Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 11:08 Der er 11 kommentarer


Har lavet et dokument/html  med sektioner der kan udvides. Dette virker også fint, men der hvor billederne af + og - skal være er der kun de sædvanlige billede holdere med et "X" i. Når jeg kigger i "Shared.js" kan jeg ikke tyde hvor den henter "Pluscold.gif", "plushot.gif", "minuscold.gif" og "minushot.gif"  fra. Jeg skal vide hvor jeg kopierer disse filer til så de kan loades og sættes ind i billed holder????
Avatar billede lester_dk Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 11:12 #1
evt lidt kode ville hjælpe...  men typisk er der ofte eksempler hvor stier til eksempelvis billeder skrive som "/billeder/avatar.png", hvis det er tilfældet, prøv at fjerne det første /  så det bliver "billeder/avatar.png" i stedet for.
Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 11:16 #2
// Filename: shared.js
// Version shared.js for Whistler
// version post b2

//************************************************ Shared components path setting *****************************************
//    Date  03/30/01

set_path = "" + document.URL
ntshared = set_path.indexOf("::/")

if (ntshared == -1) {
    var moniker= "ms-its:";                 
    var sSharedCHM = moniker+"ntshared.chm::/";       
    path = set_path.substring(0,ntshared)
    path = path.toLowerCase()
    ntshared = path.lastIndexOf("\\")
    var moniker = path.substring(0,ntshared)+ "\\";
    //var ntshared = moniker.lastIndexOf("\\")
    //var moniker = moniker.substring(0,ntshared) + "\\";
    var sSharedCHM= moniker+"ntshared.chm::/";

//************************************************ EVENT HANDLING ********************************************
//  re-directs to the proper event-driven functions.

// window.onload = load_object;
window.onload = loadPage;
document.onclick= onclickTriage;
document.onmouseover= gettingHot;
document.onmouseout= gettingCold;
window.onresize= resizeDiv;

window.onbeforeprint = set_to_print;
window.onafterprint = reset_form;
//********************************************  USER-DEFINED GLOBAL VARIABLES  ************************************
//  The images listed below can all be changed by the user.
var isIE5 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5")>0) || (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")>0 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)> 4);
var isIE55 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.5")>0);
if (isIE5 && isIE55) isIE5 = false;
var isIE6 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6")>0);
var isIE4 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4")>0);

if (isIE4){
    var moniker= "ms-its:";                                        // moniker= ""; for flat files
    var sSharedCHM= moniker+"ntshared.chm::/";

if (!isIE5 && !isIE55 && !isIE4 && !isIE6) {
    isIE6 = true;

var sShortcutTip= "";

var gifwithin = false;

    xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
    xmldoc.async = false;
    xmldoc.load(sSharedCHM + "alttext.xml");

    var Alt_sPreviousTip= xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sPreviousTip")
    var Alt_sNextTip= xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sNextTip")
    var Alt_sExpandTip= xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sExpandTip")
    var Alt_sPopupTip= xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sPopupTip")
    var hld_path2reuse= xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("path2reuse")
    var hld_path2glossary= xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("path2glossary")
    var hld_rel_gif = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("reltopgif")
    var hld_chmName = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("chmName")
    var hld_emailer = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("emailer")
    var hld_sendtext = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sendtext")
    var hld_sendto = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sendto")

  var defaultStartMode;
  var defaultCPanelMode;
  var smartErrorTextNode;
  var smartErrorText;
  var xmldocSKUSettings;

  // Grab the ALTTEXT.XML enteries for smart span classes.
  // Get SKU specific defaults.
  var defaultSKUSettingsURL = xmldoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("smartreusabletext");
  if (defaultSKUSettingsURL != null) {
      if (defaultSKUSettingsURL.text == sSharedCHM + "alttext.xml") {
          xmldocSKUSettings = xmldoc;
      } else {
        xmldocSKUSettings = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
        xmldocSKUSettings.async = false;
        xmldocSKUSettings.load(moniker + defaultSKUSettingsURL.text);
      if (xmldocSKUSettings.documentElement != null) {
        defaultStartMode = xmldocSKUSettings.documentElement.selectSingleNode("smartstartdefault");
        defaultCPanelMode = xmldocSKUSettings.documentElement.selectSingleNode("smartcpaneldefault");
        smartErrorTextNode = xmldocSKUSettings.documentElement.selectSingleNode("smarterrortext");
        smartErrorText = smartErrorTextNode ? smartErrorTextNode.text : "XOXOX";
  } // (defaultSKUSettingsURL != NULL)


    var sPreviousTip="" + Alt_sPreviousTip.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var sNextTip="" + Alt_sNextTip.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var sExpandTip="" + Alt_sExpandTip.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var sPopupTip="" + Alt_sPopupTip.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var path2reuse="" + hld_path2reuse.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var path2glossary="" + hld_path2glossary.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var rel_gif="" + hld_rel_gif.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var chmName="" + hld_chmName.item(0).nodeTypedValue+"::/"
    var emailer="" + hld_emailer.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var sendtext="" + hld_sendtext.item(0).nodeTypedValue
    var sendto="" + hld_sendto.item(0).nodeTypedValue
var xmldom = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
    xmldom.async = false;
//if (!xmlLoaded) {

            xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");

            // Init Properties
            xmldoc.async = false;
            xmldoc.validateOnParse = false; // improve perf
            xmldoc.resolveExternals = false;
            xmldoc.preserveWhiteSpace = false;

            // Load Document
            xmldoc.load(moniker + path2reuse + "reusable.xml");
            // if (xmldoc == null || xmldoc.documentElement == null) return;     // couldn't open reusable.xml
            xmlLoaded = true;
//        }

} // skip all this because ie4 doesn't support xml.
var sPreviousTip=""
    var sNextTip=""
    var sExpandTip=""
    var sPopupTip=""
    var rel_gif="no"

var closed = sSharedCHM + "plusCold.gif";            //image used for collapsed item in callExpand()
var closedHot = sSharedCHM + "plusHot.gif";            //hot image used for collapsed item in callExpand()
var expand = sSharedCHM + "minusCold.gif";            //image used for expanded item in callExpand()
var expandHot = sSharedCHM + "minusHot.gif";        //hot image used for expanded item in callExpand()

var previousCold= sSharedCHM + "previousCold.gif";
var previousHot= sSharedCHM + "previousHot.gif";
var nextCold= sSharedCHM + "nextCold.gif";
var nextHot= sSharedCHM + "nextHot.gif";

var shortcutCold= sSharedCHM + "shortcutCold.gif";
var shortcutHot= sSharedCHM + "shortcutHot.gif";

var popupCold= sSharedCHM + "popupCold.gif";
var popupHot= sSharedCHM + "popupHot.gif";

var emptyImg= sSharedCHM + "empty.gif";        //image used for empty expand
var noteImg= sSharedCHM + "note.gif";            //image used for notes
var tipImg= sSharedCHM + "tip.gif";            //image used for tips
var warningImg= sSharedCHM + "warning.gif";        //image used for warnings
var cautionImg= sSharedCHM + "caution.gif";        //image used for cautions
var importantImg= sSharedCHM + "important.gif";        //image used for important notice
var relTopicsImg= sSharedCHM + "rel_top.gif";        //image used for important notice

var branchImg= sSharedCHM + "elle.gif";
var branchImg_RTL= sSharedCHM + "elle_rtl.gif";

//********************************************  GLOBAL VARIABLES  ******************************************

var joejoe = false;
var printing = false;
var single = "FALSE";
var scroller = "FALSE";
var valet = "FALSE";
var isRTL= (document.dir=="rtl");
var imgStyleRTL= "";
      if (isRTL) imgStyleRTL=" style='filter:flipH' ";

var sActX_TDC= "CLASSID='CLSID:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83'";        //Tabular Data Control  for  reusable text data
var sSharedReusableTextFile= sSharedCHM + "reusable.xml";                                        // common reusable text file
var sSharedReusableTextFileRecord= "para";                                                        //reusable text record

var numbers= /\d/g;                //javascript regular expression
var spaces= /\s/g;                //javascript regular expression
var semicolon= /;/g;            //javascript regular expression

var isPersistent= false;

