og Markedsføring" value="Kommunikation og Markedsføring"/>Kommunikation og Markedsføring</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Multimediedesign" value="Multimediedesign"/>Multimediedesign</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Public Relations" value="Public Relations"/>Public Relations</li>

<li><input type="checkbox" name="Salg og kundeservice" value="Salg og kundeservice"/>Salg og kundeservice</li>
<li id="show-[IT]">[IT]
<span id="count-[IT]" class="count"></span>
<ul id="tree-[IT]">
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Drift og Vedligeholdelse" value="Drift og Vedligeholdelse"/>Drift og Vedligeholdelse</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="IT-sikkerhed" value="IT-sikkerhed"/>IT-sikkerhed</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Systemanalyse og design" value="Systemanalyse og design"/>Systemanalyse og design</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Systemudvikling" value="Systemudvikling"/>Systemudvikling</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Telekommunikation" value="Telekommunikation"/>Telekommunikation</li>
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Test og Kvalitetssikring" value="Test og Kvalitetssikring"/>Test og Kvalitetssikring</li>

<li><input type="checkbox" name="Webudvikling" value="Webudvikling"/>Webudvikling</li>

<a id="myAnchor" href="http://www.microsoft.com">Visit Microsoft</a>


Avatar billede montago Praktikant
06. juli 2007 - 13:29 #1
#1 - sæt en class på alle dine checkboxes, fx: class="chkbx"

#2 - brug følgende JS til at finde allByClass

function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
    var classElements = new Array();
    if ( node == null )
        node = document;
    if ( tag == null )
        tag = '*';
    var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
    var elsLen = els.length;
    var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+searchClass+'(\\s|$)');
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
        if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
            classElements[j] = els[i];
    return classElements;

var CheckBoxes = getElementsByClass("chkbx")
var total = 0
for(i=0; i<CheckBoxes.length; i++)
  if( CheckBoxes[i].checked )
Avatar billede jademutter Nybegynder
09. juli 2007 - 14:30 #2
Det ser ikke ud til at hjælpe... min nye script fil:

CHECKTREE v1.0 RC (c) 2004-2006 Angus Turnbull, http://www.twinhelix.com
Altering this notice or redistributing this file is prohibited.


// Main object class for the script, adds itself to a list of menu objects we create.
function CheckTree(myName)
this.myName = myName; 

// A reference to the root element of the tree.
this.root = null;

// Whether the counters display only checkboxes immediately beneath the current tree level,
// or all checkboxes beneath the current level.
this.countAllLevels = true;

// The format of the checkbox counter string.
this.checkFormat = '(%n% valgt)';

// Because Safari 1.0 is rather buggy indeed, this stops it trailing smoke.
this.evtProcessed = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') > -1 ? 'safRtnVal' : 'returnValue';

// Append this to the list of all tree objects.
CheckTree.list[myName] = this;
CheckTree.list = {};

// Called onload, this sets up a reference to the 'root' node and hides sublevels.
CheckTree.prototype.init = function() { with (this)
if (!document.getElementById) return;
root = document.getElementById('tree-' + myName);
if (root)
  var lists = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
  for (var ul = 0; ul < lists.length; ul++)
  // Hide all UL sublevels under the root node, and assign them a toggle/click methods.
  lists[ul].style.display = 'none';
  lists[ul].treeObj = this;
  lists[ul].setBoxStates = setBoxStates;

  var fn = new Function('e', 'this.setBoxStates(e)');
  // Grr, workaronud another Safari bug.
  if (lists[ul].addEventListener && navigator.vendor != 'Apple Computer, Inc.')
    lists[ul].addEventListener('click', fn, false);
  else lists[ul].onclick = fn;

  // Now do a similar event capture setup for the 'root' node.
  root.treeObj = this;
  root.setBoxStates = setBoxStates;
  if (root.addEventListener && navigator.vendor != 'Apple Computer, Inc.')
  root.addEventListener('click', new Function('e', myName + '.click(e)'), false);
  else root.onclick = new Function('e', myName + '.click(e)');
  // Trigger a quick state update, to set the counters for each level.
  root.setBoxStates({}, true, true);

  // Now go through and assign plus/plus-last classes to the appropriate <LI>s.
  var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName('li');
  for (var li = 0; li < nodes.length; li++)
  if (nodes[li].id.match(/^show-/))
    nodes[li].className = (nodes[li].className=='last' ? 'plus-last' : 'plus');

// Called on click of the entire tree, this manages visibility of sublevels.
CheckTree.prototype.click = function(e) { with (this)
e = e || window.event;
var elm = e.srcElement || e.target;

// Has a checkbox been clicked, but not processed by a lower level onclick event?
// If so, one of the 'root' checkboxes must have been clicked.
// We must therefore trigger a manual 'downwards route' for that tree to update it.
if (!e[evtProcessed] && elm.id && elm.id.match(/^check-(.*)/))
  var tree = document.getElementById('tree-' + RegExp.$1);
  if (tree) tree.setBoxStates(e, true, false);

while (elm)
  // Dont' do expand/collapses for clicks on checkboxes, or nested within menus.
  if (elm.tagName.match(/^(input|ul)/i)) break;
  // Show/hide the menu element that matches the source id="show-xxx" tag and quit.
  if (elm.id && elm.id.match(/^show-(.*)/))
  var targ = document.getElementById('tree-' + RegExp.$1);
  if (targ.style)
    var col = (targ.style.display == 'none');
    targ.style.display = col ? 'block' : 'none';
    // Swap the class of the <span> tag inside, maintaining "-last" state if applied.
    elm.className = elm.className.replace(col?'plus':'minus', col?'minus':'plus');
  // Otherwise, continue looping up the DOM tree, looking for a match.
  elm = elm.parentNode;

