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29. august 2005 - 21:32 Der er 1 kommentar

paypal og limit på ens konto?

Jeg har nu brugt ebay et stykke tid, og har nu opbrugt min paypal konto. dvs. at jeg nu har sendt for mange penge, så nu skal jeg have min konto verified
men det kan jeg ikke, da den beder om det her Please add a Mastercard, American Express, or Discover card. og det kan jeg ikke, efter som jeg kun har visa og det altid har fungeret.
Jeg har nu prøvet alt, men uden held.
hvad gør man så, nu har jeg en del auktioner som jeg ikke kan betale.
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30. august 2005 - 01:12 #1
det er desværre møgbøvlet at få verified sin konto fra danmark... her er et uddrag af en mail jeg fik efter noget korrespondance med paypal tidligere...

Dear Esben Madsen,

Thank you for contacting PayPal. We apologize for the delay in responding
to your service request.

I'm sorry for the trouble that you've had. 

If you cannot complete the online process, no longer have the statement
that has the number on it, or the number did not post to the statement, you
can mail us the information to complete it manually. 

The only information that you need to show for any of the financial
information is the name, address and the last 4 digits of the account
number.  Please make sure that the information is readable and matches what
you have on your PayPal account. 

You can also mail the documents to:

Attn-Global Account Expanded Use
P.O. Box 45950
Omaha, NE 68145

Below are detailed instructions to help you complete the process.

Please send:

  1.  A cover page stating: Attention-Global Account Expanded Use
Enrollment Process. On the cover page, include your name and the email
address registered to your account so we can identify the account

  2.  A copy of a government issued photo identification listing your name

  3.  A copy of the credit/debit card statement that shows at least the
last 4-digits of the card, your name and your street address that matches
the address registered in your PayPal Account

  4.  A copy of the front and back of the credit card

It may take 7-10 business days to review the information that you have
provided. We will contact you after we have reviewed your documentation.

I wish you the best with your future transactions.

PayPal (Europe) Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial
Services Authority in the United Kingdom as an electronic money

PayPal, an eBay Company

håber du kan bruge det til noget... men prøv at sende dem en mail... det kan jo være det er blevet lettere siden jul...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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