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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <title>English (U.S.)</title>
    <author>Kayako Web Solutions</author>

    <!-- Outgoing Mail Queue Settings -->
    <phrase section="default" code="html_encoding">quoted-printable</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="text_encoding">8bit</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="html_charset">UTF-8</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="text_charset">UTF-8</phrase>

    <phrase section="default" code="poweredbytitle">Powered By Kayako %s</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="poweredby">Help Desk Software By Kayako %s v%s</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="copyright"><![CDATA[Copyright &copy; 2001-%s Kayako Infotech Ltd.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="module_notreg">%s module is not registered</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="event_notreg">%s event is not registered</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="unable_to_execute">Unable to execute %s</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="action_notreg">%s action is not registered</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="requiredfieldempty">One of the required field(s) is empty</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="groupaccess">Enter Group Password</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="perminvalid">ERROR: You do not have enough permissions to access this page. Please log in by entering your Email Address and Password.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="groupaccessmsg">Please enter the Password to access this area. You can enter anything in the User Name field.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="home">Home</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="navhome">Support Center</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="submit">Submit</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="login">Login</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="lostpassword">[Lost Password]</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginemail">Email:</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginusername">Username:</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginpassword">Password:</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginrememberme">Remember Me:</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="search">Search</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="entiresupportsite">-- Entire Support Site --</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="indexlanguage">Language:</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="processinglogin">Processing Login...</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loggingout">Logging Out...</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="no_wait">Please click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginerrorinvalidsession">Invalid Session ID</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginerrorinvalidmodule">Invalid LoginShare Module</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginerror">Invalid Username or Password</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loginsuccess">Logged in successfully</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="myaccount">My Account</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="changepassword">Change Password</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="logout">[Logout]</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="loggedinas"><![CDATA[Logged In:&nbsp]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="registerlogin">Register</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="desc_register">Register a new account to submit new Tickets or manage subscriptions.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="viewtickets">View Tickets</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="desc_viewtickets">View already-submitted support Tickets or create new replies.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="news">News</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="desc_news"> View latest company news and announcements.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="downloads">Downloads</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="desc_downloads">View our categorized library of downloads for all necessary manuals, software, etc.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="knowledgebase">Knowledgebase</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="desc_knowledgebase">View categorized listing of all common frequently asked questions.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="troubleshooter">Troubleshooter</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="desc_troubleshooter"> Take a step-by-step tour to find the solution to all your issues.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="submitticket">Submit a Ticket</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="desc_submitticket">Submit a new issue to a Department.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="back">Back</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="invalidusergroup">Invalid User Group</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="usercomments">User Comments</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="addacomment">Add a Comment</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="cmname">Fullname:</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="cmcomments">Comments:</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="cmemail">Email: (Optional)</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="commentsdesc">Sharing is good. If you have a comment about this entry, please feel free to share. The comments might be reviewed by our staff, and may require approval before being posted. Questions posted will not be answered. Please submit a Ticket for support requests.</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="ticketsubjectformat">[%s#%s]: %s</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="postedon">On: </phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="postedby">Posted By: </phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="options">Options</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="reset">Reset</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="bytes">Bytes</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="kb">KB</phrase>
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    <phrase section="default" code="gb">GB</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="squerypr">Search Query: </phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="stimetakenpr">Time Taken: %s Seconds</phrase>
    <phrase section="default" code="snoresults">Sorry, we were unable to find any results for the given search phrase.</phrase>

    <phrase section="index" code="populartrcat">Popular Troubleshooter Categories</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="trviews">Views</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="latestnews">Latest News</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="popularfiles">Popular Files</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="totdownloads">Downloads</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="latestfiles">Latest Download Files</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="dldateadded">Date Added</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="populararticles">Popular Knowledgebase Articles</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="kbviews">Views</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="latestarticles">Latest Knowledgebase Articles</phrase>
    <phrase section="index" code="kbdate">Date Added</phrase>

    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="troubleshootercat">Troubleshooter Categories</phrase>
    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="troubleshooterdesc">Troubleshooters allow you to follow a series of questions to find a specific answer. Please choose the category that is related to your area of interest in order to learn how to fix specific problems, perform important procedures, and read useful overviews.</phrase>
    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="tsback"><![CDATA[&lt; Back]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="tsnext"><![CDATA[Next &gt;]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="tsstartover">Start Over</phrase>
    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="invalidtroubleshootercat">Invalid Troubleshooter Category</phrase>
    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="invalidtroubleshooter">Invalid Troubleshooter Step</phrase>
    <phrase section="troubleshooter" code="tscategorylist">Category List</phrase>

