Avatar billede simon_gs_13 Nybegynder
05. februar 2006 - 19:38 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

fjerne mellem i fil ved upload

I relation til http://www.eksperten.dk/spm/685381 så har jeg et upload script. Men nu vil jeg gerne have det script til at fjerne mellemrum i den fil som bliver uploadet, da filtræet ikke kan klare mellemrum.

Altså uploadscriptet skal lave "fil navn.fil" om til "filnavn.fil" ved upload.

--- upload script ----

<!-- put all in upload.php -->
<form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<span class="style7 style8">Browse a File to Upload: <i>MAXIMUM filesize 10MB.</i></span><br>
<input type="file" name="filetoupload"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?echo $size_bytes; ?>">
<input type="Submit" value="Upload File"><br>


/*  Description -----------------------------------------------------
The Super Global Variable $_FILES is used in PHP 4.x.x.
$_FILES['upload']['size'] ==> Get the Size of the File in Bytes.
$_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] ==> Returns the Temporary Name of the File.
$_FILES['upload']['name'] ==> Returns the Actual Name of the File.
$_FILES['upload']['type'] ==> Returns the Type of the File.

So if I filetoupload the file 'test.doc', the $_FILES['upload']['name']
would be 'phptut.doc' and $_FILES['upload']['type'] would be 'application/msword'.
// this is the upload dir where files will go.
//Don't remove the /
//Chmod it (777)
$upload_dir = "images/";  //change to whatever you want.
// files less than 10MB
$size_bytes = 10485760; //bytes  will be uploaded
//check if the directory exist or not.
if (!is_dir("$upload_dir")) {
    die ("The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> doesn't exist");
//check if the directory is writable.
if (!is_writeable("$upload_dir")){
        die ("The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> is NOT writable, Please Chmod (777)");

//Check first if a file has been selected
//is_filetoupload_file('filename') returns true if
//a file was filetoupload via HTTP POST. Returns false otherwise.
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name']))

//Get the Size of the File
$size = $_FILES['filetoupload']['size'];
//Make sure that $size is less than 10MB (10000000 bytes)
if ($size > $size_bytes)
echo "File Too Large. Please try again.";

// $filename will hold the value of the file name submetted from the form.
$filename =  $_FILES['filetoupload']['name'];
// Check if file is Already EXISTS.
  echo "<span class='style7 style8'>Oops! The file named <b>$filename </b>already exists </span>";

//Move the File to the Directory of your choice
//move_filetoupload_file('filename','destination') Moves an filetoupload file to a new location.
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'],$upload_dir.$filename)) {

//tell the user that the file has been filetoupload
echo "<span class='style7 style8'>File (<a href=$upload_dir$filename>$filename</a>) uploaded!</span>";

//Print error
echo "There was a problem moving your file";



/ Simon
Avatar billede coderdk Praktikant
05. februar 2006 - 20:16 #1
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'],$upload_dir.$filename)) {

laves om til:

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'],$upload_dir.str_replace(" ", "", $filename))) {
Avatar billede nielle Nybegynder
05. februar 2006 - 20:17 #2
Prøv at ændre dette:

// $filename will hold the value of the file name submetted from the form.
$filename =  $_FILES['filetoupload']['name'];

- til:

// $filename will hold the value of the file name submetted from the form.
$filename = $_FILES['filetoupload']['name'];
$filename = preg_replace("/\s/", "", $filename);
Avatar billede simon_gs_13 Nybegynder
06. februar 2006 - 10:44 #3
Takker, begge to. Begge modeller virker så det må være først til mølle princippet. Så coderdk smid et svar.

/ simon
Avatar billede coderdk Praktikant
06. februar 2006 - 11:39 #4
Ok :)
Avatar billede nielle Nybegynder
06. februar 2006 - 17:36 #5
coderdk er mere end velkommen til pointene :^)

Blot vil jeg dog påpege at med den løsning, skal du huske at rette alle de stedet hvor $filename bruges. Med min løsning skal der kun rettes et sted. Oven i det kommer at (synes jeg i hvert fald selv) at min løsning giver kode som er lettere at læse (og dermed også at vedligeholde).

Skulle jeg lave noget om, ville jeg dog foretrække at benytte str_replace() frem for preg_replace(). ;^)
Avatar billede coderdk Praktikant
06. februar 2006 - 19:27 #6
heheh ja, nielle's er faktisk bedre - jeg skimmede blot koden hurtigt og fandt move_uploaded_file ;) nielle, du er mere end velkommen til at få pointene, hvis du vil :)
Avatar billede nielle Nybegynder
06. februar 2006 - 19:31 #7
Nej tak. Men ellers tak for tilbudet. :^)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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