Avatar billede dranzer Nybegynder
03. september 2006 - 13:01 Der er 1 kommentar og
1 løsning

Macromedia Flash 8 pro Login hjælp

Hejza. Jeg er lige start på at øve mig i at forstå Macromedia Flash 8 pro. Men jeg må sige det er godt nok svært.

jeg har lavet Flash før i koolmoves. Men nu er jeg ved at være lidt træt af det program det kan ikke en skid. Så derfor vil jeg prøver og lære Macromedia Flash 8 pro.

Men jeg kender det slet ikke og kan slet ikke finde ud af det. Men jeg læste mig fra i Help til at man kunne tage et Flash login som der allered var lavet. Det har jeg så putte ind i mit program. Men jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal lægge kode på og hvor koden ligger skrvet ind hvsi den gøre det. Så vil gerne hvae lidt hjælp. ;)


//Copyright (C) 2005 Macromedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//The following is Sample Code and is subject to all restrictions on
//such code as contained in the End User License Agreement accompanying
//this product.

Creating a Form Example
This example shows you how to create a form that captures and validates data,
which is sent to the server. The SWF file also handles a response from the server.
Correct login is: u: Herbert, p: glasses

/* Import the required classes.
  Use the wildcard (*) to import all classes within the mx.controls package.
  This includes the TextInput, Button and Label. */
import mx.controls.*;

// strict type instances on the Stage.
var status_lbl:Label;
var username_ti:TextInput;
var password_ti:TextInput;

password_ti.password = true;

/* Define a click handler for the submit_btn Button instance,
  which calls the checkForm function (defined below). */
submit_btn.clickHandler = function() {

/* Create a listener object which is used with both the
  username_ti and password_ti TextInput instances.
  This listener "listens" for the "enter" event,
  which triggers when the enter key is pressed. */
var formListener:Object = new Object();
formListener.enter = function(evt) {
username_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);
password_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);

// set the form focus to the username_ti TextInput instance.

/* define the checkForm function, which is responsible for checking that the
  required fields are filled in and using LoadVars to send login information to the server to validate. */
function checkForm() {
    // ensure that the username_ti field isn't blank.
    if (username_ti.text.length == 0) {
        // if the username_ti field is empty, display an error message in the status_lbl Label instance.
        status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#EFDFDC\">Please enter user name.</font>";
        // set the form focus to the username_ti TextInput instance.
        // exit the checkForm function.
        return false;
    /* if the password_ti TextInput instance is blank,
      display an error message in the status_lbl Label instance and exit the checkForm function. */
    if (password_ti.text.length == 0) {
        status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#EFDFDC\">Please enter password.</font>";
        return false;
    // clear the status_lbl Label instance
    status_lbl.text = "";
    /* define two instances of the LoadVars object.
      One is used to hold the variables being sent to the server-side script,
      and the other one is used to hold the variables returned by the
      LoadVars.sendAndLoad method. */
    var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    var login_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    // copy the value of the two TextInput components into the login_lv LoadVars instance.
    login_lv.username = username_ti.text;
    login_lv.password = password_ti.text;
    /* send the variables in the login_lv instance to the server-side script
      using the POST method (send as Form variables rather than along the URL)
      and place the results returned in the result_lv instance. */
    login_lv.sendAndLoad("http://www.flash-mx.com/mm/login.cfm", result_lv, "POST");
    // When the results are received from the server...
    result_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
        // If Flash is able to successfully send and load the variables from the server-side script...
        if (success) {
            // if the server returned the value of isValidLogin with a value of 1...
            if (this.isValidLogin == 1) {
                /* set the status_lbl Labal to a "success" message.
                  Typically here you'd do a gotoAndPlay or set any local variables
                  related to a successful login. */
                status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#009900\"><b>login successful.</b></font>";
                /* else the login information wasn't valid,
                  therefore display an error message in the status_lbl Label instance. */
            } else {
                status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#EFDFDC\">invalid user name / password.</font>";
                // set the form focus to the username_ti TextInput instance and select the existing text.
                Selection.setSelection(0, username_ti.text.length);
            /* this code is only executed if for some reason the SWF is
              unable to connect to the remote page defined in LoadVars.sendAndLoad */
        } else {
            status_lbl.text = "<b>Unable to connect to login URL</b>";
            username_ti.enabled = false;
            password_ti.enabled = false;
            submit_btn.enabled = false;
    return true;
Avatar billede dranzer Nybegynder
03. september 2006 - 13:04 #1
Jeg trode at det havde noget med det her kode og gøre

username_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);
password_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);

men det hjap ikke og lave om på det.

Fordi der er ikke noget at have et login hvor man ikke kan logge sig ind med. :)
Avatar billede dranzer Nybegynder
08. september 2006 - 13:07 #2
Tråden er lukket!
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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