Avatar billede ukh Nybegynder
02. januar 2007 - 04:47 Der er 5 kommentarer og
2 løsninger

statistik regneregel

hvordan får jeg asp til at finde det midenste tal af 3 variabler (x.y.z.)?
Avatar billede fennec Nybegynder
02. januar 2007 - 08:08 #1
if x<y then
  if y<z then
    mindste værdi er y
    mindste værdi er z
  if x<z then
    mindste værdi er x
    mindste værdi er z
  end if
end if
Avatar billede fennec Nybegynder
02. januar 2007 - 08:09 #2
Denne skulle være rigtig:

if x<y then
  if x<z then
    mindste værdi er x
    mindste værdi er z
  end if
  if y<z then
    mindste værdi er y
    mindste værdi er z
  end if
end if
Avatar billede hnteknik Novice
02. januar 2007 - 09:01 #3
Hvorfor ikke lave det generisk ved søgning i en array, sådan her måske ?


'* Min ******************************************************
' Finds and returns the lowest value in an array of numbers.
' Ignores non-numeric and Null data contained in the array.
' Returns Null if no numeric items are found in the array.
Function Min(aNumberArray)
    Dim I              ' Standard loop counter
    Dim dblLowestSoFar  ' Numeric variable for current lowest item
    ' Init it to Null so I know it's empty
    dblLowestSoFar = Null

    ' Loop through the array
    For I = LBound(aNumberArray) to UBound(aNumberArray)
        ' Testing line left in for debugging if needed
        'Response.Write aNumberArray(I) & "<BR>"
        ' Check to be sure the item is numeric so we don't bomb out by trying to
        ' compare a number to a string.
        If IsNumeric(aNumberArray(I)) Then
            ' Convert it to a Double for comparison and compare it to previous lowest #.
            ' If it's lower than the current lowest or the value of dblLowestSoFar is
            ' still NULL then set dblLowestSoFar to it's new value.
            If CDbl(aNumberArray(I)) < dblLowestSoFar Or IsNull(dblLowestSoFar) Then
                dblLowestSoFar = CDbl(aNumberArray(I))
            End If
        End If
    Next 'I

    ' Set our return value and "Get the Hell Outta Dodge."
    ' http://www.asp101.com/samples/download/get_the_hell_outta_dodge.wav
    ' FYI: That's Kristen Cloke as Shane Vansen from "Space: Above and Beyond"
    Min = dblLowestSoFar
End Function

'* Max ******************************************************
'Finds and returns the highest value in an array of numbers.
'Ignores non-numeric and Null data contained in the array.
'Returns Null if no numeric items are found in the array.
Function Max(aNumberArray)
    Dim I
    Dim dblHighestSoFar

    ' Y'all really don't want comments on this one too, do you?  It's exactly the
    ' same as above except for the > instead of <.  I also changed the variable name
    ' from dblLowestSoFar to dblHighestSoFar so it made more sense.
    ' Notice about the "Y'all"...
    '            we've just moved to Georgia and I'm practicing my accent!  ;)

    dblHighestSoFar = Null

    For I = LBound(aNumberArray) to UBound(aNumberArray)
        ' Testing line left in for debugging if needed
        'Response.Write aNumberArray(I) & "<BR>"
        If IsNumeric(aNumberArray(I)) Then
            If CDbl(aNumberArray(I)) > dblHighestSoFar Or IsNull(dblHighestSoFar) Then
                dblHighestSoFar = CDbl(aNumberArray(I))
            End If
        End If
    Next 'I
    Max = dblHighestSoFar
End Function


Dim strValues  ' String variable for storing and manipulating the input
Dim aValues    ' Array variable for when we split the input into an array
'Dim I          ' Looping var that I only used for debugging

' Get our input. If there is none then we use 1 to 10 scrambled
If Request.QueryString("values") = "" Then
    strValues = "2, 9, 6, 4, 10, 3, 7, 1, 5, 8"
    strValues = Request.QueryString("values")
End If

' Split our input string at the ,'s.
' Parameters explanation:  -1 means all, 1 means plain text comparison
aValues = Split(strValues, ",", -1, 1)

' Debugging stuff so I could see the split up values
'For I = LBound(aValues) to UBound(aValues)
'    Response.Write "=" & aValues(I) & "=<BR>" & vbCrLf
'Next 'I

' Call Min and Max passing them our array of values and display the results
Response.Write "<FONT SIZE=""+1""><B>Min = </B>" & Min(aValues) & "</FONT><BR><BR>" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "<FONT SIZE=""+1""><B>Max = </B>" & Max(aValues) & "</FONT><BR><BR>" & vbCrLf

' Please Note: If you're trying to call the functions directly on a list of numbers
' you'll need to convert the list to an array first using syntax something like this:
'Reponse.Write Max(Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))

' Finally, we display the form for people to try this with their own entries.
' I've tried to make this bulletproof.  If you find a way to break it please let me
' know so I can fix it!
So you can have some fun, I'm letting you input your own set of numbers for the
functions to chew on.  You'll need to use commas to delimit your list so it knows
where to split it up.  If you don't enter any valid numbers, the functions will
return Null which won't show up as anything in the browser.

<FORM ACTION="min-max.asp" METHOD="get">
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="values" VALUE="<%= strValues %>" SIZE="30"></INPUT>
    <INPUT TYPE="submit">
Avatar billede ukh Nybegynder
24. januar 2007 - 16:11 #4
Fennec kan du lave et svar,

jeg fårstår ikke så meget af den anden.
så jeg har valgt at bruge din løsning....

er ikke den ville haj til det her :/
Avatar billede fennec Nybegynder
24. januar 2007 - 16:28 #5
.o) <-- One Eyed Jack
Avatar billede hnteknik Novice
24. januar 2007 - 21:08 #6
Bevares - har du prøvet det ?
Avatar billede ukh Nybegynder
01. februar 2007 - 19:38 #7
jeg har kun prøvet fennec forslar og det virker
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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