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25. december 2005 - 15:41 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Optimal cpu speed.

Hi I'm having problem with my sons pc.
It has Soltek SL-75FRN2 motherboard and
it has AMD AthlonXP 2600+ and the small
print on the side of the box says that it
can run at 1917mhz.
The problem is that it only runs at 1150mhz!!

Im not quite sure what I need to change to
get it running optimal and would rather not
brun over the cpu.

Thanks Erla.
Avatar billede hottadpole Nybegynder
25. december 2005 - 19:05 #1
You need to up the FSB from 100 to 133 MHZ. This is usually accomplished via the BIOS. Since I'm not familiar with that specific motherboard I can't tell you exactly which BIOS menu to access, but believe me, it's in there somewhere. :)
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25. december 2005 - 22:44 #2
Thanks for you answer. I did what you said put the FSB to 133 and now it runs 1540Mhz, witch is better then 1150Mhz, I don't mean to push but any suggestions
on how I can get the "missing" mhz? Do I dear to put it up to 166?

Thanks again for your answer.
P.s. You can write in danish, I can read it but my danish grammer suck's!
Avatar billede hottadpole Nybegynder
25. december 2005 - 22:56 #3
Jamen så bli'r det på dansk. Jeg havde ikke helt styr på hvilken cpu type du bruger, men kan ud af resultatet se at det må være en 166 MHz FSB type, så den skal selvfølgelig sættes op til 166 MHz hvilket skulle give en hastiged på godt og vel 1900 MHz hvilket passer godt med en 2600+.
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25. december 2005 - 23:06 #4
Thank you, you are a darling. Been putting this of for a year and it couldn't be
easyer!! I put it up to 166 and it runs 1920mhz just like it is ment to.
Please send a answer so I can give you points.

Thank again Erla
Avatar billede hottadpole Nybegynder
26. december 2005 - 09:56 #5
Don't know about the darling bit. but here's an answer. lol
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26. december 2005 - 12:41 #6
Thanks again. :-)
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