Avatar billede raws Nybegynder
28. april 2007 - 12:03 Der er 1 kommentar

fejl i php

hvad er problemet i det her upload script?

* PHP Freaks Code Library
* http://www.phpfreaks.com/quickcode.php
* Title: image uploader v0.13
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Joonas Lauhala aka(joonas905)
* Date: Wednesday, 04/11/2007 - 09:25 PM
* NOTICE: This code is available from PHPFreaks.com code Library.
*        This code is not Copyrighted by PHP Freaks.
*        PHP Freaks does not claim authorship of this code.
*        This code was submitted to our website by a user.
*        The user may or may not claim authorship of this code.
*        If there are any questions about the origin of this code,
*        please contact the person who submitted it, not PHPFreaks.com!
* SHAMELESS PLUG: Need WebHosting? Checkout WebHost Freaks:
*                http://www.webhostfreaks.com
*                WebHosting by PHP Freaks / The Web Freaks!

// *    Description / Example:
// *   
// *    FEATURES:
// *   
// *    \"image uploader\" v0.13
// *    ************************************************
// *   
// *    - upload images
// *    - preview uploaded image
// *    - recognizes many filetypes
// *    - easy-to-understand errors
// *    - easy-to-customate settings/styles
// *   
// *    \"image uploader\" v0.17 (next version)
// *    *********************************************
// *   
// *    - all version 0.13 features
// *    - hide image source
// *    - multiple file uploads


body{ background:#aacbfd; color:#000000; font-family:Arial; }
div{ border:solid 1px #000000; background:#83acf1; padding:10px; margin:5px 5px 5px 5px; }
form{ margin:0px; padding:0px; } .upload{ border:solid 1px #000000; background:#cccccc; height:20px; }
a:link, a:active, a:visited{ color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; } a:hover{ text-decoration:underline; }
$mode = $_GET[ \"mode\" ];
$submit = $_POST[ \"images\" ];
$files = $_FILES[ \"content\" ];
$php = $_SERVER[ \"PHP_SELF\" ];
$size = $files[ \"size\" ];
$type = $files[ \"type\" ];
$name = $files[ \"name\" ];
$temp = $files[ \"tmp_name\" ];
$max_size = 3000024;  // Maximum filesize ( bytes )
$path = \"/data/cluster/free1go/r/a/www.raws.1go.dk/billeder/images/";    // Upload directory
if( !file_exists( dirname( $path ) ) ) {
mkdir( dirname( $path ) ); }
if( isset( $mode, $submit, $files ) && $mode == \"upload\" && $size > 0 ) {
$mimes = array( \"image/pjpeg\", \"image/gif\", \"image/png\",\"image/bmp\",
\"image/fif\", \"image/ief\", \"image/tiff\", \"image/x-portable-bitmap\",
\"image/x-portable-graymap\", \"image/x-portable-pixmap\", \"image/x-xbitmap\",
\"image/x-xpixmap\", \"image/x-xres\", \"image/x-icon\", \"image/jpeg\" );
  if( $size <= $max_size ) {
    if( !file_exists( \"$path/$name\" ) ) {
      $search = in_array( $type, $mimes );
      if( $search == true && move_uploaded_file( $temp, \"$path/$name\" ) ) {
        $output = \"<b>File uploaded with success!</b><br>
        <a href=\\\"$php\\\">Upload more files...</a><br><br>
        <img src=\\\"$path/$name\\\">\";
      } else {
        $output = \"<b>Code #FU001: wrong filetype found!</b><br>
        <a href=\\\"$php\\\">Upload only acceptable one(s).</a>\"; }
    } else {
      $output = \"<b>Code #FU002: file already exists!</b><br>
        <a href=\\\"$php\\\">Upload different file.</a>\"; }
  } else {
    $output = \"<b>Code #FU003: file is too large!</b><br>
    <a href=\\\"$php\\\">Try to upload smaller file!</a>\"; }
} else {
  $output = \"<form action=\\\"$php?mode=upload\\\" method=\\\"post\\\" enctype=\\\"multipart/form-data\\\">
  <b>Upload file:</b><br><input type=\\\"file\\\" name=\\\"content\\\" size=\\\"25\\\" class=\\\"upload\\\">
  <input type=\\\"submit\\\" name=\\\"upload\\\" value=\\\"Upload\\\" class=\\\"upload\\\"></form>\"; }
echo( $output );
Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
28. april 2007 - 12:22 #1
1) Der er for mange \-ere
2) Der tjekkes ikke for extension på uploadede filer, så en hacker kan uden videre uploade en PHP-fil og lave alt om på dit site. Du skal ikke bruge dette script, hvis det er offentligt tilgængeligt.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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