kode genereret af BCB:
ifdef ??version
if ??version GT 500H
model flat
ifndef ??version
?debug macro
?debug S "z.cpp"
?debug T "z.cpp"
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
_DATA ends
_BSS segment dword public use32 'BSS'
_BSS ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
_main segment virtual
@_main proc near
; int main()
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
; {
; cout << "hello world" << endl;
push offset s@
push offset @_STL@cout
call @@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc
add esp,8
push offset @_STL@cout
call @@_STL@%endl$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$r44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%
pop ecx
; return 0;
xor eax,eax
; }
pop ebp
@_main endp
_main ends
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
@_$CHZLB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc segment virtual
align 2
@@_$CHZLB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc label dword
dd 0
dd 0
dd @4
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
@_$CHZLB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc ends
_DATA ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
@_$DCAMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc segment virtual
align 2
@@_$DCAMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc label dword
dd @@$xt$51_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry
dd 4
dd -8
dd 0
dd @@$xt$51_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry
dd 4
dd -8
dd 0
@_$DCAMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc ends
_DATA ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
@_$ECTBMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc segment virtual
align 2
@@_$ECTBMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc label dword
dd 0
dd -44
dw 0
dw 5
dd 0
dd @@_$DCAMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc+16
dw 8
dw 5
dd 0
dd 0
dw 0
dw 5
dd 0
dd @@_$DCAMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc
dw 32
dw 3
dd @@_$CHZLB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc
dw 32
dw 4
dw 32
dw 5
dd 0
dd 0
@_$ECTBMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc ends
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc segment virtual
@@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc proc near
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
add esp,-76
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+12]
mov eax,offset @@_$ECTBMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc
call @__InitExceptBlockLDTC
?live16387@16: ; EDI = __s
mov word ptr [ebp-28],8
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov dword ptr [ebp-8],ebx
push ebx
call @@_STL@%_M_init$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$o
pop ecx
mov byte ptr [ebp-4],al
inc dword ptr [ebp-16]
mov word ptr [ebp-28],32
cmp byte ptr [ebp-4],0
je @7
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],1
mov ebx,edi
push ebx
call @_strlen
pop ecx
mov ebx,eax
?live16387@80: ; EBX = __n, EDI = __s
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
cmp ebx,dword ptr [edx+28]
jge short @9
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
mov esi,dword ptr [eax+28]
sub esi,ebx
jmp short @10
xor esi,esi
?live16387@96: ; EBX = __n, ESI = __npad, EDI = __s
mov word ptr [ebp-28],44
test esi,esi
jne short @11
?live16387@128: ; EBX = __n, EDI = __s
mov esi,ebx
mov dword ptr [ebp-52],edi
push esi
push dword ptr [ebp-52]
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+108]
push ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
call dword ptr [eax+40]
add esp,12
cmp ebx,eax
setne dl
and edx,1
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],dl
jmp @12
?live16387@144: ; EBX = __n, ESI = __npad, EDI = __s
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+4]
and edx,7
dec edx
jne short @13
mov dword ptr [ebp-56],ebx
mov dword ptr [ebp-60],edi
push dword ptr [ebp-56]
push dword ptr [ebp-60]
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+108]
push edx
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx]
call dword ptr [ecx+40]
add esp,12
cmp ebx,eax
setne al
and eax,1
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],al
?live16387@176: ; ESI = __npad
cmp byte ptr [ebp-45],0
jne short @14
mov edi,esi
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx]
mov bl,byte ptr [ecx+104]
push edi
push ebx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+108]
push ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
call dword ptr [eax+44]
add esp,12
cmp esi,eax
jne short @14
xor edx,edx
jmp short @15
mov edx,1
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],dl
?live16387@192: ;
jmp short @12
?live16387@208: ; EBX = __n, ESI = __npad, EDI = __s
mov dword ptr [ebp-64],esi
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
mov dl,byte ptr [eax+104]
mov byte ptr [ebp-65],dl
push dword ptr [ebp-64]
mov cl,byte ptr [ebp-65]
push ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+108]
push ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
call dword ptr [eax+44]
add esp,12
cmp esi,eax
setne dl
and edx,1
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],dl
?live16387@224: ; EBX = __n, EDI = __s
cmp byte ptr [ebp-45],0
jne short @16
mov esi,ebx
mov dword ptr [ebp-72],edi
push esi
push dword ptr [ebp-72]
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+108]
push edx
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx]
call dword ptr [ecx+40]
add esp,12
cmp ebx,eax
jne short @16
xor eax,eax
jmp short @17
mov eax,1
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],al
?live16387@240: ;
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [edx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+28]
