Avatar billede mccookie Seniormester
09. februar 2006 - 19:44 Der er 9 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Installation af TYPO3 CMS


Er ved at installere ovenstående og har følgende security warning på backend fronten:

Security warning!
- The password of your Install Tool is still using the default value "joh316"

It is highly recommended that you change this immediately.

This is a brief description of the available modules:

Hvor retter jeg det??
Avatar billede fxj Juniormester
09. februar 2006 - 19:50 #1
I Install Tool under "About" ændrer du Install Tool password. Og i "All
configuration" ændrer du encryptionKey.

Med venlig hilsen
Avatar billede mccookie Seniormester
09. februar 2006 - 19:54 #2
det er hvad jeg har i menuen:


User Admin  Administration of Backend Users
The User Admin module provides you with an overview of all backend users. You can group them by their properties so you're able to monitor their permissions, filemounts, TSconfig, member groups etc.. This module is an indispensable tool in order to make sure the users are correctly configured.
Access for 'admin' users only!
Ext Manager  TYPO3 Extension Manager
Manages TYPO3 extensions from a central repository, which includes plugins, modules, class extensions, configuration code etc.
DB check  Database integrity check
Here you can check the integrity of the database tables configured by the $TCA. For instance all records must belong to a page record. In addition the existence of uploaded files attached to records (normally residing in uploads/* folders) are verified as well. You can also get a view of the total pagetree including deleted pages. Finally you've got access to a global database search facility.
Access for 'admin' users only!
Configuration  View configuration from localconf.php and tables.php
Allows you to browse the values of the $TCA array (table configuration) and $TYPO3_CONF_VARS. You cannot set any values, only browse them.
Access for 'admin' users only!
Install  Install Tool
Provides a simple link to the Install Tool. Notice the Install Tool (in typo3/install/) must be enabled.
Access for 'admin' users only!
Log  Viewing log
Allows you access to the full backend changelog in TYPO3.
Access for 'admin' users only!
phpMyAdmin  Third-Party database administration, phpMyAdmin
Integrated 'Third-party module', the popular phpMyAdmin interface. This allows ground level access to the database tables. The access to phpMyAdmin is authenticated through TYPO3. But this is the only interference whatsoever - phpMyAdmin allows you to modify whatever you wish so be careful!
Access for 'admin' users only!
Avatar billede 7th Praktikant
09. februar 2006 - 20:09 #3
Gør som fxj siger.

Fra "Tools" menuen, vælg "Install".
Indtast joh316.
Vælg punkt 9. "About", der kan du indtaste et nyt password for "TYPO3 Install Tool".

I første omgang ville jeg ikke vælge at pille ved "encryptionKey" under punkt 4. "All Configuration".
Avatar billede fxj Juniormester
09. februar 2006 - 20:15 #4
Avatar billede mccookie Seniormester
09. februar 2006 - 20:20 #5
Perfekt :)
Avatar billede fxj Juniormester
09. februar 2006 - 20:21 #6
Godt du fik det løst og tak for point ;-)
Må jeg se din side??
Avatar billede mccookie Seniormester
09. februar 2006 - 20:26 #7
Jada, men jeg har kun lige installeret det, så det er standard setup.....

Her ligger den: www.hj-tech.dk
Avatar billede fxj Juniormester
09. februar 2006 - 20:28 #8
OK - jeg kigger fobi senere, når du er kommet videre
Avatar billede mccookie Seniormester
10. februar 2006 - 19:53 #9
nu har jeg forsøgt mig med dummy installationen.....

Den kan ses her:

Når jeg åbner filen den henviser til, så er den helt tom!!!
Avatar billede mccookie Seniormester
10. februar 2006 - 20:01 #10
No problems.....alligevel
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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