Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 13:43 Der er 17 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Hjælp til oversættelse

Hej er her nogen der kan hjælpe mig med at oversætte dette fra engelsk til dansk. 200 point til ham der vil hjælpe.
$lang['usersinpastweek'] = 'Users in past week';
$lang['usersinpastmonth'] = 'Users in past month';
$lang['usersinpastyear'] = 'Users in past year';
$lang['usersinpast2years'] = 'Users in past 2 years';
$lang['usersinpast5years'] = 'Users in past 5 years';
$lang['usersinpast10years'] = 'Users in past 10 years';

$lang['visitorstosite'] = 'Visitors to site';

$lang['timesfeedback'] = 'Times feedback form was used';
$lang['timesim'] = 'Times IM was used';

$lang['timeshowprofile'] = 'Times show profile was used';
$lang['timesonlineusers'] = 'Times online users was clicked';
$lang['timesbanner'] = 'Times banner was clicked';
$lang['timesnewmember'] = 'Times new member list was clicked';
$lang['timespoll'] = 'Times poll was used';
$lang['timesgallery'] = 'Times picture gallery was used';
$lang['timesaffiliates'] = 'Times affiliates was clicked';
$lang['timessignup'] = 'Times signup was clicked';
$lang['timesnews'] = 'Times news was clicked';
$lang['timesstories'] = 'Times stories was clicked';
$lang['timessearchmatch'] = 'Times searchmatch was clicked';
$lang['no_affiliates'] = 'Number of Affiliates';
$lang['no_affiliate_refs'] = 'Number of Affiliate Referrals';
$lang['no_pages_refs'] = 'Number of pages referrals';
$lang['no_polls'] = 'Number of polls';
$lang['no_news'] = 'Number of news items';
$lang['no_stories'] = 'Number of stories';
$lang['no_langs'] = 'Number of languages available';
$lang['glblgroups'] = 'Global Settings Group';
$lang['accept_tos'] = 'I have read and accept the <a href="java script:popUpScrollWindow('."'tos.php','center',650,600);".'">Terms of Service</a>';
$lang['tos_must'] = 'Please read and accept Terms of Service before registering';
$lang['private_event'] = 'This event information is private';
$lang['posted_by'] = 'Posted by';
$lang['glblsettings_groups'] = array(
1    =>    'Site Information',
2    =>     'User Controls',
3    =>    'Calendar Controls',
4    =>    'Mail Sending Settings',
5    =>    'Profile Images and Thumbnails',
6    =>    'Page and Table Layout',

$lang['featured_profile_added'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>It gives us great pleasure to include your profile in the Featured Profiles List on <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a>.<br><br>Your profile will be featured from #FromDate# to #UptoDate#.<br><br>This will increase your profile visibility and may result in many more views from prospective matches.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#<br>";
$lang['wink_received'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>You have received a wink from #siteName# user '#SenderName#'.<br><br>Please visit <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a> to send '#SenderName#' a message, or to reciprocate the wink.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";
$lang['message_received'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>You have received a message from #siteName# user '#SenderName#'.<br><br>Please visit <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a> to reply to this message.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";
$lang['added_buddylist'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>You have been added to #SenderName#'s Buddy List.<br><br>To view this user's profile, please visit <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a>.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";
$lang['added_hotlist'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>You have been added to #SenderName#'s Hot List.<br><br>To view this user's profile, please visit <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a>.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";
$lang['added_banlist'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>You have been added to #SenderName#'s Ban List.<br><br>To view this user's profile, please visit <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a>.<br><br>#AdminName#";
$lang['profile_reactivated'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>This is an automatic notification to inform you that your profile on #siteName# has been reactivated with the membership level of #MembershipLevel#. Come visit us soon at <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a>.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";
$lang['forgotpass_msg4'] = 'Did you forget your login? Your username, with a new password, can be sent to your email address. Please use the email address that you used during registration.';
$lang['mship_expiry_note'] = 'Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>This is an automatic notification to inform you that your Membership with #siteName# will expire on #ExpiryDate#. <br><br>Please <a href="#link#">log in to #siteName#</a> and renew your membership.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#';
$lang['mship_expired_note'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>This is an automatic notification to inform you that your Membership level of #MembershipLevel# in #siteName# expired on #ExpiryDate#. <br><br>Kindly <a href=\"#link#\">log in to  #siteName#</a> and renew your membership and continue to enjoy the services.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";
$lang['profile_confirmation_email'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>Thank you for registering with #SiteName#! As the newest member of our community, I encourage you to explore our services and features.<br><br>To confirm your profile addition, please click the link below. Or, if the link is not clickable, copy and paste it into address bar of your web browser, to directly access it.<br><br>#ConfirmationLink#=#ConfCode#<br><br>If you still have the final step of the registration wizard open, you can input your confirmation code on that screen. <br><br>Your confirmation code is: #ConfCode#<br><br>We have recorded the following registration information for you:<br>Username: #StrID#<br>Password: #Password#<br>E-Mail: #Email#<br><br>Please keep this information in a safe, secure place, so that you will be able to access all of the services and features available to you. Some services may require an upgrade to a higher membership level, which you can do here:<br><br>#SiteUrl#payment.php<br><br>Thanks again for using our services, and we hope that you find your match! <br><br>#AdminName#<br>#SiteName#";
$lang['profile_confirmation_email_sub'] = 'Confirm your profile at';
$lang['invite_a_friend'] = "Hi,<br><br>I found a cool dating site while surfing the web: #Link#.<br>I thought it might be interesting to you.<br><br>#FromName#";
$lang['invite_a_friend_sub'] = 'Invite a Friend';
$lang['forgot_password'] = "Dear #Name#,<br><br>Your member ID: #ID#<br>Your password:  #Password#<br><br>To login, go here: #LoginLink#.<br><br>Thank you for using our services!<br><br>##<br>#SiteTitle# mail delivery system<br><Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply>";
$lang['forgot_password_sub'] = 'Password Request';