// This function is called as a property of the UL nodes of the DOM.
// If a triggering checkbox has been clicked, it will check/clear all boxes under it.
// Secondly, it will count the number of checked boxes at each level, and set the state
// of parent checkboxes/counters accordingly.
// It is automatically called on all parent UL nodes of the clicked checkbox, due to event
// bubbling, and will manually call itself for sublevels to ensure correct counting.
function setBoxStates(e, routingDown, countOnly) { with (this)
// Opera <7 fix... don't perform any actions in those browsers.
if (!this.childNodes) return;

e = e || window.event;
var elm = e.srcElement || e.target;

// Initial check: if the parent checkbox for a tree level has been clicked, trigger a
// pre-emptive downwards route within that tree, and set returnValue to true so that we
// don't repeat it or mess with any of the original checkbox's siblings.
if (elm && elm.id && elm.id.match(/^check-(.*)/) && !routingDown && !e[treeObj.evtProcessed])
  var refTree = document.getElementById('tree-' + RegExp.$1);
  if (refTree)
  refTree.setBoxStates(e, true, countOnly);
  e[treeObj.evtProcessed] = true;

  // Some counter and reference variables.
var allChecked = true, boxCount = 0, subBoxes = null;
// Get the name of this branch and see if the source element has id="check-xxxx".
var thisLevel = this.id.match(/^tree-(.*)/)[1];
var parBox = document.getElementById('check-' + thisLevel);

// Loop through all children of all list elements inside this UL tag.
for (var li = 0; li < childNodes.length; li++)
  for (var tag = 0; tag < childNodes[li].childNodes.length; tag++)
  var child = childNodes[li].childNodes[tag];
  if (!child) continue;
  if (child.tagName && child.type && child.tagName.match(/^input/i) &&
    // Set this box's state depending on its parent state, if we're routing downwards.
    if (routingDown && parBox && elm && elm.id && elm.id.match(/^check-/) && !countOnly)
    child.checked = parBox.checked;
    // Count the checked boxes directly under this level.
    allChecked &= child.checked;
    if (child.checked)
  // And route this event to sublevels, to update their nodes, during a downwards route.
  if (child.tagName && child.tagName.match(/^ul/i) && (!e[treeObj.evtProcessed] || routingDown))
    child.setBoxStates(e, true, countOnly);

// Once we've routed the event to all sublevels, set the 'returnValue' to true, so that
// upper levels don't re-trigger a downwards route. This is a bit of a hack, admittedly :).
if (!routingDown) e[treeObj.evtProcessed] = true;

// Next, set the parent parBox state depending if all checkboxes in this menu are checked.
// Of course, we don't set its state if it's the source of the event!
if (parBox && parBox != elm && !countOnly) parBox.checked = allChecked;

// If "countAllLevels" is set, overwrite the previous one-level-only count.
if (treeObj.countAllLevels)
  boxCount = 0;
  var subBoxes = this.getElementsByTagName('input');
  for (var i = 0; i < subBoxes.length; i++)
      if (subBoxes[i].checked)

// Either way, assign the counted value to the id="count-xxx" page element.
var countElm = document.getElementById('count-' + thisLevel);
if (countElm)
  while (countElm.firstChild) countElm.removeChild(countElm.firstChild);
  if (boxCount)

// Calls the init() function of any active trees on page load, and backup previous onloads.
var chtOldOL = window.onload;

window.onload = function()
if (chtOldOL) chtOldOL();
for (var i in CheckTree.list) CheckTree.list[i].init();
var number=0;   

function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
    var classElements = new Array();
    if ( node == null )
        node = document;
    if ( tag == null )
        tag = '*';
    var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
    var elsLen = els.length;
    var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+searchClass+'(\\s|$)');
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
        if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
            classElements[j] = els[i];
    return classElements;

var CheckBoxes = getElementsByClass("chkbx")
for(i=0; i<CheckBoxes.length; i++)
  if( CheckBoxes[i].checked ) number++;

function changeLink()
    if(number>3 && number<=6)
    else if(number>6)
Avatar billede montago Praktikant
09. juli 2007 - 15:11 #3

var CheckBoxes = getElementsByClass("chkbx")
for(i=0; i<CheckBoxes.length; i++)
  if( CheckBoxes[i].checked ) number++;

bliver jo kun kaldt når dit script initialiseres... du skal putte det ind i en function !
Avatar billede jademutter Nybegynder
09. juli 2007 - 19:03 #4
Jeg kan ikke finde ud af hvor jeg skal sætte det ind.
Avatar billede montago Praktikant
09. juli 2007 - 19:22 #5
function changeLink()
  var number = 0;
  var CheckBoxes = getElementsByClass("chkbx")
  for(i=0; i<CheckBoxes.length; i++)
  if( CheckBoxes[i].checked ) number++;

    if(number>3 && number<=6)
    else if(number>6)
Avatar billede montago Praktikant
09. juli 2007 - 19:25 #6
Hmm... du kan også lave en function som returnere nummeret, hvis det skal bruges andre steder...

function getNumber(){
var number = 0
var CheckBoxes = getElementsByClass("chkbx")
for(i=0; i<CheckBoxes.length; i++)
  if( CheckBoxes[i].checked ) number++;

return number

jeg har ikke læst hele scriptet igennem - men så at number blev brugt netop i den funktion : changelink()
Avatar billede jademutter Nybegynder
09. juli 2007 - 19:38 #7
takker så virker det...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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