Problem: Når min camcorder tændes fryser OS. Når jeg slukker kører OS videre uden problemer. Jeg har prøvet følgende: IEEE 1394 kortet har siddet i alle PCI slot. Jeg har forsøgt uden andre kort i computerne end Firewire og grafikkortet. Firewire kortet er et Pinnacle DV studio ?? OS installere driver og melder ikke om fejl.
Some motherboard PCI chipset will not allow the Pinnacle product to send bus-mastering data to the graphic board (VGA) and this will cause the system to hang. This generally does not happen on motherboards using INTEL PCI chipset
Check on the Website of the motherboard manufacturer if a BIOS update is not available which will fix the problem. The problem might also come from incompatibility with some graphic boards who are not handling busmastering correctly or which are not able to share IRQ with any other device on the system.
Try to move the Pinnacle product to a different PCI slot using a different IRQ. Some BIOS also permits to change IRQ settings for PCI slots. Be sure that the color depth setting of your VGA card is set to more than 256 colors (16 bits - 65000 colors is recommended) and with a standard resolution (eg. 800x600 or 1024x768). Be sure that DirectX is correctly installed. Eventually install the latest version, or reinstall the Pinnacle Product with DirectX installation (Custom installation). Check that no other device capture is installed in the system and getting in conflict with Pinnacle product. Try with a different graphic board.
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