Avatar billede morphman Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 12:50

Tinytube - the tiny youtube clone

Hey there yet again,

Well, I am about to start with a project that I call tinytube. Basically it is a youtube clone striped down to its basic function.

A user must be able to register/ upload and delete his/her videos

A video can get comments
A can be deleted by the uploader
A video is assigned to a category
A videos are going to be run by a flash/xml player

There must be something like tags clouds and related tags clouds

I think that was all.. but I need help or just ye person professional opinion. I am staring to layout a database structure.

I would really appreciate if ye have any helpful comments and add-ons, tutorials on anything or simply something that I should be aware about.

thanks for ye time :)

ps: the project is going to be done usin' PHP/mySQL
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