20. oktober 2005 - 23:30Der er
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Tekster til The Greenhornes "There's an end"
Jeg leder efter teksterne til The Greenhornes' sang "There's an end". Sangen er på albummet "Dual Mono" fra 2002. Sangen synges af gæstesangerinden Holly Golightly. Sangen bruges som tema til den nye Jim Jarmusch-film, "Broken Flowers". Noget af teksten går sådan cirka sådan her:
Words disappear Words once so clear only echoes passing through the night
The lines on my face your fingers once traced fading reflection of what was
words disappear, words once so clear only echoes passing through the night the lines on my face, your fingers once traced fading reflection of what was
thoughts rearranged, for milions I'm strange all my skins drifting on the wind spring brings the rain, with winter comes plain every season has an end
I'd tried to see through the skies but the clouds were there locking up the sun...
Har du et link? Hvor sikker er du på den eksakte ordlyd?
Jeg synes 2. vers lyder som:
thoughts rearranged, for milion [nah] strange all my skin's drifting on the wind spring brings the rain, with winter comes PAIN every season has an end
Hvad mening giver dit "thoughts rearranged, for milions I'm strange" Har du bare aflyttet teksterne?
Desværre kan ikke give link før teksterne er endeligt konfirmeret. Jeg kunne også selv lytte mig til det, du kom med (og er ret sikker på, hun synger pain istedet for plain), men er stadig i tvivl om "for millions I'm strange"
Words disappear, words once so clear Only echoes passing through the night The lines on my face your fingers once traced Fading reflection of what was Thoughts rearrange for millions I'm stange All my skins drifting on the wind Spring brings the rain with winter comes pain Every season has an end I'll try to see through the skies But the clouds were there locking up the sun, the sun Thoughts rearrange for million I'm strange All my skins drifting on the wind Spring brings the rain, with winter comes pain Every season has an end There's an end, there's an end There's an end, there's an end
Takker og det var hvad der stod!!!!Jeg kender den ikke:) ,men skulle måske lige lytte til den:) ,den hedder iøvrigt: There is an end , ved godt det kommer ud på det samme udtalemæssigt,men bare for en ordens skyld:)
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