//********************************************  INITIALIZATION  *************************************************
function list_them(){
    var envelope = sSharedCHM +'envelope.gif';
    var server = "<DIV Class='FeedbackBar'><SPAN Class='webOnly'><IMG  SRC=" + envelope + " ALT='' BORDER='0'></SPAN><SPAN Class='webOnly' Style='position:relative; top:-1; left:1; color:#333333;'>&nbsp;" + sendtext + "&nbsp;";
    server += "<a href='mailto:" + sendto + "?subject=HELP: ";
    server += document.title + "'";
    server += ">" + sendto + "</a></SPAN></DIV>";
    var i;

    for (i=0; i < document.all.length; i++){
        if ((document.all[i].tagName == "P") ||
            (document.all[i].tagName == "H1")||
            (document.all[i].tagName == "H6")){
            document.all[i].outerHTML = server + document.all[i].outerHTML;
            i = document.all.length;
//*** loadPage **********************************************************************************************
//  Adds the default image tags and re-usable text to the HTML page.

function loadPage(){
if (printing == true) return;

if (emailer == "yes" ) list_them();

isPersistent= (document.all.item("checklist")!=null) && ((isIE5) || (isIE55) ||(isIE6));

  if (isPersistent) getChecklistState();

//****** setPreviousNext  ************************************************************************ *********************************************************************************************
// insert previous/next navbar
// called by: <div id="nav">@@HTMLsequenceFile.txt or .lst@@</div>

function setPreviousNext(){

  var oNav = document.all.item("nav");
        if (oNav == null ) return;
  var sPreviousALT= sPreviousTip;
  var sNextALT= sNextTip;
  var sHTMLfile= oNav.innerHTML;

  var imgPrev= "<IMG SRC='"+previousCold+"' BORDER=0 ALT='"+ sPreviousALT +"' ALIGN='top' "+ imgStyleRTL +">";
  var imgNext= "<IMG SRC='"+nextCold+"' BORDER=0 ALT='"+ sNextALT  + "' ALIGN='top' "+ imgStyleRTL +">";
  var previousNextObject= "<OBJECT ID='HTMlist' WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=51 " + sActX_TDC +"><param name='DataURL' value='"
        +sHTMLfile +"'><param name='UseHeader' value=True></OBJECT>";
        oNav.innerHTML= "<TABLE WIDTH='100%' STYLE='margin-top:0;' cellspacing=0>"
        + "<TR><TD style='text-align=left; background-color:transparent'><A ID='previousLink' HREF='#' REL='previous' CLASS='navbar'>"
        +imgPrev + "</A></TD><TD width='100%' align='center'></td><TD style='text-align=right; background-color:transparent'><A ID='nextLink' HREF='#' REL='next' CLASS='navbar'>"
        +imgNext+ "</A></TD></TR></TABLE>";
      document.body.innerHTML= document.body.innerHTML +  previousNextObject;
      if (printing == true) return;
      var  thisLoc= document.location.href +"#";

      if (previousLink.href== thisLoc) previousLink.style.display="none";
      else  previousLink.style.display="block";

      if (nextLink.href== thisLoc) nextLink.style.display="none";
      else  nextLink.style.display="block";

function findPageSeq() {

var rs= HTMlist.recordset;
var thisLoc= document.location.href;
var iLoc= thisLoc.lastIndexOf("/");

    if (iLoc > 0) thisLoc= thisLoc.substring(iLoc+1, thisLoc.length);
    if (nav.style == "[object]") {
                printing = false;
                printing = true;
    while (!rs.EOF) {
          if (thisLoc == rs.fields("HTMfiles").value){
      if (!rs.EOF) nextLink.href=rs.fields("HTMfiles").value;
//******Re-usable text *********************************************************************************************
// Inserts the Tabular Data Control (TDC) object at the end of the page
// Inserts "re-usable text" from the txt file at: <span id="@@CHM_name@@@@index#@@" class="reuse"></span>
// e.g.<span id="printing4" class="reuse"></span> for record#4 in the printing.txt in printing.chm.


// addReusableText() - called during document load to find all references
// render time bound <SPAN> contents.  Extracts content resources from reusable.xml.
// "class" names bound (reuse, smart)
// "reuse" static lookup of commonly referred to text.
// "smart" dynamic lookup of navigation text relevent
//        to the shell presentation of the start menu
//        and the control panel, (simple and classic), for the logged on user.
//        Requires inserting custom <OBJECT> supported by Help and Support Services viewer.
//        Currently not available from HTML Help control. 2000/01/12.
function smarthelperror(){
    // alert("error - error")
    return true;
    // alert("error - error")

//var obj = window.document.createElement("OBJECT");
function load_object(){
            if(!isIE6) return;
            window.onerror = smarthelperror;
            var obj = window.document.createElement("OBJECT");
            var sActX_PCHealth = "CLSID:FC7D9E02-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7";
          objLoaded = true;   
          obj.width = 1;
          obj.height = 1;
          obj = document.body.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", obj)
          obj.id = "pchealth";
          obj.classid = sActX_PCHealth;
          // alert("success")

function addReusableText(){
    if (isIE4) return;    // no reusable text for IE4
  var coll = document.all.tags("SPAN");
  var xmlLoaded = false;
  var control = null;
  var thisID;
  var strKey;
  var text;

  // original error text
  text = "OXO";

  //queried state of shell presentation for start menu and control panel.
  var menuSimple = false;
  var controlSimple = false;

  // holds calculated lookup suffixes for smart class items.
  var strSuffixStartMenuOnly = "";
  var strSuffixStartMenuAndControlPanel = "";

  // smart class UserSettings Interface classid
  var sActX_PCHealth = "CLSID:FC7D9E02-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7";

  // smart class lookup suffixes per shell presentation mode.
  // TODO: Findout where these constants are best documented.
  var strMenuClassic =  "_smclassic";
  var strMenuSimple =    "_smsimple";
  var strCPanelClassic = "_cpclassic";
  var strCPanelSimple =  "_cpsimple";

  // only attempt to query once per rendering
  var bPresentationModeQueried = false;
    span_count = coll.length;
  // Check every span in the document.
  for (var i=0; i< span_count; i++) {
      var thisSpan = coll[i];
      var spanClass = thisSpan.className.toLowerCase();
      if (spanClass == "reuse" || spanClass == "smart") {
        if (isRTL) thisSpan.dir = "rtl";
        if (thisSpan.id == null) break;

        // strKey is the key we'll use to look up the replaceable text in the XML file
        strKey = thisSpan.id.toLowerCase();
        // skip smart tags when defaults are not present
        if ((defaultSKUSettingsURL != null) && (xmldocSKUSettings.documentElement != null)) {
            if (spanClass == "smart") {
              // Query Presentation Mode once per rendering.
              if (!bPresentationModeQueried) {

                  // Set To Defaults
                  if (defaultStartMode != null) {
                    menuSimple = (defaultStartMode.text == strMenuSimple);
                  } else {
                    menuSimple = true;

                  if (defaultCPanelMode != null) {
                    controlSimple = (defaultCPanelMode.text == strCPanelSimple);
                  } else {
                    controlSimple = true;
                // alert("inside of reuse")

                  // Get the current user's presentation settings
                  // Attempt to read smart help values from system
                  var test = window.document.all("pchealth");
                  if (test != null) {
                    if (test.UserSettings != null) {                       
                            menuSimple = test.UserSettings.IsStartPanelOn;
                            controlSimple = test.UserSettings.IsWebViewBarricadeOn;
                        menuSimple = (defaultStartMode.text == strMenuSimple)
                        controlSimple = (defaultCPanelMode.text == strCPanelSimple);
                }// (test != null)

              }// (!bPresentationModeQueried)

              // get the error text to display
              text = smartErrorText;

              // Build key suffixes. One for start menu only and one for start menu and control panel.
              strSuffixStartMenuOnly = (menuSimple ? strMenuSimple : strMenuClassic);
              strSuffixStartMenuAndControlPanel = strSuffixStartMenuOnly + (controlSimple ? strCPanelSimple : strCPanelClassic);

              // The actual key could have either strSuffixStartMenuOnly or strSuffixStartMenuAndControlPanel suffixes.
              // strSuffixStartMenuAndControlPanel has precedence over strSuffixStartMenuOnly
              strKey = strKey + strSuffixStartMenuAndControlPanel;
            }//if (spanClass == "smart")

        }// ((defaultSKUSettingsURL != null) && (xmldocSKUSettings.documentElement != null))

