01. oktober 2005 - 08:08Der er
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Begynder vanskeligheder med trigger
Hej Jeg er ret ny i Oracle og i det hele taget ny i db verdenen og er ved at lave en lille opgave med en trigger, men jeg kan ikke helt finde ud af det og jeg tænkte at nogen måske kunne hjælpe. Jeg har to tabeller Staff og SalaryScale. I staff tabellen har jeg salary_Scale_ID som FOREIGN KEY. SalaryScale indeholder bare en min og max værdi. Hele ideen er at et staff member har en currentSalary og denne hører hjemme i en speciel skala (SalaryScale). Min trigger skal komme med en fejlmeddelse når/hvis der opdateres i currentSalary men at denne currentSalary ikke længere passer værdi er enten over max eller under min. Jeg har en idé om hvad triggeren skal indeholde men jeg kan ikke helt finde ud af at lave det til rigtig kode, så forslag og idéer til hvordan jeg gør bliver modtaget med uddeling af point :o) Følgende er min idé
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER salaryCheck BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF currentSalary ON Staff DECLARE invalid_salary EXCEPTION; BEGIN --her skal jeg på en fiks måde have kædet staff og salaryScale sammen IF staff.currentSalary < salaryScale.minSalary OR staff.currentSalary > salaryScake.maxSalary THEN RAISE invalid_salary; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_salary THEN raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid salary - salary either over max or under min'
|| sal.minsalary - sal.maxsalary); END; END salaryCheck; /
select minsalary into minsal_temp from salaryscale; select maxsalary into maxsal_temp from salaryscale;
IF :NEW.currentSalary < minsal_temp then RAISE low_salary; END IF;
IF :NEW.currentSalary > maxsal_temp then RAISE high_salary; END IF;
EXCEPTION when low_salary THEN raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid salary - Lowest salary is minimum '|| minsal_temp); WHEN high_salary THEN raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid salary - Highest salary is maximum '|| maxsal_temp); END;
--END salaryCheck; /
SQL> INSERT INTO STAFF ( FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, TITLE, CURRENTSALARY ) VALUES ( 2 'John', 'Denver', 'Singer', 10000); INSERT INTO STAFF ( FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, TITLE, CURRENTSALARY ) VALUES ( * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: Invalid salary - Lowest salary is minimum 12000 ORA-06512: at "SALARYCHECK", line 24 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SALARYCHECK'
SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO STAFF ( FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, TITLE, CURRENTSALARY ) VALUES ( 2 'Michael', 'Laudrup', 'Singer', 91000); INSERT INTO STAFF ( FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, TITLE, CURRENTSALARY ) VALUES ( * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: Invalid salary - Highest salary is maximum 90000 ORA-06512: at "SALARYCHECK", line 27 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SALARYCHECK'
Men som man ser vil du også få en ORA-4088 - måske du er ligeglad. Ellers se her:
Problem Description -------------------
You are creating a trigger that includes an exception handling block. You wish to raise a user defined error when a certain condition is met within the trigger body using keyword RAISE. Inside your error handling block you also include a call to RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER DEMO_RULE_001 BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON TMP FOR EACH ROW DECLARE RULE_001 EXCEPTION; BEGIN IF :NEW.col1 = 'mike' THEN dbms_output.put_line(:new.col1); INSERT INTO VIOLATIONS values ('violation logged'); -- Raise rule RAISE RULE_001; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN RULE_001 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001,'Guideline Violation, Rule-001.'); END;
When this trigger is executed, you receive the ora-4088 and ora-6512 errors. ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.DEMO_RULE_001'
Solution Description --------------------
You cannot use both RAISE, within the execution block of a trigger, and RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, within the exception block.
Explanation -----------
RAISE forces execution to move into the exception block. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, within the exception block, terminates the program. If the trigger body does not complete, the triggering SQL statement and any SQL statements within the trigger body are rolled back. Thus, execution completes unsuccessfully with a runtime error and it appears as if none of the code within the trigger body gets executed.
Consider this corrected code --
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER DEMO_RULE_001 BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON TMP FOR EACH ROW DECLARE RULE_001 EXCEPTION; BEGIN IF :NEW.col1 = 'mike' THEN dbms_output.put_line(:new.col1); INSERT INTO VIOLATIONS values ('violation logged'); -- Raise rule RAISE RULE_001; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN RULE_001 THEN --raise_application_error(-20001, 'Guideline Violation, Rule-001.'); dbms_output.put_line('Guideline Violation, Rule-001.'); END;
References ----------
PLSQL Users Guide and Reference, (8.1.6), Ch. 6, (Part Number A77069-01) Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals, (8.1.5), Ch. 13, (Part Number A68003-01)
Helt ok - havde kopieret Singer ned til Michael Laudrup :-) Var det der den fejlede? ;-)
Vis mig dine tabeller og det du har næste gang - så er det nemmere at gennemskue. Forstod ikke helt din forklaring - men gættede til at det var noget ala ovenstående.
Bare du er videre - det er det vigtigste.
Husk Karma :-)
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