$lang['states01'] = 'States';
$lang['latitude'] = 'Latitude';
$lang['longitude'] = 'Longitude';
$lang['search_within'] = 'Search within';
$lang['miles'] = ' miles ';
$lang['kms'] = ' kilometers ';
$lang['no_search_results'] = '<font color=red><b>0 Results found</b></font><br /><br />There are no results matching your search criteria. Perhaps you would like to expand your search. Try reducing the number of criteria, for example search by height and age, but not by height, age and body type. Or, expand the range of your search. for example, instead of searching persons aged 40 - 50, search for persons aged 30 - 60.<br /><br />';
$lang['expire_on'] = 'Current Membership will expire on';
$lang['expire_in'] = 'Days left for the expiry of membership';
$lang['lang_to_load'] = 'Language to load';
$lang['load_lang'] = 'Load Language';
$lang['manage_languages'] = 'Manage Languages';
$lang['lang_ensure'] = 'First define new language and file name in config.php (see $language_options and $language_files definitions). Then load the language file to the directory /language/lang_xxxx/ as lang_main.php file before proceeding. (xxxx is the language name in lower case. e.g. english, dutch, etc.).<br /><br /><b>To modify and/or to add new entries to existing language definition, please make necessary changes to the language file and reload it.</b>';
$lang['load_zips'] = 'Load Zip Codes File';
$lang['manage_zips'] = 'Manage Zip Codes';
$lang['zipfile'] = 'Zip Codes File';
$lang['zip_ensure'] = 'Please load the zip codes file to the directory /zipcodes before proceeding. <br /><br />The file should contain COUNTRYCODE, ZIPCODE, STATECODE, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE separated by commas.';
$lang['zip_loaded'] = 'Zip codes are loaded from the file ';
$lang['file_not_found'] = 'Given file is not found in the system';
/* Modified in 1.1.0 */
$lang['success_mship_change'] = 'Thank you very much for upgrading/renewing your membership. <br /><br />Your membership level was successfully changed to';
$lang['payment_cancel'] = 'Payment Cancelled';
$lang['checkout_cancel'] = 'As you requested, your payment processing is cancelled.';
$lang['useronlinetext'] = array(
    'online_now'        =>     'Online Now',
    'active_24hours'    =>     'Active within 24 Hours',
    'active_3days'        =>    'Active within 3 Days',
    'active_1week'        =>    'Active within 1 week',
    'active_1month'        =>    'Active within 1 month',
    'notactive'            =>    'Not Recently Active'

