Avatar billede holmqvist Nybegynder
12. december 2005 - 14:52 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Strange problems as always

Flash is weird...
I've got two calls:




They are triggered with buttons and I've traced so I know that the code is actually read. There are no loops, and no if's, nothing special.

Here's what happens:
First time I roll over the button, "build" is played. vanish is not played, and the second time, build is not played neither. When I put a trace in the buttons, it reacts every time.

So flash gurus... what can possibly be wrong?
Avatar billede holmqvist Nybegynder
12. december 2005 - 16:11 #1
wild guesses anyone..?
Avatar billede holmqvist Nybegynder
13. december 2005 - 11:24 #2
I've rewritten the lines a bit:




Now I get an actual error message *yaaay*
Error: A 'with' action failed because the specified object did not exist.

this is displayed the second time I do a gotoAndPlay, even on the button that worked the first time!


Avatar billede holmqvist Nybegynder
14. december 2005 - 15:32 #3
I've restarted from scratch, instead of building on someone elses base.. problem solved.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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