xor ecx,ecx
mov dword ptr [eax+28],ecx
mov word ptr [ebp-28],32
jmp short @18
push 1
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
push dword ptr [eax]
call @@_STL@%basic_ios$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_handle_exception$qi
add esp,8
mov word ptr [ebp-28],52
call @@_CatchCleanup$qv
cmp byte ptr [ebp-45],0
je short @21
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [edx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+8]
or edx,4
cmp dword ptr [eax+108],0
je short @22
mov ecx,edx
jmp short @23
mov ecx,edx
or ecx,1
mov edx,ecx
mov dword ptr [eax+8],edx
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+8]
and edx,dword ptr [eax+20]
je short @24
push eax
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
dec dword ptr [ebp-16]
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
test byte ptr [eax+5],32
je short @27
mov esi,dword ptr [ebp-8]
mov edx,dword ptr [esi]
cmp dword ptr [edx+108],0
je short @28
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi]
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx+108]
push eax
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
call dword ptr [edx+16]
pop ecx
inc eax
jne short @28
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi]
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx+8]
or edi,1
cmp dword ptr [ebx+108],0
je short @33
mov eax,edi
jmp short @34
mov eax,edi
or eax,1
mov dword ptr [ebp-76],eax
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-76]
mov dword ptr [ebx+8],edx
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebx+8]
and ecx,dword ptr [ebx+20]
je short @28
push ebx
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
mov word ptr [ebp-28],32
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-44]
mov dword ptr fs:[0],eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
@@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc endp
@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_put_nowiden$qpxc ends
_TEXT ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
@_STL@%_M_init$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$o segment virtual
@@_STL@%_M_init$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$o proc near
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
add esp,-8
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
?live16392@16: ; EBX = __str
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
cmp dword ptr [eax+8],0
sete dl
and edx,1
test dl,dl
je @39
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebx]
cmp dword ptr [ecx+108],0
jne short @40
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+8]
or edx,1
cmp dword ptr [eax+108],0
je short @41
mov ecx,edx
jmp short @42
mov ecx,edx
or ecx,1
mov edx,ecx
mov dword ptr [eax+8],edx
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+8]
and edx,dword ptr [eax+20]
je short @43
push eax
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
cmp dword ptr [eax+112],0
je short @45
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
mov esi,dword ptr [eax+112]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi]
cmp dword ptr [eax+108],0
je short @46
mov edx,dword ptr [esi]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+108]
push ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
call dword ptr [eax+16]
pop ecx
inc eax
jne short @47
mov edi,dword ptr [esi]
mov edx,dword ptr [edi+8]
or edx,1
mov dword ptr [ebp-4],edx
cmp dword ptr [edi+108],0
je short @50
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
jmp short @51
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
or ecx,1
mov dword ptr [ebp-8],ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
mov dword ptr [edi+8],eax
mov edx,dword ptr [edi+8]
and edx,dword ptr [edi+20]
je short @47
push edi
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
cmp dword ptr [eax+8],0
sete al
and eax,1
jmp short @54
?live16392@112: ;
xor eax,eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop ecx
pop ebp
@@_STL@%_M_init$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$o endp
@_STL@%_M_init$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$o ends
_TEXT ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
@_STL@%basic_ios$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_handle_exception$qi segment virtual
@@_STL@%basic_ios$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_handle_exception$qi proc near
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+12]
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
?live16393@16: ; EAX = this, EDX = __flag
mov ecx,edx
or dword ptr [eax+8],ecx
test dword ptr [eax+20],edx
je short @58
?live16393@48: ;
push 0
push 0
call @_ReThrowException$quipuc
add esp,8
pop ebp
@@_STL@%basic_ios$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_handle_exception$qi endp
@_STL@%basic_ios$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_handle_exception$qi ends
_TEXT ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
@_STL@%endl$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$r44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%% segment virtual
@@_STL@%endl$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$r44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%% proc near
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
?live16386@16: ; EBX = __os
push 10
push ebx
call @@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc
add esp,8
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
cmp dword ptr [eax+108],0
je short @61
mov edx,dword ptr [ebx]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+108]
push ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
call dword ptr [eax+16]
pop ecx
inc eax
jne short @62