        // Lookup XML node containing reference

        var strNodeSelector = "glossSection/entry[@entryID='" + strKey + "']/scopeDef/def";
        var node = xmldoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode(strNodeSelector);

        // if we haven't found the node yet, try the other suffix if this is a smart span
        if (node == null && spanClass == "smart" && (defaultSKUSettingsURL != null) && (xmldocSKUSettings.documentElement != null)) {
            // one more try--use the other suffix
            strKey = thisSpan.id.toLowerCase() + strSuffixStartMenuOnly;
            strNodeSelector = "glossSection/entry[@entryID='" + strKey + "']/scopeDef/def";
            node = xmldoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode(strNodeSelector);

        // okay, we found the node, get the text
        // alert(coll.length)
        if (node != null) {
            // replace the span's contents with the reusable text
            // var coll = document.all.tags("SPAN");
            thisSpan.className = "anything"
            thisSpan.innerHTML = "";
            //thisSpan.innerHTML = node.text;
        } else {
                // error shown by this  OXO
              thisSpan.innerHTML = text;
      } // if (spanClass == "reuse" || spanClass == "smart")
  }// for

}// addReusableText()

//****** insertImages *********************************************************************************************
//  Inserts shared images in User-Defined Variables section and thumbnails.
var booking = false;
function insertImages(){

if (printing == false) booking = true;
if (printing == true && booking == true ) {
    booking = false;
// insert alert icons
  var collP = document.all.tags("P");
  for (var i=0; i<collP.length; i++) {
      if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="note")            collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+noteImg+"' "+ imgStyleRTL +"> " +    collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="warning")    collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+warningImg+"'> " +  collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="caution")    collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+cautionImg+"'> " +  collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="tip")        collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+tipImg+"'> " +      collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="important")  collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+importantImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="empty")      collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+emptyImg+"'> " +    collP[i].innerHTML;
      if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="reltopics" && rel_gif == "yes")  {
            collP[i].outerHTML ="<img class='relTopics' src='"+relTopicsImg+"'> " + collP[i].outerHTML;
//indents for Navigation Tree
var collUL = document.all.tags("UL");
if (!printing) {
for (var i=0; i<collUL.length; i++) {
      var indent= 0;
      if (collUL[i].className.toLowerCase()=="navtree"){
          if (isRTL) collUL[i].style.listStyleImage= "url('" + branchImg_RTL + "')";
          else collUL[i].style.listStyleImage= "url('" + branchImg + "')";
            for (var j = 0; j < collUL[i].children.length; j++)
                if (collUL[i].children[j].className.toLowerCase()=="branch"){
                    if (isRTL) collUL[i].children[j].style.marginRight= (indent +'em');
                    else  collUL[i].children[j].style.marginLeft= (indent +'em');
                    indent= indent + 0.75;
  for (var i=0; i < document.anchors.length; i++){
        var imgInsert=""; 
        var imgStyle= "";
        var imgSpace= "<span class='space'></span>";     
        var oBefore=document.anchors[i].parentElement.tagName;
        var oAnchor= document.anchors[i].id.toLowerCase();
// insert RELTOPICS icons
    if (rel_gif == "yes"){
      if (oAnchor=="reltopics")
              if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "reltopics")
                    imgInsert= "";    // not to re-insert when persistent
            else  imgInsert= "<img class='relTopics' src='"+relTopicsImg+"'>" + imgSpace;
// insert SHORTCUT icons
      if (oAnchor=="shortcut") {   
          document.anchors[i].title= sShortcutTip;   
            if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "shortcut")
                    imgInsert= "";    // not to re-insert when persistent
            else  imgInsert= "<img class='shortcut' src='"+shortcutCold+"' "+ imgStyleRTL+ ">" + imgSpace;
// insert POPUP icons
      else if (oAnchor=="wpopup" || oAnchor=="wpopupweb") document.anchors[i].title= sPopupTip;
      else if (document.anchors[i].className.toLowerCase()=="popupicon")
            if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "popup")
                  imgInsert= "";    // not to re-insert when persistent
            else imgInsert= "<img class='popup' src='"+popupCold+"'>" + imgSpace;

// insert EXPAND icons
      else if (oAnchor=="expand") {
              document.anchors[i].title= sExpandTip;
              if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "expand")
                  imgInsert= "";     // not to re-insert when persistent     
                  if (document.anchors[i].parentElement.offsetLeft == document.anchors[i].offsetLeft) {
                      imgSpace= "<span class='space' style='width:0'></span>";   
                      if (isRTL){ document.anchors[i].parentElement.style.marginRight= "1.5em";  imgStyle=" style=margin-right:'-1.5em'";}
                      else { document.anchors[i].parentElement.style.marginLeft= "1.5em";  imgStyle=" style=margin-left:'-1.5em'";}
                  imgInsert= "<img class='expand' src='"+ closed +"' "+imgStyle+">" +imgSpace;

// insert thumbnail images     
      else if (oAnchor=="thumbnail"  || oAnchor=="thumbnailweb"){
            var sAltText = document.anchors[i].innerHTML;
            gifwithin = true;
            var sThumbnailText = document.anchors[i].title;
            var oImg = document.anchors[i].href.toLowerCase();
                  if (oAnchor=="thumbnail")
                        var sThumbnailImg= moniker + getURL(oImg);
                  else var sThumbnailImg = document.anchors[i].href.toLowerCase();
                found = sAltText.indexOf("BACKGROUND-COLOR:")
            if (found != -1) {
                stop_p = sAltText.indexOf(">");
                sAltText = sAltText.substring(stop_p + 1, sAltText.length);
                stop_p = sAltText.indexOf("</FONT>");
                Highlighted = sAltText.substring(0,stop_p)
                sAltText = Highlighted + sAltText.substring(stop_p + 7, sAltText.length);

                document.anchors[i].outerHTML = "<DIV id='thumbDiv' class='thumbnail'>"+document.anchors[i].outerHTML+"</div>";
                document.anchors[i].innerHTML = "<img class='thumbnail' src='" + sThumbnailImg + "' alt= ' " + sAltText + "'><p>" +sThumbnailText+"</p>";
                  if (isRTL) thumbDiv.style.styleFloat= "right";
      document.anchors[i].innerHTML = imgInsert + document.anchors[i].innerHTML;
      if (isRTL) document.anchors[i].dir="rtl";

//***** onclickTriage ****************************************************************************************
// redirects to the appropriate function based on the ID of the clicked <A> tag.

function onclickTriage(){
var e= window.event.srcElement;

//  if the innerHTML in the <a> tag is encapsulated by a style tag or hightlighted in the word seach,
//  the parentElement is called.

    if ((isIE55 || isIE6) && printing == true) {
        printing = false;
    for (var i=0; i < 5; i++)
          if (e.tagName!="A" && e.parentElement!=null) e= e.parentElement;
    eID= e.id.toLowerCase();
    if (popupOpen) closePopup();
// expand image in a new window
    if (eID=="thumbnail" || eID=="pophtm") popNewWindow(e);
    else if (eID=="thumbnailweb") callThumbnailWeb(e);
    else if (eID=="wpopup")    callPopup(e);
    else if (eID=="wpopupweb") callPopupWeb(e);
    else if (eID=="shortcut")  callShortcut(e);
    else if (eID=="reltopics") callRelatedTopics(e);
    else if (eID=="altloc")    callAltLocation(e);
    else if (eID=="expand")    callExpand(e);
// added to support Randy's Quad method code
    else QuadDocumentClick()
// ******************************

//*** gettingHot ****************************************************************************************
// Makes all the required changes for mouseover.

function gettingHot() {
var e = window.event.srcElement;
  if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="cold")  e.id ="hot";
  else if (e.src== previousCold)  e.src = previousHot;
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== previousCold)  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= previousHot;
  else if (e.src== nextCold)  e.src = nextHot;
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== nextCold)  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= nextHot;
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="shortcut" && e.tagName=="IMG")  e.src = shortcutHot;            //<img> tags have a class
  else if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="shortcut")  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src = shortcutHot;            //<a> tags have an ID
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popup" && e.tagName=="IMG")  e.src = popupHot;            //<img> tags have a class
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popupicon")  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src = popupHot;            //<a> tags have an ID
  else if ((e.className.toLowerCase()=="expand" && e.tagName=="IMG") ||( e.id.toLowerCase()=="expand")) expandGoesHot(e);

