02. marts 2007 - 17:24Der er
7 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Hvor kan jeg få fat i replikation manager
Hej jeg har nu ledt mange steder efter Replikation manager, som jeg skal bruge til noget replikering af en access database. Jeg har ringet til microsoft og fået at vide den er gået ud af produktion .. og har kan ikke finde nogen steder jeg kan købe den.
Nogen af jer som ved hvor jeg kan få fat i Ms replication manager, som også er en modul i Ms Office Developer ?????
Sorry for my absence. Well looking at this link you would thin kit is still available for Access 2003, but as far as I know it is only inlcude with the DEveloper Editions of Access (Office) and I'm not at all sure if ther is a Developer Edition of 2003. There is a Developer edition of XP (2002) so I would imagine that you would need to install that version, and very likley you could install 2003 after and it would still work with that.
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