Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 17:38 Der er 18 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Web fetching ???

Does anyone have a script where you can get something from a web site automaticly and save it in a mdb or SQL database ?
Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 17:43 #1
You\'ll need a component called ASPTear or ASPHTTP ... but they need to be installed on the server on where you need to do it.
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 17:46 #2
Do you have a example of a script like that ?  Wich saves the information in a database ?
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
13. april 2001 - 17:53 #3

Set HttpObj = Server.CreateObject(\"AspHTTP.Conn\")
HTTPObj.Url = \"http://www.eksperten.dk\"
HTTPObj.PostData = \"\"
HTTPObj.RequestMethod = \"GET\"
strResult = HTTPObj.GetURL
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 17:58 #4
But how can you save the information in a database ?

Could you help me with a example script..

In the example you can for example use it to get the five latest jobs from this web site: http://www.eksperten.dk/job/stilling/

Or anything else... Can you please help me ?
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
13. april 2001 - 18:04 #5
Set HttpObj = Server.CreateObject(\"AspHTTP.Conn\")
HTTPObj.Url = \"http://www.eksperten.dk\"
HTTPObj.PostData = \"\"
HTTPObj.RequestMethod = \"GET\"
strResult = HTTPObj.GetURL
set HTTPObj = nothing

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
Conn.Open \"PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=\" & Server.MapPath(\"database.mdb\") & \";UID=admin;PWD=;\"
conn.execute(\"insert into tabel (fieldname) VALUES(\'\" & strResult & \"\')\")
set conn = nothing
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 18:08 #6
Thanks a lot netsrac... 

But how can you actually set it to get for example the jobs at ?:


I need that because I will for example need it to get news headlines. etc. from some pages...
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
13. april 2001 - 18:12 #7
You will have to find a pattern in the output from the page, and then sort into the output with left(), right(), mid(), split() and so on.
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 18:16 #8

I got this script in perl, wich gets the Oil price, how would you put that into the script you had, and how would the database look like?


use LWP::Simple;

print \"content-type:text/html\\n\\n\";

unless ( $source=get(\"http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/future.html\") )
print \"Error: Bloomberg.com is down!\";

$source =~ m#.*<NOBR>(BRENT CRUDE FUTR)</NOBR>.*\\n.*<SPAN CLASS=\"mrktdata1\">(.*)</SPAN>.*\\n.*<SPAN CLASS=\"mrktdata1\">(.*)</SPAN>.*\\n.*<SPAN CLASS=\"mrktdata1\">(.*)</SPAN>.*\\n.*<SPAN CLASS=\"mrktdata1\">(.*)</SPAN>.*\\n.*<SPAN CLASS=\"mrktdata1\">(.*)<BR>(.*)</SPAN>.*\\n.*<SPAN CLASS=\"mrktdata1\">(.*)</SPAN>.*#i;
print \"$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8\";
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
13. april 2001 - 18:19 #9
I dont know anything about perl...
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 18:21 #10
But you can se how I get it,, wouldnt it be possible to use something like this to get something from a page ?
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
13. april 2001 - 18:25 #11
What do you want from the page ?
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 18:30 #12
How would you for example grab these headlines using the ASP you talked about:


And put the headline, and the bit of text and the URL to each news into the database ?
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 18:32 #13
From the http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/future.html

I wanted the:
May01 13:20 28.60 0.42 28.55 28.84
28.50 28.18

under ENERGY..
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
13. april 2001 - 18:40 #14
Set HttpObj = Server.CreateObject(\"AspHTTP.Conn\")
HTTPObj.Url = \"http://www.eksperten.dk\"
HTTPObj.PostData = \"\"
HTTPObj.RequestMethod = \"GET\"
strResult = HTTPObj.GetURL
set HTTPObj = nothing

pos = instr(strResult, \"CRUDE OIL FUTR\")
last2 = \"\"
do while last2 <> \"TR\"
tmp = tmp & mid(strresult, pos, 1)
pos = pos +1
last2 = mid(strresult, (pos-1), 1) & mid(strresult, pos, 1)

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
Conn.Open \"PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=\" & Server.MapPath(\"database.mdb\") & \";UID=admin;PWD=;\"
conn.execute(\"insert into tabel (fieldname) VALUES(\'\" & tmp & \"\')\")
set conn = nothing
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
13. april 2001 - 19:08 #15
I dont have actually the ASPHTTP component installed...  Could you set it up on your server, so I can se how it looks like ?
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
13. april 2001 - 19:35 #16
I dont have ASPHttp...
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
17. juni 2001 - 13:28 #17
Ingen svar, som fortjener poeng..
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
17. juni 2001 - 13:28 #18
Ingen svar, som fortjener poeng...!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar billede netsrac Praktikant
17. juni 2001 - 13:35 #19
Et mirakel, pludselig kunne han tale Dansk.

Svineri at du bare tager alle pointene igen...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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