// Added to support Quad Method  **************************
    if (e != null && e.firstChild != null &&
        e.firstChild.tagName != null &&
        e.firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" &&
        e.firstChild.type.toLowerCase() == "radio" &&
        e.parentElement.className != "indentGray"){

// *****************************

//*** gettingCold **************************************************************************************
// Initial state for mouseout.

function gettingCold() {
var e = window.event.srcElement;

  if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="hot")  e.id ="cold";
  else if (e.src== previousHot)  e.src = previousCold;
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== previousHot)  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= previousCold;
  else if (e.src== nextHot)  e.src = nextCold;
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== nextHot)  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= nextCold;
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="shortcut" && e.tagName=="IMG")  e.src = shortcutCold;        //<img> tags have a class
  else if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="shortcut")  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= shortcutCold;            //<a> tags have an ID
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popup" && e.tagName=="IMG")  e.src = popupCold;        //<img> tags have a class
  else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popupicon")  e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= popupCold;            //<a> tags have an ID
  else if ((e.className.toLowerCase()=="expand" && e.tagName=="IMG") ||( e.id.toLowerCase()=="expand")) expandGoesCold(e);
  // Added to support Quad Method  **************************
    if (e != null && e.firstChild != null &&
        e.firstChild.tagName != null &&
        e.firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" &&
        e.firstChild.type.toLowerCase() == "radio" &&
        e.parentElement.className != "indentGray"){

// *****************************

//****************************************** OBJECT CONSTRUCTION **************************************
//  Uses an A tag to pass parameters between an HTML page and this script.
//  Creates an ActiveX Object from these parameters, appends the Object to the end of the page,
//  and clicks it. These objects relate to HTMLHelp environment and information about them can be found on the http://HTMLHelp site.

//  Object construction variables *********************************************************************

var sParamCHM,sParamFILE, sParamEXEC, sParamMETA,iEND;
var sActX_HH= " type='application/x-oleobject' classid='clsid:adb880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377-00aa003b7a11' ";

//*** callPopup ***************************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object inserts a winhelp popup
// called by: <A ID="wPopup" HREF="HELP=@@file_name.hlp@@ TOPIC=@@topic#@@">@@Popup text@@</A>

var joker = false;
var blague = true;

function callPopup(eventSrc) {
if (popupOpen) closePopup();
var ntsharedAdded= false;                    // make sure the object is only added once
var CHMspecificAdded= false;                // make sure the object is only added once
var coll = document.all.tags("SPAN");
var sIndex,sText=" ",sFile,sFileID,dataBindingObject;

    var e= eventSrc;
    var eH= unescape(e);
    eH = eH.toLowerCase();
    var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
        event.returnValue = false;
    found = false;
      var iTOPIC = eH.lastIndexOf("topic=");
    if (iTOPIC==-1) return;
    sParamTOPIC = eH.substring((iTOPIC+6),eH.length);
    if (!isIE4){
    if (!joejoe){
        xmldom.load(moniker + path2glossary + "glossary.xml");
        joejoe = true;
        var o=0;
        var node = "";   
        node = xmldom.selectSingleNode("glossary/glossSection/entry[@entryID='" + sParamTOPIC + "']");
            found = true;
            var ralf = "";
            ralf = node.getElementsByTagName("term")
            sText = "<DIV CLASS='PopTerm'>" + ralf.item(0).nodeTypedValue + "</DIV>";
            ralf = node.getElementsByTagName("para")
            if (ralf.length != 0){
                sText = sText + "<DIV CLASS='PopDef'>" + ralf.item(0).nodeTypedValue;
                sText = sText + "</DIV>";
            seealsos = node.getElementsByTagName("seeAlso");
            var o=0;
            look_at = xmldom.getElementsByTagName("glossary/locSection/locItem[@locItemID = 'SeeAlso']");
            while (o < seealsos.length){
                sIndex = seealsos.item(o).getAttribute("seeAlsoTermID");
                node = xmldom.selectSingleNode("glossary/glossSection/entry[@entryID='" + sIndex + "']");
                ralf = node.getElementsByTagName("term");
                sTerm = ralf.item(0).nodeTypedValue;
                if (o == 0) {
                    sText = sText + "<DIV CLASS='PopSeeAlso'>" + look_at.item(0).nodeTypedValue + "&nbsp;"
                    // sIndex = "<Input type=submit tabindex=1 value=hhhh onclick='jscript:alert(oPopup.sIndex.innerHTML)'>"
                    sIndex = "<A ID='wPopup' HREF='HELP=glossary.hlp TOPIC=" + sIndex + "' bite_me='1'>" + sTerm + "</a>"
                    sIndex = ", <A ID='wPopup' HREF='HELP=glossary.hlp TOPIC=" + sIndex + "' bite_me='1'>" + sTerm + "</a>"
                sText = sText + sIndex
            definition = xmldom.getElementsByTagName("glossary/locSection/locItem[@locItemID = 'See']");       
            seeentrys = node.getElementsByTagName("seeEntry");
            while (o < seeentrys.length){
                sIndex = seeentrys.item(o).getAttribute("seeTermID");
                node = xmldom.selectSingleNode("glossary/glossSection/entry[@entryID='" + sIndex + "']");
                ralf = node.getElementsByTagName("term");
                sTerm = ralf.item(0).nodeTypedValue;
                if (o == 0) {
                    sText = sText + "<DIV CLASS='PopSeeAlso'>" + definition.item(0).nodeTypedValue + "&nbsp;"
                    // sIndex = "<Input type=submit tabindex=1 value=hhhh onclick='jscript:alert(oPopup.sIndex.innerHTML)'>"
                    sIndex = "<A ID='wPopup' HREF='HELP=glossary.hlp TOPIC=" + sIndex + "' bite_me='1'>" + sTerm + "</a>"
                    sIndex = ", <A ID='wPopup' HREF='HELP=glossary.hlp TOPIC=" + sIndex + "' bite_me='1'>" + sTerm + "</a>"
                sText = sText + sIndex
            if (o != 0) sText = sText + "</DIV>"
            if ((isIE55 || isIE6) && found){
                var oPopup = false
                var oPopup = window.createPopup();
                var strScript = "<script language='JScript'> function clickPopup(){if (event.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') parent.callPopup(event.srcElement.href); window.PopObject.hide(); return false;}</script>";
                  var strDoc = oPopup.document.body.outerHTML.toLowerCase()
                oPopup.document.write(strDoc.replace("></body>", " onclick=\"clickPopup()\">" + strScript + "</body>"));
                //oPopup.document.write(strDoc.replace("></body>", " onclick=\"clickPopup()\, onkeypress=\"process_closePopup()\">" + strScript + "</body>"));
                  oPopup.document.createStyleSheet(sSharedCHM + "coUA.css");    // Apply the stylesheet.
                var oPopBody = oPopup.document.body;
                //oPopBody.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFCC';
                  // oPopBody.style.border = "solid black 1px";
                  oPopBody.style.margin = "0 0 0 0";
                if (isRTL) oPopBody.innerHTML = "<SPAN DIR='RTL' class='XMLPopup'>" + sText + "</SPAN>"          // need to add the style class here.
                else oPopBody.innerHTML = "<SPAN class='XMLPopup'>" + sText + "</SPAN>"
                    // alert(oPopBody.innerHTML)               
                if (window.event){
                    joker = window.event.srcElement;
                oPopup.show(0, 0, 400, 8, joker);    // Show the popup at an arbitrary size.
                var textSize = oPopBody.createTextRange();
                var wPop = textSize.boundingWidth + oPopBody.offsetWidth - oPopBody.clientWidth;    // Get the size of the text.
                var hPop = oPopBody.scrollHeight;
                oPopup.document.parentWindow.PopParent = window;
                  oPopup.document.parentWindow.PopObject = oPopup;
                  oPopup.show(0, 1, wPop , hPop, joker);
            if (found){
                if (blague){
                document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<DIV id='wPopupWeb' CLASS='popup'>" + sText + "</DIV>");
                blague = false;
                window.wPopupWeb.innerHTML = sText;
            } // for support of IE4 disable xml popups
  var iTOPIC = eH_.lastIndexOf("topic=");
        if (iTOPIC==-1) return;
        sParamTOPIC = eH.substring((iTOPIC+6),eH.length);          // extracts the topic for item2
  var iHELP = eH_.lastIndexOf("help=");
        if (iHELP==-1) return;
        sParamHELP = eH.substring(iHELP+5,iTOPIC);            // extracts the help file for item1
        if (document.hhPopup) document.hhPopup.outerHTML = "";    // if hhPopup object exists, clears it

var  h= "<object id='hhPopup'"+ sActX_HH + "STYLE='display:none'><param name='Command' value='WinHelp, Popup'>";
      h= h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamHELP + "'><param name='Item2' value='" + sParamTOPIC + "'></object>";
        document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);   

