Private Type SERVER_INFO_101 dwPlatformId As Long 'PLATFORM_ID_DOS, PLATFORM_ID_OS2, PLATFORM_ID_NT, PLATFORM_ID_OSF, or PLATFORM_ID_VMS lpszServerName As Long 'Pointer to a Unicode string. dwVersionMajor As Long 'Version number of the operating system. dwVersionMinor As Long 'Version number of the operating system. dwType As Long 'Type of software the computer is running. lpszComment As Long 'Pointer to a Unicode string. Can be NULL. End Type
Private Declare Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32.dll" ( _ ByVal ServerName As String, _ ByVal InfoLevel As Long, _ ByRef Buffer As Long, _ ByVal prefmaxlen As Long, _ ByRef EntriesRead As Long, _ ByRef TotalEntries As Long, _ ByVal ServerType As Long, _ ByVal Domain As String, _ ByRef ResumeHandle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "netapi32.dll" (BufPtr As Any) As Long Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "KERNEL32" (hpvDest As Any, ByVal hpvSource As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long) Private Declare Function lstrcpyW Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal lpszDest As String, ByVal lpszSrc As Long) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim sServer As String, sDomain As String Dim nInfoLevel As Long, i As Long, BufPtr As Long, TempBufPtr As Long Dim nPrefMaxLen As Long, nEntriesRead As Long, nTotalEntries As Long Dim nServerType As Long, nResumeHandle As Long, nRetn As Long Dim ServerInfo As SERVER_INFO_101
sServer = vbNullString 'Reserved; must be NULL. nInfoLevel = 101 'SERVER_INFO_101 is returned. BufPtr = 0 'Receives the data. nPrefMaxLen = MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH 'Return all data nEntriesRead = 0 'Elements actually enumerated. nTotalEntries = 0 'Total number of visible servers and workstations nServerType = SV_TYPE_ALL 'What server types to enumerate. sDomain = vbNullString 'NULL, the primary domain is implied. nResumeHandle = 0 'Reserved; must be zero.
ListView1.ListItems.Clear Do nRetn = NetServerEnum(sServer, nInfoLevel, BufPtr, nPrefMaxLen, nEntriesRead, nTotalEntries, nServerType, sDomain, nResumeHandle) 'Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32.dll" ( _ ' ByVal ServerName As String, [in] Reserved; must be NULL. ' ByVal InfoLevel As Long, [in] Specifies the information level of the data. ' ByRef Buffer As Long, [out] Pointer to the buffer that receives the data. ' ByVal PrefMaxLen As Long, [in] Specifies the maximum length of returned data, in bytes. If you specify MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, the function allocates the amount of memory required for the data. ' ByRef EntriesRead As Long, [out] Pointer to a value that receives the count of elements actually enumerated. ' ByRef TotalEntries As Long, [out] Pointer to a value that receives the total number of visible servers and workstations on the network. ' ByVal ServerType As Long, [in] Specifies a value that filters the server entries to return from the enumeration. ' ByVal Domain As String, [in] Pointer to the name of the domain. If this parameter is NULL, the primary domain is implied. ' ByRef ResumeHandle As Long) [in] Reserved; must be zero. If ((nRetn = ERROR_SUCCESS) Or (nRetn = ERROR_MORE_DATA)) And (nEntriesRead > 0) Then TempBufPtr = BufPtr For i = 1 To nEntriesRead Call RtlMoveMemory(ServerInfo, TempBufPtr, Len(ServerInfo)) Call AddToListView("ServerName", PointerToString(ServerInfo.lpszServerName), ListView1) Call AddToListView("Comment", PointerToString(ServerInfo.lpszComment), ListView1) Call AddToListView("Type", Hex(ServerInfo.dwType), ListView1) Call AddToListView("Platform", ServerInfo.dwPlatformId & " (" & ServerInfo.dwVersionMajor & "." & ServerInfo.dwVersionMinor & ")", ListView1) TempBufPtr = TempBufPtr + Len(ServerInfo) Next Else MsgBox "NetServerEnum failed: " & nRetn End If Call NetApiBufferFree(BufPtr) Loop While nEntriesRead < nTotalEntries End Sub
Private Function PointerToString(sString As Long) As String Dim sStr1 As String, sStr2 As String, nRetn As Long sStr1 = String(1000, "*") nRetn = lstrcpyW(sStr1, sString) sStr2 = (StrConv(sStr1, vbFromUnicode)) PointerToString = Left(sStr2, InStr(sStr2, Chr$(0)) - 1) End Function
Private Sub AddToListView(ByVal NodeName As String, ByVal NodeValue As String, ByRef aListView As ListView) Static aItem As ListItem Static FirstNodeName As String Static ListItemNumber As Integer Static AddHeader As Boolean
'If this is the first run, then initialize ListView If aListView.ListItems.Count = 0 Then aListView.View = lvwReport aListView.ColumnHeaders.Clear aListView.ListItems.Clear FirstNodeName = NodeName AddHeader = True End If
'Is the Header not Added, then Add one now If (FirstNodeName = NodeName) And (aListView.ListItems.Count <> 0) Then AddHeader = False If AddHeader Then Call aListView.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , NodeName)
'If NodeName is the same as the first Node then this is a new ListItem If FirstNodeName = NodeName Then 'Add new ListItem Set aItem = aListView.ListItems.Add(, , NodeValue, 1, 1) ListItemNumber = 1 Else 'Set the SubItem under the current ListItem aItem.SubItems(ListItemNumber) = NodeValue ListItemNumber = ListItemNumber + 1 End If End Sub
Private Sub AddToListView(ByVal NodeName As String, ByVal NodeValue As String, ByRef alistview As ListView) Static aItem As ListItem Static FirstNodeName As String Static ListItemNumber As Integer Static AddHeader As Boolean
'If this is the first run, then initialize ListView If alistview.ListItems.Count = 0 Then alistview.View = lvwReport alistview.ColumnHeaders.Clear alistview.ListItems.Clear FirstNodeName = NodeName AddHeader = True End If
'Is the Header not Added, then Add one now If (FirstNodeName = NodeName) And (alistview.ListItems.Count <> 0) Then AddHeader = False If AddHeader Then Call alistview.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , NodeName)
'If NodeName is the same as the first Node then this is a new ListItem If FirstNodeName = NodeName Then 'Add new ListItem Set aItem = alistview.ListItems.Add(, , NodeValue, 1, 1) ListItemNumber = 1 Else 'Set the SubItem under the current ListItem aItem.SubItems(ListItemNumber) = NodeValue ListItemNumber = ListItemNumber + 1 End If End Sub
Inde i Sub AddToListView rettes linien: Set aItem = aListView.ListItems.Add(, , NodeValue, 1, 1) Til følgende: Set aItem = aListView.ListItems.Add(, , NodeValue) Så undgår du at knytte en ImageList til din ListView.
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