mov esi,dword ptr [ebx]
mov edi,dword ptr [esi+8]
or edi,1
cmp dword ptr [esi+108],0
je short @65
mov eax,edi
jmp short @66
mov eax,edi
or eax,1
mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
mov dword ptr [esi+8],edx
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi+8]
and ecx,dword ptr [esi+20]
je short @62
push esi
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
mov eax,ebx
?live16386@64: ;
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop ebp
@@_STL@%endl$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$r44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%% endp
@_STL@%endl$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$r44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%% ends
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
@_$CHCMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc segment virtual
align 2
@@_$CHCMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc label dword
dd 0
dd 0
dd @71
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
@_$CHCMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc ends
_DATA ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
@_$DCDMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc segment virtual
align 2
@@_$DCDMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc label dword
dd @@$xt$51_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry
dd 4
dd -8
dd 0
dd @@$xt$51_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry
dd 4
dd -8
dd 0
@_$DCDMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc ends
_DATA ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
@_$ECTEMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc segment virtual
align 2
@@_$ECTEMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc label dword
dd 0
dd -44
dw 0
dw 5
dd 0
dd @@_$DCDMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc+16
dw 8
dw 5
dd 0
dd 0
dw 0
dw 5
dd 0
dd @@_$DCDMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc
dw 32
dw 3
dd @@_$CHCMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc
dw 32
dw 4
dw 32
dw 5
dd 0
dd 0
@_$ECTEMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc ends
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc segment virtual
@@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc proc near
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
add esp,-64
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov eax,offset @@_$ECTEMB$@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc
call @__InitExceptBlockLDTC
mov word ptr [ebp-28],8
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov dword ptr [ebp-8],ebx
push ebx
call @@_STL@%_M_init$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$qr44_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%$o
pop ecx
mov byte ptr [ebp-4],al
inc dword ptr [ebp-16]
mov word ptr [ebp-28],32
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],1
cmp byte ptr [ebp-4],0
je @74
mov word ptr [ebp-28],44
mov al,byte ptr [ebp+12]
mov byte ptr [ebp-46],al
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx]
mov ebx,dword ptr [ecx+108]
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+8]
mov dword ptr [ebp-52],eax
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-52]
cmp dword ptr [edx+8],0
jle short @75
mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+8]
dec dword ptr [esi+8]
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi]
inc dword ptr [esi]
mov al,byte ptr [ebp-46]
mov byte ptr [ecx],al
movzx edi,byte ptr [ebp-46]
jmp short @76
xor eax,eax
mov al,byte ptr [ebp-46]
push eax
push ebx
mov edx,dword ptr [ebx]
call dword ptr [edx+48]
add esp,8
mov edi,eax
mov dword ptr [ebp-56],edi
mov dword ptr [ebp-60],-1
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-56]
cmp ecx,dword ptr [ebp-60]
sete al
and eax,1
mov byte ptr [ebp-45],al
mov word ptr [ebp-28],32
jmp short @77
push 1
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
push dword ptr [edx]
call @@_STL@%basic_ios$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@_M_handle_exception$qi
add esp,8
mov word ptr [ebp-28],52
call @@_CatchCleanup$qv
cmp byte ptr [ebp-45],0
je short @80
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+8]
or edx,1
cmp dword ptr [eax+108],0
je short @81
mov ecx,edx
jmp short @82
mov ecx,edx
or ecx,1
mov edx,ecx
mov dword ptr [eax+8],edx
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+8]
and edx,dword ptr [eax+20]
je short @83
push eax
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
push eax
dec dword ptr [ebp-16]
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
test byte ptr [edx+5],32
je short @85
mov esi,dword ptr [ebp-8]
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi]
cmp dword ptr [ecx+108],0
je short @86
mov eax,dword ptr [esi]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax+108]
push edx
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx]
call dword ptr [ecx+16]
pop ecx
inc eax
jne short @86
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi]
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx+8]
or edi,1
cmp dword ptr [ebx+108],0
je short @91
mov eax,edi
jmp short @92
mov eax,edi
or eax,1
mov dword ptr [ebp-64],eax
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-64]
mov dword ptr [ebx+8],edx
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebx+8]
and ecx,dword ptr [ebx+20]
je short @86
push ebx
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
mov word ptr [ebp-28],32
pop eax
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-44]
mov dword ptr fs:[0],edx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
@@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc endp
@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@put$qc ends
