Avatar billede flvind Nybegynder
16. marts 2007 - 10:14 Der er 11 kommentarer og
1 løsning

låsning af tabel

Jeg sidder med en access 2000 database som består af ca 20 forskellige. Det er meningen at flere brugere skal kunne arbejde i databasen på samme tid.

Hvordan opsætter man en lås således at hvis en tabel er åben af en anden bruger gøres andre brugere opmærksom på dette når de ønske at åbne tabellen.

Dette skal kun være aktuelt når man ønsker at åbne en tabel der er åben.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
16. marts 2007 - 18:52 #1
... som består af ca 20 forskellige. Forskellige hvad?

As far as I know you cant. You can get Access to generate an error if two people try editing the same record but not becuase to people want to see the same record.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
16. marts 2007 - 18:56 #2
In the tools menu choose Option and the select the advanced tab.
Here you can see/cahnge the Default Record locking
Avatar billede flvind Nybegynder
18. marts 2007 - 10:11 #3
sorry min fejl.
Databasen bestpr af ca 20 forskellige tabeller og det er der låsen gerne skulle foretages.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
18. marts 2007 - 10:46 #4
as far as I know it isnt possible with Access own security methods.
And if you want to work directly in tables then I very much doubt you can make your own security method. If you work through form then you maybe can.

An idea would be to have a table which contains information such as
User name, form name and a yes/no field indicating if that user is using that table.

When a user want to open a form with on eor more underlaying tables a check is made to see if any other user has that form open. If they do then a message is displayed. If not the yes no field is set to Yes(true).
When the form is closed the field gets set to No(false)

That was just an idea
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
26. marts 2007 - 19:15 #5
Avatar billede flvind Nybegynder
27. marts 2007 - 07:18 #6
stusus is that we dropped the locking of tabels and uses an old proven method we call the datamonkey. The person which uses the data take the toy datamonkey and then the others know who uses the database. This was the only way we could make it work
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
27. marts 2007 - 08:19 #7
can you explain waht your datamonkey is, maybe a field in the record you set to on/off?
If your finished with th equestion you can close either by palcing an asnwer yourselef and accepting or accepting other answers.
Avatar billede flvind Nybegynder
27. marts 2007 - 08:56 #8
The datamonkey is a stuffed toy we use instead of a digital lock
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
27. marts 2007 - 09:04 #9
that tells m ea lot :o)

Thanks anyway
Avatar billede flvind Nybegynder
27. marts 2007 - 09:22 #10
we use a stuffed toy formed as a monkey to indicate which user have the database. The user who wants the database go to the physical place where the monkey and place it on the users place
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
27. marts 2007 - 09:32 #11
are you saying that you have a physical toy to do this? Well as they say "Keep it simple" :o)
Avatar billede flvind Nybegynder
27. marts 2007 - 09:37 #12
You are right this was the best and simplest way we could do it. And yes keep it simple
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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