12. oktober 2006 - 10:35Der er
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CMYK farver
Et firma, som jeg har tænkte skal fremstille nogle visitkort, som jeg selv vil fremstille i Paint Shop Pro, anbefaler at man sender filen i CMYK farver, idet firmaet trykker i disse farver. Hvordan får jeg PSP til at arbejde i CMYK farver?
Jeg er allerede begyndt at designe visitkortet. Kan jeg foretage ændringen af farvetype efter denne påbegyndelse?
Jeg har fundet følgende i PSP-Help (min udg. er Engelsk 7.04) Using the New CMYK Profile Dialog Box: Creating a Profile
There are two ways to create a CMYK profile:
· You can create a new profile and then modify the settings.
· You can modify the settings of an existing profile and then save it with a new name.
Use the New CMYK Profile dialog box to select the initial settings and name the profile by doing the following:
1 In the New CMYK Profile dialog box, select the initial settings for the profile. You can start with the program’s default settings or with the settings currently selected.
2 Type a name for the new profile.
3 Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the CMYK Conversion Preferences dialog box.
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I modsætning til mange andre programmer forekommer PSP 8 at være et helt nyt program i forhold til 7, og når jeg så ikke lige kan finde en CMYK dialog box, så synes jeg ikke jeg har nok at gå efter. Jeg har selv prøvet i progammets Hjælp, men blev ikke meget klogere. Så jeg har brug for et mere præcist og konkret svar.
CMYK Model The CMYK model is based on the fact that ink on paper both absorbs and reflects light. As white light strikes the ink, part of the color spectrum is absorbed and part is reflected back to your eyes (resulting in the color you see).
In this model, the primary colors cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y) combine in varying proportions to produce a variety of colors. When the three colors are combined, they produce black. Because impurities in the ink make it difficult to produce a true black, a fourth color, black (K), is added.
Combining inks in this way is called four-color process printing. It is used by printing services and high-end color printers.
Although you cannot create images in Paint Shop Pro using the CMYK model, you can produce color separations that can be printed on CMYK printers. There are two ways to do this: You can split the images into CMYK channels or you can print color separation pages.
CMYK channels are simply four separate greyscale images that represent the percentage and location of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black in the image. For more information, see Working with Color Channels.
When you print CMYK separations, Paint Shop Pro prints a separate greyscale page for each primary color. You can then use these pages as “color plates” to give to a printing service. For more information, see Printing with CMYK Color Separations.
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