$lang['transactions_report'] = 'Payment Transactions Report';
$lang['trans_count'] = 'Transactions Count';
$lang['pay_no'] = 'Payment No.';
$lang['ref_no'] = 'Ref. No.';
$lang['paid_thru'] = 'Payment by';
$lang['pay_status'] = 'Payment Status';
$lang['trans_rep'] = 'Payments Report';
$lang['expiry_interval'] = array(
    '1'        => '24 Hours',
    '3'        =>    '3 Days',
    '7'        =>    '7 Days',
    '15'    =>    '15 Days',
    '30'    =>    '30 Days',
    '0'        =>    'Expired'
$lang['expiry_hdr'] = 'Membership Expiry Reminder Letter';
$lang['expiry_ltr'] = 'Membership Expiry Letter';
$lang['expiry_select'] = 'Select Expiry Interval';
$lang['expird'] = 'Expired';
$lang['expiry_ltr_sub'] = 'Reminder of Membership Expiry';
$lang['expiry_ltr_sent'] = 'Expiry Reminder Letters are sent';
$lang['searching_within'] = 'Searching within';
$lang['payment_failed'] = 'Payment Process Failed. Please redo the payment';
$lang['payment_fail'] = 'Payment Failure';
$lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate';

$lang['open_search'] = 'Open search';
$lang['replace'] = 'Replace';
$lang['new'] = 'New';
$lang['no_save'] = 'Don\'t Save';
$lang['modify_curr_search'] = 'Modify current search criteria';
$lang['perform_search'] = 'and perform search.';
$lang['start_new_search'] = 'Start a new search';
$lang['use_empty_form'] = 'using an empty form.';
$lang['of_zip_code'] = 'of this zip/post code';


$lang['profile_ratings'] = 'Profile Ratings';
$lang['total_ratings'] = 'Total Ratings';
$lang['delete_ratings'] = 'Delete Ratings';
$lang['delete_rating_group_confirm_msg'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete these ratings? This action cannot be reversed.';
$lang['delete_rating_confirm_msg'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this rating? This action cannot be reversed.';
$lang['modify_rating'] = 'Modify rating';
$lang['modify_ratings'] = 'Modify ratings';

$lang['glblsettings_groups']['50'] = 'Profile Ratings';
$lang['mod_lowtohigh']['Low to High'] = 'Low to High';
$lang['mod_lowtohigh']['High to Low'] = 'High to Low';
$lang['admin_rights']['profile_ratings'] = 'Profile Ratings';

$lang['custom_message'] = 'Custom Message';
$lang['notify_me'] = 'Notify me when my message has been read.';
$lang['include_profile'] = 'Include my profile with this message.';
$lang['message_templates'] = 'Message Templates';
$lang['my_templates'] = 'My Templates';
$lang['template_select'] = 'Please select a template';

$lang['message_read'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>The message you sent to '#RecipientName#' has been read.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";

$lang['template_intro'] = 'If you frequently send the same messages to your potential matches,
you may create templates for these messages, to cut down on your typing. By using templates
variables like [username] and [firstname], you can make your templates feel more personalized to the recipient.';

$lang['add_template'] = 'Add Template';
$lang['return_message'] = 'Return to Message';
$lang['delete_template_confirm_msg'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this template? This action cannot be reversed.';
$lang['edit_template'] = 'Edit Template';

$lang['template_instructions'] = 'The following template variables are available: <br />
[username], [firstname], [city], [state], [country], [age]<br /><br />You can use these template
variables to provide a personalized feel to your message, for example:<br /><br />hi [firstname]!
<br /><br />I noticed that you\'re from [city].... me too! :) You\'re [age], and I\'m 35, so I
think that we\'re a good match... drop me an email if you\'d like to learn more about me.
<br /><br />cheers,<br />jamie';

$lang['rate_catefully'] = 'The operators of this website make no claims on the accuracy or reliability of these ratings.<br />Ratings are posted by users, and are not reviewed by the staff.';

$lang['your_comment'] = 'Your Comment';
$lang['your_reply'] = 'Your Reply';
$lang['comment_note'] = 'Comments longer than 255 characters will be truncated';
$lang['chars_remaining'] = 'characters remaining';

$lang['delete_comment_confirm_msg'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be reversed.';
$lang['no_msg_templates'] = 'No message templates could be found.';
/* MOD END */

