Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
18. maj 2007 - 22:55 Der er 21 kommentarer og
1 løsning

ASP.NET forum installation

Jeg er igang med at implementere et ASP.NET forum på min webserver men jeg har et par start problemer som jeg ikke kan finde ud af.

Forumet skal ligge som et sub-domaine til mit nyværende domaine, når jeg så prøver at tilgå forumet så bliver jeg promtet for et brugernavn og en kode inden jeg ser nogen sider.

Jeg kan ikke rigtigt komme videre før jeg får fixet det.
Avatar billede Erik Ødemark Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 00:24 #1
Lyder lidt som om din IUSR_"computernavn" ikke har læse adgang til de folder/site du har sat op.
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 00:35 #2
hvor og hvordan retter jeg i det?
Avatar billede Erik Ødemark Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 01:17 #3
I din IIS manager (control panel) vælger du egenskab på dit website.
Vælg fanebladet "directory security"
klik på EDIT under "authentication and access control"
I dette vindue markerer du "Enable anonymous access" og indtaster brugeren IUSR_"maskinnavn" samt tilhørende password.

Vær opmærksom på at såfremt du ikke kan huske det korrekte password vil du hele tiden blive mødt med login prompten.
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 01:29 #4
det er der allerede
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 01:44 #5
Ah sorry, der var et par små justeringer jeg havde glemt.

Nu skal jeg så ha' muligheden for at se fejlen på siden.

Hvor i denne webconfig fil skal jeg rette så jeg kan se fejlen?

>>---------------- WEBCONFIG  --------------------<<


        <!-- Initialize the AspNetForums Configuration Handler  -->
        <sectionGroup name="forums">
            <section name="forums" type="AspNetForums.Configuration.ForumsConfigurationHandler, AspNetForums.Components" />


        <!-- Standard Application Settings -->
        <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" />
        <pages validateRequest="false" />

        <!-- Permit detailed errors to be displayed for remote clients -->
        <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" />

        <!-- START - AspNetForums specific application settings -->
            <add name="AspNetForums" type="AspNetForums.ForumsHttpModule, AspNetForums.Components" />

            <add verb="GET" path="avatar.aspx" type="AspNetForums.Components.HttpHandler.AvatarHttpHandler, AspNetForums.Components" />

            authentication :
                To use Windows Authentication, you must turn off Anonymous authentication in IIS
                or IIS will never pass the user credentials to the forums. 

                To enable Windows Authentication, simply comment out the forms authentication section
                below and uncomment the Windows Authentication stuff.
        <authentication mode="Windows">
        <authentication mode="Forms">
            <forms name=".AspNetForums" protection="All" timeout="60" loginUrl="login.aspx" />
        <authentication mode="Forms">
            <forms name=".AspNetForums" protection="All" timeout="60" loginUrl="login.aspx" />

        <customErrors mode="Off"/>
        <!-- END - AspNetForums specific application settings -->


    <!-- START - AspNetForums configuration settings -->
            defaultProvider :
                This is the dataprovider you will be using to connect to a database.
                    *** Only SqlForumsProvider is supported at this time.  Do not change.

            defaultLanguage (default = en-US) :
                This is the default language your forums installation will use when Anonymous users    and guests first visit the
                homepage, and after they register.  Once registered, they may change their language preference from their user
                Control Panel.  To view a list of supported languages, open the following XML file:

            forumFilesPath (default = "/") :
                This is the forums' complete pathname, in reference to the "Web Application's Home".  For example,
                if your Web Application is at "http://domain.com/Members/MyApp/", and you install the forums into
                a directory of "http://domain.com/Members/MyApp/Forums/", then you will need to change the forumsFilesPath
                to "/Forums/" below.  This is because the forumsFilesPath is in additional to the Web Application's path.

                If you used the install wizard, you will not need to change this setting.  As the install wizard automatically
                configured your local machine to have a new Web Application name, besides your root folder.  And since
                the forums was installed into the base directory of this new Web Application, you will leave it "/".  This
                is correct, even if your Web Application directory is actually "http://localhost/AspNetForums/", you
                will leave the setting for forumFilesPath="/".

            disableEmail (default = False) :
                Setting this to True will disable the Email processing on this server.  This is primarily used
                on clustered servers to allow only certain machines to process email.  Having all clustered web servers attempting
                to process the email queue could result in duplicate emails being sent on high-traffic websites.  This setting
                allows you to control which servers queue and send the emails in a load-balanced environment.
                This setting overrides the SiteSettings option for sending emails, if the sitesettings has emails set to True.
                Else, nothing changes and no web server sends email.

