Annonceindlæg fra Hitachi
”Forskellighed gør os stærkere!”
Diversitet er ikke kun buzzwords og politisk korrekthed, men et spørgsmål om at alle føler sig godt tilpas og kan yde deres bedste.
31. januar 2025
17. april 2001 - 19:10
<html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> </head> <? define(\'IMAGE_DIR\',\'/cdrom/clipart/\'); // source dir define(\'IMAGE_STORE_DIR\',\'/opt/apache/htdocs/images/pic/\'); // destination dir define(\'IMAGE_TYPE\',\'jpg\'); // outout image type define(\'IMAGE_DEFAULT\',\'1\'); // force default size of: 1 = width , 0 = height define(\'IMAGE_DEFAULT_SMALL_H\',\'100\'); define(\'IMAGE_DEFAULT_SMALL_W\',\'100\'); define(\'IMAGE_DEFAULT_BIG_H\',\'600\'); define(\'IMAGE_DEFAULT_BIG_W\',\'480\'); define(\'IMAGE_STORE_PRIVILAGES\',\'0707\'); // live 0707 so the directories can\'t be browsed from grabbers define(\'IMAGE_JPEG_QUALITY\',\'50\'); define(\'DB_HOST\',\'\'); define(\'DB_USER\',\'root\'); define(\'DB_PASS\',\'\'); define(\'DB_NAME\',\'cat_services\'); define(\'DB_TABLE_CAT\',\'photo_categories\'); define(\'DB_TABLE_DATA\',\'photo_data\'); $conn = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $conn); function catID ($dir) { global $conn; $sid = explode(\'/\', substr($dir, strlen(IMAGE_DIR)-1) ); $query = mysql_query(\'select id from \' . DB_TABLE_CAT . \' where name=\"\' . $sid[sizeof($sid)-1]. \'\"\', $conn); if ( $result = mysql_fetch_row($query) ) { $id = $result[0]; } else { $cid = IMAGE_STORE_DIR; for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($sid); $i++) { mysql_query(\'insert into \' . DB_TABLE_CAT . \' (name,parent_id) values(\"\' . $sid[$i]. \'\",\"\' . $id . \'\") \',$conn); $id = mysql_insert_id(); @mkdir(IMAGE_STORE_DIR . $id, IMAGE_STORE_PRIVILAGES); } } return $id; } function grabDir($dir) { global $conn; $files = dir($dir); $files->read(); $files->read(); while ( $file = $files->read() ) { $current = \"$dir/$file\"; if ( is_dir($current) ) { grabDir($current); } elseif ( $img = getimagesize($current) ) { echo \"$current -> $img[0] x $img[1] x $img[2] \"; switch ($img[2]) { case 1: $sim = ImageCreateFromGIF($current); break; case 2: $sim = ImageCreateFromJPEG($current); break; case 3: $sim = ImageCreateFromPNG($current); break; default: break; } if ( IMAGE_DEFAULT ) { $dstW_small = IMAGE_DEFAULT_SMALL_W; $dstH_small = floor($dstW_small * $img[1] / $img[0]); $dstW_big = IMAGE_DEFAULT_BIG_W; $dstH_big = floor($dstW_big * $img[1] / $img[0]); } else { $dstH_small = IMAGE_DEFAULT_H; $dstW_small = floor($dstH_small * $img[0] / $img[1]); $dstH_big = IMAGE_DEFAULT_BIG_H; $dstW_big = floor($dstH_big * $img[0] / $img[1]); } $catID = catID($dir); mysql_query(\'insert into \' . DB_TABLE_DATA . \' set sW=\"\' . $dstW_small . \'\", sH=\"\' . $dstH_small . \'\", cat_id=\"\' . $catID . \'\", bW=\"\' . $dstW_big . \'\" , bH=\"\' . $dstH_big . \'\"\' ,$conn); $id = mysql_insert_id($conn); $dim_small = imagecreate($dstW_small, $dstH_small); $dim_big = imagecreate($dstW_big, $dstH_big); imagecopyresized($dim_small, $sim, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dstW_small, $dstH_small, $img[0], $img[1]); imagecopyresized($dim_big, $sim, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dstW_big, $dstH_big, $img[0], $img[1]); imagedestroy($sim); $destination = IMAGE_STORE_DIR . $catID . \'/\' . $id; switch (IMAGE_TYPE) { case \'gif\': ImageGIF($dim_small, $destination . \'s.\' . IMAGE_TYPE); ImageGIF($dim_big, $destination . \'b.\' . IMAGE_TYPE); break; case \'jpg\': ImageJPEG($dim_small, $destination . \'s.\' . IMAGE_TYPE, IMAGE_JPEG_QUALITY); ImageJPEG($dim_big, $destination . \'b.\' . IMAGE_TYPE, IMAGE_JPEG_QUALITY); break; case \'png\': ImagePNG($dim_small, $destination . \'s.\' . IMAGE_TYPE); ImagePNG($dim_big, $destination . \'b.\' . IMAGE_TYPE); break; case \'wbmp\': ImageWBMP($dim_small, $destination . \'s.\' . IMAGE_TYPE); ImageWBMP($dim_big, $destination . \'b.\' . IMAGE_TYPE); break; default: break; } imagedestroy($dim_big); imagedestroy($dim_small); mysql_query(\'update \' . DB_TABLE_DATA . \' set bsize=\"\' . filesize($destination . \'b.\' . IMAGE_TYPE) . \'\"\' ,$conn); echo \".. saved<br>\\n\"; flush(); } } $files->close(); unset($files); clearstatcache(); } echo \'Image converting...\'; grabDir(IMAGE_DIR); ?> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"> </body> </html>