$lang['select'] = '- Select -';
$lang['select_country'] = 'Select Country';
$lang['select_state'] = 'Select State/Province';
$lang['select_country'] = 'Select County';
$lang['select_city'] = 'Select City';
$lang['confirm_success'] = 'Login below to enjoy the benefits of membership.';
$lang['signup_success_message'] = '<b>Thank you!</b><br /><br />&nbsp;You are now a registered user of SITENAME.';
$lang['noone_online'] = 'No Members Online';
$lang['in_hot_list'] = 'User is in Hot list';
$lang['in_buddy_list'] = 'User is in Buddy list';
$lang['in_ban_list'] = 'User is in Banned list';
$lang['delete_search'] = 'Delete this Search';
$lang['select_user_to_send_message'] = 'Select a user to send your message to';
$lang['no_im_msgs'] = 'No IM Messages';
$lang['feedback_email_to_admin'] = 'Dear Site Administrator,<br><br>You have just received comments from a visitor to your dating site. The details are as follows:<br><br>Title: #txttitle#<br>Name: #txtname#<br>Email: #txtemail#<br>Country: #txtcountry#<br>Comments: #txtcomments#<br><br>Thanks,<br>#SITENAME# Daemon<br>';
$lang['public_event'] = 'This event is viewable by the public';
$lang['no_event_description'] = 'No description provided';
$lang['signup_js_errors']['country_noblank'] = 'Country should be selected';
$lang['msg_sent'] = 'Your message has been sent';
$lang['profile_activated'] = "Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>This is an automatic notification to inform you that your profile on #siteName# has been activated with the membership level of #MembershipLevel#. Come visit us soon at <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a>.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#";

/*     Additions for new email messaging interface
    Vijay Nair
$lang['send_a_message'] = 'Send a Message';
$lang['change_email'] = 'Change Emal';
$lang['flagged'] = 'Flagged';
$lang['un_flagged'] = 'Un-Flagged';
$lang['unflagged_msg1'] = 'Un-flagged messages more than ';
$lang['unflagged_msg2'] = ' days old are automatically removed.';
$lang['no_messages_in_box'] = 'There are no messages in this mailbox folder';
$lang['no_flagged_messages_in_box'] = 'There are no flagged messages in this mailbox folder';
$lang['no_unflagged_messages_in_box'] = 'There are no unflagged messages in this mailbox folder';
$lang['mark'] = 'Mark';
$lang['flag'] = 'Flag';
$lang['unflag'] = 'Un-flag';
$lang['msg_flagged'] = 'Message is flagged';
$lang['msg_unflagged'] = 'Message is unflagged';
$lang['msg_deleted'] = 'Message is deleted';
$lang['sel_msgs_flagged'] = 'Selected messages are flagged';
$lang['sel_msgs_unflagged'] = 'Selected messages are unflagged';
$lang['sel_msgs_deleted'] = 'Selected messages are deleted';
$lang['sel_msgs_undeleted'] = 'Selected messages are un-deleted';
$lang['sel_msgs_read'] = 'Selected messages are marked as Read';
$lang['sel_msgs_unread'] = 'Selected messages are marked as New';
$lang['FROM'] = 'From';
$lang['To'] = 'To';
$lang['no_thanks'] = 'Say \"No Thanks\"';
$lang['reply'] = 'Reply';
$lang['undelete'] = 'Un-delete';
$lang['back_to_messages'] = 'Back to Messages';
$lang['replied'] = 'Reply sent';
$lang['no_thanks_subject'] = 'Thanks, but no thanks...';
$lang['no_thanks_message'] = 'hi #recipient_username#,<br><br>Thanks for your interest, but I must respectfully decline. I hope that you eventually find your match on #site_name#.<br><br>Best wishes,<br>#sender_username#<br>';
$lang['no_watched_event'] = 'You are not watching any events at this time.<br><br>There are #eventcount# events occuring during the next 30 days. <a href="#calenderlink#">Open the calender</a> to view these events.<br><br>To watch an event, click the event in the calender, then click the magnifying glass icon. #glassicon#<br><br>Any watch that you add will expire after the event ends.';
$lang['message_viewed'] = 'Dear #FirstName#,<br><br>This is an automatic notification to inform you that your message to #refusername# on #siteName# has been viewed by the user. Come, visit us at <a href=\"#link#\">#siteName#</a>.<br><br>Good Luck!<br>#AdminName#';
$lang['total'] = 'Total';
$lang['max_allowed'] = 'Maximum allowed';

