Capgemini Danmark A/S
Project ManagerGpv International A/S
Data EngineerNetcompany A/S
Erfaren Linux Operations EngineerKMD A/S
Product OwnerI dag 09:55 | google sheets Af gerhardpet i Andet software |
I går 17:56 | Point i Acad Af Erik Hovedskou i Andet software |
I går 15:28 | Omskriv array fra shell til PHP Af nemlig i PHP |
14/0320:30 | et mørkt hjørne! Af Helle i Chat & Messaging |
14/0314:28 | Gantt kort Af per2edb i Access |
Konica Minolta
Conscia & Palo Alto
Cognizant Technology Solutions Denmark ApS
Head of Financial ControllingKriminalforsorgen
It-driftskonsulent til e-post i kriminalforsorgenSDC A/S
Senior Business Developer for Self-Service Automation (banking)KMD A/S
Project ManagerNordic RCC
Infrastructure/Kubernetes Specialist at the heart of the Nordic Green TransitionKMD A/S
IAM Enterprise ArchitectCubs A/S
IT-supporter – skab værdi for den grønne omstillingMatas A/S
Technical Product Owner - Retail ApplicationsConscia
Conscia & Palo Alto
Konica Minolta