Avatar billede bankboy Nybegynder
14. december 2005 - 20:13 Der er 1 løsning

Feature transfer error ved installering af King Kong

Jeg forsøger at installere spillet King Kong, men får en fejlmeddelse halvvejs igennem. Den siger "Feature Transfer Error"

På hjemmsiden http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=28671
har jeg fundet følgende forklaring, men den kan jeg ikke få til at virke. Se nedenfor.

Er der nogen der har et bud på hvordan jeg får installeret spillet?


The following items are known issues with the demo version of the


* Please download the latest Windows(R) service pack before playing.

* If you attempt to run the game on a system with a missing or out-of-date
version of DirectX(R) installed, then an error message will appear on
launch that mentions "The dynamic library d3d9.dll could not be found in
the specified path". To fix the problem, re-install the application and
elect to install DirectX(R) 9.0c.

* Some users may experience problems with saving game data. This problem can
manifest itself as a "Feature Transfer Error" during install, or as
difficulty in saving profiles and performance settings. This issue may
also prevent levels from loading. This is due to complications with the
installer and some Windows platforms, most notably Windows XP Home.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

1. Open the “All Users” folder (Typically “C:Documents
and SettingsAll Users”).
2. From the “All Users” folder, right click the mouse on the
“Shared Documents” folder (or "Documents" in W2k) and select
3. In the “General” tab, clear the checkbox marked as “Read-only”
4. Click "Apply".
5. Click "Ok" on the box that pops up.
6. Click on the "Security" tab.
7. Select "Everyone".
8. Verify that "Deny" is not checked for anything, if it is, clear that
check by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
9. Verify that "Allow" is checked for "Full Control". if it is not,
check it by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
10. If there are any other entries in the group or user names list,
steps 8-9 for each of them.
11. Click on "Apply", then on "OK".

Note: You may need Administrator-level access to change the folder
permission settings.
Avatar billede bankboy Nybegynder
04. februar 2006 - 17:32 #1
Spillet er blevet byttet til et andet :-(
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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