Jeg har set lidt på jeres svar, og kan stadig ikke hitte ud af det...
Det ser altså ud til at Cybercity understøtter asp. Og endelsen er god nok..
Sagen er den, at jeg skal smide et chat program ind på min hjemmeside. \"Conguerchat\". (Ved ikke om der er nogen af jer, der kender det.)Og når jeg så linker til det, dukker kildekoden op.
Den ser ud som følgende:
<% Option Explicit %>
<!-- #include file=\"\" -->
\' :@default.asp
\' This page is the main entrace for ConquerChat. It shows a list of currently
\' logged in chatusers and makes it possible to log in by entering your user-
\' name in the appropriate field.
\' @author Peter Theill
Response.Buffer = True
\' Enable the lines below to reinitialise the chat
Dim userId
userId = Request(\"chatId\")
\' do not show login screen if a valid session exists
If (userId <> \"\") Then
Response.Redirect \"frames.asp?chatId=\" & userId
End If
Dim i
Dim mode, errorMessage
mode = Request(\"mode\")
If (mode = \"userLogin\") Then
Dim userName
userName = Server.HTMLEncode(Request(\"userName\"))
If (countUsers() >= USERS) Then
errorMessage = \"The maximum number of users have been reached. You are not allowed to login at this time.\"
ElseIf (Len(userName) = 0) Then
errorMessage = \"You have to enter a username before starting to chat.\"
ElseIf (Len(userName) > MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH) Then
errorMessage = \"Username must not exceed \" & MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH & \" characters.\"
ElseIf (userExists(userName)) Then
errorMessage = \"Sorry,<br><br>You cannot use this username, since another person is using this already.\"
ElseIf (InStr(userName, Chr(1)) <> 0) Then
errorMessage = \"Your username contains inappropriate characters. Please choose another one.\"
Dim p
Set p = New Person = -1 = userName
p.roomId = 0
\' we have a new chat user thus we need to create a new
\' id for him/her
Set p = addUser(p)
\' tell all other users about this new user
For i = MESSAGES To 2 Step -1
Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_0_\" & i) = Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_0_\" & i-1)
Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_0_1\") = \"<span class=\'loggedIn\'><img src=\'images/new.gif\' height=9 width=9> \" & userName & \" logged on at \" & Now & \"</span><br>\"
\' redirect to new frame window and create a new user login
Response.Redirect \"frames.asp?chatId=\" &
End If
End If \' > If (mode = \"userLogin\") Then
\' make sure we don\'t show any inactive users for new chat users
\' create default rooms if no is available (which will be the case the
\' very first time after a server restart)
If (conquerChatRooms.Count = 0) Then
Dim defaultRooms
defaultRooms = Split(DEFAULT_ROOMS, \";\")
If (IsArray(defaultRooms)) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(defaultRooms)
defaultRooms(i) = Trim(defaultRooms(i))
If (defaultRooms(i) <> \"\") Then
Call addRoom(defaultRooms(i), \"-1\")
End If
End If
End If
<title><%= APPLICATION_NAME %></title>
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"chat.css\">
<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=\"100%\">
<td align=\"right\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_top\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"\" alt=\"Part of the Theill Web Site\"></a></td>
<form name=\"frmLogin\" method=\"POST\" action=\"default.asp\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"userLogin\">
<div align=\"center\">
<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#D0D0D0>
<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" width=\"320\" bgcolor=white>
<td bgcolor=\"#800000\"><b><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> Join <%= APPLICATION_NAME %></font></b></td>
<td bgcolor=\"#F0F0F0\">
<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
<td nowrap>Type Username </td>
<td width=\"100%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" class=\"editField\" size=\"15\" maxlength=20 value=\"<%= userName %>\" tabindex=\"1\" style=\"width: 100%\"></td>
<td width=100% bgcolor=\"#F0F0F0\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"image\" name=\"login\" value=\"submit\" src=\"images/btn_login.gif\" border=0 width=48 height=16 tabindex=2></td>
<td width=100% align=\"right\"> </td>
<% If (Len(errorMessage) > 0) Then %>
<td bgcolor=\"#C00000\"><font color=white><b><%= errorMessage %></b></font> </td>
<% End If %>
<td><%= countUsers() %> users is currently chatting (max. <%= USERS %>):</td>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width=100%>
If (countUsers() <> 0) Then
Dim user, room_, rowIdx
For Each userId In conquerChatUsers
Set user = getUser(userId)
Set room_ = getRoom(user.roomId)
If (room_ Is Nothing) Then
Set room_ = New Room = \"Unavailable\"
End If
If (rowIdx MOD 2) Then
Response.Write \"<tr bgcolor=\'#F8F8F8\'>\"
Response.Write \"<tr>\"
End If
Response.Write \" <td width=24><img src=\'images/transparent.gif\' width=8 height=16><img src=\'images/ico.user.gif\' width=16 height=16 border=0 alt=\'active chat user\'></td>\"
Response.Write \" <td width=\'100%\' class=\'infoText\'>\" & & \" - \" & & \" </td>\"
Response.Write \"</tr>\"
rowIdx = rowIdx + 1
Response.Write(\"<td> <b>No users currently logged in.</b></td>\")
End If
<script language=\"JavaScript\">
// -->
Hvis der ikke er nogen af jer, der kan hjælpe, er der så ikke nogen, der kan anbefale et program til at lave asp sider (hvor der også følger der en god vejledning med.)