fra (webmarketing site)
Constructing HTML forms and setting up the CGI programs that process that information is not for beginners. A detailed tutorial on forms can be found at ( I recommend three CGI programs that run forms: MIT's Cgiemail (, Matt Wright's FormMail (, and my favorite, the CGI/Perl Cookbook's FormHandler.cgi (John Wiley & Sons, 1997, ISBN 0471168963, list $54.99).
But using a form within an HTML e-mail message adds an additional complication. Some e-mail client programs disable the ability to execute a program (especially a secure form). My research on "E-Mail Client HTML SSL Submission Capability," Web Commerce Today, 2/15/01 ( found that most Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express 5.0+, Netscape Communicator 4.0+, and AOL 6.0 and 7.0 e-mail programs can execute HTML e-mail forms. The problem comes with older versions of AOL, (and some of its web-interface e-mail cousins), and a couple of legacy e-mail programs found in corporations. If you use an HTML form to get subscriptions, consider a mailto e-mail link back up for those who can't execute forms.
Så umiddelbart bliver du nok nødt til at lave to forskellige løsninger alt efter hvilken mail klient der bruges.