You could try and calculate how many byes (characters) each record contains * number of records per day. This will give you a VERY rough idea as to how your database will grow. But there are lots of other factors such as indexes on your tables.
You can also use more than one dB in your prtal which will giv eyou 2GB more for each one.
If you design your database/portal correctly I very much doubt that you will have 10 or more people actually querying or updating the dB at the same time. You make a connection to the dB ONLY when you read or write. And as soon as you are finished you close the connection. While I am writing this I am NOT connected to the dB, so I am not using the dB at all. As soon as I press the Sen dbutton then I use the dB, but only until the date gets written to the dB.
You could also consider using MySQL or even Microsoft SQL Server you think that Access cant take the load. But you could also start with Access and upgrade later if necessary.
I dont think performance has improved much at all for 2002/2003. Try making use of indexes on the fields you search on and only select the fields you need (NOT SELECT *) and Accss is actually quite fast.
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