//*** callAltLocation******************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object will navigate to the alternate location if the first location is not found.
// called from: <A ID="altLoc" HREF="CHM=@@1st_chm_name.chm;Alt_chm_name.chm@@  FILE=@@1st_file_name.htm;Alt_file_name.htm@@">@@Link text here@@</A>

function callAltLocation(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var eH= unescape(e.href);
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
var sFILEarray,sCHMarray;
    event.returnValue = false;
  var sParamTXT= e.innerHTML;
      sParamTXT= sParamTXT.replace(semicolon,"");
  var iFILE = eH_.lastIndexOf("file=");
        if (iFILE==-1) return;
        sParamFILE= eH.substring((iFILE+5),eH.length);                  // extracts the 2 HTM files
        sParamFILE= sParamFILE.replace(spaces,"");
        iSPLIT= sParamFILE.match(semicolon);
        if (iSPLIT)
              sFILEarray = sParamFILE.split(";");                                        // separates the 2 HTM files
        else return;
  var iCHM  = eH_.lastIndexOf("chm=");
        if(iCHM==-1) return;
        else        sParamCHM = eH.substring(iCHM+4,iFILE);            // extracts the 2 CHM's
        sParamCHM= sParamCHM.replace(spaces,"");
        iSPLIT= sParamCHM.match(semicolon);
        if (iSPLIT)
            sCHMarray= sParamCHM.split(";");                                    // separates the 2 CHM's
        else return;
        sParamFILE= moniker + sCHMarray[0]+ "::/" + sFILEarray[0] + ";" + moniker + sCHMarray[1]+ "::/" + sFILEarray[1];
        if (document.hhAlt) document.hhAlt.outerHTML = "";                // if hhAlt object exists, clears it

  var h= "<object id='hhAlt'"+ sActX_HH + "STYLE='display:none'><PARAM NAME='Command' VALUE='Related Topics'>";
      h= h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamTXT +";" + sParamFILE + "'></object>";
        document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);

//*** callRelatedTopics******************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object inserts a popup of the related topics to select
// called from: <A ID="relTopics" HREF="CHM=@@chm_name1.chm;chm_name2.chm@@ META=@@a_filename1;a_filename2@@">Related Topics</A>

function callRelatedTopics(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var eH= unescape(e.href);
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
    event.returnValue = false;
  var iMETA = eH_.lastIndexOf("meta=");
        if (iMETA==-1) return;
        sParamMETA = eH.substring((iMETA+5),eH.length);              // extracts the META keywords for item2
  var iCHM  = eH_.lastIndexOf("chm=");
        if(iCHM==-1) sParamCHM = "";
        else        sParamCHM = eH.substring(iCHM+4,iMETA);            // extracts the CHM files for item1
        if (document.hhRel) document.hhRel.outerHTML = "";            // if hhRel object exists, clears it

  var h= "<object id='hhRel'"+ sActX_HH + "STYLE='display:none'><param name='Command' value='ALink,MENU'>";
      h= h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamCHM + "'><param name='Item2' value='" + sParamMETA + "'></object>";
        document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);   

//*** popNewWindow***************************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object then opens a new window from the image URL found in the HREF
// called from: <a id="thumbnail" title="Enlarge figure" href="CHM=NTArt.chm FILE=@@image_name.gif@@">@@alt text here@@</A>
// the thumbnail image is loaded by loadPage();

function popNewWindow(eventSrc) {
var eH= eventSrc.href;
      event.returnValue = false;
// extracts the thumbnail image URL from the <a> tag HREF
    sParamFILE =  getURL(eH);
    if (sParamFILE=="") return;
    // sParamFILE = moniker + sParamFILE;
    // sParamFILE = moniker + sParamFILE;
    // callThumbnailWeb(sParamFFILE)
// if the hhWindow object exists, clears it
    if (document.hhWindow) document.hhWindow.outerHTML = "";       
var  h =  "<object id='hhWindow'"+ sActX_HH +" STYLE='display:none'><param name='Command' value='Related Topics'>";
    h = h + "<param name='Window' value='$global_largeart'><param name='Item1' value='$global_largeart;" + moniker + sParamFILE+ "'> </object>";
    document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);

//*** callShortcut ***************************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag, the object then calls the executable code
// called from: <A ID="shortcut" HREF="EXEC=@@executable_name.exe@@ CHM=ntshared.chm FILE=@@error_file_name.htm@@">@@Shortcut text@@</A>
// the shortcut image is loaded by loadInitialImg();

function callShortcut(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var eH= unescape(e.href);
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();


    event.returnValue = false;
// extracts the error file URL from the <a> tag HREF
    iEND= eH.length;
    sParamFILE =  getURL(eH);
var iEXEC = eH_.lastIndexOf("exec=");
        if (iEXEC==-1) return;
        else sParamEXEC = eH.substring(iEXEC+5,iEND);                // extracts the executable for item1
        if (document.hhShortcut) document.hhShortcut.outerHTML = "";            // if the hhShortcut object exists, clears it
var  h =  "<object id='hhShortcut'"+ sActX_HH +" STYLE='display:none'> <param name='Command' value='ShortCut'>";
    if(sParamFILE != "") h = h + "<param name='Window' value='" + moniker + sParamFILE+ "'>";
    h = h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamEXEC + "'><param name='Item2' value='msg,1,1'></object>";

        document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);

//****************************************  EXPAND FUNCTIONS *********************************************************

//**  callExpand **************************************************************************************************
//  This expands & collapses (based on current state) "expandable" nodes as they are clicked.
//  Called by: <A ID="expand" href="#">@@Hot text@@</A>
//  Followed by:  <div class="expand">

function callExpand(eventSrc) {

var e= eventSrc;
    event.returnValue = false;                    // prevents navigating for <A> tag
var oExpandable = getExpandable(e);
var oImg = getImage(e);

    if (oExpandable.style.display == "block")
          doCollapse(oExpandable, oImg);
    else doExpand(oExpandable, oImg);

//** expandGoesHot *********************************************************************************************
// Returns expand image to hot.

function expandGoesHot(eventSrc){
var e= eventSrc;
var oExpandable = getExpandable(e); 
var oImg = getImage(e);
if (!isIE4){
  if (oExpandable.style.display == "block") oImg.src = expandHot;
  else oImg.src = closedHot;

//** expandGoesCold *********************************************************************************************
// Returns expand image to cold.

function expandGoesCold(eventSrc){
var e= eventSrc;

var oExpandable = getExpandable(e); 
var oImg = getImage(e);
if (!isIE4){
if (oExpandable.style.display == "block") oImg.src = expand;
  else oImg.src = closed;


//** getExpandable *****************************[used by callExpand, expandGoesHot, expandGoesCold]*******
//  Determine if the element is an expandable node or a child of one. 

function getExpandable(eventSrc){
var  e = eventSrc;
var iNextTag, oExpandable;
      for (var i=1;i<4; i++){
              iNextTag=    e.sourceIndex+e.children.length+i;
              oExpandable= document.all(iNextTag);
              if (oExpandable.className.toLowerCase()=="expand" || iNextTag == document.all.length)
      return oExpandable;

//**  getImage ***********************************[used by callExpand, expandGoesHot, expandGoesCold]*******
//  Find the first image in the children of the current srcElement. 
// (allows the  image to be placed anywhere inside the <A HREF> tag)

function getImage(header) {
var oImg = header;

      if(oImg.tagName != "IMG") oImg=oImg.children.tags("IMG")(0);
      return oImg;