_TEXT ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
@$xt$51_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry segment virtual
align 2
@@$xt$51_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry label byte
dd 8
dw 3
dw 48
dd -1
dd 3
dw 108
dw 112
dd 0
dw 0
dw 0
dd 0
dd 1
dd 1
dd @@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry@$bdtr$qv
dw 1
dw 116
db 95
db 83
db 84
db 76
db 58
db 58
db 98
db 97
db 115
db 105
db 99
db 95
db 111
db 115
db 116
db 114
db 101
db 97
db 109
db 60
db 99
db 104
db 97
db 114
db 44
db 95
db 83
db 84
db 76
db 58
db 58
db 99
db 104
db 97
db 114
db 95
db 116
db 114
db 97
db 105
db 116
db 115
db 60
db 99
db 104
db 97
db 114
db 62
db 32
db 62
db 58
db 58
db 115
db 101
db 110
db 116
db 114
db 121
db 0
db 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
@$xt$51_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry ends
_TEXT ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry@$bdtr$qv segment virtual
@@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry@$bdtr$qv proc near
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
add esp,-8
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
test ebx,ebx
je short @98
?live16398@16: ; EBX = this
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
test byte ptr [edx+5],32
je short @99
mov esi,dword ptr [ebx]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi]
cmp dword ptr [eax+108],0
je short @100
mov edx,dword ptr [esi]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+108]
push ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
call dword ptr [eax+16]
pop ecx
inc eax
jne short @101
mov edi,dword ptr [esi]
mov edx,dword ptr [edi+8]
or edx,1
mov dword ptr [ebp-4],edx
cmp dword ptr [edi+108],0
je short @104
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
jmp short @105
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
or ecx,1
mov dword ptr [ebp-8],ecx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
mov dword ptr [edi+8],eax
mov edx,dword ptr [edi+8]
and edx,dword ptr [edi+20]
je short @101
push edi
call @@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
pop ecx
test byte ptr [ebp+12],1
je short @108
push ebx
call @$bdele$qpv
pop ecx
?live16398@48: ;
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop ecx
pop ebp
@@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry@$bdtr$qv endp
@_STL@%basic_ostream$c20_STL@%char_traits$c%%@sentry@$bdtr$qv ends
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment dword public use32 'DATA'
s@ label byte
; s@+0:
db "hello world",0
align 4
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment dword public use32 'CODE'
_TEXT ends
extrn __Exception_list:dword
extrn @_STL@cout:byte
@_strlen equ _strlen
extrn _strlen:near
@@_CatchCleanup$qv equ @_CatchCleanup$qv
extrn @_CatchCleanup$qv:near
@@_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv equ @_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv
extrn @_STL@ios_base@_M_throw_failure$qv:near
extrn @__InitExceptBlockLDTC:near
extrn @_ReThrowException$quipuc:near
extrn @$bdele$qpv:near
?debug C 9F73746C702E6C6962
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_config_compat_post.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\config/_epilog.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_epilog.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_num_get.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_num_get.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_istream.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_istreambuf_iterator.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_limits.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\float.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\cfloat.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_limits.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_num_put.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_num_put.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ostream.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ostreambuf_iterator.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ostream.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_streambuf.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\_nfile.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stdio.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\cstdio.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_stdio_file.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_streambuf.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ios.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_numpunct.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/c_locale.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ctype.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_locale.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\utility" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\utility.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_hash_fun.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_string_hash.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_string_io.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_string_io.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_range_errors.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_string_fwd.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_string.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ctraits_fns.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_function_base.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_function.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\mbctype.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\ctype.