/* Items which are modified in 1.1.0 */
$lang['privileges'] = array (
    'chat'                 => 'Participate in chat.',
    'forum'                => 'Participate in forum.',
    'includeinsearch'     => 'Include in search results.',
    'message'            => 'Send message to mailbox.',
    /* Added in 1.1.0 */
    'message_keep_cnt'  => 'Number of Messages to keep',
    'message_keep_days' => 'Number of days a message can be kept',
    /* Rel 1.0 added  */
    'allowim'            => 'Allow instant messaging.',
    'uploadpicture'        => 'Upload pictures.',
    'uploadpicturecnt'    => 'Upload pictures count.',
    'allowalbum'        => 'Allow private albums.',
    'event_mgt'        => 'Allow Event Management.',
    /* Above is added in 1.0 */
    'seepictureprofile' => 'View profile pictures.',
    'favouritelist'        => 'Manage buddy/ban/hot list.',
    'sendwinks'            => 'Send Winks.',
    'extsearch'            => 'Perform extended search.',
    'fullsignup'         => 'Full signup.',
    /* RC6 Patch */
    'activedays'        => 'Valid days for this level.',
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 14:03 #1
Betaler også gerne 100 kr. til den der kan hjælpe med at oversætte dette.
Avatar billede huset Praktikant
14. maj 2006 - 14:57 #2
Er det en forsinket aprilsnar?
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 14:58 #3
nææ hva da ?
Avatar billede never_mind Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:05 #4
1 det er jo nærmest en bog.
2 ikke nok med man skal oversætte det, skal man også sidde og nærlæse hvad det er der skal oversættes.
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:07 #5
nærmest en bog :S
ikke nok med man skal oversætte det, skal man også sidde og nærlæse hvad det er der skal oversættes. sådan er det vel, man er vel nød til at læse det man skal oversætte.

det er lidt arbejde, derfor har jeg også sagt jeg vil give 200 point. + 100 kr. men hvis der er en der kan oversætte det meget hurtigt, betaler jeg gerne 200 point + 200 kr.
Avatar billede huset Praktikant
14. maj 2006 - 15:08 #6
Det vil jo tage uger!!
Avatar billede never_mind Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:10 #7
1 du må kun give enten point eller penge, og jeg gør det hverken for 200 point eller kr (jo 200,- i timen)
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:11 #8
tjaaa, jeg har ogsat 2/3 af det hele på ca 1½ dag. så det tager vel ikke så langtid at oversætte resten. Grunden til jeg ikke selv oversætter dette, er fordi jeg er i tvivl om de rigtige ordvalg.
Avatar billede huset Praktikant
14. maj 2006 - 15:12 #9
Tør man spørge efter hvad det skal bruges til?
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:13 #10
et script. der skal oversætte fra engelsk til dansk.
Avatar billede never_mind Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:13 #11
stadig ca 2 dages arbejde for 200,- det holder vist ikke ;)
Avatar billede huset Praktikant
14. maj 2006 - 15:15 #12
Held og lykke og undskyld for spam
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:17 #13

hvad med en enkel oversættelse, hvordan vil i oversætte

'Times online users was clicked'
Avatar billede huset Praktikant
14. maj 2006 - 15:19 #14
antal gange online brugere blev klikket på :D
Avatar billede huset Praktikant
14. maj 2006 - 15:19 #15
Vil ikke lave dine lektier
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
14. maj 2006 - 15:20 #16
lektier, jeg går skam ikke i skole. det er jo et script der skal oversættes fra engelsk til dansk.
Avatar billede martin_shearer Nybegynder
15. maj 2006 - 13:27 #17
lukket, fandt en der med glæde vil tjene de 200 kr. det tog ham ikke engang 30 min at gåøre det...
Avatar billede upsmann Nybegynder
26. maj 2006 - 18:13 #18
Kan du ikke sende ham der ville det til det spm her -> http://www.eksperten.dk/spm/711963 - jeg kunne godt bruge noget hjælp! :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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