//****  expandAll *******************************************************************************************************
//  Will expand or collapse all "expandable" nodes when clicked. [calls closeAll()]
//  called by: <A HREF="#" onclick="expandAll();">expand all</A>

var stateExpand = false;    //applies to the page

//**** ****************************************************************************************************************

function expandAll() {
var oExpandToggle, oImg;
var expandAllMsg = "expand all";                    //message returned when CloseAll() is invoked
var closeAllMsg = "close all";                        //message returned when ExpandAll() is invoked
var e= window.event.srcElement;
      event.returnValue = false;

      for (var i=0; i< document.anchors.length; i++){
              oExpandToggle = document.anchors[i];
                if (oExpandToggle.id.toLowerCase() == "expand"){
                    oExpandable = getExpandable(oExpandToggle); 
                    oImg = getImage(oExpandToggle);
                    if (stateExpand == true) doCollapse(oExpandable, oImg);
                    else                    doExpand(oExpandable, oImg);
      if (stateExpand == true) {
            stateExpand = false;
            e.innerText= expandAllMsg;
      else {
            stateExpand = true;
            e.innerText= closeAllMsg;

//****  doExpand *******************************************************************************************************
//  Expands expandable block & changes image
var redo = false;   
function doExpand(oToExpand, oToChange) {
var oExpandable= oToExpand;
var oImg= oToChange;

//    if (printing == "TRUE") return;

    oImg.src = expand;
    oExpandable.style.display = "block";
    if (!redo && isIE4) {
        // alert("what")
        redo = true;
        // focus(oToExpand);
        doExpand(oToExpand, oToChange);

//****  doCollapse *****************************************************************************************************
//  Collapses expandable block & changes image
function doCollapse(oToCollapse, oToChange) {
// if (printing == "TRUE") return;
var oExpandable= oToCollapse;
var oImg= oToChange;

    oExpandable.style.display = "none";
    oImg.src = closed;

//******* WEB  FUNCTIONS **************************************************************************

//**** callThumbnailWeb **************************************************************************************

function callThumbnailWeb(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
      event.returnValue = false;
var thumbnailWin= window.open (e.href, "height=450, width=600, left=10, top=10, dependent=yes, resizable=yes, status=no, directories=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=yes, menubar=no, location=no","true");

thumbnailWin.document.write ("<html><head><title>Windows 2000</title></head><body><img src='"+e.href+"'></body></html>");


var popupOpen= false;                //state of popups
var posX, posY;                        //coordinates of popups
var oPopup;                            //object to be used as popup content

//**** callPopupWeb **************************************************************************************
// the web popups have been converted from the object winHelp popup for the web.
// called by: <A ID="wPopupWeb" HREF="#">@@Popup text@@</A>
// followed by: <div class="popup">Popup content</div>

function callPopupWeb(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
  // find the popup <div> that follows <a id="wPopupWeb"></a>
  if (!e.bite_me) positionPopup(e)

  oPopup.style.visibility = "visible";
  // document.focus(e)
  popupOpen = true;


//**** findPopup ****************************************************************************************

function findPopup(oX){
var e= oX;
var iNextTag;
    for (var i=1;i<document.all.length; i++){
        iNextTag=    e.sourceIndex + i;
        oPopup= document.all(iNextTag);
        if (oPopup.className.toLowerCase()=="popup" || iNextTag == document.all.length)
    if (iNextTag != document.all.length) {
        posX = window.event.clientX;
        posY = window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop+10;
    if (popupOpen) closePopup();

//****  positionPopup ************************************************************************************
// Set size and position of popup.
// If it is off the page, move up, but not past the very top of the page.

function positionPopup(oX){
var e= oX;   
var popupOffsetWidth = oPopup.offsetWidth;

//determine if popup will be offscreen to right
var rightlimit = posX + popupOffsetWidth;

  if (rightlimit >= document.body.clientWidth)
      posX -= (rightlimit - document.body.clientWidth);
  if (posX < 0) posX = 0;
//position popup
  oPopup.style.top = posY;
  oPopup.style.left = posX;

var pageBottom = document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight;
var popupHeight = oPopup.offsetHeight;
  if (popupHeight + posY >= pageBottom) {
      if (popupHeight <= document.body.clientHeight)
          oPopup.style.top = pageBottom - popupHeight;
          oPopup.style.top = document.body.scrollTop;

//**** closePopup ****************************************************************************************
// Close Popup
function closePopup() {

  oPopup.style.visibility = "hidden";
  popupOpen = false;

//*********************************************  GENERAL FUNCTIONS ************************************************

//***ajustImg *************************************************************************************************************
// expands an image to the with of the window or shrinks it to 90px

function ajustImg(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var fullWidth= document.body.offsetWidth;

    fullWidth = fullWidth - 50;
    if (e.style.pixelWidth==90)
    else e.style.pixelWidth=90;

//**  getURL **************************************[used in callShortcut, popNewWindow& loadPage]********
// extracts the file location (CHM::/HTM) URL

function getURL(sHREF) {
var spaces= /\s/g
var eH = unescape(sHREF);
    eH = eH.replace(spaces,"");

var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
var sParamFILE= "";
var sParamCHM= "";

var iFILE= eH_.lastIndexOf("file=");
    if (iFILE!=-1){
        iEND= iFILE +1;
        sParamFILE = eH.substring(iFILE+5,eH.length);

var iCHM  = eH_.lastIndexOf("chm=");

gifwithin = false;
if (gifwithin){
    gifwithin = false;
    var con_mmc;
    var doc_mmc;
    doc_mmc = " " + document.location;
    doc_mmc = doc_mmc.toLowerCase();
    if (iCHM!=-1){
        iEND  = iCHM +1;                             // iEND used by callShortcut
        sParamCHM = eH.substring(iCHM+4, iFILE);
        con_mmc = doc_mmc.indexOf(sParamCHM);
            if (con_mmc != -1){
                sParamCHM = "";
                iCHM = -1;
            sParamFILE= sParamCHM+sParamFILE;   

    if (iCHM!=-1){
        iEND  = iCHM +1;                             // iEND used by callShortcut
        sParamCHM = eH.substring(iCHM+4, iFILE);
        sParamFILE= sParamCHM+"::/"+sParamFILE;   
    return sParamFILE;
//********************************************  IE5 PERSISTENCE  *************************************************************

var oTD,iTD;        // persistence

//****** Persistence for userData *********************************************************************************************

function getChecklistState(){

var pageID= addID();

    if (checklist.all== "[object]") {
    iTD= oTD.length;
        printing = true;
        isPersistent = false;

    if (iTD == 0){
        printing = true;
        isPersistent = false;
// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99   
    lct = document.location + ".";
    xax = 10;
    xax = lct.indexOf("mk:@MSITStore");
    if (xax != -1) {
        lct = "ms-its:" + lct.substring(14,lct.length-1);
        // alert("before reload : " + document.location);
        // alert("replace with : " + lct);
        isPersistent = false;
        isPersistent = true;
        // alert("after reload : " + document.location);
// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99
    if (checklist.getAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+"0"))   
    for (i=0; i<iTD; i++){

        if (oTD[i].type =="checkbox" || oTD[i].type =="radio"){
        checkboxValue= checklist.getAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i);
        if (checkboxValue=="yes") oTD[i].checked=true;
        else oTD[i].checked=false;
        }// if
        if (oTD[i].type =="text")            
            oTD[i].value= checklist.getAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i);
    }// for
} // end persistence

//**  saveChecklistState *************************************************************************************************************
function saveChecklistState(){
var pageID= addID();

        if (!isPersistent) return;
        //  you will need this          document.location
        for (i=0; i<iTD; i++){

              if (oTD[i].type =="checkbox" || oTD[i].type =="radio"){
                if (oTD[i].checked) checkboxValue="yes";
                else checkboxValue="no";
                checklist.setAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i, checkboxValue);
            }// if
            if (oTD[i].type =="text")
                checklist.setAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i, oTD[i].value);
        }    // for

// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99   
    lct = document.location + ".";
    xax = 10;
    xax = lct.indexOf("mk:@MSITStore");
    if (xax != -1) {
        lct = "ms-its:" + lct.substring(14,lct.length-1);
        // alert("before reload : " + document.location);
        // alert("replace with : " + lct);
        isPersistent = false;
        isPersistent = true;
        // alert("after reload : " + document.location);
// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99
}//end function