    <phrase section="misc" code="registerlostpw">Register / Lost Password</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="register">Register</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="registerdesc">Please fill in the fields below to register for a new account. Once registered you may have to validate your Email Address to enable your account.</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="reglostpassword">Lost Password</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="reglostpassworddesc">Please enter your Email Address below and click Submit to retrieve your password. You will receive an Email shortly containing further instructions on resetting your password.</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regfullname">Full Name: </phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regemail">Email: </phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regpassword">Password: </phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regpasswordagain">Password (Again): </phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regverifyregistration">Verify Registration</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="verifyregdesc">Please enter the text you see in the image at the right into the textbox below. This is required to prevent automated registrations.</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="generalinformation">General Details</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="passworddontmatch">ERROR: Passwords don\'t match</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="invalidverificationcode">ERROR: Invalid Verification Image Code</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="invalidemail">ERROR: Invalid Email Address specified</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="invaliduserhash">ERROR: Invalid Hash. Please try to register again.</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="emailalreadyexists"><![CDATA[ERROR: The specified Email Address is already registered. If you have lost your password, please <a href="index.php?_m=core&_a=lostpassword">Click Here</a>]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="registrationsuccess">Registration Successful</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="registrationsuccessdesc">Thank you for registering! You have been successfully registered and further details have been sent to your specified Email Address. Please use the login form beside this text to log in.</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regvalidpending">Validation Pending</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regvalidpendingdesc">Thank you for registering. You should receive an Email with further instructions shortly. Please follow the link in the Email to validate your account. You will not be able to log in unless until your account is verified.</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regvalidpendingdescman">Thank you for registering. You should receive an Email with further instructions once your account has been activated. Please follow the link in the Email to validate your account. You will not be able to log in until your account is verified.</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="registrationdetails">Registration Details</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="pwhidden"><![CDATA[ [ Hidden ] ]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="validateemailsubject">Registration Pending for %s Support Desk</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="regsuccessmailsubject">Registration Activated for %s Support Desk</phrase>
    <phrase section="misc" code="registervalidatemail"><![CDATA[Dear %1$s,

Thank you for registering at our Support Desk. You will need to activate your account before you can log in. You can do so by clicking on the link below. You have to complete this last step only once and your account will be activated:

Activate: %2$sindex.php?_m=core&_a=register&do=va&hash=%3$s

<a href="%2$sindex.php?_m=core&_a=register&do=va&hash=%3$s">AOL Users Click Here</a>

Please do let us know if you have any questions.

Thank You,

    <phrase section="misc" code="registersuccess"><![CDATA[Dear %1$s,

You have now successfully registered at our Support Desk. Please refer to the following details:

Fullname: %1$s
Email: %2$s
Password: %3$s

You can visit the Support Desk at any time by going to %4$s

Please do let us know if you have any questions.

Thank You,


    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="clickforlivesupport">Click Here for Live Support</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="lsisaway">Live Support is Away</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="lsbacksoon">Live Support will be back soon</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="clickleavemessage">Live Support is offline. Click Here to leave a message</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="online">Online</phrase>
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    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="leaveamessage">Leave a Message</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="department">Department</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="fullname">Full Name</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="subject">Subject</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="email">Email</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="message">Message</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="error">Error</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="messagesent">Message Sent</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="closewindow">X Close Window</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="sendmessage">Send</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="livesupport">Live Support</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="sendrequest">Submit</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="send">Send</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="lsinvalidemail">Please enter a valid Email Address</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="joinedchat">You are now chatting with %s (%s)</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="joinedchatdep">You are now chatting with %s</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="chatleave">%s has left the chat conversation</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="chatenter">%s has joined the chat conference</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="chatexpired">The chat session has expired or ended</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="chatendleavemsg">Click Here to Leave a Message</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="staffnotacceptedchat">Your message could not be delivered. Please wait for an Operator to accept your request.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="pleasewaitoperator">Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="peopleaheadinqueue">There are currently %s chat request(s) before you in the chat queue.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="livesupportdescribe">Please enter the required information below to request Live Support.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="alloperatorsbusy">Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="messagesentdescribe">Your message has been dispatched to our support technicians. Thank you for contacting us.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="leavemessagedescribe">Live Support is currently unavailable. Please leave a message below and one of our support personnel will get back to you shortly.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="emailconvosubject">FW: Chat Conversation</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="clientfullname">Client Fullname</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="clientemail">Client Email</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="stafffullname">Staff Fullname</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="convodepartment">Department</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="convodate">Date</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="proactivemsg"><![CDATA[Need Assistance? Click &quot;Chat Now&quot; to chat with a Live Operator.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="proactivechatnow">Chat Now</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="proactivenothanks">No Thanks!</phrase>
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    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="typingmsg">%s is typing...</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="chatisalreadyrunning">CANNOT INITIATE CHAT\nYou already have a chat session active. If this error persists, try refreshing this page.</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="campaignerror">Invalid Campaign Specified</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="adtrackingredirect">Please wait, you are being redirected...</phrase>
    <phrase section="livesupportclient" code="startviewshare">Unable to open new window. Click Here to start the ViewShare session.</phrase>
    <phrase section="news" code="rsslatestnews">%s - Latest News</phrase>
    <phrase section="news" code="rsslatestnewsdesc">Latest News Provided by %s</phrase>

