Avatar billede chillyconcarne Nybegynder
18. august 2005 - 14:37 Der er 12 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Hovedkategori liste som i Outlook.

Er der nogen der kan fortælle mig om det kan lade sig gøre at lave et system i Access ligesom i Outlook, hvor man har en liste, som indeholder x antal muligheder. Til et emne, f.eks. en person, kan man så tilknytte en delmængde fra denne liste, f. eks. han er med i bestyrelsen, han er med i festudvalget etc. etc.

Derefter skal man kunne forespørge på hvem der f. eks. er med i bestyrelsen, hvem er med i festudvalget etc. etc.

På forhånd tak for hjælpen!
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
18. august 2005 - 14:57 #1
Without knowing little at all about your requirements I cant b e100% sure, but I would very much thnk it is possible.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
18. august 2005 - 15:00 #2
You will need three tables (many-to-many relationship)
One table contains persons, another "muligheder" and the last is a link table which contains the realationships between person and "muligheder"
Avatar billede chillyconcarne Nybegynder
18. august 2005 - 15:26 #3
Yes this strukture I am aware of, but how do I present this to the users in a form for input, and it has to be dynamic, so the user can ad "options" (options = muligheder).
I think I just had the idea, pupping up in my head. I have to use a form with a subform!!
Avatar billede madschristensen Nybegynder
18. august 2005 - 15:35 #4
Jeg er forsåvidt enig i n-m strukturen. Men afhængig af størrelse m.v. kan det være overkill. Som jeg forstår det, kan person vel indeholde een person een gang. Herved kunne du nøjes med 2 tabeller person og muligheder. (og der med en 1-n relation). Databasen ville stadig være normaliseret.

Og ja - subforms ville jeg også vælge.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
18. august 2005 - 16:11 #5
madschristensen> If you want to have many options for each person where are we to have these relationships?
A person can have MANY options and a single option can be related to many persons!

If you know for sure that a person is only to have ONE option then YES two tables is enough, but of a person can have MANY options then you need three!

chilly....> You will need a main form for the person information and then a sub form which actually is the MIDDLE table which contains the relationships to Person+Options. Then the options is a combo box where you can choose the options you want to attach to a person. There is an event NOT IN LIST on a combo box, and you can use this to add further options, and if necessary (depending on how many fields you want in options) you can open a form for creating new options.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
24. august 2005 - 20:53 #6
chilly.. can you give some feedabck please, its easier to help that way.
Avatar billede chillyconcarne Nybegynder
24. august 2005 - 21:55 #7
sorry I have been very busy.
regarding the tables I belive the solution has to have 3 tables because as you state a person can have MANY options.

regarding the forms I again stick with your solution, but I belive that the combo box cannot add options to the options table?
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
25. august 2005 - 19:44 #8
Have you looked at the NOT In LIST event?

Avatar billede chillyconcarne Nybegynder
25. august 2005 - 21:47 #9
nop, have to much work, I shall be back, as Arnold states!
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
26. august 2005 - 13:02 #10
Asta lavista baby!

og god weekend :o)
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
01. september 2005 - 20:15 #11
How it going here chilly?
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
07. september 2005 - 19:46 #12
chilly .. can we close this question please?
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
12. september 2005 - 13:41 #13
thanks chilly, if you nee help on the Q at a later date then just drop a comment.

Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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