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21. juni 2005 - 00:41 Der er 1 kommentar

Ang Emule

Jeg sidder og forsøger at oprette E-mule til downloads men bliver firewalled ,hvordan sætter jeg adgangen op via min Zyxel 900 Router
Avatar billede dragonknight Juniormester
21. juni 2005 - 00:51 #1
The following list shows the ports used by eMule when using it's default settings. If you change anything in Preferences -> Connection you will have to take the changes into account when configuring your firewall or router.

1) Local Port: 4662
  Remote Port: any
  Protocol: TCP 
  Direction: incoming
  Purpose: Client Port / Connections from other clients, Client to Client Source Exchange

  Note: You can change this port in Preferences -> Connection -> Client Port
This port has to be forwarded in a router. Changing this port in Preferences you must also change the forwarding in the router

2) Local Port: any
  Remote Port: 4662
  Protocol: TCP 
  Direction: outgoing
  Purpose: Client Port / Connections to other clients, Client to Client Source Exchange

  Note: 4662 is the default port, but other clients may have different settings. Change the remote port to any when configuring a firewall

3) Local Port: 4672
  Remote Port: any
  Protocol: UDP
  Direction: incoming
  Purpose: Clients source asking / extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File Reask Ping

  Note: This port has to be forwarded in a router. Changing this port in Preferences you must also change the forwarding in the router.
If you are not able to forward this port check the disable box in Preferences -> Connection -> UDP Port

4) Local Port: any
  Remote Port: 4672
  Protocol: UDP
  Direction: outgoing
  Purpose: Clients source asking / extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File Reask Ping

  Note: 4672 is the default port, but other clients may have different settings. Change the remote port to any when configuring a firewall

5) Local Port: any
  Remote Port: 4661
  Protocol: TCP 
  Direction: outgoing
  Purpose: Connection to server

  Note: 4661 is the default port of a server. Many server use different ports. Configuring a firewall the remote port again changes to any.

6) Local Port: any
  Remote Port: 4665
  Protocol: UDP
  Direction: outgoing
  Purpose: Source asking on servers 
  Note: Servers using the default port 4661 TCP (see #5) automatically set their port for source asking to 4665 UDP. If a server uses a different port in #5 the corresponding UDP port is set to [Connection Port + 4]. For firewalls the remote port here is any.

7) Local Port: 4711
  Remote Port: any
  Protocol: TCP
  Direction: incoming
  Purpose: Webserver
  Note: This is the default port for the web interface. When using a router this port has to be forwarded or no connection to the webserver will be possible.
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