    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="catpermerror">You are not allowed to view this Category</phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="kbcat">Knowledgebase Categories</phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="kbcatdesc">The knowledgebase is organized into different categories; please select a category that you are interested in. You can also search the entire knowledgebase by entering keywords in the navigation bar beside this text.</phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="kbmore">more topics</phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="articles">Articles</phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="articledetails">Article Details</phrase>
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    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="createdon">Created On: </phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="articleid">Article ID: </phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="articleurl">URL: </phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="author">Author: </phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="articleerror">ERROR: You are not allowed to view this article or the article does not exist.</phrase>
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    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="answernothelpful">This answer was not helpful</phrase>
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    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="kbmaincat">Main Categories</phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="rsskb">%s - Knowledgebase Articles</phrase>
    <phrase section="knowledgebase" code="rsskbdesc">Knowledgebase Articles Provided by %s</phrase>

    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arintro">Your Ticket has been received and a member of our staff will review it and reply accordingly. Listed below are details of this Ticket. Please make sure the Ticket ID remains in the subject at all times.</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="regemailrejectintro">Your ticket has not been accepted into the system. You are required to register at the following URL to submit any issues via Email:</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="regemailrejectfooter">Once registered, you will be able to submit any issues directly by sending us Email. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="regemailrejectsub">Registration Required: Unable to create Ticket</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="articketid">Ticket ID: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arsubject">Subject: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="ardepartment">Department: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arpassword">Password: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arstatus">Status: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arpriority">Priority: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="aremail">Email: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arsubfooter">You can check the status of or reply to this Ticket online at: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arfooter">Please do let us know if we can assist you any further,</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="ticketdetails">Ticket Details</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="smsfailure">SMS Delivery Report</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="smsfailured">The SMS Message could not be delivered. This could either be due to a failure to connect with the Kayako SMS Gateway, or due to the lack of SMS Credits in your account. The exact error is available below:</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="sdeliverytime">SMS Delivery Time:</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="sgatewayresult">Gateway Result:</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="snumber">Cell Number:</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="smessage">Message:</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arlink">Link: </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="arclickhere">Click Here</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="acsysintro">This message concerns your Ticket #</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="acsysfooter">Please note that the Ticket will automatically be closed within </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="acsysfooterend"> hours if no response is received from you. The Ticket will not be closed in the case that you send another reply.</phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="acsysheader">We have not received any response back from you in </phrase>
    <phrase section="ticketemails" code="acsysheaderend"> hours, and would like to know if you consider this issue to be resolved. If you have any further questions, simply respond to this Email.</phrase>

