Hjælp! 55 point!
http://www.eksperten.dk/spm/65265her dette sp giver jeg point i, hvis du svare her!
problemet er: min asp kode virker ikke, den ligger her http://www.nfs-net.dk/allcelebz/Victoria_Adams/gallery.asp
og sourcen er her..hvad er der galt?
<!--#INCLUDE FILE = \"config.inc\" -->
\'----------------This script is Copyright 2000 Blade Services
\'DSN Less Connection definition to database, this can be replaced with DSN
\'Only change the Server.Map.Path(\"gallery.mdb\") if your database is renamed or moved to a different
\'folder. A relative path is required, ie \"../fpdb/gallery.mdb\"
Dim Conn
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
Conn.Open \"DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=\" & Server.MapPath(\"gallery.mdb\")
Dim ID
\'Requesting the passed URL string ?ID=
ID = request.Querystring(\"ID\")
IF ID = \"\" THEN
\'If there is no string in ID this will execute the main page
\'Main gallery page SQL
SQL = \"Select * FROM tbGallery Order BY PhotoLabel\"
set RS = Conn.execute(SQL)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">
<title><%= siteName%> Gallery</title>
<!--#include file=\"galleryhead.inc\"-->
<b><br><h3 align=\"center\">Click on a title or thumbnail below to view</h3></b><br>
<table width=\"<%=tabwidth%>%\" border=\"<%= mainbordersize%>\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"1\" bgcolor=\"<%= trback%>\" align=\"center\" bordercolorlight=\"<%= mainborderlight%>\" bordercolordark=\"<%= mainborderdark%>\">
do while not rs.eof
<tr> <%
Dim n
n = 0
do while n < colNum and NOT rs.eof
<td width=\"<%= tdwidth%>%\">
<center><a href=\"gallery.asp?ID=<%=RS(\"ID\")%>\"><img src=\"<%=RS(\"thumbURL\")%>\" alt=\"<%=RS(\"PhotoLabel\")%>\"><br><%=RS(\"PhotoLabel\")%></a></center></td>
n = n + 1
<br><div align=\"center\"><%
\'This is copyright information - do not remove or this will infringe your license
Response.Write \"<p>This script supplied free by <a href=\"\"http://www.bladeservices.co.uk\"\" target=\"\"_blank\"\">Blade Services</a><br></p>\"
\' As the script has compared the ID string and found it not to be empty, it can now run the image view
\'Individual image view SQL
SQL = \"Select * FROM tbGallery WHERE ID=\" & request(\"ID\")
set RS = Conn.execute(SQL)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">
<title><%= siteName%> Gallery : <% =rs(\"PhotoLabel\")%></title>
<!--#include file=\"galleryhead.inc\"-->
<div align=\"center\">
<p><h4>Photo Title :- <% =rs(\"PhotoLabel\")%><br>
<% =rs(\"Comments\") %>
<table border=\"<%= picbordersize%>\" width=\"100%\">
<td BGCOLOR=\"<%= picback%>\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"100%\">
<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"<% =rs(\"PicURL\")%>\" alt=\"<% =rs(\"PhotoLabel\")%>\"></div>
<div align=\"center\">Click <a href=\"java script:history.back(-1)\">here</a> to go
\'This is copyright information - do not remove or this will infringe your license
Response.Write \"<p>This script supplied free by <a href=\"\"http://www.bladeservices.co.uk\"\" target=\"\"_blank\"\">Blade Services</a><br></p>\"
\'End of Script