16. maj 2007 - 13:06Der er
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Makro til direkte "print" til PDF fra Excel
Jeg har et ønske om at kunne gemme hvert ark i et excel-ark som seperate PDF-sider. Jeg kan gøre det manuelt og det giver et perfekt PDF-output, men det er mange sider det drejer sig om, så en makro ville være perfekt.
Jeg er kommet så langt: Sub Makro3() '
Sheets("tj").Select Range("A1:I36").Select Application.ActivePrinter = "PDF995 på Ne01:" ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Printtofile:=True, Prtofilename:="s:s0book\test.pdf", Collate:=True Sheets("Test").Select End Sub
Men når makroen er kørt, får jeg følgende fejl, når jeg prøver at åbne pdf-dokumentet: Adobe kunne ikke åbne filen "test.pdf fordi filtypen ikke understøttes.
Jeg har nu prøvet din makro fra dit tidligere svar, men får følgende fejl i din 'create postscript file: "Compile error - named argument not found", med følgende markeret: "outputfilename:="
Det er dig, som har "tvunget" filen til at hedde test.pdf. Hvis du åbner den i f.eks. notepad, vil du i første linje se noget, der ligner "%!PS-Adobe-3.0". Dvs. at det ikke er en pdf, men en postscript-fil (test.ps).
Jeg tror heller ikke, at du kan automatisere sådan med PDF995. Den kræver ligesom den pause, som "Gem som"-dialogen giver. Efter tryk på "Gem-knappen" konverterer PDF995 ps-filen til pdf.
Her er lidt kode. Den indsættes i et alm. modul, og kaldes så når der skal printes
Option Explicit
'Read INI settings Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, _ ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, _ ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
'Write settings Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, _ ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub pdfwrite(outputfile As String, rng As Range)
Dim syncfile As String, maxwaittime As Long Dim iniFileName As String, tmpPrinter As String Dim x As Long Dim tmpoutputfile As String, tmpAutoLaunch As String
' set the location of the PDF995.ini and the pdfsync files iniFileName = "C:\Program Files\pdf995\res\pdf995.ini" syncfile = "c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\pdf995\res\pdfsync.ini"
Application.Goto rng ' save current settings from the PDF995.ini file tmpoutputfile = ReadINIfile("PARAMETERS", "Output File", iniFileName) tmpAutoLaunch = ReadINIfile("PARAMETERS", "Autolaunch", iniFileName)
' remove previous pdf if it exists On Error Resume Next Kill outputfile On Error GoTo Cleanup
' setup new values in PDF995.ini x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "Output File", outputfile, iniFileName) x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "AutoLaunch", "0", iniFileName)
' change the default printer to PDF995 ' if running on Access 2000 or earlier, comment out the next two lines tmpPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter Application.ActivePrinter = "PDF995 on Ne06:"
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
' cleanup delay to allow PDF995 to finish up. When flagfile is nolonger present, PDF995 is done. Sleep (10000) maxwaittime = 300000 'If pdf995 isn't done in 5 min, quit anyway Do While ReadINIfile("PARAMETERS", "Generating PDF CS", syncfile) = "1" And maxwaittime > 0 Sleep (10000) maxwaittime = maxwaittime - 10000 Loop
' restore the original default printer and the PDF995.ini settings Cleanup: Sleep (10000) x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "Output File", tmpoutputfile, iniFileName) x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "AutoLaunch", tmpAutoLaunch, iniFileName) x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "Launch", "", iniFileName) On Error Resume Next Application.ActivePrinter = tmpPrinter
End Sub
Function ReadINIfile(sSection As String, sEntry As String, sFilename As String) As String Dim x As Long Dim sDefault As String Dim sRetBuf As String, iLenBuf As Integer Dim sValue As String sDefault$ = "" sRetBuf$ = String$(256, 0) '256 null characters iLenBuf% = Len(sRetBuf$) x = GetPrivateProfileString(sSection, sEntry, _ sDefault$, sRetBuf$, iLenBuf%, sFilename) ReadINIfile = Left$(sRetBuf$, x)
End Function
--------------------------------------- For at kalde PDF-printet gøres således
Sub WRITE_MY_PDF_FILE() pdfwrite "c:\test3.pdf", Sheet1.Range("A1:G25") End Sub
Sub Makro1() Range("a1:F12").Select Application.ActivePrinter = "Win2PDF på Ne00:" ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Printtofile:=True, Prtofilename:="c:\etellerandet.pdf", ActivePrinter:="Win2PDF på Ne00:", Collate:=True End Sub
Tusind tak for jeres svar - Bak, dit fungerede lige i øjet, så det var helt perfekt... Nåede at blive så frusteret over Excel inden da, at jeg fandt en måde at få Excel til at lave billeder i stedet...
Hvis nogen skulle være interesseret, er koden til det her: Dim outputnavne(20) Dim i, strGIFFileName, ctoTheChartHolder, chtTheChart, picThePicture, sglWidth, sglHeight, blnRet outputnavne(0) = "DagensKommentar" strGIFFileName = "q:\s&m\salgsfokus\output\uge19-23\" & outputnavne(0) & ".gif"
' Copy the selection to the clipboard as a picture Range(outputnavne(0)).CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
' Add a chart object to the activesheet Set ctoTheChartHolder = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, 800, 800) Set chtTheChart = ctoTheChartHolder.Chart ctoTheChartHolder.Activate With chtTheChart .ChartArea.Select .Paste Set picThePicture = .Pictures(1) End With
With picThePicture .Left = 0 .Top = 0 sglWidth = .Width + 7 sglHeight = .Height + 7 End With
With ctoTheChartHolder .Border.LineStyle = xlNone .Width = sglWidth .Height = sglHeight End With
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