            disableIndexing (default = False) :
                Setting this to True will disable .NET indexing of cached data (language files, site settings, forums information,
                etc).  Setting this to True will degrade the system and the forum's performance.
            disableThreading (default = False) :
                Setting this to True will disable .NET background threading of system processing (emails, stats, etc).  Setting
                this to True will degrade the system's and the forum performance.
            threadIntervalEmail (default = 1) :
                This sets the total minutes the background processing of emails occurs.  For larger sites with over 100,000
                users, it is recommended setting this to a higher number (5 or 10) so not to overlap multiple calls to the email queue.
            threadIntervalStats (default = 15) :
                This sets the total minutes the background processing of the site statistics occur.  This is a very intense process
                that should only be run in-frequently.  For larger sites ( > 5,000,000 posts), you may want to increase this number.

            passwordEncodingFormat (default = unicode) :
                This is the textual encoding or code page to use when generating a password using the specified hashing algorithm. This
                is described in the System.Text.Encoding class. Possible values are :

                    1. unicode
                    2. unicodeFFFE
                    3. windows-1252
                    4. utf-7
                    5. utf-8

                You should only need to change this value if you are importing user accounts from another system and need to make sure
                that your passwords are using the right encoding before being hashed otherwise you won't get the same hashed passwords.

                The default is unicode.  Once changed, all of your passwords will be stored in this format.  Changing formats once
                users are installed, will lock users out (as well as the administrator).
            allowAutoUserRegistration (default = false)
                This option controls whether the forums will support auto registration of users in the system. This is useful if the
                forums are being used with Windows authentication, Passport authentication or in an integrated hosting invironment
                such DotNetNuke or some other parent site where the parent site provides the user validation. This will simply create
                a user profile for this authenticated user.
            adminWindowsGroup (default = Administrators)
                Members of this group will be mapped to the Administrative role.
            assignLocalAdminsAdminRole (default = false)
                Controls whether members of the built in group Administrators are automatically treated as administrators in the application.
            smtpServerConnectionLimit (default = -1)
                Limits or throttles the number of concurrent connections that can be sent to an SMTP server when sending email. Some ISP's
                limit the number of concurrent connections from a single account and if there is a large email queue we can quickly exhaust
                the number of connections to the ISP's SMTP server. In other situations you may not have this restriction and can just leave it
                at the default which will send the email as fast as it can and not worry about the number of connections used by a single
            enableLatestVersionCheck (default = true)
                Option to control whether the admin page attempts to contact the forums site to check for the latest version. Turn this option
                to false to turn this capability off.


                    SqlForumsProvider :
                        Microsoft(r)'s SQL Server Data Provider Configuration Section

                        To configure manually, replace the value for connectionString with
                        your MSSQLSERVER's connect information. 

                            For example, replace:
                                connectionString = "-SqlConnectiongString-"
                                connectionString = "server=;database=AspNetForums;uid=Username;pwd=Password"

                        If installing into a shared web hosting company's database, you will most likely be installing from a
                        non-DBO (DataBase Owner) account.  To ensure your database objects can be accessed properly from the forums,
                        you may need to change the databaseOwner value below to your username/accoutname you have with your hosting company.

                            For example, replace:
                                databaseOwner = "dbo"
                                databaseOwner = "Username"
                    name = "SqlForumsProvider"
                    type = "AspNetForums.Data.SqlDataProvider, AspNetForums.SqlDataProvider"
                    connectionString = "server=HILSOEWEB1;Database=Forums;Trusted_Connection=true;App=ASP.NET Forums"
                    databaseOwner = "dbo"

    <!-- END - AspNetForums configuration settings -->
    <!-- START - AspNetForums file permissions -->
    <location path="EditPost.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />

    <location path="PrivateMessage.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />
    <location path="Download.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />

    <location path="License.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />

    <!-- END - AspNetForums file permissions -->

Avatar billede dr_chaos Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 15:07 #6
<customErrors mode="Off" />
Avatar billede webnoob Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 16:34 #7
Hvilken linje skal det indsættes?
Avatar billede webnoob Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 16:36 #8
det kunne være han også gerne vil vide det.
Avatar billede dr_chaos Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 17:14 #9
Han har linien <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" /> i sin web.config.
Det er den som skal ændres.
Avatar billede Erik Ødemark Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 17:48 #10
Men spørgsmålet...

"Forumet skal ligge som et sub-domaine til mit nyværende domaine, når jeg så prøver at tilgå forumet så bliver jeg promtet for et brugernavn og en kode inden jeg ser nogen sider.