    <phrase section="tickets" code="dsubmitticketdep"><![CDATA[If you can't find a solution to your problems in our <a href="index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=view" id="moduletitle">knowledgebase</a>, you can submit a Ticket by selecting the appropriate Department below.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="dsubmitticket"><![CDATA[If you can't find a solution to your problems in our <a href="index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=view" id="moduletitle">knowledgebase</a>, you can fill in the fields below with as much detailed information as possible and send it to our support personnel.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="dsubmitticketdepmb"><![CDATA[If you can't find a solution to your problems in our <a href="user.php?op=menu&tile=faq&_m=knowledgebase&_a=view" id="moduletitle">knowledgebase</a>, you can submit a Ticket by selecting the appropriate Department below.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="dsubmitticketmb"><![CDATA[If you can't find a solution to your problems in our <a href="user.php?op=menu&tile=faq&_m=knowledgebase&_a=view" id="moduletitle">knowledgebase</a>, you can fill the fields below with as detailed information as possible and send it to our support technicians.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="dsubmitticketconfirm"><![CDATA[Your ticket has been submitted to our Department successfully. One of our support personnel will get back to you with more information shortly.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tckgeneralinformation">General Information</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="ttinformation">Ticket Information</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tfullname">Full Name:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="temail">Email:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tsubject">Subject:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tdepartment">Department:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tpriority">Priority:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tmessage">Message:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tattachfile">Attach File:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tmessagedetails">Message Details</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="treset">Reset</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="selectdepartment">Select Department</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tcknext"><![CDATA[Next &raquo;]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tselectdepartment">ERROR: Please select a valid Department</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tckinvalidemail">ERROR: Please specify a valid Email Address</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tregistrationrequired">Registration Required</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tregrequireddesc"><![CDATA[Unable to submit Ticket; you may need to log in to submit a Ticket. If you are not registered, you can sign up for this Support Desk by <a href="index.php?_m=core&_a=register" id="moduletitle">clicking here</a>.]]></phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tinvaliduser">ERROR: Invalid user; failed to submit Ticket.</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tticketid">Ticket ID:</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tticketlist">Ticket List</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="desc_tticketlist">Listed below are the Tickets submitted by you. You can click on a Ticket subject to view the Ticket history.</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tnotloggedin">ERROR: You are not logged in</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tlsubject">Subject</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tlticketid">Ticket ID</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tllastactivity">Last Activity</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tlstatus">Status</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tlpriority">Priority</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tldepartment">Department</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tllastreplier">Last Replier</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="pagination">Page %s of %s</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtconversation">Conversation</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtdetails">Ticket Details</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtpostreply">Post Reply</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtmessage">Message</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtpost">Post</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtticketid">Ticket ID: </phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtdepartment">Department: </phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtstatus">Status: </phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtpriority">Priority: </phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtcreatedon">Created On: </phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtlastupdate">Last Update: </phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtnoaccess">ERROR: You do not have access to this Ticket.</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtpostedon">Posted On: </phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="pryourreply">Your Reply</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="prdetails">Details</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtupdate">Update</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="vtattachments">Attachments</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tuploadfile">Upload File(s)</phrase>
    <phrase section="tickets" code="tinvalidverificationcode">ERROR: Invalid Verification Image Code</phrase>
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Avatar billede calcio_x Nybegynder
26. maj 2006 - 18:00 #1
Hvad mener du helt præcist???
Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
26. maj 2006 - 18:06 #2
Jeg mener at få oversat de enkelte ord fra Engelsk til Dansk, eks:

<phrase section="default" code="home">Home</phrase>
<phrase section="default" code="home">Forside</phrase>

Dvs at det kun er de ting der stå mellem >  < - selve koden skal self. ikke oversættes :)

Og det jeg ønsker at at få en pris i KR. for den person der ville gøre det, og evt. en tidsplan for hvor hurtigt det kan gøres.
Avatar billede cygnet Praktikant
26. maj 2006 - 23:48 #3
1.000 ex. moms.

Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
27. maj 2006 - 09:21 #4
cygnet, lyder som oki pris - men hvor hurtigt kan det gøres? - og du laver faktura når du vil have ex. moms? :)
Avatar billede cygnet Praktikant
27. maj 2006 - 09:31 #5
Jeps, du får faktura på det og jeg kan have det klar til dig senest onsdag.

Er det en aftale?
Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
27. maj 2006 - 09:49 #6
Det en aftale, hvis du ønsker at se hvad/hvordan det bruges kan du se her: http://support.itcentrum.dk/ - hvis du ønsker at se anden der har oversat det kan du se det her: http://www.serverguider.dk/support/

Men jeg ønsker self. den måde der rammer bedst "oversættelsen" - men det har du vel styr på når du vil oversætte det :) 

Har du mail jeg kan sende oplysninger hvor faktura sendes/mails til? :)
Avatar billede cygnet Praktikant
27. maj 2006 - 09:52 #7
jeps det har jeg: ks@cygnet.dk

Men målgruppen er folk uden teknisk forståelse?
Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
29. maj 2006 - 15:17 #8
Så der sendt mail :)
Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
31. maj 2006 - 23:09 #9
Formoder tidsplanen ikke helt holder med i dag? :) - har du et bud på om det bliver i morgen eller fredag?
Avatar billede cygnet Praktikant
01. juni 2006 - 08:24 #10
Da jeg først modtag endelig "ordrebekræftelse" den 29., var det hul i kalenderen jeg havde tænkt at bruge blive fyldt op. Men jeg er ca. 1/4 af vejen og bliver lavet hurtigst muligt. Arbejder I i weekenden? For ellers er mit bud at den ligger i jeres mail boks mandag morgen. Men kan også prøve at presse det ind i løbet af idag - der er dog allerede fyldt godt op.
Ellers er i selvfølgelig velkommen til at ophæve aftale.
Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
01. juni 2006 - 08:36 #11
Det helt oki, hvis vi kan aftale at vi har det mandag morgen.
Avatar billede cygnet Praktikant
01. juni 2006 - 09:36 #12
Det kan vi sagtens.
Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
30. april 2008 - 16:06 #13
Glemte vist at give point for det her i sin tid også :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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