//**  resizeDiv *******************************[used with callPopupWeb, setPreviousNext}****************************************************
//  resize the page when the <div class=nav></div> && <div class=text></div> are found
function resizeDiv(){
if (printing == true) return;
var oNav = document.all.item("nav");
var oText= document.all.item("text");

    if (popupOpen) closePopup();
    if (oText == null) return;
    if (oNav != null){
        document.all.nav.style.width= document.body.offsetWidth;
        document.all.text.style.width= document.body.offsetWidth-4;
        document.all.text.style.top= document.all.nav.offsetHeight;
        if (document.body.offsetHeight > document.all.nav.offsetHeight)
            document.all.text.style.height= document.body.offsetHeight - document.all.nav.offsetHeight;
        else document.all.text.style.height=0;
//**  addID *************************************************************************************************************
function addID(){

var locID = document.location.href;
var iHTM = locID.lastIndexOf(".htm");
var iName=locID.lastIndexOf("/");
      locID = locID.substring(iName+1,iHTM);
    return locID;
//** set_to_print ***************
function set_to_print(){
    // alert(printing)
    if (printing == true) return
    var i;

var isIE5 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5")>0) || (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")>0 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)> 4);
var isIE55 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.5")>0);
if (isIE5 && isIE55) isIE5 = false;
var isIE6 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6")>0);
var isIE4 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4")>0);

if (!isIE5 && !isIE55 && !isIE4 && !isIE6) {
    isIE6 = true;

// trying   

printing = true;

if (isIE55){
if (isIE6){

// to fix printing

isPersistent= (document.all.item("checklist")!=null) && ((isIE5) || (isIE6) || (isIE55));
// if (isPersistent) getChecklistState();

    if (window.text) {
        if (!window.text.style){
            scroller = "FALSE";
            document.all.text.style.height = "auto";
            scroller = "TRUE";
var thisLoc= document.location.href;
    thisLoc = thisLoc.indexOf("glossary.htm")
    if (thisLoc != -1){
    // alert("in print")
    // alert(isIE6)
    for (i=0; i < document.all.length; i++){
        if (document.all[i].id == "expand") {
            // callExpand(document.all[i]);        // no longer needed since the coua_print.css does this now.
            single = "TRUE";
        if (document.all[i].tagName == "BODY") {
            document.all[i].scroll = "auto";
        if (document.all[i].tagName == "A" && scroller != "TRUE") {
            joe = " " + document.all[i].outerHTML
            joe = joe.toLowerCase();
            joe = joe.indexOf("href=")
            if(joe == -1){
                document.all[i].outerHTML = "<A NAME=''>" + document.all[i].innerHTML + "</a>";
                document.all[i].outerHTML = "<A HREF=''>" + document.all[i].innerHTML + "</a>";
// reset_form();
//** used to reset a page if needed ********************
function reset_form(){
    printing = false;

//** on error routine *********************************
function errorHandler() {
//  alert("Error Handled");
  return true;

// ******************************* this function is to help ie55 and ie6 to print these images  ******
booking = false;
function insertImages_4_print(){

window.onerror = errorHandler
// if (isIE6) return
// if (isIE55) return
if (!printing) booking = true;
if (printing == true && booking == true ) {
    booking = false;

var collP = document.all.tags("P");
  for (var i=0; i<collP.length; i++) {
      if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="note")            collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+noteImg+"' "+ imgStyleRTL +"> " +    collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="warning")    collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+warningImg+"'> " +  collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="caution")    collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+cautionImg+"'> " +  collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="tip")        collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+tipImg+"'> " +      collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="important")  collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+importantImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
      else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="empty")      collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+emptyImg+"'> " +    collP[i].innerHTML;
      if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="reltopics" && rel_gif == "yes")  {
            collP[i].outerHTML ="<img class='relTopics' src='"+relTopicsImg+"'> " + collP[i].outerHTML;
//indents for Navigation Tree
var collUL = document.all.tags("UL");
if (!printing) {
for (var i=0; i<collUL.length; i++) {
      var indent= 0;
      if (collUL[i].className.toLowerCase()=="navtree"){
          if (isRTL) collUL[i].style.listStyleImage= "url('" + branchImg_RTL + "')";
          else collUL[i].style.listStyleImage= "url('" + branchImg + "')";
            for (var j = 0; j < collUL[i].children.length; j++)
                if (collUL[i].children[j].className.toLowerCase()=="branch"){
                    if (isRTL) collUL[i].children[j].style.marginRight= (indent +'em');
                    else  collUL[i].children[j].style.marginLeft= (indent +'em');
                    indent= indent + 0.75;
  for (var i=0; i < document.anchors.length; i++){
        var imgInsert=""; 
        var imgStyle= "";
        var imgSpace= "<span class='space'></span>";     
        var oBefore=document.anchors[i].parentElement.tagName;
        var oAnchor= document.anchors[i].id.toLowerCase();
// insert RELTOPICS icons
    if (rel_gif == "yes"){
      if (oAnchor=="reltopics")
              if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "reltopics")
                    imgInsert= "";    // not to re-insert when persistent
            else  imgInsert= "<img class='relTopics' src='"+relTopicsImg+"'>" + imgSpace;
// insert SHORTCUT icons
      if (oAnchor=="shortcut") {   
          document.anchors[i].title= sShortcutTip;   
            if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "shortcut")
                    imgInsert= "";    // not to re-insert when persistent
            else  imgInsert= "<img class='shortcut' src='"+shortcutCold+"' "+ imgStyleRTL+ ">" + imgSpace;
// insert POPUP icons
      else if (oAnchor=="wpopup" || oAnchor=="wpopupweb") document.anchors[i].title= sPopupTip;
      else if (document.anchors[i].className.toLowerCase()=="popupicon")
            if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "popup")
                  imgInsert= "";    // not to re-insert when persistent
            else imgInsert= "<img class='popup' src='"+popupCold+"'>" + imgSpace;

// insert EXPAND icons
      else if (oAnchor=="expand") {
              document.anchors[i].title= sExpandTip;
              if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "expand")
                  imgInsert= "";     // not to re-insert when persistent     
                  if (document.anchors[i].parentElement.offsetLeft == document.anchors[i].offsetLeft) {
                      imgSpace= "<span class='space' style='width:0'></span>";   
                      if (isRTL){ document.anchors[i].parentElement.style.marginRight= "1.5em";  imgStyle=" style=margin-right:'-1.5em'";}
                      else { document.anchors[i].parentElement.style.marginLeft= "1.5em";  imgStyle=" style=margin-left:'-1.5em'";}
                  imgInsert= "<img class='expand' src='"+ closed +"' "+imgStyle+">" +imgSpace;

// insert thumbnail images     
      else if (oAnchor=="thumbnail"
Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 11:18 #3
// insert thumbnail images     
      else if (oAnchor=="thumbnail"  || oAnchor=="thumbnailweb"){
            var sAltText = document.anchors[i].innerHTML;
            gifwithin = true;
            var sThumbnailText = document.anchors[i].title;
            var oImg = document.anchors[i].href.toLowerCase();
                  if (oAnchor=="thumbnail")
                        var sThumbnailImg= moniker + getURL(oImg);
                  else var sThumbnailImg = document.anchors[i].href.toLowerCase();
                found = sAltText.indexOf("BACKGROUND-COLOR:")
            if (found != -1) {
                stop_p = sAltText.indexOf(">");
                sAltText = sAltText.substring(stop_p + 1, sAltText.length);
                stop_p = sAltText.indexOf("</FONT>");
                Highlighted = sAltText.substring(0,stop_p)
                sAltText = Highlighted + sAltText.substring(stop_p + 7, sAltText.length);

                document.anchors[i].outerHTML = "<DIV id='thumbDiv' class='thumbnail'>"+document.anchors[i].outerHTML+"</div>";
                document.anchors[i].innerHTML = "<img class='thumbnail' src='" + sThumbnailImg + "' alt= ' " + sAltText + "'><p>" +sThumbnailText+"</p>";
                  if (isRTL) thumbDiv.style.styleFloat= "right";
      document.anchors[i].innerHTML = imgInsert + document.anchors[i].innerHTML;
      if (isRTL) document.anchors[i].dir="rtl";

