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08. juni 2005 - 13:11 Der er 4 kommentarer

Fejl i event log, SBS 2003

Hej Eksperter

Jeg sidder og styrer en Windows 2003 SBS Server. Efter at have kørt nogle opdateringer fra Windows Update ( Ikke SP1 ), så oplever jeg pludselig en fejl i loggen.

Source: MSExchangeFBPublish

Eventid: 8213

System Attendant Service failed to create session for virtual machine MAILSERVER. The error number is 0xc103073a.

Er der nogen som ligger ind med et svar...? jeg har prøvet diverse steder på nettet, dog uden succes...!

På forhånd tak...!
Avatar billede serverservice Praktikant
08. juni 2005 - 16:48 #1
prøv eventid.net
Avatar billede serverservice Praktikant
15. juni 2005 - 11:14 #4
Er det en opgradering fra exchange 5.5. og har du servere i mixed mode - hvilke ?

se her: www.techrepublic.com/forumqa/thread_detail.jhtml?thread_id=105085

og her Ionut Marin (Last update 10/17/2004):
- Error code: 0x80090005 - See Q817202 to resolve this problem.

Adrian Grigorof (Last update 9/24/2003):
Error code: 0x80044501 - see Q296151

Error code: 0xc0070534 - This error appears to map to "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done." error description. From a newsgroup post: Few conditions when this error can occur:
1. The error code can occur if the Admin Group was previously a mixed AG and the EX5.5 server was not properly decommissioned. If the EX5.5 was improperly decommisioned there may be references to security info that were needed to connect to the EX5.5 server during co-existence.
2. Exchange 5.5 Service account renamed.
3. Two Way trust not working between the NT4.0 EX5.5 Domain and the WIN2K AD
EX2000 domain.
From another post: "Explicit permissions are required to write to the Ex5.5 Org, Site and Config Containers from the WIN2K side. E2K needs to write certain things to the Dir of the Ex5.5 side.  If it does not have permission, it will fail. The "0xC0070534" error is related to permissions.

As per Q294159, this may occur if you renamed the Exchange 5.5 service account to something other than the default value of "Administrator." This causes Setup to send incorrect parameters to the Exchange 2000 portion of the integrated setup, which results in the inability to successfully upgrade the Exchange 2000 Server component.

Error 0x8007203a = "Server is not operational" - See the link to error code 8250. If this occurs during Exchange setup then you may find additional clues about the problem in the Exchange Server Setup Progress.Log file.

Error code: 0x8009000f  = "Object already exists" - See the information for error code 5010.

Frank Schoenberg
Error code: 0xc0070569 - Acording to Microsoft Support the Exchange 5.5 System Manager needs "log on locally" permission on the Exchange 2000 servers. The errors occured every 25 minutes and now the problem seems to be solved.

Joseph Moore
Error code: 0xc007052e - I found a solution posted on a newsgroup that worked for a poster on another web site. "Open ESM, obtain properties page on the admin group, click on modify, re-type the password. I then restarted system attendant service (net start msexchangemta)"
This worked for the other poster. The discussion thread is here:

Parth Shah
Error code: 0x80090005 - In my case I have changed the name m/c on which  Exchange 2000 server was residing, so to avoid this problem we have changed the following registery value to point it to correct server HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeFBPublish\Parameters\<server Name> <- change this and change the SA DN.
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