19. marts 2007 - 15:46Der er
7 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Edit og edlin
Hej med jer
Jeg har porteret et script over fra windows XP som bruger edlin, mend windows 2003 server understøtter ikke denne kommando og for den sags skyld heller dens afløser, edit.
Er der nogle som har en ide til hvilken kommando der kan benyttes i stedet?
@REM: compall.bat DOS/Windows batch command file to compile Forms @goto endcomments
This is a DOS batch command file designed to compile all forms and PLL libraries in a single directory (folder). (Only form SIRF0001.fmb is skipped -- it is a reference object library, not a form to be run).
This file and all forms and PLL libraries to be compiled should be in the same folder. If forms need to be compiled against different user schemas, they should be separated into different folders.
Required PLL libraries and the 'SI' reference form SIRF0001.fmb can be located elswhere in the Forms_path used by the operating system when compiling forms. They do not need to be included in this folder. Note: If different versions of a PLL library exist, place the one to be used in the folder along with the forms being compiled.
Before using this batch command file, change the two SET commands below. The first is your Oracle logon string. The second SET command may be ok, but if not, it must be the path and program name of the Forms compiler program. (Note that if either of these SET commands is incorrect, the compile will fail but the compiler error file (example S01.err) will not be created.)
To do a compile:
Start a DOS command window: Start, Run, cmd.exe
CD (change directory) to the appropriate directory (folder) Example: CD C:\orant\forms90\fmb90\atst Enter DIR to see a list of all files in the directory.
Try compiling a single form first by entering: Compall YourFmbName
To compile all libraries and forms, just enter: Compall
When you compile all, file compall.err is created listing forms and libraries that failed to compile.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- :endcomments @ECHO OFF
SET Orauser=xxxx/yyyy@zzzz SET compile=frmcmp
REM: --- Build control files ---
goto skipCz1 -- The next 5 lines are extracted into compz1.bat REM: ---- Start compz1.bat ---------- echo call compz3 %1 > compz2.bat edlin compz2.bat < compz2.edi > compx1 call compz2 REM: ---- End compz1.bat ------------ :skipCz1
REM: These lines create edlin command file compz1.edi REM: They delete lines from the copy of this file to REM: create compz1.bat. echo 1,#S-- Start compz1.bat -->compz1.edi echo 1,-1D >>compz1.edi echo 1,#S-- End compz1.bat --->>compz1.edi echo +1,#D >>compz1.edi echo E >>compz1.edi
REM: copy compall.bat to compz1.bat, then remove all but 3 lines copy compall.bat compz1.bat >compx1 edlin compz1.bat < compz1.edi >compx1 del compz1.bak del compz1.edi del compx1
REM: next 3 lines create an edlin command file, compz2.edi, which is REM: used repeatedly to remove the extension from each file name REM: parameter echo 1R.fmb>compz2.edi echo 1R.FMB>>compz2.edi echo 1R.pll>>compz2.edi echo 1R.PLL>>compz2.edi echo E >>compz2.edi
goto skip2 -- The next ~50 lines are extracted into compZ3.bat to do the main -- compile process for each form or library REM: ---- Start compz3.bat ---------- %1 del compx1 If exist %1.err DEL %1.err REM -- do not compile reference library form SIRF001 if %1 == SIRF0001 GOTO end if exist %1.pll GOTO comppll If exist %1.fmb GOTO compfmb REM --here if file not found ECHO ERROR: File not found -- %1.fmb goto end
:comppll rem --- compiles PLL library here --- If exist %1.plx DEL %1.plx %compile% %1 %orauser% Module_Type=LIBRARY Strip_Source=YES Output_File=%1 Batch=YES Window_State=Minimize If exist %1.plx GOTO OkCmp1 ECHO ERROR: Compile failed -- %1 ECHO ERROR: Compile failed -- %1 >>compall.err Goto compfmb
:OkCmp1 If exist %1.err DEL %1.err ECHO ------- Compile OK -- %1.pll
:compfmb If not exist %1.fmb GOTO end
rem --- Compiles Form here --- If exist %1.fmx DEL %1.fmx %compile% %1 %Orauser% Batch=YES Window_State=Minimize If exist %1.fmx GOTO OkCmp2 :compfail Rem --here if compile failed ECHO ERROR: Compile failed -- %1 ECHO ERROR: Compile failed -- %1 >>compall.err goto end
:OkCmp2 If exist %1.err DEL %1.err ECHO ------- Compile OK -- %1.fmb move %1.fmx ../release/%1.fmx move %1.fmb ../../source/%1.fmb :end REM: ---- End compz3.bat ------------ %1 :skip2
REM: These lines create edlin command file compz3.edi REM: They delete lines from the copy of this file to REM: create comp3z.bat. echo 1,#S-- Start compz3.bat -->compz3.edi echo 1,-1D >>compz3.edi echo 1,#S-- End compz3.bat --->>compz3.edi echo +1,#D >>compz3.edi echo E >>compz3.edi
copy compall.bat compz3.bat >compx1 edlin compz3.bat < compz3.edi >compx1 del compz3.bak del compz3.edi del compx1
REM: ---- Now start compile loop ---- if exist compall.err DEL compall.err REM: if %1 parm set, just compile that form, otherwise do all if %1* == * GOTO compall call compz1 %1 del compz*.* echo ---- Compall completed. goto endcomp
:compall rem Echo -- Ready to compile all PLL Libraries and all forms. rem Echo -- Make sure no forms are running. rem Echo -- Press Ctrl+C to cancel rem Pause REM: This loops through all .pll and .fmb files: FOR %%F in (*.pll *.fmb) do call compz1 %%F del compz*.* if not exist compall.err echo All forms compiled ok>compall.err echo ---- Compall completed. Check compall.err :endcomp SET Orauser= REM: ----- End of Compall.bat ----------
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