Avatar billede mistermand Nybegynder
07. juli 2005 - 00:17 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning

hjælp til et spil

er der nogen der kan hjælpe mig vidre i emergency 2
jeg er kommet til level 17 og kan ik finde ud af den
på forhånd tak
Avatar billede mobius6 Juniormester
07. juli 2005 - 07:47 #1
Mission 17: Recover satellite (Enemy spy satellite falls from sky!)
Budget: 200,000/100,000

1 Motorboat
3 Sharpshooters
1 Shooter

1 armed guard by railroad switch
3 armed guards by containers

1) Capture the satellite
2) Don't let the train leave the station

Sending in a Police Helicopter will cause the spies to load the satellite
onto the train. If the spies have a guard posted at the railroad switch, the
train will leave with the satellite. A Police Helicopter will also sound an
alarm and up to 10 additional armed guards will come out of a building.

There is one armed guard and a spy at the satellite crash site. Ignore them.

There is an armed guard by the railroad tracks next to a signal switch near
the northwest corner of the plant. Kill or arrest that guard to take control
of the railroad signal. Armed guards will continue to move towards the railroad
signal switch. If you arrest the armed guard no further guards will move
towards the signal switch.

There are two armed guards and a spy by the northeast entrance of the plant.
The two guards can be shot by a Sharpshooter or lead away from the spy. Once
the spy is alone arrest the spy with a Shooter or Police Officer. Select an
Officer or Shooter then right click on the arrested spy. There will be a
command menu option with no icon. Click on the no icon option and 6 armed
guards will leave the plant and gather on the road away from the plant.

When you shoot an armed guard inside the plant, between 4-10 armed guards will
come out of a building and increase the security around the satellite.

1) Transport the Sharpshooters by Motorboat to the other side of the river.
  Walk northwest up the road past the entrance to the plant. Continue
  southwest around the fence until you get close to the railroad tracks.
2) Shoot the armed guard by the railroad switch. If a guard activates the
  switch, the satellite will be loaded onto the train and the train will
  leave the station. Continue to shoot the guards that approach the switch or
  arrest the next guard that approaches the switch.
3) Send in the Sharpshooters. Shoot the first northwest guard and the first
  southwest guard with one Sharpshooter. Then order one Sharpshooter to enter
  the first gray shipping container. Simultaneously attack the first northeast
  guard to draw fire away from the Sharpshooter trying to get into the
4) Enter the gray shipping container holding the satellite to end the mission.

Time/Money spent/Efficiency Rating: (5:01/2,150/100%)
Avatar billede mobius6 Juniormester
07. juli 2005 - 16:06 #2
fik du fat i satelitten?
Avatar billede mistermand Nybegynder
07. juli 2005 - 22:28 #3
takker pænt det hjalp....
er kommet vidre...
Avatar billede mistermand Nybegynder
07. juli 2005 - 22:28 #4
takker pænt jepz kom vidre
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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