Ja..bare jeg vidste det :-) Jeg vil gerne vide om der er nogen der bruger AIX som styresystem til dominoserver, og om det giver eller kan give problemer som administrator hvis man ikke kender til AIX?
Vil også gerne vide om der findes noget læsestof så man evt. kunne læse andres erfaring om brugen af AIX til domino.
Jeg har fundet en skrivelse som Rob Axelrod (The View) har skrevet, og det lyder ikke til han kan anbefale det.
Jeg vedlægger lige den skrivelse fra Rob Axelrod: RE: R6 on Windows 2003 vs. AIX Posted by Robert Axelrod on 5.May.05 at 16:57 using a Web browser Category: Domino Server Release: All Releases Platform: Windows 2003, AIX
I have a lot of experience running on those two platforms running side by side. I'm going to take the sometimes unpopular position that Win32 is far superior for running Domino for a number of reasons:
Why I like Win32 better than AIX for Domino: 1. Easier & cheaper to find staff that is experienced in Win32 &Domino than AIX & Domino 2. While it might be argued that AIX as an OS is more stable than Win32 Domino is no more stable on UNIX than on Windows. I manage 6 AIX mail servers each with about 1200 users on them and DOMINO crashes just as much or more than on my Intel servers (I think more) 3. Support is inferior for the UNIX platforms from Lotus. I have called with AIX specific bugs and the support person was unable to replicate the problem because he didn't have an AIX test bed readily available. 4. Cost. Just look at notesbench.org to get a comparison of per user cost. 5. I hate to be the first one to have a problem, in other words I want to be on the platform that the most people use. I do lots of presentations on Domino to large groups and I usually ask what platform everyone is running on. Usually I find that about 30% have some UNIX/iSeries/s390 in their environment but everyone has Win32. I have had devistating problems with ND6 on AIX that were AIX specific. Particularly a problem with IOCP that crippled an environment for days. We were the first organization to have the problem which was later fixed in an APAR.
I could go on and on. Good luck getting hard deployment percentages from IBM. I don't suspect that they will be forthcoming.
Good Luck,
Rob Axelrod
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08. juni 2005 - 22:44#4
Ok. Har desværre ikke praktisk erfaring med Domino på AIX. Men er overbevist om at du kan få god vejledning hvis du kontakter Mølgaard Data, som nok er landets førende iSeries SI'er.
Jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg lukker spørgsmålet, og trækker de 30 point hjem igen??
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