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\cctype.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_auto_ptr.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_raw_storage_iter.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_tempbuf.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_iterator.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_algobase.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_pair.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_algobase.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_uninitialized.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\_lim.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\climits.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_tempbuf.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\memory" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\memory.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_string.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport/string" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\string.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_iterator_base.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_construct.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_threads.c" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_threads.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\alloc.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\oldstl/new.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\new" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\new.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_alloc.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\iosfwd" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\iosfwd.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_string_fwd.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\errno.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\search.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stdlib.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\cstdlib.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\except.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\rw/stdwind.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\rw/stddefs.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\compnent.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stdcomp.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\oldstl/exceptio.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\exception" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\exceptio.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\stdexcept" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stdexcep.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ios_base.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_ios.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_istream.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/type_traits.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\cstring.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_mbstate.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\mem.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\_loc.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\locale.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\_str.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\oldstl/string.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\tchar.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\wchar.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\oldstl/cwchar.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_cwchar.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\cwchar" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\cwchar.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\_null.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\_defs.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\_stddef.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stddef.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\cstddef.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/char_traits.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_iosfwd.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\config/_prolog.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\config/stl_confix.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\config/stl_bc.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\config/stlcomp.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_site_config.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_config_compat.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl_user_config.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_config.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stl/_prolog.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\stlport\iostream" 12059 38912
?debug D "C:\Borland\CBuilderX\include\iostream.h" 12059 38912
?debug D "z.cpp" 13485 35546
og g++ på Linux (de 2 andre er på Windows):
.file "z.cpp"
.align 2
.type _ZSt17__verify_groupingPKcjRKSs, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $40, %esp
subl $12, %esp
pushl 16(%ebp)
call _ZNKSs4sizeEv
addl $16, %esp
decl %eax
movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
subl $8, %esp
movl 12(%ebp), %eax
decl %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
leal -12(%ebp), %eax
pushl %eax
leal -4(%ebp), %eax
pushl %eax
call _ZSt3minIjERKT_S2_S2_
addl $16, %esp
movl (%eax), %eax
movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
movl -4(%ebp), %eax
movl %eax, -16(%ebp)
movb $1, -17(%ebp)
movl $0, -24(%ebp)
movl -24(%ebp), %eax
cmpl -8(%ebp), %eax
jae .L5
cmpb $0, -17(%ebp)
je .L5
subl $8, %esp
pushl -16(%ebp)
pushl 16(%ebp)