//** quad method code --  Witten by Randy Feinger, morphed to work inside of shared.js
function QuadDocumentMouseOver()
    var elem = event.srcElement;
    // If the first childe of the source element is a radio button and
    // the parent element isn't grayed, change the cursor to a hand
    // or back to the original as appropriate.
    if (elem != null && elem.firstChild != null &&
        elem.firstChild.tagName != null &&
        elem.firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" &&
        elem.firstChild.type.toLowerCase() == "radio" &&
        elem.parentElement.className != "indentGray")
        if (elem.style.cursor == "hand")
            elem.style.cursor = "auto";
            elem.style.cursor = "hand";

function QuadDocumentClick()
    // Don't process clicks on grayed text.
    if (event.srcElement.parentElement.className == "indentGray")
    // INPUT elements should be wrapped by another element such as a SPAN, DIV, or P.
    var elem = event.srcElement.firstChild;
    // If this is a radio button...
    if (elem != null && elem.tagName != null && elem.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && elem.type == "radio")
        // check it.
        elem.checked = true;
        // Otherwise, set elem to the event's source element.
        elem = event.srcElement;
    // Call OnElementClick() and pass in the source element, and the name token
    // used to mark a top-level clickable element such as a radio button.
    OnElementClick(elem, "row1");

function OnElementClick(srcElem, token)
    var elemTagName = srcElem.tagName;                        // Tag name of the source element.
    var collElements1 = document.all.item(srcElem.name);    // Collection of elements with the same name property as the source element.
    var n = srcElem.sourceIndex;                            // The source index of the source element.
    var elemGroup = srcElem.group;                            // The (dynamic) group property for the source element.
    var elemID = srcElem.id;                                // The source element's ID.
    var i, j, k;                                            // Loop variables.
    // If there are no elements with the same name as the source element, or
    // if the source element isn't part of a group, exit the function.
    if (collElements1 == null || elemGroup == null || collElements1.length == null)
    // Make sure the source element's name contains the designated token
    // so we know it's top-level element that should be processed.
    if (srcElem.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(token) != -1)
        // Loop through the collection of
        for (i = 0; i < collElements1.length; i++)
            // Go up one level and then down a level in the element hierarchy to find
            // the container (parent) element for the clickable sub-elements (radio buttons).
            var oNextElement = collElements1(i).parentElement.nextSibling;
            // If there is no such element, get the next element in the collection.
            if (oNextElement == null || oNextElement.tagName == null)
            // Get the collection of all the elements within the container element that
            // have the same tag name as the source element.
            var collElements2 = oNextElement.all.tags(elemTagName);
            // Make sure the collection is valid.
            if (collElements2 == null || collElements2.length == 0)

            // Loop through the collection of sub-elements within the container element.
            for (j = 0; j < collElements2.length; j++)
                // If the current element in the collection is not the
                // source element, disable it and make the text gray.
                if (collElements1(i).sourceIndex != n)
                    oNextElement.className = "indentGray"
                    collElements2(j).disabled = true;
                else    // Otherwise, enable the element and make the text black.
                    oNextElement.className = "indentBlack"
                    collElements2(j).disabled = false;
                    // Set the ID for the checked (selected) element for use below.
                    if (collElements2(j).tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" &&
                        collElements2(j).type.toLowerCase() == "radio" &&
                        collElements2(j).checked == true)
                        elemID = collElements2(j).id;
    // Get the collection of all of the elements with the same tag name as that
    // of the source element.
    var collElements2 = document.all.tags(elemTagName);
    // Make sure the collection is valid.
    if (collElements2 == null || collElements2.length == 0)
    // Loop through the collection of elements.
    for (i = 0; i < collElements2.length; i++)
        // Get the collection of all elements with the same ID as the
        // current item in the collection.
        var collAssocElems = document.all(collElements2(i).id);
        // Make sure the collection is valid.
        if (collAssocElems == null || collAssocElems.length == 0)
        // Loop through the collection of same-named elements.
        for (j = 0; j < collAssocElems.length; j++)
            // If the tag name for the current element is different than that for the source element,
            // and the current element is part of the same group as the source element,
            // hide or display the element as appropriate.
            if (collAssocElems(j).tagName != elemTagName && collAssocElems(j).group == elemGroup)
                // Hide the element unless the current element's ID matches the ID of the element
                // that has been checked (selected).
                collAssocElems(j).style.display = ((collAssocElems(j).id == elemID) ? "block" : "none")
Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 11:19 #4
Sorry.. Shared.js er en systemfil som du kan se.
Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 11:20 #5
Avatar billede lester_dk Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 11:30 #6
set_path = "" + document.URL
ntshared = set_path.indexOf("::/")

if (ntshared == -1) {
    var moniker= "ms-its:";                 
    var sSharedCHM = moniker+"ntshared.chm::/";       
    path = set_path.substring(0,ntshared)
    path = path.toLowerCase()
    ntshared = path.lastIndexOf("\\")
    var moniker = path.substring(0,ntshared)+ "\\";
    //var ntshared = moniker.lastIndexOf("\\")
    //var moniker = moniker.substring(0,ntshared) + "\\";
    var sSharedCHM= moniker+"ntshared.chm::/";

************************  klip ****************************
hmm...  som du kan se nedenfor bliver pluscold stien smidt i variablen closed.

som jeg ser den blive det til noget ala.. "ms-its:ntshared.chm::plusCold.gif"

Så må jo formode det har noget med en windows hjælp fil at gøre?

************************  klip ****************************

var closed = sSharedCHM + "plusCold.gif";            //image used for collapsed item in callExpand()
var closedHot = sSharedCHM + "plusHot.gif";            //hot image used for collapsed item in callExpand()
var expand = sSharedCHM + "minusCold.gif";            //image used for expanded item in callExpand()
var expandHot = sSharedCHM + "minusHot.gif";        //hot image used for expanded item in callExpand()

************************  klip ****************************
Denne variable bruges så i en expand funktion længere nede... men skal vist lige forstå brugen af den chm-fil?
Derudover vil jeg jo påstå at dine gif-filer skal ligge i samme mappe som den html-fil du kalder denne funktion fra.

************************  klip ****************************
Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 13:11 #7
CHM filer er MS compilerede help filer hvor shared.js er trukket ud fra ligesom gif filerne. Jeg ønsker at droppe chm udtrækket fra chm filen og loade direkte fra et bibliotek!
Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 13:11 #8
jeg har lagt gif filerne mange steder uden at det virker!
Avatar billede lester_dk Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 13:35 #9
har du evt et link til det sted der benytter dette kode. Tror ikke helt jeg har fanget den lange ende her.
Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 15:52 #10
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">

<TITLE>Introduktion til Internet Explorer</TITLE>

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<META NAME="MS-IT-LOC" CONTENT="Microsoft Internet Explorer Help">

<LINK REL="stylesheet" MEDIA="screen" TYPE="text/css" HREF="MS-ITS:ieshared.chm::/coUA.css">
<LINK REL="stylesheet" MEDIA="print" TYPE="text/css" HREF="MS-ITS:ieshared.chm::/coUAprint.css">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript" SRC="MS-ITS:ieshared.chm::/shared.js"></SCRIPT>


<IMG STYLE="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;" SRC="ie55.gif" WIDTH=272 HEIGHT=82 BORDER="0" ALT="Hjælp-logo">

<H1 STYLE="margin-top: 100px;"><A NAME="iegetsrt"></A>Introduktion til <BR>Internet Explorer</H1>

<P>Med en internetforbindelse og Internet Explorer kan du søge efter og få vist oplysninger om stort set alt på World Wide Web. Du skal blot klikke på emnerne nedenfor for at komme i gang. Der er yderligere oplysninger med hjælp til at arbejde på internettet i Indhold i Hjælp.</P>

<H2>Grundlæggende konfiguration</H2>

<P>Klik på dette hyperlink, hvis du ikke har forbindelse til internettet, eller hvis du vil oprette en ny forbindelse.</P>

    <LI><A HREF="MS-ITS:icwdial.chm::/icw_overview.htm">Konfigurere en internetforbindelse</A>    </LI>

<H2>Lære mere om Internet Explorer</H2>

<P>Her er de nødvendige oplysninger til at komme i gang, hvis du er ny på internettet eller ny bruger af Internet Explorer.</P>

    <LI><A HREF="ie_welc.htm">Introduktion til Internet Explorer</A>    </LI>
    <LI><A HREF="browstip.htm">Lære at gennemse internettet hurtigere og nemmere</A>    </LI>
    <LI><A HREF="search_dec_tree.htm">Søge efter ønskede oplysninger</A>    </LI>

Avatar billede kenn-s Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 15:53 #11
Dette er fra "hjælp" i Internet explorer"
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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