Jeg kan ikke rigtigt komme videre før jeg får fixet det."

Breder sig nu til andre problemer end først omtalte.

Blot en note.
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 18:00 #11
som virker det, jeg bliver ikke promtet for et brugernavn og kode.

Jeg beklager jeg stiller et ekstra spørgsmål, det troede jeg ikke ville være et problem og slet ikke når jeg tilbyder 200 point.

Lig et svar så må jeg jo oprette et nyt spørgsmål.
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 19:09 #12
er det meningen det skal være sådan her?


        <!-- Initialize the AspNetForums Configuration Handler  -->
        <sectionGroup name="forums">
            <section name="forums" type="AspNetForums.Configuration.ForumsConfigurationHandler, AspNetForums.Components" />


        <!-- Standard Application Settings -->
        <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" />
        <pages validateRequest="false" />

        <!-- Permit detailed errors to be displayed for remote clients -->
        <customErrors mode="off" />

    <!-- START - AspNetForums specific application settings -->
            <add name="AspNetForums" type="AspNetForums.ForumsHttpModule, AspNetForums.Components" />

            <add verb="GET" path="avatar.aspx" type="AspNetForums.Components.HttpHandler.AvatarHttpHandler, AspNetForums.Components" />

            authentication :
                To use Windows Authentication, you must turn off Anonymous authentication in IIS
                or IIS will never pass the user credentials to the forums. 

                To enable Windows Authentication, simply comment out the forms authentication section
                below and uncomment the Windows Authentication stuff.
        <authentication mode="Windows">
        <authentication mode="Forms">
            <forms name=".AspNetForums" protection="All" timeout="60" loginUrl="login.aspx" />
        <authentication mode="Forms">
            <forms name=".AspNetForums" protection="All" timeout="60" loginUrl="login.aspx" />

        <customErrors mode="Off"/>
        <!-- END - AspNetForums specific application settings -->


    <!-- START - AspNetForums configuration settings -->
            defaultProvider :
                This is the dataprovider you will be using to connect to a database.
                    *** Only SqlForumsProvider is supported at this time.  Do not change.

            defaultLanguage (default = en-US) :
                This is the default language your forums installation will use when Anonymous users    and guests first visit the
                homepage, and after they register.  Once registered, they may change their language preference from their user
                Control Panel.  To view a list of supported languages, open the following XML file:

            forumFilesPath (default = "/") :
                This is the forums' complete pathname, in reference to the "Web Application's Home".  For example,
                if your Web Application is at "http://domain.com/Members/MyApp/", and you install the forums into
                a directory of "http://domain.com/Members/MyApp/Forums/", then you will need to change the forumsFilesPath
                to "/Forums/" below.  This is because the forumsFilesPath is in additional to the Web Application's path.

                If you used the install wizard, you will not need to change this setting.  As the install wizard automatically
                configured your local machine to have a new Web Application name, besides your root folder.  And since
                the forums was installed into the base directory of this new Web Application, you will leave it "/".  This
                is correct, even if your Web Application directory is actually "http://localhost/AspNetForums/", you
                will leave the setting for forumFilesPath="/".

            disableEmail (default = False) :
                Setting this to True will disable the Email processing on this server.  This is primarily used
                on clustered servers to allow only certain machines to process email.  Having all clustered web servers attempting
                to process the email queue could result in duplicate emails being sent on high-traffic websites.  This setting
                allows you to control which servers queue and send the emails in a load-balanced environment.
                This setting overrides the SiteSettings option for sending emails, if the sitesettings has emails set to True.
                Else, nothing changes and no web server sends email.

            disableIndexing (default = False) :
                Setting this to True will disable .NET indexing of cached data (language files, site settings, forums information,
                etc).  Setting this to True will degrade the system and the forum's performance.
            disableThreading (default = False) :
                Setting this to True will disable .NET background threading of system processing (emails, stats, etc).  Setting
                this to True will degrade the system's and the forum performance.
            threadIntervalEmail (default = 1) :
                This sets the total minutes the background processing of emails occurs.  For larger sites with over 100,000
                users, it is recommended setting this to a higher number (5 or 10) so not to overlap multiple calls to the email queue.
            threadIntervalStats (default = 15) :
                This sets the total minutes the background processing of the site statistics occur.  This is a very intense process
                that should only be run in-frequently.  For larger sites ( > 5,000,000 posts), you may want to increase this number.

            passwordEncodingFormat (default = unicode) :
                This is the textual encoding or code page to use when generating a password using the specified hashing algorithm. This
                is described in the System.Text.Encoding class. Possible values are :

                    1. unicode
                    2. unicodeFFFE
                    3. windows-1252
                    4. utf-7
                    5. utf-8

                You should only need to change this value if you are importing user accounts from another system and need to make sure
                that your passwords are using the right encoding before being hashed otherwise you won't get the same hashed passwords.