call _ZNKSsixEj
addl $16, %esp
movl %eax, %ecx
movl -24(%ebp), %eax
movl 8(%ebp), %edx
addl %eax, %edx
movb (%ecx), %al
cmpb (%edx), %al
sete %al
movb %al, -17(%ebp)
leal -16(%ebp), %eax
decl (%eax)
leal -24(%ebp), %eax
incl (%eax)
jmp .L2
cmpl $0, -16(%ebp)
je .L6
cmpb $0, -17(%ebp)
je .L6
subl $8, %esp
pushl -16(%ebp)
pushl 16(%ebp)
call _ZNKSsixEj
addl $16, %esp
movl %eax, %ecx
movl -8(%ebp), %eax
movl 8(%ebp), %edx
addl %eax, %edx
movb (%ecx), %al
cmpb (%edx), %al
sete %al
movb %al, -17(%ebp)
leal -16(%ebp), %eax
decl (%eax)
jmp .L5
subl $8, %esp
pushl $0
pushl 16(%ebp)
call _ZNKSsixEj
addl $16, %esp
movl %eax, %ecx
movl -8(%ebp), %eax
movl 8(%ebp), %edx
addl %eax, %edx
movb (%ecx), %al
cmpb (%edx), %al
jg .L8
movzbl -17(%ebp), %eax
andl $1, %eax
movb %al, -25(%ebp)
jmp .L9
movb $0, -25(%ebp)
movb -25(%ebp), %al
movb %al, -17(%ebp)
movzbl -17(%ebp), %eax
.size _ZSt17__verify_groupingPKcjRKSs, .-_ZSt17__verify_groupingPKcjRKSs
.local _ZSt8__ioinit
.comm _ZSt8__ioinit,1,1
.section .rodata
.string "hello world"
.align 2
.globl main
.type main, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $8, %esp
andl $-16, %esp
movl $0, %eax
addl $15, %eax
addl $15, %eax
shrl $4, %eax
sall $4, %eax
subl %eax, %esp
subl $8, %esp
pushl $_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_
subl $12, %esp
pushl $.LC0
pushl $_ZSt4cout
call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
addl $20, %esp
pushl %eax
call _ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E
addl $16, %esp
movl $0, %eax
.size main, .-main
.section .gnu.linkonce.t._ZSt3minIjERKT_S2_S2_,"ax",@progbits
.align 2
.weak _ZSt3minIjERKT_S2_S2_
.type _ZSt3minIjERKT_S2_S2_, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $4, %esp
movl 12(%ebp), %eax
movl 8(%ebp), %edx
movl (%eax), %eax
cmpl (%edx), %eax
jae .L12
movl 12(%ebp), %eax
movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
jmp .L11
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
movl -4(%ebp), %eax
.size _ZSt3minIjERKT_S2_S2_, .-_ZSt3minIjERKT_S2_S2_
.align 2
.type _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $8, %esp
cmpl $65535, 12(%ebp)
jne .L13
cmpl $1, 8(%ebp)
jne .L13
subl $12, %esp
pushl $_ZSt8__ioinit
call _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev
addl $16, %esp
subl $4, %esp
pushl $__dso_handle
pushl $0
pushl $__tcf_0
call __cxa_atexit
addl $16, %esp
.size _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii, .-_Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii
.align 2
.type __tcf_0, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $8, %esp
subl $12, %esp
pushl $_ZSt8__ioinit
call _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev
addl $16, %esp
.size __tcf_0, .-__tcf_0
.align 2
.type _GLOBAL__I_main, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $8, %esp
subl $8, %esp
pushl $65535
pushl $1
call _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii
addl $16, %esp
.size _GLOBAL__I_main, .-_GLOBAL__I_main
.section .ctors,"aw",@progbits
.align 4
.long _GLOBAL__I_main
.weak pthread_mutex_unlock
.weak pthread_mutex_trylock
.weak pthread_mutex_lock
.weak pthread_create
.weak pthread_setspecific
.weak pthread_getspecific
.weak pthread_key_delete
.weak pthread_key_create
.weak pthread_once
.section .eh_frame,"a",@progbits
.long .LECIE1-.LSCIE1
.long 0x0
.byte 0x1
.string "zP"
.uleb128 0x1
.sleb128 -4
.byte 0x8
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x0
.long __gxx_personality_v0
.byte 0xc
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.byte 0x88
.uleb128 0x1
.align 4
.long .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1
.long .LASFDE1-.Lframe1
.long .LFB1361
.long .LFE1361-.LFB1361
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI0-.LFB1361
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x8
.byte 0x85
.uleb128 0x2
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI1-.LCFI0
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI3-.LCFI1
.byte 0x2e
.uleb128 0x10
.align 4
.long .LEFDE3-.LASFDE3
.long .LASFDE3-.Lframe1
.long .LFB1442
.long .LFE1442-.LFB1442
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI4-.LFB1442
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x8
.byte 0x85
.uleb128 0x2
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI5-.LCFI4
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI7-.LCFI5
.byte 0x2e
.uleb128 0x14
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI8-.LCFI7
.byte 0x2e
.uleb128 0x10
.align 4
.long .LEFDE7-.LASFDE7
.long .LASFDE7-.Lframe1
.long .LFB1450
.long .LFE1450-.LFB1450
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI12-.LFB1450
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x8
.byte 0x85
.uleb128 0x2
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI13-.LCFI12
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI15-.LCFI13
.byte 0x2e
.uleb128 0x10
.align 4
.long .LEFDE9-.LASFDE9
.long .LASFDE9-.Lframe1
.long .LFB1451
.long .LFE1451-.LFB1451
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI16-.LFB1451
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x8
.byte 0x85
.uleb128 0x2
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI17-.LCFI16
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI19-.LCFI17
.byte 0x2e
.uleb128 0x10
.align 4
.long .LEFDE11-.LASFDE11
.long .LASFDE11-.Lframe1
.long .LFB1452
.long .LFE1452-.LFB1452
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI20-.LFB1452
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x8
.byte 0x85
.uleb128 0x2
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI21-.LCFI20
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI23-.LCFI21
.byte 0x2e
.uleb128 0x10
.align 4
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)"