                The default is unicode.  Once changed, all of your passwords will be stored in this format.  Changing formats once
                users are installed, will lock users out (as well as the administrator).
            allowAutoUserRegistration (default = false)
                This option controls whether the forums will support auto registration of users in the system. This is useful if the
                forums are being used with Windows authentication, Passport authentication or in an integrated hosting invironment
                such DotNetNuke or some other parent site where the parent site provides the user validation. This will simply create
                a user profile for this authenticated user.
            adminWindowsGroup (default = Administrators)
                Members of this group will be mapped to the Administrative role.
            assignLocalAdminsAdminRole (default = false)
                Controls whether members of the built in group Administrators are automatically treated as administrators in the application.
            smtpServerConnectionLimit (default = -1)
                Limits or throttles the number of concurrent connections that can be sent to an SMTP server when sending email. Some ISP's
                limit the number of concurrent connections from a single account and if there is a large email queue we can quickly exhaust
                the number of connections to the ISP's SMTP server. In other situations you may not have this restriction and can just leave it
                at the default which will send the email as fast as it can and not worry about the number of connections used by a single
            enableLatestVersionCheck (default = true)
                Option to control whether the admin page attempts to contact the forums site to check for the latest version. Turn this option
                to false to turn this capability off.


                    SqlForumsProvider :
                        Microsoft(r)'s SQL Server Data Provider Configuration Section

                        To configure manually, replace the value for connectionString with
                        your MSSQLSERVER's connect information. 

                            For example, replace:
                                connectionString = "-SqlConnectiongString-"
                                connectionString = "server=;database=AspNetForums;uid=Username;pwd=Password"

                        If installing into a shared web hosting company's database, you will most likely be installing from a
                        non-DBO (DataBase Owner) account.  To ensure your database objects can be accessed properly from the forums,
                        you may need to change the databaseOwner value below to your username/accoutname you have with your hosting company.

                            For example, replace:
                                databaseOwner = "dbo"
                                databaseOwner = "Username"
                    name = "SqlForumsProvider"
                    type = "AspNetForums.Data.SqlDataProvider, AspNetForums.SqlDataProvider"
                    connectionString = "server=HILSOEWEB1;Database=Forums;Trusted_Connection=true;App=ASP.NET Forums"
                    databaseOwner = "Admin"
                    <!-- databaseOwner = "odb" -->

    <!-- END - AspNetForums configuration settings -->
    <!-- START - AspNetForums file permissions -->
    <location path="EditPost.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />

    <location path="PrivateMessage.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />
    <location path="Download.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />

    <location path="License.aspx">
                <deny users="?" />

    <!-- END - AspNetForums file permissions -->

Avatar billede dr_chaos Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 20:46 #13
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 20:48 #14
ok, men det hjælper ikke, prøv selv og kig her. http://forum.hilsoe.dk
Avatar billede dr_chaos Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 21:13 #15
Prøv at give full control til hele mappen til everyone brugeren.
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 21:16 #16
det blev det ikke bedre af.
Avatar billede dr_chaos Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 21:37 #17
hmm har du fulgt installations instruktionerne til punkt og prikke ?
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 21:51 #18
yes, der er ikke så meget at gør forkert
Avatar billede dr_chaos Nybegynder
19. maj 2007 - 22:15 #19
ok jeg har ikke prøvet at installerer det.
Du kan evt overveje at stille dit spørgsmål på asp.net forummet.
Der er nok en del som har oplevet det samme.
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
20. maj 2007 - 14:14 #20
Lukker og opretter nyt spørgsmål og håber på flere kloge hoved vil kigge forbi.
Avatar billede Erik Ødemark Nybegynder
20. maj 2007 - 15:44 #21
Hmm, synes du selv det er fair, thomasmyg ?

Du stiller et spørgsmål og får et svar hvorefter du stiller et nyt. Herefter lukker du spørgsmålet...!
Avatar billede thomasmyg Nybegynder
20. maj 2007 - 16:32 #22
Gud ja har sgu da helt glemt IUSR.

Jeg har oprretet et nyt spørgsmål til dig, dr_chaos, http://www.eksperten.dk/spm/779266 lig et svar der så du kan få de point jeg snød dig for.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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